16 research outputs found

    The Perceived Complexity of Learning Tasks Influences Students’ Collaborative Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality

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    This study investigated how different learning tasks influence students’ collaborative interactions in immersive Virtual Reality (iVR). A set of chemistry learning activities was designed with iVR, and 35 pairs of undergraduate students went through the activities. Videos of students’ interactions were analysed to identify patterns in students’ physical, conceptual, and social interactions. When students were manipulating conceptually familiar virtual objects (several water molecules), they perceived the tasks as a simple extension of prior knowledge and did not attempt to explore the 3D visualisation much. They did not move around to take different perspectives, and conceptual discussions were brief. Their prior power relations (leader–follower) carried over in iVR environments. In contrast, when conceptually unfamiliar chemical structures (protein enzyme) were displayed, students perceived the tasks as complex, demanding a new mode of learning. They spontaneously moved around to explore and appreciate the 3D visualisation of iVR. Walking to different positions to observe the virtual objects from multiple angles, students engaged in more collaborative, exploratory conceptual discussions. As the perceived complexity of learning tasks or virtual objects triggers different collaborative interactions amongst students, careful considerations need to be placed on the design of iVR tasks to encourage productive collaborative learning

    Impresión 3D en educación. Perspectiva teórica y experiencias en el aula

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    La impresión 3D en el ámbito universitario utiliza impresoras que permiten realizar impresiones tridimensionales de objetos y ponen en práctica una metodología de enseñanza mediante la impresión de modelos que se pueden enseñar a un amplio colectivo de estudiantes, de forma interactiva y progresiva, desde Primaria, Secundaria y Formación Profesional hasta los estudios universitarios y de posgrado, especialmente en la educación de las áreas STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Los recursos utilizados en la impresión 3D se pueden integrar en diferentes áreas de las ciencias en un enfoque de la enseñanza basado en la interdisciplinaridad y aplicabilidad de los conocimientos científicos y matemáticos. El presente trabajo pretende dar a conocer el papel de la impresión 3D en la educación, sus características, ventajas y desventajas, así como ilustrar varias experiencias educativas en distintos niveles, proporcionando un marco de referencia que expone la situación actual en cuanto a su uso. Las experiencias educativas utilizando la impresión 3D obtienen aprendizajes significativos gracias a la experimentación manipulativa, el fomento de la motivación para aprender y mejores resultados educativos. Los estudiantes aprenden mientras experimentan y se divierten, se genera un deseo por continuar adquiriendo conocimientos aplicables tanto en el ámbito profesional como personal

    To Explore the Importance of Graphic Design Element on Primary Chinese Historical Subject: A Case Study on Primary Students in Jiangxi, China

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    Jiangxi is a province in southeast China that is known for its pastoral scenery, which include rice fields, rivers, and mountains. It has traditionally been on important north-south trade routes, with its centre in the valley of the Gan River. The problem of students in learning historical subjects is a big problem. Historical subjects are tough for students to understand. So primary schools in Jiangxi, China are facing some problem to learn history subject. The purpose of this study is to identify children’s preferences on graphic design. Generating design ideas of the preferences identified using participatory design method. As such, this study focuses on how graphic design and its important elements can become instrumental in improving the teaching of those subjects to students allowing the development of various materials which can help in developing that deeper understanding. In this research we will use qualitative research to identify children’s preferences on graphic design in Jiangxi, China. Keywords: Graphic Design, Chinese Historical Subject, Primary Student

    The possibilities of the use of virtual reality in geography education

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    The Bachelor thesis is focused on the implementation of virtual reality in geography teaching. Its aim is to gain deeper knowledge about possibilities and possibly even weaknesses of the use of the concept of virtual reality in geography teaching in general education schools. The thesis takes the form of systematic research. The selection of studies is made on the basis of predefined keywords in available professional foreign and Czech papers. Through the research of publications of a theoretical, methodical and research nature we want to summarize the existing knowledge about the methodology of geography teaching using virtual reality and about research focused on this issue. Key words: virtual reality, types of virtual reality, education, education and information technology, geography educationBakalářská práce je obsahově zaměřena na implementaci virtuální reality do výuky zeměpisu. Jejím cílem je získat hlubší poznání o možnostech a popřípadě i slabinách využití konceptu virtuální reality ve výuce zeměpisu na všeobecně vzdělávacích školách. Práce má podobu systematické rešerše. Výběr studií je proveden na základě předem stanovených klíčových slov, a to v dostupných relevantních odborných zahraničních i českých pracích. Prostřednictvím rešerše publikací teoretického, metodického a výzkumného charakteru chceme shrnout dosavadní poznání o metodice výuky zeměpisu s použitím virtuální reality a o výzkumech zacílených na tuto problematiku. Klíčová slova: virtuální realita, druhy virtuální reality, vzdělávání, vzdělávání a informační technologie, výuka zeměpisuDepartment of Social Geography and Regional DevelopmentKatedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    EdTech KISK: Studijní profilace Technologie ve vzdělávání

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    Title in English: EdTech KISK: Study specialization of technology in education. The publication presents the study profile of technology in education within the study of information sciences and librarianship. It offers a synthetizing view of the development and mission of the entire study profile, but also the changes in its staffing and publishing activities. It provides a comprehensive view of critical thinking about how to talk about technology in education to the academic community, but above all, to students. It seeks a crucial aspect of the current situation and at the same time, opens prospects for further development. It leads the reader to a view of research – the pedagogical group that is unique within the Czech environment for its strong roots in topics such as information education, online courses, research in the educational environment or the use of virtual reality for collaborative tasks

