336 research outputs found

    Study on the application of information technology in inland maritime supervision

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    Low-Power Pıc-Based Sensor Node Devıce Desıgn And Theoretıcal Analysıs Of Energy Consumptıon In Wıreless Sensor Networks

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    Teknolojinin ilerlemesi, daha enerji verimli ve daha ucuz elektronik bileşenlerinin daha küçük üretilmesini sağlamıştır. Bu nedenle, daha önce mevcut birçok bilgisayar ve elektronik bilim-mühendislik fikirleri uygulanabilir hale gelmiştir. Bunlardan birisi de kablosuz sensör ağları teknolojisidir. Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar, düşük enerji tüketimi ve gerekli teknik gereksinimlerin gerçekleşmesi ile uygulanabilir hale gelmiştir. Ayrıca, Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlarının tasarımında iletişim algoritmaları, enerji tasarruf protokolleri ve yenilenebilir enerji teknolojileri gibi diğer bilimsel çalışmalar zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu tez, mikroelektronik sistemler, kablosuz iletişim ve dijital elektronik teknolojisinin ilerlemesiyle uygulanabilir hale gelmiş sensör ağları teknolojisini kapsamaktadır. Birincisi, algılama görevleri ve potansiyel algılayıcı ağ uygulamaları araştırılmış ve algılayıcı ağlarının tasarımını etkileyen faktörlerin gözden geçirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Ardından sensör ağları için iletişim mimarisi ana hatlarıyla belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca, tek bir düğümün WLAN ile iletişim kurabilmesi için yeni donanım mimarisi tasarlanmış ve düğümlerde yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları kullanılmıştır. Bu tezde WSN, analitik bilim ve uygulamalı bilim açısından incelenmiştir. Düşük enerji tüketimi ve iletişim protokolleri arasındaki ilişki değerlendirilmiş ve bilimsel sonuçlara varılmıştır. Teorik analizler bilimsel uygulamalarla desteklenmiştir. Çalışmalar, düşük enerji ve maksimum verimlilik prensibinin gerçekleştirilmesine dayalı kablosuz sensör ağları üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kablosuz sensör ağlari sistemi tasarlandıktan sonra; sensör düğümlerinin enerji tüketimi ve kablosuz ağdaki davranışları test ve analiz edilmiştir. Düşük enerji tüketimi ile sensör düğümleri arasındaki ilişki detaylı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. PIC Tabanlı mikro denetleyiciler sensör düğümlerinin tasarımında kullanılmış ve çok düşük maliyetli tasarım için ultra düşük güçte, nanoWatt teknolojisi ile desteklenen sensör düğümleri tasarlanmıştır. İşleme birimi, bellek birimi ve kablosuz iletişim birimi sensör viii düğümlerine entegre edilmiştir. Tasarlanan sensör düğümünün işletim sistemi PIC C dili ile yazılmıştır ve PIC işletim sistemi nem, sıcaklık, ışığa duyarlılık ve duman sensörü gibi farklı özelliklerin ölçülmesine izin vermiştir. Sensörlerden gelen verilerin merkezi bir konumdan kaydedilmesi ve izlenebilmesi için, C# programlama dili ile bilgisayar yazılımı geliştirilmiştir. Gelişmiş algılayıcı düğümler tarafından alınan kararların uygulanması için yazılım algoritması ve donanım modüllerini içeren karar verme sistemi tasarlanmıştır. Gelişmiş PIC Tabanlı sensör düğümleri, enerji üretimi ve enerji tasarrufu için, güneş enerjisi paneli, şarj edilebilir pil ve süper kapasitör gibi yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile benzersiz bir PIC Kontrollü voltaj birimi ile desteklenmiştir. Geliştirilmiş kablosuz sensör ağları sistemi, endüstri uygulamaları, akıllı fabrikalar ve akıllı evler gibi günlük hayat uygulamaları için de kullanılabilecektir. Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar geniş bir aralıkta kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Tezin sonuçları, özellikle yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile WSN'nin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır

