5 research outputs found

    Collaboratively Patching Linked Data

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    Today's Web of Data is noisy. Linked Data often needs extensive preprocessing to enable efficient use of heterogeneous resources. While consistent and valid data provides the key to efficient data processing and aggregation we are facing two main challenges: (1st) Identification of erroneous facts and tracking their origins in dynamically connected datasets is a difficult task, and (2nd) efforts in the curation of deficient facts in Linked Data are exchanged rather rarely. Since erroneous data often is duplicated and (re-)distributed by mashup applications it is not only the responsibility of a few original publishers to keep their data tidy, but progresses to be a mission for all distributers and consumers of Linked Data too. We present a new approach to expose and to reuse patches on erroneous data to enhance and to add quality information to the Web of Data. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated by example of a collaborative game that patches statements in DBpedia data and provides notifications for relevant changes.Comment: 2nd International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD2012) in the 21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012), Lyon, France, April 17th, 201

    TripleCheckMate: A Tool for Crowdsourcing the Quality Assessment of Linked Data

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    Linked Open Data (LOD) comprises of an unprecedented volume of structured datasets on the Web. However, these datasets are of varying quality ranging from extensively curated datasets to crowdsourced and even extracted data of relatively low quality. We present a methodology for assessing the quality of linked data resources, which comprises of a manual and a semi-automatic process. In this paper we focus on the manual process where the first phase includes the detection of common quality problems and their representation in a quality problem taxonomy. The second phase comprises of the evaluation of a large number of individual resources, according to the quality problem taxonomy via crowdsourcing. This process is implemented by the tool TripleCheckMate wherein a user assesses an individual resource and evaluates each fact for correctness. This paper focuses on describing the methodology, quality taxonomy and the tools’ system architecture, user perspective and extensibility

    Linked Data Quality Assessment and its Application to Societal Progress Measurement

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    In recent years, the Linked Data (LD) paradigm has emerged as a simple mechanism for employing the Web as a medium for data and knowledge integration where both documents and data are linked. Moreover, the semantics and structure of the underlying data are kept intact, making this the Semantic Web. LD essentially entails a set of best practices for publishing and connecting structure data on the Web, which allows publish- ing and exchanging information in an interoperable and reusable fashion. Many different communities on the Internet such as geographic, media, life sciences and government have already adopted these LD principles. This is confirmed by the dramatically growing Linked Data Web, where currently more than 50 billion facts are represented. With the emergence of Web of Linked Data, there are several use cases, which are possible due to the rich and disparate data integrated into one global information space. Linked Data, in these cases, not only assists in building mashups by interlinking heterogeneous and dispersed data from multiple sources but also empowers the uncovering of meaningful and impactful relationships. These discoveries have paved the way for scientists to explore the existing data and uncover meaningful outcomes that they might not have been aware of previously. In all these use cases utilizing LD, one crippling problem is the underlying data quality. Incomplete, inconsistent or inaccurate data affects the end results gravely, thus making them unreliable. Data quality is commonly conceived as fitness for use, be it for a certain application or use case. There are cases when datasets that contain quality problems, are useful for certain applications, thus depending on the use case at hand. Thus, LD consumption has to deal with the problem of getting the data into a state in which it can be exploited for real use cases. The insufficient data quality can be caused either by the LD publication process or is intrinsic to the data source itself. A key challenge is to assess the quality of datasets published on the Web and make this quality information explicit. Assessing data quality is particularly a challenge in LD as the underlying data stems from a set of multiple, autonomous and evolving data sources. Moreover, the dynamic nature of LD makes assessing the quality crucial to measure the accuracy of representing the real-world data. On the document Web, data quality can only be indirectly or vaguely defined, but there is a requirement for more concrete and measurable data quality metrics for LD. Such data quality metrics include correctness of facts wrt. the real-world, adequacy of semantic representation, quality of interlinks, interoperability, timeliness or consistency with regard to implicit information. Even though data quality is an important concept in LD, there are few methodologies proposed to assess the quality of these datasets. Thus, in this thesis, we first unify 18 data quality dimensions and provide a total of 69 metrics for assessment of LD. The first methodology includes the employment of LD experts for the assessment. This assessment is performed with the help of the TripleCheckMate tool, which was developed specifically to assist LD experts for assessing the quality of a dataset, in this case DBpedia. The second methodology is a semi-automatic process, in which the first phase involves the detection of common quality problems by the automatic creation of an extended schema for DBpedia. The second phase involves the manual verification of the generated schema axioms. Thereafter, we employ the wisdom of the crowds i.e. workers for online crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to assess the quality of DBpedia. We then compare the two approaches (previous assessment by LD experts and assessment by MTurk workers in this study) in order to measure the feasibility of each type of the user-driven data quality assessment methodology. Additionally, we evaluate another semi-automated methodology for LD quality assessment, which also involves human judgement. In this semi-automated methodology, selected metrics are formally defined and implemented as part of a tool, namely R2RLint. The user is not only provided the results of the assessment but also specific entities that cause the errors, which help users understand the quality issues and thus can fix them. Finally, we take into account a domain-specific use case that consumes LD and leverages on data quality. In particular, we identify four LD sources, assess their quality using the R2RLint tool and then utilize them in building the Health Economic Research (HER) Observatory. We show the advantages of this semi-automated assessment over the other types of quality assessment methodologies discussed earlier. The Observatory aims at evaluating the impact of research development on the economic and healthcare performance of each country per year. We illustrate the usefulness of LD in this use case and the importance of quality assessment for any data analysis

