369,148 research outputs found

    The DiSCmap project : digitisation of special collections: mapping, assessment, prioritisation

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    The paper presents the outcomes of DiSCmap, a JISC and RIN-funded project which aimed to study users' priorities for digitisation of special collections within the context of the higher education institutions in the UK. The project produced a 'long list' of 945 collections nominated for digitisation by intermediaries and end users and a user-driven prioritisation framework. Web surveys were used as a tool to gather data in combination with focus groups and telephone interviews with end users helped to get additional insights on their views in particular domains. The project developed an online forum and a group in Facebook in order to find to what extent the social networking technologies can be used to sustain a professional informal community but this did not prove to be successful. Over 1000 specialists took part in the different forms used to gather intermediaries and end users' nominations of collections for the "long list" and opinions about digitisation priorities. The long list of 945 special collections nominated for digitisation can be useful as an evidence of identified user interest; this list is not seen as a "snapshot" but as an outcome which needs to be sustained and further developed in the future. A user-driven framework for prioritizing digitisation was produced; it fits well with the current JISC digitisation strategy, providing a further level of detail on user priorities. The project also suggests a flexible approach for prioritizing collections for digitisation based on the use of the framework in combination with the long list of collections. The project did not make a representative study; the participation of intermediaries and end users was a matter of good will. Yet, special collections from 44% of the higher education institutions in the UK were nominated to the long list. The work on the project provided new insights and evidence on the user priorities in digitisation of special collections. It also suggests a user-driven digitisation prioritization framework which would be of benefit in future decision making

    DiSCmap : digitisation of special collections mapping, assessment, prioritisation. Final project report

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    Traditionally, digitisation has been led by supply rather than demand. While end users are seen as a priority they are not directly consulted about which collections they would like to have made available digitally or why. This can be seen in a wide range of policy documents throughout the cultural heritage sector, where users are positioned as central but where their preferences are assumed rather than solicited. Post-digitisation consultation with end users isequally rare. How are we to know that digitisation is serving the needs of the Higher Education community and is sustainable in the long-term? The 'Digitisation in Special Collections: mapping, assessment and prioritisation' (DiSCmap) project, funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the Research Information Network (RIN), aimed to:- Identify priority collections for potential digitisation housed within UK Higher Education's libraries, archives and museums as well as faculties and departments.- Assess users' needs and demand for Special Collections to be digitised across all disciplines.- Produce a synthesis of available knowledge about users' needs with regard to usability and format of digitised resources.- Provide recommendations for a strategic approach to digitisation within the wider context and activity of leading players both in the public and commercial sector.The project was carried out jointly by the Centre for Digital Library Research (CDLR) and the Centre for Research in Library and Information Management (CERLIM) and has taken a collaborative approach to the creation of a user-driven digitisation prioritisation framework, encouraging participation and collective engagement between communities.Between September 2008 and March 2009 the DiSCmap project team asked over 1,000 users, including intermediaries (vocational users who take care of collections) and end users (university teachers, researchers and students) a variety of questions about which physical and digital Special Collections they make use of and what criteria they feel must be considered when selecting materials for digitisation. This was achieved through workshops, interviews and two online questionnaires. Although the data gathered from these activities has the limitation of reflecting only a partial view on priorities for digitisation - the view expressed by those institutions who volunteered to take part in the study - DiSCmap was able to develop:- a 'long list' of 945 collections nominated for digitisation both by intermediaries andend-users from 70 HE institutions (see p. 21);- a framework of user-driven prioritisation criteria which could be used to inform current and future digitisation priorities; (see p. 45)- a set of 'short lists' of collections which exemplify the application of user-driven criteria from the prioritisation framework to the long list (see Appendix X):o Collections nominated more than once by various groups of users.o Collections related to a specific policy framework, eg HEFCE's strategically important and vulnerable subjects for Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.o Collections on specific thematic clusters.o Collections with highest number of reasons for digitisation

