578 research outputs found

    The usability of an augmented reality map application on the Microsoft Hololens 2

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    Abstract. Augmented reality (AR) has seen rapid progress in recent years, especially from a consumer standpoint. Hardware, as well as software, is becoming better, cheaper, and more available. As the technology becomes more mainstream, we will see adaptations for many applications currently used on personal computers and smartphones. This thesis aims to explore the adaptation of one such application further by developing and studying the usability and effectiveness of a map application running on one of the most modern AR headsets available to consumers, the Microsoft HoloLens 2. To develop the application, we chose to use the cross-platform game engine Unity. It would provide us an opportunity to develop the application reliably and fast, as the third-party packages available for it would prove to provide plenty of ready-to-use assets and code. In addition, both of the group members had some previous experience in using Unity. While planning the application we studied many research papers to get an understanding of what makes a good AR application. With the application ready for testing, we recruited test subjects from family members who would give us feedback relating to the efficiency and usability of the system as a whole. The test subjects would perform tasks inside the application but also have the opportunity to explore it however much they liked. After the test, they would fill out a questionnaire and participate in an interview, which would then be analyzed further. From analyzing the questionnaire and interview answers, we were able to conclude several things. Firstly the system in its current state provides no additional value in comparison to traditional browser or mobile based map applications. It is also inconvenient, hard to use and unintuitive. Despite these shortcomings, the test subjects saw future potential in the system and found it to be useful and fun to use. The findings suggest that even if the application is developed further, the experience as a whole would still be lacking as AR technology is not ready for mainstream adaptation quite yet

    Computing and data processing

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    The applications of computers and data processing to astronomy are discussed. Among the topics covered are the emerging national information infrastructure, workstations and supercomputers, supertelescopes, digital astronomy, astrophysics in a numerical laboratory, community software, archiving of ground-based observations, dynamical simulations of complex systems, plasma astrophysics, and the remote control of fourth dimension supercomputers

    A portable robotic rehabilitation system towards improving impaired function of the hand due to stroke

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    Background: Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability with 70 to 85% of initial strokes resulting in hemiparesis. Physical imparity as a result of stroke tends to be severe and majority of impairments are upper limb-related. Impairment is usually accompanied by long term functional loss which requires dedicated post-stroke rehabilitation to regain motor function. The incidence of stroke is increasing rapidly while there remains a shortage of therapists to provide sufficient rehabilitation. There is therefore a high demand for therapists to attend to the rising number of stroke survivors. Robot-aided therapy has emerged as a beneficial tool for providing continuous rehabilitation of the upper limb and is widely being implemented. With this technology, there is great potential to reduce the ill-effects brought about by the low therapist-patient ratio which has hindered sufficient rehabilitation and consequently the effective recovery of motor function among stroke survivors. Hypothesis: The use of a portable robotic rehabilitation system, as a complementary tool, in hand therapy, would promote continuous rehabilitation by encouraging repetition of task oriented exercises which would enhance motor function of an impaired hand. Task-oriented writing practice would potentially improve hand coordination and result in better accuracy while repetitive training would potentially increase hand motor strength. Objectives: 1.To design and manufacture a portable robotic rehabilitation system. 2. To test the performance and usability of the system. Methods: The system was manufactured and its performance tested in a pilot pre-clinical trial involving three participants. The system's ease of use was assessed using a standardised usability scale. Writing accuracy and hand motor strength were also assessed and the results analysed at the end of the study. Results: The average overall score of usability for the rehabilitation system was a few points higher than the average score. The users of the system also experienced increased motivation whilst performing the repetitive and task oriented exercises. There was an improvement in the completion time of the writing accuracy test and the tasks of the trace sample test. The variation in grip strength of the non-dominant hand during the rehabilitation period was small for each of the participants. Conclusion: The rehabilitation system motivated its users to repetitively perform rehabilitative training which may have improved writing accuracy