    Virtuaalitodellisuus ja lisätty todellisuus pelillisyyden tukena:systemaattinen kartoitustutkimus

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    Tiivistelmä. Pelillisyyttä, virtuaalitodellisuutta ja lisättyä todellisuutta on tutkittu laajasti edellisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Ei kuitenkaan ole olemassaselkeää näkymää nykyisestä tietämyksestä liittyen erityisesti virtuaalitodellisuuteen ja lisättyyn todellisuuteen pelillistämisen tukena. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida, miten virtuaalitodellisuuden ja lisätyn todellisuuden hyödyistä on raportoitu käyttäjien motivoinnissa ja sitouttamisessa osana pelillistettyjen palvelujen käyttöä. Analyysi tehtiin systemaattisen kartoitustutkimuksen avulla, jolloin oli mahdollista luoda yleiskuva aiheesta tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Kartoitukseen valikoitui haun ja suodatuksen jälkeen 16 artikkelia, joiden perusteella tutkimuskenttää jäsennettiin. Artikkelit luokiteltiin sovellusalueiden, pelillisten elementtien, tutkimustyypin ja julkaisuvuoden perusteella. Sovellusalueiden osalta tutkimuskentän fokus oli erityisesti koulutuksen ja opetuksen alalla. Pelillisten elementtien osalta tutkituimpia elementtejä olivat palaute ja avatar. Myös perinteisesti yleiset elementit kuten pisteet ja eteneminen olivat vahvasti edustettuna. Vallitseviksi tutkimusten tyypeiksi tunnistettiin ratkaisuehdotukset ja arviointitutkimukset. Olemassa olevasta tutkimuksesta oli mahdollista nähdä nouseva trendi julkaisumäärissä. Ensimmäinen tutkimuskysymykseen liittyvä tutkimus julkaistiin 2013, jonka jälkeen vuosittaiset julkaisumäärät ovat nousseet. Sovellusalueiden osalta ensimmäiset tutkimukset käsittelivät tekniikkaa ja koulutusta. Tämän jälkeen tutkimuskenttä on vähitellen laajentunut kaikille tunnistetuille aloille. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitetty yleiskuva aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta toimii johdatuksena tutkimuskenttään. Tutkimusalueesta löydettiin myös joitain aukkoja ja näin ollen myös jatkotutkimuskohteita. Pelillisten elementtien osalta tarina ja tutkiminen olivat vähemmän tutkittuja elementtejä. Tutkimustyypiltään yksikään artikkeleista ei ollut validointitutkimus

    Diverse approaches to learning with immersive Virtual Reality identified from a systematic review

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    To investigate how learning in immersive Virtual Reality was designed in contemporary educational studies, this systematic literature review identified nine design features and analysed 219 empirical studies on the designs of learning activities with immersive Virtual Reality. Overall, the technological features for physical presence were more readily implemented and investigated than pedagogical features for learning engagement. Further analysis with k-means clustering revealed five approaches with varying levels of interactivity and openness in learning tasks, from watching virtual worlds passively to responding to personalised prompts. Such differences in the design appeared to stem from different practical and educational priorities, such as accessibility, interactivity, and engagement. This review highlights the diversity in the learning task designs in immersive Virtual Reality and illustrates how researchers are navigating practical and educational concerns. We recommend future empirical studies recognise the different approaches and priorities when designing and evaluating learning with immersive Virtual Reality. We also recommend that future systematic reviews investigate immersive Virtual Reality-based learning not only by learning topics or learner demographics, but also by task designs and learning experiences

    Diverse approaches to learning with immersive Virtual Reality identified from a systematic review

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    To investigate how learning in immersive Virtual Reality was designed in contemporary educational studies, this systematic literature review identified nine design features and analysed 219 empirical studies on the designs of learning activities with immersive Virtual Reality. Overall, the technological features for physical presence were more readily implemented and investigated than pedagogical features for learning engagement. Further analysis with k-means clustering revealed five approaches with varying levels of interactivity and openness in learning tasks, from watching virtual worlds passively to responding to personalised prompts. Such differences in the design appeared to stem from different practical and educational priorities, such as accessibility, interactivity, and engagement. This review highlights the diversity in the learning task designs in immersive Virtual Reality and illustrates how researchers are navigating practical and educational concerns. We recommend future empirical studies recognise the different approaches and priorities when designing and evaluating learning with immersive Virtual Reality. We also recommend that future systematic reviews investigate immersive Virtual Reality-based learning not only by learning topics or learner demographics, but also by task designs and learning experiences

    Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool to Make in K-12 Environments

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    Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) is beginning to be implemented into K-12 contexts. As this technology makes its way into more learning environments there is a need to not only understand how to address curricular goals with this technology, but which frameworks for learning best inform the use of this tool. In addition, previous research has called for a need to begin to explore how immersive VR can be used as a tool for creation in K-12 classrooms (Maas & Hughes, 2020). This multiple-case study aimed to address these needs by examining the use of VR as a tool to create digital artifacts with high school science educators through a professional development experienc

    Evaluation of Students’ Chemistry Learning and Experiences in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Reality

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    This study aims to understand how students utilise and perceive collaborative immersive virtual reality (iVR) to learn chemistry concepts, compared to magnetic models. Multimodal cross-case analysis revealed that undergraduate students appreciated learning complex spatial arrangements of molecules in iVR, but the extent of learning and engagement varied depending on prior knowledge and group composition. Evaluating the dynamics of students’ learning experiences can elucidate the unique educational benefits of iVR, revealing nuances that conventional evaluation overlooked