17 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Topik Menggunakan Metode Latent Dirichlet Allocation dan Gibbs Sampling

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    Pemodelan topik adalah suatu alat yang digunakan untuk menemukan topik laten pada sekelompok dokumen. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan topik dengan menggunakan metode Latent Dirichlet Allocation dan Gibbs Sampling. Enam artikel berita Bahasa Indonesia telah dikumpulkan dari portal berita detiknews dengan menggunakan metode Web Scrapper. Artikel berita dibagi menjadi dua kategori utama yaitu, narkoba dan COVID-19. Analisis model LDA dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode koherensi topik pengukuran skor UCI dengan hasil penelitian menyebutkan diperoleh lima buah topik optimal pada kedua konfigurasi pengujian

    Pre-training is a Hot Topic: Contextualized Document Embeddings Improve Topic Coherence

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    Topic models extract meaningful groups of words from documents, allowing for a better understanding of data. However, the solutions are often not coherent enough, and thus harder to interpret. Coherence can be improved by adding more contextual knowledge to the model. Recently, neural topic models have become available, while BERT-based representations have further pushed the state of the art of neural models in general. We combine pre-trained representations and neural topic models. Pre-trained BERT sentence embeddings indeed support the generation of more meaningful and coherent topics than either standard LDA or existing neural topic models. Results on four datasets show that our approach effectively increases topic coherence

    SocialVisTUM: An Interactive Visualization Toolkit for Correlated Neural Topic Models on Social Media Opinion Mining

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    Recent research in opinion mining proposed word embedding-based topic modeling methods that provide superior coherence compared to traditional topic modeling. In this paper, we demonstrate how these methods can be used to display correlated topic models on social media texts using SocialVisTUM, our proposed interactive visualization toolkit. It displays a graph with topics as nodes and their correlations as edges. Further details are displayed interactively to support the exploration of large text collections, e.g., representative words and sentences of topics, topic and sentiment distributions, hierarchical topic clustering, and customizable, predefined topic labels. The toolkit optimizes automatically on custom data for optimal coherence. We show a working instance of the toolkit on data crawled from English social media discussions about organic food consumption. The visualization confirms findings of a qualitative consumer research study. SocialVisTUM and its training procedures are accessible online.Comment: Demo paper accepted for publication on RANLP 2021; 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Explainable Topic-Enhanced Argument Mining from Heterogeneous Sources

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    Given a controversial target such as ``nuclear energy'', argument mining aims to identify the argumentative text from heterogeneous sources. Current approaches focus on exploring better ways of integrating the target-associated semantic information with the argumentative text. Despite their empirical successes, two issues remain unsolved: (i) a target is represented by a word or a phrase, which is insufficient to cover a diverse set of target-related subtopics; (ii) the sentence-level topic information within an argument, which we believe is crucial for argument mining, is ignored. To tackle the above issues, we propose a novel explainable topic-enhanced argument mining approach. Specifically, with the use of the neural topic model and the language model, the target information is augmented by explainable topic representations. Moreover, the sentence-level topic information within the argument is captured by minimizing the distance between its latent topic distribution and its semantic representation through mutual learning. Experiments have been conducted on the benchmark dataset in both the in-target setting and the cross-target setting. Results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model against the state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Topic Modelling Meets Deep Neural Networks: A Survey

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    Topic modelling has been a successful technique for text analysis for almost twenty years. When topic modelling met deep neural networks, there emerged a new and increasingly popular research area, neural topic models, with over a hundred models developed and a wide range of applications in neural language understanding such as text generation, summarisation and language models. There is a need to summarise research developments and discuss open problems and future directions. In this paper, we provide a focused yet comprehensive overview of neural topic models for interested researchers in the AI community, so as to facilitate them to navigate and innovate in this fast-growing research area. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first review focusing on this specific topic.Comment: A review on Neural Topic Model

    Classification aware neural topic model and its application on a new COVID-19 disinformation corpus

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    The explosion of disinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic has overloaded fact-checkers and media worldwide. To help tackle this, we developed computational methods to support COVID-19 disinformation debunking and social impacts research. This paper presents: 1) the currently largest available manually annotated COVID-19 disinformation category dataset; and 2) a classification-aware neural topic model (CANTM) that combines classification and topic modelling under a variational autoencoder framework. We demonstrate that CANTM efficiently improves classification performance with low resources, and is scalable. In addition, the classification-aware topics help researchers and end-users to better understand the classification results