    Border surveillance monitoring using Quadcopter UAV-Aided Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we propose a novel cooperative bordersurveillance solution, composed of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) deployed terrestrially to detect and track trespassers, and a set of lightweight unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) in the form of quadcopters that interact with the deployed WSN to improve the border surveillance, the detection and investigation of network failures, the maintenance of the sensor network, the tracking of trespasser, the capture and transmission of realtime video of the intrusion scene, and the response to hostage situations. A heuristic-based scheduling algorithm is described to optimize the tracking mission by increasing the rate of detected trespassers spotted by the quadcopters. Together with the design of the electrical, mechanical and software architecture of the proposed VTail quadcopter, we develop in this paper powerless techniques to accurately localize terrestrial sensors using RFID technology, compute the optimal positions of the new sensors to drop, relay data between isolated islands of nodes, and wake up sensors to track intruders. The developed VTail prototype is tested to provide valid and accurate parameters’ values to the simulation. The latter is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed WSN-based surveillance solution

    Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    There are several applications that use sensor motes and researchers continue to explore additional applications. For this particular application of detecting the movement of humans through the sensor field, a set of Berkley mica2 motes on TinyOS operating system is used. Different sensors such as pressure, light, and so on can be used to identify the presence of an intruder in the field. In our case, the light sensor is chosen for the detection. When an intruder crosses the monitored environment, the system detects the changes of the light values, and any significant change meaning that a change greater than a pre-defined threshold. This indicates the presence of an intruder. An integrated web cam is used to take snapshot of the intruder and transmit the picture through the network to a remote station. The basic motivation of this thesis is that a sensor web system can be used to monitor and detect any intruder in a specific area from a remote location

    Mecanismos de rede para swarms de drones em ambientes de monitorização aquática

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    With the development of intelligent platforms for environment sensing, drones present themselves as a fundamental resource capable of responding to the widest range of applications. Monitoring aquatic sensing environments is one such application and the communication between them becomes a key aspect for both navigation and sensing tasks. Testing an aquatic environment with a high number of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) is very costly, requiring a lot of time and resources. Therefore, simulation platforms become elements of great importance . In this dissertation a simulator is developed containing a modular architecture, based on a delay tolerant network, being capable of simulating aquatic environments as similar as possible to real aquatic environments. In addition to the developed simulator, this dissertation presents methods and strategies of cluster formation, allowing the aquatic drones to select, in a distributed way, the gateways of each cluster that will be responsible for forwarding collected data towards the gateway on land. Two gateway selection methods were implemented, one focused on the energy of aquatic drones, and one considering different metrics such as link quality, centrality and energy. The proposed methods were evaluated across several cases and scenarios, with clusters built and changed in a dynamic way, and it was observed that the election of gateways with a method based on several metrics, together with appropriated control strategy, provides a better outcome of the network behaviour throughout the aquatic monitoring tasks.Com o desenvolvimento de plataformas inteligentes que permitem monitorizar vários ambientes, os drones apresentam-se como um recurso fundamental capaz de responder às mais vastas aplicações. A monitorização de meios aquáticos com recurso a drones é uma destas aplicações e a comunicação entre os mesmos torna-se um aspeto fundamental, tanto em tarefas de navegação como em tarefas de sensorização. Testar um ambiente aquático com um elevado número de drones aquáticos é muito caro, requer muito tempo e vários recursos, por isso, plataformas de simulação tornam-se elementos de grande importância. Nesta dissertação é desenvolvido um simulador, com uma arquitetura modular, tendo por base uma rede tolerante a atrasos, sendo capaz de simular ambientes aquáticos o mais semelhante possível a ambientes aquáticos reais. Para além do simulador desenvolvido, esta dissertação propõe métodos e estratégias de formação de clusters de drones, permitindo que os drones aquáticos elejam, de uma forma distribuída, os gateways de cada cluster que serão responsáveis por encaminhar os dados recolhidos pelos drones em direção à estação em terra. Foram implementados dois métodos de eleição de gateway, um focado na energia dos drones aquáticos, e outro capaz de considerar diferentes métricas, tais como a qualidade de ligação, a centralidade e a energia. Os métodos propostos foram avaliados através de vários cenários em que os clusters são construídos e alterados de forma dinâmica, e foi observado que a escolha de gateways com um método baseado em várias métricas, e juntamente com uma estratégia de controlo apropriada, proporciona um melhor comportamento da rede ao longo das tarefas de monitorização aquática.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Development and evaluation of smartphone-based ITS applications for vehicular networks

