3 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Speech Features Changes When You Get Depressed: Feature Correlations for Improving Speed and Performance of Depression Detection

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    This work shows that depression changes the correlation between features extracted from speech. Furthermore, it shows that using such an insight can improve the training speed and performance of depression detectors based on SVMs and LSTMs. The experiments were performed over the Androids Corpus, a publicly available dataset involving 112 speakers, including 58 people diagnosed with depression by professional psychiatrists. The results show that the models used in the experiments improve in terms of training speed and performance when fed with feature correlation matrices rather than with feature vectors. The relative reduction of the error rate ranges between 23.1% and 26.6% depending on the model. The probable explanation is that feature correlation matrices appear to be more variable in the case of depressed speakers. Correspondingly, such a phenomenon can be thought of as a depression marker

    Local Global Relational Network for Facial Action Units Recognition

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    Many existing facial action units (AUs) recognition approaches often enhance the AU representation by combining local features from multiple independent branches, each corresponding to a different AU. However, such multi-branch combination-based methods usually neglect potential mutual assistance and exclusion relationship between AU branches or simply employ a pre-defined and fixed knowledge-graph as a prior. In addition, extracting features from pre-defined AU regions of regular shapes limits the representation ability. In this paper, we propose a novel Local Global Relational Network (LGRNet) for facial AU recognition. LGRNet mainly consists of two novel structures, i.e., a skip-BiLSTM module which models the latent mutual assistance and exclusion relationship among local AU features from multiple branches to enhance the feature robustness, and a feature fusion&refining module which explores the complementarity between local AUs and the whole face in order to refine the local AU features to improve the discriminability. Experiments on the BP4D and DISFA AU datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin

    ALGRNet: Multi-relational adaptive facial action unit modelling for face representation and relevant recognitions

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    Facial action units (AUs) represent the fundamental activities of a group of muscles, exhibiting subtle changes that are useful for various face analysis tasks. One practical application in real-life situations is the automatic estimation of facial paralysis. This involves analyzing the delicate changes in facial muscle regions and skin textures. It seems logical to assess the severity of facial paralysis by combining well-defined muscle regions (similar to AUs) symmetrically, thus creating a comprehensive facial representation. To this end, we have developed a new model to estimate the severity of facial paralysis automatically and is inspired by the facial action units (FAU) recognition that deals with rich, detailed facial appearance information, such as texture, muscle status, etc. Specifically, a novel Adaptive Local-Global Relational Network (ALGRNet) is designed to adaptively mine the context of well-defined facial muscles and enhance the visual details of facial appearance and texture, which can be flexibly adapted to facial-based tasks, e.g., FAU recognition and facial paralysis estimation. ALGRNet consists of three key structures: (i) an adaptive region learning module that identifies high-potential muscle response regions, (ii) a skip-BiLSTM that models the latent relationships among local regions, enabling better correlation between multiple regional lesion muscles and texture changes, and (iii) a feature fusion&refining module that explores the complementarity between the local and global aspects of the face. We have extensively evaluated ALGRNet to demonstrate its effectiveness using two widely recognized AU benchmarks, BP4D and DISFA. Furthermore, to assess the efficacy of FAUs in subsequent applications, we have investigated their application in the identification of facial paralysis. Experimental findings obtained from a facial paralysis benchmark, meticulously gathered and annotated by medical experts, underscore the potential of utilizing identified AU attributes to estimate the severity of facial paralysis