2,358 research outputs found

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Critical success factors for business-to-commerce E-business : lessons from Amazon and Dell

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    Thesis (S.M.M.O.T.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Management of Technology Program, 2000.Includes bibliographical references.The Internet has becoming an increasingly important channel for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. It has changed the way many companies do business. Every day, more and more companies worldwide are being linked electronically. But the success rate in terms of profitability for these startups is low. This thesis focuses on business-to-consumer aspect of e-commerce. My research is to study the models from a set of online merchants and see how these companies translate their companies' e-business vision into reality. What are the critical factors these online merchants considered as they transform their companies into an e-commerce? This thesis identifies the key success factors of this technology strategy and model as well as helps understanding to what extent this success can be replicated in other markets and industries. Through detailed case studies on Amazon and Dell, we will analyze their strategies and identify the success factors that make them unique to thrive on this competitive landscape of the Digital Economy.by Le Kha.S.M.M.O.T

    An analysis of physical distribution service quality in the online retail market

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    Orange & white - Spring 2006

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    20 Years Of Progress Provides Foundation For The Future -- Alumni Profile: New Medical Doctors Return to the Valley and Credit UTB/TSC for Early Success -- UTB/TSC Hosts Prestigious International Physics Workshop -- Communication Department Reaps First Graduates -- First Generation College Student Earns First Mathematics Degree -- New Mission Statement Allows for Doctorate Degrees -- New Mission Statement Allows for Doctorate Degrees -- Edelstein Endowment Changed Culture of Giving -- Family Honors Father’s Spirit with Music Scholarship -- Restaurateur Friedman Cooks up more than Just Good Food -- President’s Circle Fund Helps Students -- Campus Welcomes Home National Chess Champions -- Students Present Research Alongside National Experts -- Cardenas Hall Dedication Honors Longtime Trustee -- Challenge for Excellence Scholarship Marks 20 Years of Fulfilling Students Dreams -- Bond Update: Wellness Center and ITEC Projects Move Ahead -- Goodall Shares “Reasons for Hope” with South Texas -- Drs. Antonio Zavaleta, Milo Kearney and Anthony Knopp Release their Sixth Volume of Local History Works -- Grants -- Sponsored Research Funding Soars as Centers of Excellence Grow -- Celebrate With Us the Successes of the Faculty and Staff of UTB/TSC -- Spotlight on ITEC: Students Find New Home at Former Department Store -- New Year Brings Exciting Performances for Arts and Entertainment.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/utborangeandwhite/1018/thumbnail.jp

    ME-EM 2012-13 Annual Report

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    Table of Contents Research Centers Students Faculty & Staff Alumni Contracts & Grants Publicationshttps://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/mechanical-annualreports/1006/thumbnail.jp

    A Multi-Case Study on Integrated Customer Management : Ewals Cargo Care and Arosci Trading Limited

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    Through the research questions, this study explores the different factors that determine how companies effectively manage their customers and relationships. In delivering goods and services, businesses look at various factors and use different tools that are deemed necessary on a continuous basis to meet customer needs and foster longevity within their relationships. This research also looks at what value is added by companies incorporating relationship marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), and social media marketing as an integrated function to meet the same goals. This qualitative multi-case study utilised questionnaires as the data collection method. The respondents came from two different companies based in Finland and the United Kingdom. These respondents were sales professionals and well versed in the areas of CRM, marketing and both business-to-business and business-to-consumer relationships. The results of this research determined that in managing customers and relationships the key elements used are company resources and capabilities, information, CRM, communication, consistency in quality and delivering of goods and services and making continued improvements. It also found that effectiveness of customer management is improved substantially by integrating relationship marketing, customer relationship management and social media. Social media facilitates collection and exchange of information and therefore, to varying degrees depending on usage, relationships can be built through its different platforms

    Merchant differentiation through integrative negotiation in agent-mediated electronic commerce