    Adding efficient and reliable access paths to the JCF

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    The Java Collections Framework (JCF) is the standard Java library for representing and manipulating collections (i.e., objects that represent a group of objects, such as sets, lists, etc.). Although JCF provides adequate functionality for many purposes, it does not offer any mechanism for accessing directly the objects stored in collections apart from the standard Java references. This absence is a crucial functionality exhibited by many other widespread Java and non-Java collection libraries. In this paper, we carry out a reengineering process on the JCF to add this kind of alternative access paths, which we give the name of shortcuts. This process relies on a framework called Shortcut-Based Framework, which has been defined as library- independent. We present this framework and then we show how it may be tailored to the specific case of the JCF. The resulting JCF with shortcuts library is fully compatible with the original one (i.e., programs using the original JCF are not required to be modified), and exhibits good behaviour with respect to efficiency, reliability and internal quality. As an additional benefit of the framework, we mention that it can be applied to other collection libraries, as we have done before with an Ada95 one.Postprint (published version


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    In a series of papers (Kovalenkov and Wooders 2001a, Games and Economic Behavior, 2001b,Mathematics of Operations Research, and 1997, Journal of Economic Theory to appear), the authors have developed the framework of parameterized collections of games and also that of parameterized collections of economies with clubs. These papers apply to collections of games with nontransferable utility and similarly to economies with clubs and general preferences. The game theoretic framework encompasses the earlier `pregame' framework (cf., Wooders 1994b Econometrica) and also earlier models of economies with clubs and with possibly multiple memberships in clubs (cf. Shubik and Wooders 1982). In this paper, we consider the special case of games with side payments and illustrate the application of our more general results in this special, and much simpler but still important, framework. The motivation for this line of research is developed and application to environmental problems is discussed.cooperative games ; clubs ; core ; approximate cores ; widespread externalities ; multiple memberships ; local public goods

    Remove-Win: a Design Framework for Conflict-free Replicated Data Collections

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    Internet-scale distributed systems often replicate data within and across data centers to provide low latency and high availability despite node and network failures. Replicas are required to accept updates without coordination with each other, and the updates are then propagated asynchronously. This brings the issue of conflict resolution among concurrent updates, which is often challenging and error-prone. The Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDT) framework provides a principled approach to address this challenge. This work focuses on a special type of CRDT, namely the Conflict-free Replicated Data Collection (CRDC), e.g. list and queue. The CRDC can have complex and compound data items, which are organized in structures of rich semantics. Complex CRDCs can greatly ease the development of upper-layer applications, but also makes the conflict resolution notoriously difficult. This explains why existing CRDC designs are tricky, and hard to be generalized to other data types. A design framework is in great need to guide the systematic design of new CRDCs. To address the challenges above, we propose the Remove-Win Design Framework. The remove-win strategy for conflict resolution is simple but powerful. The remove operation just wipes out the data item, no matter how complex the value is. The user of the CRDC only needs to specify conflict resolution for non-remove operations. This resolution is destructed to three basic cases and are left as open terms in the CRDC design skeleton. Stubs containing user-specified conflict resolution logics are plugged into the skeleton to obtain concrete CRDC designs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our design framework via a case study of designing a conflict-free replicated priority queue. Performance measurements also show the efficiency of the design derived from our design framework.Comment: revised after submissio

    The uncertain representation ranking framework for concept-based video retrieval

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    Concept based video retrieval often relies on imperfect and uncertain concept detectors. We propose a general ranking framework to define effective and robust ranking functions, through explicitly addressing detector uncertainty. It can cope with multiple concept-based representations per video segment and it allows the re-use of effective text retrieval functions which are defined on similar representations. The final ranking status value is a weighted combination of two components: the expected score of the possible scores, which represents the risk-neutral choice, and the scores’ standard deviation, which represents the risk or opportunity that the score for the actual representation is higher. The framework consistently improves the search performance in the shot retrieval task and the segment retrieval task over several baselines in five TRECVid collections and two collections which use simulated detectors of varying performance