    Linked data wrapper curation: A platform perspective

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    131 p.Linked Data Wrappers (LDWs) turn Web APIs into RDF end-points, leveraging the LOD cloud with current data. This potential is frequently undervalued, regarding LDWs as mere by-products of larger endeavors, e.g. developing mashup applications. However, LDWs are mainly data-driven, not contaminated by application semantics, hence with an important potential for reuse. If LDWs could be decoupled from their breakout projects, this would increase the chances of LDWs becoming truly RDF end-points. But this vision is still under threat by LDW fragility upon API upgrades, and the risk of unmaintained LDWs. LDW curation might help. Similar to dataset curation, LDW curation aims to clean up datasets but, in this case, the dataset is implicitly described by the LDW definition, and ÂżstainsÂż are not limited to those related with the dataset quality but also include those related to the underlying API. This requires the existence of LDW Platforms that leverage existing code repositories with additional functionalities that cater for LDW definition, deployment and curation. This dissertation contributes to this vision through: (1) identifying a set of requirements for LDW Platforms; (2) instantiating these requirements in SYQL, a platform built upon Yahoo's YQL; (3) evaluating SYQL through a fully-developed proof of concept; and (4), validating the extent to which this approach facilitates LDW curation

    Scalable Quality Assessment of Linked Data

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    In a world where the information economy is booming, poor data quality can lead to adverse consequences, including social and economical problems such as decrease in revenue. Furthermore, data-driven indus- tries are not just relying on their own (proprietary) data silos, but are also continuously aggregating data from different sources. This aggregation could then be re-distributed back to “data lakes”. However, this data (including Linked Data) is not necessarily checked for its quality prior to its use. Large volumes of data are being exchanged in a standard and interoperable format between organisations and published as Linked Data to facilitate their re-use. Some organisations, such as government institutions, take a step further and open their data. The Linked Open Data Cloud is a witness to this. However, similar to data in data lakes, it is challenging to determine the quality of this heterogeneous data, and subsequently to make this information explicit to data consumers. Despite the availability of a number of tools and frameworks to assess Linked Data quality, the current solutions do not aggregate a holistic approach that enables both the assessment of datasets and also provides consumers with quality results that can then be used to find, compare and rank datasets’ fitness for use. In this thesis we investigate methods to assess the quality of (possibly large) linked datasets with the intent that data consumers can then use the assessment results to find datasets that are fit for use, that is; finding the right dataset for the task at hand. Moreover, the benefits of quality assessment are two-fold: (1) data consumers do not need to blindly rely on subjective measures to choose a dataset, but base their choice on multiple factors such as the intrinsic structure of the dataset, therefore fostering trust and reputation between the publishers and consumers on more objective foundations; and (2) data publishers can be encouraged to improve their datasets so that they can be re-used more. Furthermore, our approach scales for large datasets. In this regard, we also look into improving the efficiency of quality metrics using various approximation techniques. However the trade-off is that consumers will not get the exact quality value, but a very close estimate which anyway provides the required guidance towards fitness for use. The central point of this thesis is not on data quality improvement, nonetheless, we still need to understand what data quality means to the consumers who are searching for potential datasets. This thesis looks into the challenges faced to detect quality problems in linked datasets presenting quality results in a standardised machine-readable and interoperable format for which agents can make sense out of to help human consumers identifying the fitness for use dataset. Our proposed approach is more consumer-centric where it looks into (1) making the assessment of quality as easy as possible, that is, allowing stakeholders, possibly non-experts, to identify and easily define quality metrics and to initiate the assessment; and (2) making results (quality metadata and quality reports) easy for stakeholders to understand, or at least interoperable with other systems to facilitate a possible data quality pipeline. Finally, our framework is used to assess the quality of a number of heterogeneous (large) linked datasets, where each assessment returns a quality metadata graph that can be consumed by agents as Linked Data. In turn, these agents can intelligently interpret a dataset’s quality with regard to multiple dimensions and observations, and thus provide further insight to consumers regarding its fitness for use