    Virtual Reality applications design for physiotherapy and physical training

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    Els estudis i les evidències dels avantatges que aporta la realitat virtual en teràpies de rehabilitació son cada vegada més abundants. En aquest projecte, amb la col·laboració de l'Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO), s’ha dissenyat dos jocs amb l’objectiu de crear aplicacions de realitat virtual per millorar la rehabilitació dels pacients després de patir un ictus. El problema principal de les teràpies de rehabilitació és que es fan molt monòtones pels pacients, ja que els exercicis solen ser repetitius d’una sessió a l’altre. Gràcies a la creació d’aquests jocs, aquest problema es redueix. A més, disminueix la saturació de pacients a les consultes i, el fisioterapeuta pot tenir una base de dades amb un altre tipus de resultats, tant a nivell tècnic com visual. Un dels jocs creats està dissenyat per fer-lo servir amb l’ordinador i el ratolí, ja que no es disposava d’equips de realitat virtual (SteamVR HTC Vive) en els domicilis pertinents. Tot i així, aquesta aplicació pot adaptar-se a una configuració en realitat virtual si en un futur es volgués utilitzar el joc en aquest sentit. L’altre joc creat està dissenyat exclusivament per ser una aplicació en realitat virtual. Per fer-ho, s’han utilitzat uns dispositius mòbils amb unes aplicacions de realitat virtual per poder simular les ulleres i els controladors. No és exactament el mateix que utilitzar un equip real de realitat virtual, però tot i així han estat de gran utilitat. Per altra banda, les proves de les aplicacions no s’han pogut realitzar amb els pacients de l’ADFO. En un futur es té previst fer-ho per avaluar millor la funcionalitat de les aplicacions creades. Tot i així, s’ha obtingut algunes opinions de persones sanes que sí que han pogut provar aquests jocs i s’ha pogut rectificar en funció d’això.Los estudios y las evidencias de las ventajas que aporta la realidad virtual en terapias de rehabilitación son cada vez más. En este proyecto, con la colaboración de la Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO), se han diseñado dos juegos con el objetivo de crear aplicaciones de realidad virtual para mejorar la rehabilitación de los pacientes después de sufrir un ictus. El problema principal de las terapias de rehabilitación es que se hacen muy monótonas por el paciente ya que los ejercicios suelen ser repetitivos de una sesión a la otra. Gracias a la creación de serious games (juegos cuyo propósito principal es distinto al entretenimiento) este problema se reduce. A demás, disminuye la saturación de pacientes en las consultas y, el fisioterapeuta puede tener una base de datos con otro tipo de resultados, tanto a nivel técnico como visual. Uno de los juegos creados está diseñado para usarlo con el ordenador y el ratón, ya que no se disponía de equipos de realidad virtual (SteamVR HTC Vive) en los domicilios pertinentes. Sin embargo, esta aplicación puede adaptarse a una configuración en realidad virtual si en un futuro se quisiera utilizar el juego en ese sentido. El otro juego creado sí que está diseñado exclusivamente para ser una aplicación en realidad virtual. Para ello, se han utilizado unos dispositivos móviles con unas aplicaciones de realidad virtual para poder simular las gafas y los controladores. No es exactamente lo mismo que usar un equipo real de realidad virtual, pero aun así han sido de gran utilidad. Por otra parte, las pruebas de las aplicaciones no se han podido realizar con los pacientes de la ADFO. En un futuro se tiene previsto hacerlo para evaluar mejor la funcionalidad de las aplicaciones creadas. Aun así, se ha conseguido algunas opiniones de personas sanas que si han podido probar estos juegos y se ha podido rectificar en función de ello.Studies and evidence of the benefits of virtual reality in rehabilitation therapies are increasingly abundant. In this project, with the collaboration of the Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO), two games have been designed with the aim of creating virtual reality applications to improve the rehabilitation of patients after suffering a stroke. The main problem with rehabilitation therapies is that they become very monotonous for the patient since the exercises are usually repetitive from one session to the other. Thanks to the creation of our games this problem has been reduced. In addition, the saturation of patients in the consultations will decrease and the physical therapist may have a database with other types of results, technically and visually. One of the games created is designed to be used with the computer and mouse, because virtual reality equipment (SteamVR HTC Vive) was not available in the relevant homes. However, this application can be adapted to a virtual reality configuration if in the future it wants to be used in this aspect. The other game created is designed exclusively to be a virtual reality application. To make this possible, mobile device with virtual reality applications have been used to simulate headset and controllers. It is not the same as using a real virtual reality equipment, however they have been especially useful. On the other hand, testing of the applications could not be performed with ADFO patients. It is planned to do it in the future for a better evaluation of the functionality of the applications created. However, some opinions have been obtained from healthy people who have been