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    [ES] Una de las áreas de investigación que está recibiendo más atención recientemente es la de vehículos autónomos. Los investigadores están en este momento centrados en el tercer de los cinco niveles de autonomía, los cuales son: asistencia en la conducción, automatización parcial, automatización condicional, alta automatización y automatización completa. A pesar de los rápidos progresos que están habiendo en este campo, la adopción de estas soluciones llevará tiempo no sólo debido a cuestiones legales, sino también por el hecho de que los avances tecnológicos se enfrentan a un lento respaldo por parte de los fabricantes. Además, la baja tasa de renovación de vehículos de carretera, dificulta el despliegue de tecnologías innovadoras, como es el caso de la red vehicular. Ocho años después de la introducción de la norma 802.11p para la comunicación vehicular del Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (IIEE), los vehículos que se usan a diario todavía carecen de la capacidad de comunicarse entre sí. Este hecho impide el uso de las muchas aplicaciones de seguridad del Sistema de Inteligencia de Transporte (SIT) que aprovecha la red vehicular para el intercambio de datos. La forma obvia de manejar este problema es poner las tecnologías disponibles a la disposición de los usuarios comunes para desarrollar soluciones que se puedan implementar fácilmente y, además, económicas. Por esta razón, trasladamos nuestra atención a los dispositivos inteligentes, especialmente a los teléfonos inteligentes, los cuales han recorrido un largo camino desde la primera introducción de teléfonos móviles a finales del siglo XX. Hoy en día casi todos llevan uno en su bolsillo a donde sea que vayan, permitiéndoles no sólo hacer llamadas, sino también medir y controlar diferentes parámetros con la ayuda de los muchos sensores integrados que están disponibles para estos dispositivos compactos pero potentes. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar los efectos de la integración de los teléfonos inteligentes a la red vehicular para desarrollar aplicaciones de seguridad del SIT. La elección de los teléfonos inteligentes aquí no solo está justificada por su amplia disponibilidad y uso, sino también porque están evolucionando hacia terminales de alto rendimiento con microprocesadores de múltiples núcleos cargados dotados de un grupo suficientemente diverso de sensores. En esta tesis proponemos tres diferentes aplicaciones de seguridad SIT para teléfonos inteligentes, diseñados para aprovechar el entorno de red vehicular: una aplicación de generación de advertencia llamada Messiah que alerta a los conductores de la presencia de vehículos de emergencia en las cercanías; una aplicación de Advertencia de Colisión Frontal (ACF) que advierte a los conductores si no se mantiene la distancia de seguridad mínima entre el vehículo que va delante y el que lo sigue; y, por último, una aplicación que tiene como objetivo ayudar a los conductores con asistencia visual durante el adelantamiento, llamada EYES. Todas estas aplicaciones han sido desarrolladas para la plataforma Android, y dependen de la transmisión de datos entre vehículos. Dado que los vehículos que utilizamos día a día no admiten la posibilidad de comunicarse entre sí, también diseñamos GRCBox, que es una unidad integrada de bajo coste que permite la comunicación del Vehículo a Todo (V2X). A partir de nuestro estudio de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles diseñados para redes vehiculares, descubrimos que el uso de teléfonos inteligentes proporciona una nueva dirección para la investigación relacionada con SIT y redes vehiculares al permitir la adopción rápida de las soluciones existentes, donde los usuarios pueden descargar y usar las aplicaciones con sólo un clic a un botón. Al mismo tiempo, la portabilidad y compacidad de los dispositivos los hace limitados en términos de velocidad, potencia de procesamiento y precisi[CA] Una de les àrees d'investigació que està rebent més atenció recentment és la de vehicles autònoms. Els investigadores estan en este moment centrats en el tercer dels cinc nivells d'autonomia, els quals són: assistència en la conducció, automatització parcial, automatització condicional, alta automatització i automatització completa. Malgrat els ràpids progressos que s'estan donant en este camp, l'adopció d'estes solucions portarà temps no sols degut a qüestions legals, sinó també pel fet que els avanços tecnològics s'enfronten a un lent recolzament per part dels fabricants. A més a més, la baixa taxa de renovació de vehicles de carretera, dificulta el desplegament de tecnologies innovadores com és el cas de la xarxa vehicular. Huit anys després de la introducció de la norma 802.11p per a la comunicació vehicular de l'Institut d'Enginyers Elèctrics i Electrònics (IEEE), els vehicles que s'utilitzen a diari encara manquen de la capacitat de comunicar-se entre sí. Este fet impedeix l'ús de les moltes aplicacions de seguretat del Sistema d'Intel·ligència de Transport (SIT) que aprofita la xarxa vehicular per a l'intercanvi de dades. La forma òbvia de tractar aquest problema és posar les tecnologies disponibles a la disposició dels usuaris comuns per a desenvolupar solucions que es puguen implementar fàcilment, còmodes d'adoptar i, a més a més, econòmiques. Per aquesta raó, traslladem la nostra atenció als dispositius intel·ligents, especialment als telèfons intel·ligents, els quals han recorregut un llarg camí des de la primera introducció de telèfons mòbils a finals del segle XX. Hui en dia quasi tots porten un en la butxaca on siga que vagen, permetent-los no sols fer cridades, sinó també mesurar i controlar diferents paràmetres amb l'ajuda dels molts sensors integrats que estan disponibles per a estos