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. [149]-153).This thesis proposes to fix online shopping by guiding it away from price comparisons and toward value comparisons. Though price comparisons may be adequate for simple products (e.g., books and music), they are inadequate for facilitating transactions of complex products (e.g., computers and automobiles). Consumers often must consider qualities other than price in their buying decisions and merchants usually prefer to differentiate themselves along alternative dimensions such as brand, customer service, delivery time, warranty, and other value-added services. Tete-a-Tete is an agent-mediated comparison shopping system that allows consumers to consider dimensions other than price in their buying decisions for complex products. The system helps shoppers answer two questions: what to buy and who to buy from. Tete-a- Tete's integrative negotiation interaction model (based on bilateral argumentation), together with a decision support module (based on multi-attribute utility theory), create an improved online shopping environment for both consumers and merchants. Consumers gain increased satisfaction as their search costs for complex products are reduced and merchants potentially increase sales as a result of their enhanced differentiation in the marketplace.Robert H. Guttman.S.M

    Experiential marketing: bridging the gap between value creation to customers and value capture by firms

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    An already voluminous literature addressing the value of marketing to the firm has, until now, fallen short of expectations. In a context in which marketers have increasingly been challenged to prove their worth, the scholarly attempts to demonstrate the value of marketing to the firm have stumbled to reach unquestionable results. Part of the problem may lie in the lengthy and twisted chain of effects from marketing actions to marketing performance outcomes. Between inputs and outputs lie numerous uncontrollable and often confounding external factors, such as the actions of customers, competitors, and other market agents. The problematic operationalization of such complex market structures impelled researchers to analyze fractions of this web of effects rather than attempting to study overarching conceptual models in full. Prior empirical research has typically considered either the impact of marketing actions in the marketplace or the consequences to the firm of the behaviors of customers and rivals. There is still a gap in the literature of an all-encompassing end-to-end demonstration of how specific marketing inputs can drive specific marketing outputs unequivocally contributing to organizational performance. This thesis addresses the issue of marketing as a value-capturing corporate function through its determinant role in managing value-creating exchanges with customers in the marketplace while hindering competitors from appropriating it. Our research suggests that experiential marketing may bridge the gap between value creation to the customer and value capture by the firm. In particular, our findings show that marketing-crafted valuecreating online shopping experiences may predict value-capturing marketing performance outcomes with the mediation of superior customer-level marketing performance. Thus, our results suggest that experiential marketing may offer an opportunity to bridge the gap between "give and take," value creation and value capture, and demonstrate how relevant the contribution of marketing to the firm's value rising can be.Uma já volumosa literatura abordando o valor do marketing para a empresa tem até agora ficado aquém das expectativas. As tentativas para demonstrar a valia do marketing para a empresa não têm conseguido alcançar inequívocas demonstrações de como o marketing pode ter uma contribuição relevante para a apropriação de valor pela empresa. Parte do problema reside na longa e sinuosa cadeia de efeitos ligando os estímulos de marketing aos resultados do desempenho. Entre uns e outros existem inúmeros fatores externos, incontroláveis e perturbadores, tais como as ações de outros participantes no mercado. A investigação empírica anterior tem tipicamente estudado ou os efeitos the ações de marketing no mercado, sobretudo nos clientes, mas também nos concorrentes, ou então as consequências para a empresa dos comportamentos dos clientes e rivais. Consequentemente, há uma lacuna na literatura de uma demonstração abrangente de como determinados estímulos de marketing podem conduzir a efeitos específicos precursores do desempenho da organização. Esta tese equaciona o marketing como função de captura de valor para a empresa através do seu papel determinante na gestão de trocas de valor com clientes, em paralelo com o impedimento aos concorrentes de se apropriarem do valor criado. A nossa investigação sugere que o marketing experiencial pode estabelecer a ligação entre criação de valor para o cliente e captura de valor para a empresa. Em particular, os nossos resultados mostram que experiências de compra criadoras de valor para os clientes em ambientes digitais podem conduzir à captura de valor para a empresa através da mediação de desempenho de marketing a nível de cliente. Portanto, os nossos resultados sugerem que o marketing experiencial pode ser uma grande oportunidade para preencher a lacuna entre “dar e receber”, criação e captura de valor, e mostram quão relevante pode ser a contribuição do marketing para o valor da empresa