6 research outputs found

    Saber cómo aprender: liderazgo, gestión del conocimiento y el reto de crear comunidades de aprendizaje

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    Este trabajo sostiene que el enfoque tradicional al cambio organizacional, el liderazgo, no es útil para ayudar a crear comunidades de aprendizaje, ya que alberga una teoría implausible de la mente y del aprendizaje. Proponemos que el marco más productivo es una perspectiva de la gestión del conocimiento actualizada, una vez se pone al día la teoría tradicional del conocimiento como una división entre lo «tácito» y lo «propositivo». La gestión del conocimiento tiene que adoptar las mejores explicaciones (neuro) científicas de la función cerebral, y de cómo adquieren el conocimiento los seres humanos: la cognición distribuida y la mente extendida. La mente extendida expande la cognición distribuida centrándose en el trabajo cognitivo realizado fuera del «cráneo y la piel», en nuestro entorno social y tecnológico. La mente, la fuente del aprendizaje humano, se entiende mejor, por lo tanto, como un sistema cognitivo distribuido que desafía los puntos de vista tradicionales de aprendizaje y de experiencia personal, y también señala otras formas más fructíferas para crear comunidades de aprendizaje sostenibles en la educación y otros lugares

    Supporting Sensemaking of Complex Objects with Visualizations: Visibility and Complementarity of Interactions

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    Making sense of complex objects is difficult, and typically requires the use of external representations to support cognitive demands while reasoning about the objects. Visualizations are one type of external representation that can be used to support sensemaking activities. In this paper, we investigate the role of two design strategies in making the interactive features of visualizations more supportive of users’ exploratory needs when trying to make sense of complex objects. These two strategies are visibility and complementarity of interactions. We employ a theoretical framework concerned with human–information interaction and complex cognitive activities to inform, contextualize, and interpret the effects of the design strategies. The two strategies are incorporated in the design of Polyvise, a visualization tool that supports making sense of complex four-dimensional geometric objects. A mixed-methods study was conducted to evaluate the design strategies and the overall usability of Polyvise. We report the findings of the study, discuss some implications for the design of visualization tools that support sensemaking of complex objects, and propose five design guidelines. We anticipate that our results are transferrable to other contexts, and that these two design strategies can be used broadly in visualization tools intended to support activities with complex objects and information spaces

    Saber cómo aprender: liderazgo, gestión del conocimiento y el reto de crear comunidades de aprendizaje

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    Este trabajo sostiene que el enfoque tradicional al cambio organizacional, el liderazgo, no es útil para ayudar a crear comunidades de aprendizaje, ya que alberga una teoría implausible de la mente y del aprendizaje. Proponemos que el marco más productivo es una perspectiva de la gestión del conocimiento actualizada, una vez se pone al día la teoría tradicional del conocimiento como una división entre lo «tácito» y lo «propositivo». La gestión del conocimiento tiene que adoptar las mejores explicaciones (neuro) científicas de la función cerebral, y de cómo adquieren el conocimiento los seres humanos: la cognición distribuida y la mente extendida. La mente extendida expande la cognición distribuida centrándose en el trabajo cognitivo realizado fuera del «cráneo y la piel», en nuestro entorno social y tecnológico. La mente, la fuente del aprendizaje humano, se entiende mejor, por lo tanto, como un sistema cognitivo distribuido que desafía los puntos de vista tradicionales de aprendizaje y de experiencia personal, y también señala otras formas más fructíferas para crear comunidades de aprendizaje sostenibles en la educación y otros lugares

    Modelo experimental para la detección, adquisición de competencias y definición de perfiles profesionales en el sector multimedia de las empresas TIC

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    The contribution of this investigation will be basically towards the display and definition of the profiles and their professional abilities within the multimedia sector of the TIC companies. It also provides the detection, promotion and orientation of the needs for sufficient training. This investigation is concerned with the detection of training requirements needed by a professional in the multimedia industry of the TIC sector by means of defining his or her professional abilities. Any detected deficiencies will be the basis for training course recommendations for a particular professional profile. They will have the support from the training programmes of the LAM (Laboratory of Multimedia Applications) based on a training model that we call "hybrid". This is used for the production and integration of training matters and for virtual places of learning.Abilities are detected by means of deliberately sampled questionnaires. Weaknesses are detected by evaluating knowledge gained.The method has been applied to other profiles and in other professional sectors.Postprint (published version

    Modelo experimental para la detección, adquisición de competencias y definición de perfiles profesionales en el sector multimedia de las empresas TIC

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    The contribution of this investigation will be basically towards the display and definition of the profiles and their professional abilities within the multimedia sector of the TIC companies. It also provides the detection, promotion and orientation of the needs for sufficient training. This investigation is concerned with the detection of training requirements needed by a professional in the multimedia industry of the TIC sector by means of defining his or her professional abilities. Any detected deficiencies will be the basis for training course recommendations for a particular professional profile. They will have the support from the training programmes of the LAM (Laboratory of Multimedia Applications) based on a training model that we call "hybrid". This is used for the production and integration of training matters and for virtual places of learning.Abilities are detected by means of deliberately sampled questionnaires. Weaknesses are detected by evaluating knowledge gained.The method has been applied to other profiles and in other professional sectors

    Cognitive Task Transformations

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    The difficulty facing an agent performing a familiar task is one of satisfactory performance rather than one of figuring out how the task is to be performed. In this paper I describe and exemplify a number of principal ways in which the physical form of tools and working environments can reduce the cognitive burden of performing routine tasks. Starting from the commonly held assumption that tools transform the structure of the tasks in which they figure, I explore some basic ways in which tools can reshape tasks to circumvent excessive demands on attention, working memory and motor control, and the need to perform the kinds of cognitive operations at which we lack proficiency. The principal task transformations that are identified include: removing superfluous actions; delegating problematic parts of a task to other people or artefacts; substituting less demanding parts of a task for parts that are cognitively difficult; rearranging a task to avoid conflict between actions; and increasing the tolerance of a task environment to sub-optimal task performance. For eac