dispositius compactes però potents. El nostre objectiu és estudiar els efectes de la integració dels telèfons intel·ligents a la xarxa vehicular per a desenvolupar aplicacions de seguretat del SIT. L'elecció dels telèfons intel·ligents ací no està sols justificada per la seua àmplia disponibilitat i ús, sinó també perquè estan evolucionant cap a terminals d'alt rendiment amb microprocessadors de múltiples nuclis dotats amb un grup suficientment divers de sensors. En esta tesi proposem tres diferents aplicacions de seguretat SIT per a telèfons intel·ligents, dissenyats per a aprofitar l'entorn de xarxa vehicular: una aplicació de generació d'advertència anomenada Messiah que alerta els conductors de la presència de vehicles d'emergència en les proximitats; una aplicació Advertència de Col·lisió Frontal (ACF) que adverteix els conductors si no mantenen la distància de seguretat mínima entre el vehicle que va davant i el que el segueix; i, per últim, una aplicació que té com objectiu ajudar els conductors amb assistència visual durant l'avançament, anomenat EYES. Totes aquestes aplicacions han sigut desenvolupades per a la plataforma Android, i depenen de la transmissió de dades entre vehicles. Donat que els vehicles que utilitzem a diari no admeten la possibilitat de comunicar-se entre sí, també dissenyem GRCBox, que és una unitat integrada de baix cost que permet la comunicació de Vechicle a Tot (V2X). A partir del nostre estudi d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils dissenyats per a xarxes vehiculars, descobrim que l'ús de telèfons intel·ligents proporciona una nova direcció per a la investigació relacionada amb SIT i xarxes vehiculars al permetre l'adopció ràpida de les solucions existents, on els usuaris poden descarregar i utilitzar les aplicacions amb un sol clic a un botó. Però al mateix temps, la portabilitat i la compacitat dels dispositius els fa limitats en termes de velocitat, potència de processament i precisió del sensor integrat, cosa que afecta al rendiment de les aplicacions.[EN] One of the research areas that is receiving a lot of attention recently is autonomous vehicles. Researchers are currently focused on the third level of autonomy out of the five levels, which are: drive assistance, partial automation, conditional automation, high automation, and full automation. Even though rapid progress is being made in this field, the adoption of these solutions will take time not only due to legal issues, but also due to the fact that technological improvements face slow endorsement by manufacturers. Also, the slow renewal rate of vehicles on road hinders the deployment of novel technologies, as is the case of Vehicular Networks (VNs). Eight years after the introduction of the IEEE 802.11p standard for vehicular communication, vehicles used on a daily basis still lack the capability of communicating with one other. This fact impedes the use of the many ITS safety applications that take advantage of VNs for data exchange. The obvious way to handle this problem is to use the available technologies at the disposal of common users to develop solutions that are easily deployable, effortless to adopt, and moreover, cost effective. For this reason we shift our attention to smart devices, specially smartphones, which have come a long way since the first introduction of mobile phones in the late 20th century. Nowadays, nearly everyone carries one in their pocket anywhere they go, allowing them to not only make calls, but also to measure and monitor different parameters with the help of the many on-board sensors that are available to these compact yet powerful devices. Our objective is to study the effects of integrating smartphones to vehicular networks, to develop ITS safety applications. The choice of smartphones here is not only justified by their wide availability and use, but also because they are evolving towards high performance terminals with multi-core microprocessors packed with a sufficiently diverse group of sensors. In this thesis we propose three different ITS safety applications for smartphones, designed to take advantage of the vehicular network environment: a warning generation application called Messiah that alerts drivers of the presence of emergency vehicles in close proximity; a FCW application which warns drivers if a minimum safe distance is not maintained between the vehicle ahead and the one following it; and lastly an application that aims to aid drivers with visual assistance while overtaking, named EYES. All these applications have been developed for the Android platform, and are dependent on the data transmission among vehicles. Since vehicles we use on a day to day basis still do not accommodate the possibility to communicate with one another, we also designed the GRCBox, which is a low cost on-board unit that supports V2X communication. From our study of applications for mobile devices designed for VNs, we found that the use of smartphones provides a new direction to research related to ITS and VNs by allowing a quick adoption of the existing solutions, where users are able to download and use applications just by one click of a button. But at the same time, the portability and compactness of the devices makes them limited in terms of speed, processing power, and accuracy of the on-board sensor, thus affecting the performance of the applications. In our case, the simpler Messiah application performed very well, while the EYES application that is dependent on GPS data, and the FCW application which required heavy processing and use of the camera due to its dependence on plate recognition, were affected by the hardware limitations of the smartphones.Patra, S. (2019). Development and evaluation of smartphone-based ITS applications for vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124058TESI

