1,847 research outputs found

    Multi-task deep learning models in visual fashion understanding

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    Visual fashion understanding (VFU) is a discipline which aims to solve tasks related to clothing recognition, such as garment categorization, garment’s attributes prediction or clothes retrieval, with the use of computer vision algorithms trained on fashion-related data. Having surveyed VFU- related scientific literature, I conclude that, because of the fact that at the heart of all VFU tasks is the same issue of visually understanding garments, those VFU tasks are in fact related. I present a hypothesis that building larger multi-task learning models dedicated to predicting multiple VFU tasks at once might lead to better generalization properties of VFU models. I assess the validity of my hypothesis by implementing two deep learning solutions dedicated primarily to category and attribute prediction. First solution uses multi-task learning concept of sharing features from ad- ditional branch dedicated to localization task of landmarks’ position prediction. Second solution does not share knowledge from localization branch. Comparison of those two implementations con- firmed my hypothesis, as sharing knowledge between tasks increased category prediction accuracy by 53% and attributes prediction recall by 149%. I conclude that multi-task learning improves generalization properties of deep learning-based visual fashion understanding models across tasks

    A new and efficient intelligent collaboration scheme for fashion design

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    Technology-mediated collaboration process has been extensively studied for over a decade. Most applications with collaboration concepts reported in the literature focus on enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making processes in objective and well-structured workflows. However, relatively few previous studies have investigated the applications of collaboration schemes to problems with subjective and unstructured nature. In this paper, we explore a new intelligent collaboration scheme for fashion design which, by nature, relies heavily on human judgment and creativity. Techniques such as multicriteria decision making, fuzzy logic, and artificial neural network (ANN) models are employed. Industrial data sets are used for the analysis. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed scheme exhibits significant improvement over the traditional method in terms of the time–cost effectiveness, and a company interview with design professionals has confirmed its effectiveness and significance

    Rõivaste tekstureerimine kasutades Kinect V2.0

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    This thesis describes three new garment retexturing methods for FitsMe virtual fitting room applications using data from Microsoft Kinect II RGB-D camera. The first method, which is introduced, is an automatic technique for garment retexturing using a single RGB-D image and infrared information obtained from Kinect II. First, the garment is segmented out from the image using GrabCut or depth segmentation. Then texture domain coordinates are computed for each pixel belonging to the garment using normalized 3D information. Afterwards, shading is applied to the new colors from the texture image. The second method proposed in this work is about 2D to 3D garment retexturing where a segmented garment of a manikin or person is matched to a new source garment and retextured, resulting in augmented images in which the new source garment is transferred to the manikin or person. The problem is divided into garment boundary matching based on point set registration which uses Gaussian mixture models and then interpolate inner points using surface topology extracted through geodesic paths, which leads to a more realistic result than standard approaches. The final contribution of this thesis is by introducing another novel method which is used for increasing the texture quality of a 3D model of a garment, by using the same Kinect frame sequence which was used in the model creation. Firstly, a structured mesh must be created from the 3D model, therefore the 3D model is wrapped to a base model with defined seams and texture map. Afterwards frames are matched to the newly created model and by process of ray casting the color values of the Kinect frames are mapped to the UV map of the 3D model

    About the nature of Kansei information, from abstract to concrete

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    Designer’s expertise refers to the scientific fields of emotional design and kansei information. This paper aims to answer to a scientific major issue which is, how to formalize designer’s knowledge, rules, skills into kansei information systems. Kansei can be considered as a psycho-physiologic, perceptive, cognitive and affective process through a particular experience. Kansei oriented methods include various approaches which deal with semantics and emotions, and show the correlation with some design properties. Kansei words may include semantic, sensory, emotional descriptors, and also objects names and product attributes. Kansei levels of information can be seen on an axis going from abstract to concrete dimensions. Sociological value is the most abstract information positioned on this axis. Previous studies demonstrate the values the people aspire to drive their emotional reactions in front of particular semantics. This means that the value dimension should be considered in kansei studies. Through a chain of value-function-product attributes it is possible to enrich design generation and design evaluation processes. This paper describes some knowledge structures and formalisms we established according to this chain, which can be further used for implementing computer aided design tools dedicated to early design. These structures open to new formalisms which enable to integrate design information in a non-hierarchical way. The foreseen algorithmic implementation may be based on the association of ontologies and bag-of-words.AN