5 research outputs found

    Modelling the Social Contract: An agent-based Model of Hobbes' Contract Theory

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    The aim of this paper is to build a computational model that presents the effects of social dynamics such as evolution on populations applying the theory of Hobbesian Social Contract, social learning and norm diffusion. The phenomenon we are studying is the so-called tragedy of the commons, in which individual agents, having open access to a resource unconstrained by common social structures, act according to their own self-interest, seeking to maximise their own profits. Developing the theoretical framework and agent-based model, we applied to our artificial environment the norm associated with altruism, which modifies agents' behaviour during the simulation, which in turn affects the distribution of wealth. Through the behavioural space, we show that under certain circumstances specified in the parameter, it is possible to obtain a social contract and, as a result, a state of equilibrium. We show that individuals who have obtained the norm are able to enter into a contract, resulting in a rising wealth of the population and a more equilibrium distribution, while if they do not, more inequalities emerge. However, our model is a simplification of Hobbes' theory, admittedly, our agents can spontaneously establish cooperation but there are no complex structures, such as psychological ones, or moral cognition. We believe that this is a skeletal description of the Hobbesian social contract, in which self-interested individuals without obligation to cooperate agree to abide by a norm and its benefits. Depending on how profitable cooperation is (due to the redistribution) and the number of altruistic agents, the community members work for the common good

    Modeling social norms in real-world agent-based simulations

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    Studying and simulating social systems including human groups and societies can be a complex problem. In order to build a model that simulates humans\u27 actions, it is necessary to consider the major factors that affect human behavior. Norms are one of these factors: social norms are the customary rules that govern behavior in groups and societies. Norms are everywhere around us, from the way people handshake or bow to the clothes they wear. They play a large role in determining our behaviors. Studies on norms are much older than the age of computer science, since normative studies have been a classic topic in sociology, psychology, philosophy and law. Various theories have been put forth about the functioning of social norms. Although an extensive amount of research on norms has been performed during the recent years, there remains a significant gap between current models and models that can explain real-world normative behaviors. Most of the existing work on norms focuses on abstract applications, and very few realistic normative simulations of human societies can be found. The contributions of this dissertation include the following: 1) a new hybrid technique based on agent-based modeling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo is introduced. This method is used to prepare a smoking case study for applying normative models. 2) This hybrid technique is described using category theory, which is a mathematical theory focusing on relations rather than objects. 3) The relationship between norm emergence in social networks and the theory of tipping points is studied. 4) A new lightweight normative architecture for studying smoking cessation trends is introduced. This architecture is then extended to a more general normative framework that can be used to model real-world normative behaviors. The final normative architecture considers cognitive and social aspects of norm formation in human societies. Normative architectures based on only one of these two aspects exist in the literature, but a normative architecture that effectively includes both of these two is missing