    Effective Node Clustering and Data Dissemination In Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The denseness and random distribution of large-scale WSNs makes it quite difficult to replace or recharge nodes. Energy efficiency and management is a major design goal in these networks. In addition, reliability and scalability are two other major goals that have been identified by researchers as necessary in order to further expand the deployment of such networks for their use in various applications. This thesis aims to provide an energy efficient and effective node clustering and data dissemination algorithm in large-scale wireless sensor networks. In the area of clustering, the proposed research prolongs the lifetime of the network by saving energy through the use of node ranking to elect cluster heads, contrary to other existing cluster-based work that selects a random node or the node with the highest energy at a particular time instance as the new cluster head. Moreover, a global knowledge strategy is used to maintain a level of universal awareness of existing nodes in the subject area and to avoid the problem of disconnected or forgotten nodes. In the area of data dissemination, the aim of this research is to effectively manage the data collection by developing an efficient data collection scheme using a ferry node and applying a selective duty cycle strategy to the sensor nodes. Depending on the application, mobile ferries can be used for collecting data in a WSN, especially those that are large in scale, with delay tolerant applications. Unlike data collection via multi-hop forwarding among the sensing nodes, ferries travel across the sensing field to collect data. A ferry-based approach thus eliminates, or minimizes, the need for the multi-hop forwarding of data, and as a result, energy consumption at the nodes will be significantly reduced. This is especially true for nodes that are near the base station as they are used by other nodes to forward data to the base station. MATLAB is used to design, simulate and evaluate the proposed work against the work that has already been done by others by using various performance criteria