able to try these games and have been able to rectify based on that.Els estudis i les evidències dels avantatges que aporta la realitat virtual en teràpies de rehabilitació son cada vegada més abundants. En aquest projecte, amb la col·laboració de l'Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO), s’ha dissenyat dos jocs amb l’objectiu de crear aplicacions de realitat virtual per millorar la rehabilitació dels pacients després de patir un ictus. El problema principal de les teràpies de rehabilitació és que es fan molt monòtones pels pacients, ja que els exercicis solen ser repetitius d’una sessió a l’altre. Gràcies a la creació d’aquests jocs, aquest problema es redueix. A més, disminueix la saturació de pacients a les consultes i, el fisioterapeuta pot tenir una base de dades amb un altre tipus de resultats, tant a nivell tècnic com visual. Un dels jocs creats està dissenyat per fer-lo servir amb l’ordinador i el ratolí, ja que no es disposava d’equips de realitat virtual (SteamVR HTC Vive) en els domicilis pertinents. Tot i així, aquesta aplicació pot adaptar-se a una configuració en realitat virtual si en un futur es volgués utilitzar el joc en aquest sentit. L’altre joc creat està dissenyat exclusivament per ser una aplicació en realitat virtual. Per fer-ho, s’han utilitzat uns dispositius mòbils amb unes aplicacions de realitat virtual per poder simular les ulleres i els controladors. No és exactament el mateix que utilitzar un equip real de realitat virtual, però tot i així han estat de gran utilitat. Per altra banda, les proves de les aplicacions no s’han pogut realitzar amb els pacients de l’ADFO. En un futur es té previst fer-ho per avaluar millor la funcionalitat de les aplicacions creades. Tot i així, s’ha obtingut algunes opinions de persones sanes que sí que han pogut provar aquests jocs i s’ha pogut rectificar en funció d’això.Los estudios y las evidencias de las ventajas que aporta la realidad virtual en terapias de rehabilitación son cada vez más. En este proyecto, con la colaboración de la Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO), se han diseñado dos juegos con el objetivo de crear aplicaciones de realidad virtual para mejorar la rehabilitación de los pacientes después de sufrir un ictus. El problema principal de las terapias de rehabilitación es que se hacen muy monótonas por el paciente ya que los ejercicios suelen ser repetitivos de una sesión a la otra. Gracias a la creación de serious games (juegos cuyo propósito principal es distinto al entretenimiento) este problema se reduce. A demás, disminuye la saturación de pacientes en las consultas y, el fisioterapeuta puede tener una base de datos con otro tipo de resultados, tanto a nivel técnico como visual. Uno de los juegos creados está diseñado para usarlo con el ordenador y el ratón, ya que no se disponía de equipos de realidad virtual (SteamVR HTC Vive) en los domicilios pertinentes. Sin embargo, esta aplicación puede adaptarse a una configuración en realidad virtual si en un futuro se quisiera utilizar el juego en ese sentido. El otro juego creado sí que está diseñado exclusivamente para ser una aplicación en realidad virtual. Para ello, se han utilizado unos dispositivos móviles con unas aplicaciones de realidad virtual para poder simular las gafas y los controladores. No es exactamente lo mismo que usar un equipo real de realidad virtual, pero aun así han sido de gran utilidad. Por otra parte, las pruebas de las aplicaciones no se han podido realizar con los pacientes de la ADFO. En un futuro se tiene previsto hacerlo para evaluar mejor la funcionalidad de las aplicaciones creadas. Aun así, se ha conseguido algunas opiniones de personas sanas que si han podido probar estos juegos y se ha podido rectificar en función de ello.Studies and evidence of the benefits of virtual reality in rehabilitation therapies are increasingly abundant. In this project, with the collaboration of the Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO), two games have been designed with the aim of creating virtual reality applications to improve the rehabilitation of patients after suffering a stroke. The main problem with rehabilitation therapies is that they become very monotonous for the patient since the exercises are usually repetitive from one session to the other. Thanks to the creation of our games this problem has been reduced. In addition, the saturation of patients in the consultations will decrease and the physical therapist may have a database with other types of results, technically and visually. One of the games created is designed to be used with the computer and mouse, because virtual reality equipment (SteamVR HTC Vive) was not available in the relevant homes. However, this application can be adapted to a virtual reality configuration if in the future it wants to be used in this aspect. The other game created is designed exclusively to be a virtual reality application. To make this possible, mobile device with virtual reality applications have been used to simulate headset and controllers. It is not the same as using a real virtual reality equipment, however they have been especially useful. On the other hand, testing of the applications could not be performed with ADFO patients. It is planned to do it in the future for a better evaluation of the functionality of the applications created. However, some opinions have been obtained from healthy people who have been able to try these games and have been able to rectify based on that

