11 research outputs found

    To Post or Not to Post: Perceptions of Appropriateness on Social Media

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    This study compares how undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members rate social media posts based on appropriateness, employability, and responsibility. Previous research suggests that students have different views on what is acceptable to post on social media. Student status and age were studied to see if they had an effect on what is considered as appropriate social media posts, with the hypothesis that graduate students would view social media posts more negatively than undergraduate students. 409 participants were given a survey including mock Instagram and Twitter posts relating to alcohol, work, and/or school. Participants rated each Instagram image or tweet based on appropriateness, employability, and responsibility. Graduate students reported Instagram photos, and school and work related tweets as more inappropriate, lower employability scores on school related tweets, and lower responsibility scores on work related tweets. When participants were grouped together by age, 18 to 25 year olds viewed social media posts more positively than other age groups. These findings supported the hypothesis, and suggest that college students should consider different perceptions of social media in light of their future employment

    Perception, Gender and Social Media Usage by Students of Tertiary Institutions in Delta State, Nigeria

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    Studies have indicated increased use of the social media by students for varied purposes. The students also have different perception of the social media. However, such studies are scanty with reference to students in the higher institutions of learning in Delta State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined the perception and gender of students of tertiary institutions of learning in Delta State, Nigeria and their pattern of the social media usage. The study was guided by Uses and Gratification theory, which emphasizes why people use the media and the gratification they derive from the usage. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 5382 respondents across six institutions. Simple random technique was used to select the institutions. The individual respondents were subsequently selected randomly. The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Hypotheses were tested at P< 0.05 level of significance. The finding showed that the students use the social media primarily for 14 different purposes. They use only 4.38% of the 253 social media. They use social media frequently and they have positive perception of them; there is significant relationship between the students’ perception and their usage of the social media. There is no significant relationship between gender and the students’ usage of the social media. The study recommends that the authorities of the institutions should formulate and implement productive ICT policies and enlighten the students on how to use the social media for positive and productive purposes. Keywords: Social media, Perception, Usage pattern; Institutions of higher learning, Mainstream MediaDOI: 10.7176/NMMC/89-02 Publication date: April 30th 2020

    The Effects of Social Media on the Online Consumer Behaviour of University Students

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Empresa Internacional, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020 , Tutor: Mel Solé Moro[eng] This research paper studies the influence that Social Media platforms and the interactions that take place within them have on the online consumption decisions of University students. In order to analyse these effects, several criteria have been taken into account such as gender, frequency of use of Social Media platforms and usual consumption patterns. Results from the questionnaires that were distributed amongst the students revealed that Instagram and Twitter are the two platforms that, besides being the most used, have the biggest influence on users when it comes to the online consumption decisions of University students. Additionally, it was found that E-WOM has become the main source of information that is used by consumers prior to making a consumption decision online.[cat] Aquest treball de recerca estudia la influència que les plataformes de xarxes socials i les interaccions que tenen lloc a través d’elles tenen en les decisions de consum en línia dels estudiants universitaris. Per analitzar aquests efectes s'han tingut en compte diversos criteris, com el gènere, la freqüència d'ús de les plataformes de xarxes socials i les pautes de consum habituals. Els resultats dels qüestionaris que es van distribuir entre els estudiants van revelar que Instagram i Twitter són les dues plataformes que, a més de ser les més utilitzades, tenen més influència en els estudiants universitaris a l'hora de prendre decisions de consum en línia. A més, es va constatar que la E-WOM s'ha convertit en la principal font d'informació que utilitzen els consumidors abans de prendre una decisió de consum en línia

    Hate Speech, Emotions, and Gender Identities : A Study of Social Narratives on Twitter with Trainee Teachers