    Information Technologies for the Healthcare Delivery System

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    That modern healthcare requires information technology to be efficient and fully effective is evident if one spends any time observing the delivery of institutional health care. Consider the observation of a practitioner of the discipline, David M. Eddy, MD, PhD, voiced in Clinical Decision Making, JAMA 263:1265-75, 1990, . . .All confirm what would be expected from common sense: The complexity of modern medicine exceeds the inherent limitations of the unaided human mind. The goal of this thesis is to identify the technological factors that are required to enable a fully sufficient application of information technology (IT) to the modern institutional practice of medicine. Perhaps the epitome of healthcare IT is the fully integrated, fully electronic patient medical record. Although, in 1991 the Institute of Medicine called for such a record to be standard technology by 2001, it has still not materialized. The author will argue that some of the technology and standards that are pre-requisite for this achievement have now arrived, while others are still evolving to fully sufficient levels. The paper will concentrate primarily on the health care system in the United States, although much of what is contained is applicable to a large degree, around the world. The paper will illustrate certain of these pre-requisite IT factors by discussing the actual installation of a major health care computer system at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) in Rochester, New York. This system is a Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS). As the name implies, PACS is a system of capturing health care images in digital format, storing them and communicating them to users throughout the enterprise

    Born Digital / Grown Digital: Assessing the Future Competitiveness of the EU Video Games Software Industry

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    This report reflects the findings of the JRC-IPTS study on the Video games Industry, with a focus on two specific activities: online and mobile video games. The report starts by introducing the technologies, their characteristics, market diffusion and barriers to take up, and their potential economic impact, before moving to an analysis of their contribution to the competitiveness of the European ICT industry. The research is based on internal and external expertise, literature reviews and desk research, several workshops and syntheses of the current state of the knowledge. The results were reviewed by experts and in dedicated workshops. The report concludes that the general expectations for the next years foresee a speeded up migration of contents and services to digital, in a scenario of rapidly increasing convergence of digital technologies and integration of media services taking advantage of improved and permanent network connections. The role of the so-called creative content industry is expected to increase accordingly. Communication services and media industry will co-evolve on the playground of the Internet of services, along with a product to service transformation of the software market in general. In this general context the Video games Software industry plays and is expected to play a major role. The games industry may become a major driver of the development of networks as it has been in the past for the development of computer hardware.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications, volume 1

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    Papers and viewgraphs from the conference are presented. This conference served as a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disks and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe, among other things, integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Assessment of plastics in the National Trust: a case study at Mr Straw's House

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    The National Trust is a charity that cares for over 300 publically accessible historic buildings and their contents across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There have been few previous studies on preservation of plastics within National Trust collections, which form a significant part of the more modern collections of objects. This paper describes the design of an assessment system which was successfully trialled at Mr Straws House, a National Trust property in Worksop, UK. This system can now be used for future plastic surveys at other National Trust properties. In addition, the survey gave valuable information about the state of the collection, demonstrating that the plastics that are deteriorating are those that are known to be vulnerable, namely cellulose nitrate/acetate, PVC and rubber. Verifying this knowledge of the most vulnerable plastics enables us to recommend to properties across National Trust that these types should be seen as a priority for correct storage and in-depth recording

    Applied Information Systems Research Program (AISRP). Workshop 2: Meeting Proceedings

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    The Earth and space science participants were able to see where the current research can be applied in their disciplines and computer science participants could see potential areas for future application of computer and information systems research. The Earth and Space Science research proposals for the High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) program were under evaluation. Therefore, this effort was not discussed at the AISRP Workshop. OSSA's other high priority area in computer science is scientific visualization, with the entire second day of the workshop devoted to it