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    The objective of this study is, on the one hand, to analyse emotional responses to the construction of hate speech relating to gender identity on Twitter. On the other hand, the objective is to evaluate the capabilities of trainee primary education teachers at constructing alternative counter-narratives to this socially alive issue, surrounding the approval of the Ley de Identidad de GĂ©nero [Gender Identity Law] in Chile, in 2018. With this two-fold objective in mind, quantitative, descriptive, and inferential analysis and qualitative analysis techniques are all applied. The results inform us of the influence of socially constructed emotions and feelings that are expressed in social narratives. However, the narratives of the participants neither appeared to reach satisfactory levels of reflection on the social issues that stirred their own emotional responses, nor on the conflict between reason and the value judgements that they expressed in the digital debate (counter-narratives). These results point to the need to consider both emotions and feelings, as categories of social analysis, and to reflect on their forms of expression within the framework of education for inclusive democratic citizenship

    The Use of Social Networks as a Communication Tool between Teachers and Students: A Literature Review

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    Social networks have drastically changed communication between people, constituting a means of everyday use by which information is created and shared in a simple, instantaneous way with the rest of the world. Although social networks were not initially created for academic purposes, they are gradually being used as a means of communication between teachers and students, making them an extremely important element in the teachinglearning process by offering new possibilities for communication and interaction as well as creating new learning spaces. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of social networks as a communication tool between teachers and students through a thorough bibliographical review. To do this, a systematic review of scientific documents containing data on teacher-student communication through social networks was carried out, resulting in a total of 96 documents published between 2006 and 2016 indexed in different internationally consulted databases. From the analyzed documents were extracted the educational levels in which research on teacherstudent communication in social networks were carried out; the most addressed social networks in the study of teacher-student interaction through social networks; the research areas that have been developed and the main results

    Social Media and Workplace Practices in Higher Education Institutions: a Review

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    This literature review investigates how the impact of social media has been studied with regard to a broad range of higher education workplace practices, that extend beyond teaching and learning, into areas such as research, administration, professional development, and the development of shared academic cultures and practices. Our interest is in whether and how the educational research community, through its research and publication practices, promotes particular views of social media in education at the expense of others. A thematic analysis of a sample of recent (2010-17) research on social media in education finds the field influenced by perspectives, particularly the managerial, that are prominent in the institutionalized discourses around which HE is structured.  These discourses are largely shaping practice in 21st century education, despite their lack of attention on how social media alter the processes of knowledge development within education, changing practice at deeper, institutional levels. We hypothesize that the implication of such research failing is that the academic community fails to reflectively and critically address how academic practices and the classroom itself are being shaped by certain “institutionalized” uses and conceptions of social media

    User misrepresentation in online social networks: how competition and altruism impact online disclosure behaviours

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    Their sheer size and scale give social networks significant potential for shaping popular opinions. While the spread of information and influence within social networks has been popular area of research for some time, more recently a research trend has appeared in which the researcher seeks to understand how users can aggressively influence community opinions, often using misrepresented or false information. Such misrepresentations by users are deeply troubling for any social network, where revenue-generation and their reputation depend on accurate and reliable user generated information. This study investigates the individual motivations that both promote and inhibit intentions towards personal information misrepresentation. These motivations are hypothesised to result from the dichotomy of competitive and altruistic attitudes existing with social network communities. Results of a survey analysis involving 502 users of Facebook offer insights useful for understanding social network information sharing practices. Marketing strategies, in particular, should benefit from the careful evaluation of the factors that lead to honesty (or dishonesty) among OSN users

    Der Einsatz von Facebook-Gruppen im Studium am Beispiel der Zagreber Germanistikstudenten

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    Wenn man über die wichtigsten Merkmale der heutigen Gesellschaft schreibt, befasst man sich oft mit dem breiten Einsatz von sozialen Netzwerken im Alltag. Im Brennpunkt des Interesses dieser Diplomarbeit stehen Facebook-Gruppen, die für die Studenten immer öfter Hilfsmittel während des Studiums sind. Es wurde eine Umfrage unter Germanistikstudenten an der Philosophischen Fakultät Zagreb durchgeführt und sechs Hypothesen über die Vorteile der Anwendung von Facebook-Gruppen getestet, um einen Antwort auf die Frage zu bekommen, ob Facebook-Gruppen im Studium helfen. Die Gruppen entfalten sich als bevorzugte Anlaufstellen und wirken wie ein sozialer Klebstoff zwischen den Studenten