    Introducing norms into practical reasoning agents

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    As distributed electronic systems grow to include thousands of components, from grid to peer-to-peer nodes, from (Semantic) Web services to web-apps to computation in the cloud, governance of such systems is becoming a real challenge. Modern approaches ensuring appropriate individual entities' behaviour in distributed systems, which comes from multi-agent systems (MAS) research, use norms (or regulations or policies) and/or communication protocols to express a different layer of desired or undesired states. From the individuals perspective, an agent needs to be able to function in an environment where norms act as behavioural restrictions or guidelines as to what is appropriate, not only for the individual but also for the community. In the literature the concept of norms has been defined from several perspectives: as a rule or standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group, as an authoritative rule or standard by which something is judged, approved or disapproved, as standards of right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, and truth and falsehood, or even as a model of what should exist or be followed, or an average of what currently does exist in some context. Currently there exist in the literature: 1) some treatments that formally connect the deontic aspects of norms with their operationalisation; 2) some treatments that properly distinguish between abstract norms and their (multiple) instantiations at runtime; 3) little work that formalises the operational semantics in a way that ensures flexibility in their translation to actual implementations while ensuring unambiguous interpretations of the norms; 4) little work that is suitable for both institutional-level norm monitoring and individual agent norm-aware reasoning to ensure that both are aligned; 5) few works that explore how the norms may affect the decision making process of an agent when the process includes planning mechanisms at runtime for means-ends reasoning. However, currently there is no work that includes both a formalism and an implementation covering 1-5 altogether. This thesis presents work towards the above five areas. We give a proposal to bridge the gap between a single norm formalisation and the actual mechanisms used for norm-aware planning, in order to create a normative practical reasoning mechanism. One way to do this is by reducing deontic-based norm definitions to temporal logic formulas which, in turn, can be translated into planning operational semantics. Based on these semantics, we create a mechanism to support practical normative reasoning that can be used by agents to produce and evaluate their plans. We construct a norm-oriented agent that takes into consideration operationalised norms during the plan generation phase, using them as guidelines to decide the agents future action path. To make norms influence plan generation, our norm operational semantics is expressed as an extension of the planning domain, acting as a form of temporal restrictions over the trajectories (plans) computed by the planner. We consider two approaches to do so. One implementing the semantics by using planning with constraints through paths and the other by directly translating the norms into domain knowledge to be included into the planning domain. We explore a scenario based on traffic laws in order to demonstrate the usability of our proposal. We also show how our normative frameworks are successfullyintegrated into an existing BDI agent implementation, 2APL. For each approach taken, we present quantitative experimental results and illustrate the opportunities for further research.La gesti贸n de sistemas electr贸nicos distribuidos se est谩 convirtiendo en un aut茅ntico reto a medida que dichos sistemas crecen incluyendo m煤ltiples componentes, desde nodos grid a peer-to-peer, servicios de la Web sem谩ntica, aplicaciones web o computaci贸n en la nube. Los enfoques modernos que aseguran un comportamiento adecuado de las entidades individuales en sistemas distribuidos, y que provienen de la investigaci贸n en sistemas multi-agentes (MAS), utilizan normas (o regulaciones o pol铆ticas) para expresar un nivel diferente de estados deseados o no deseados. Desde la perspectiva del individuo, un agente necesita poder funcionar en un entorno donde las normas act煤en como restricciones o directrices de comportamiento respecto a lo que es apropiado,no 煤nicamente para el individuo sino para la comunidad en su conjunto. En la literatura el concepto de norma se ha definido desde varias perspectivas: como una regla o est谩ndar de comportamiento compartida por los miembros de un grupo social, como est谩ndar de lo correcto o incorrecto, belleza o fealdad, o incluso, como un modelo que deber铆a existir o ser seguido. En la actualidad se pueden encontrar en la literatura: 1) trabajos que conectan formalmente los aspectos de贸nticos de las normas con su operacionalizaci贸n; 2) trabajos que distinguen adecuadamente entre normas abstractas y sus (m煤ltiples) instanciaciones en tiempo de ejecuci贸n; 3) alg煤n ejemplo que formaliza las sem谩nticas operacionales de manera que se asegura la flexibilidad en su traducci贸n a implementaciones garantizando a su vez interpretaciones no ambiguas de las normas; 4) alg煤n trabajo que se adec煤a tanto a la monitorizaci贸n de normas a nivel institucional como al razonamiento basado en normas a nivel de los agentes individuales y que asegura que ambos est谩n alineados; 5) alg煤n trabajo que explora como las normas pueden afectar al proceso de toma de decisiones de un agente cuando el proceso incluye mecanismos de planificaci贸n en tiempo real para un razonamiento medios-fines. Sin embargo, actualmente no existe ning煤n enfoque que incluya formalismos e implementaciones abordando los 5 puntos al mismo tiempo. La presente tesis propone contribuciones en las cinco 谩reas mencionadas. Se presenta una propuesta para establecer un enlace entre la formalizaci贸n de una norma y los mecanismos utilizados en la planificaci贸n basada en normas con el objetivo de crear un mecanismo de razonamiento pr谩ctico normativo. Una forma de conseguirlo es mediante la reducci贸n de las definiciones de normas basadas en de贸ntica a f贸rmulas de l贸gica temporal que, a su vez, pueden ser traducidas a sem谩nticas operacionales de planificaci贸n. Bas谩ndose en estas sem谩nticas, se ha creado un mecanismo para dar soporte al razonamiento normativo pr谩ctico que puede ser utilizado por los agentes para producir y evaluar sus planes. Se ha construido un agente orientado a normas que tiene en consideraci贸n las normas operacionalizadas durante la fase de generaci贸n de planes, utiliz谩ndolas como directrices para decidir el futuro curso de acci贸n del agente. Nuestras sem谩nticas operacionales de normas se expresan como una extensi贸n del dominio de la planificaci贸n, actuando como una forma de restricciones temporales sobre las trayectorias (planes) computadas por el planificador. Se han considerado dos enfoques para realizarlo. Uno, implementando las sem谩nticas utilizando planificaci贸n con restricciones a trav茅s de caminos y otro, traduciendo directamente las normas en conocimiento del dominio que se incluir谩 en el dominio de planificaci贸n. Se explora un escenario basado en normas de circulaci贸n de tr谩fico para demostrar la usabilidad de nuestra propuesta. Se mostrar谩 tambi茅n como nuestro marco normativo se integra satisfactoriamente en una implementaci贸n existente de agentes BDI, 2APL. Para cada enfoque considerado, se presentan resultados experimentales cuantitativos y se ilustran las oportunidades para futuros trabajos de investigaci贸n.A mesura que els sistemes electr貌nics distribu茂ts creixen per incloure milers de components,des de nodes grid a peer-to-peer fins a serveis de la Web sem脿ntica, aplicacions web o computaci贸 al n煤vol, la gesti贸 d鈥檃quests sistemes s鈥檈st脿 convertint en un aut猫ntic repte. Els enfocs moderns que asseguren el comportament apropiat de lesentitats individuals en sistemes distribu茂ts, que prov茅 de la recerca en sistemes multiagents, utilitzen normes (o regulacions o pol铆tiques) i/o protocols de comunicaci贸 perexpressar una capa diferent d鈥檈stats desitjats o no desitjats. Des de la perspectiva de l鈥檌ndividu, un agent necessita poder funcionar en un entorn on les normes actu茂n coma restriccions de comportament o guies respecte al que 茅s apropiat, no nom茅s per al individu sin贸 per a la comunitat.En la literatura el concepte de normes s鈥檋a tractat des de diferents perspectives: com una regla o est脿ndard de comportament compartida pels membres d鈥檜n grup social, com una regla o est脿ndard autoritari pel qual alguna cosa 茅s jutjada, aprovada o desaprovada,com est脿ndard del correcte i del incorrecte, bellesa i lletjor, veritat i falsedat, o incl煤s com un model del que hauria d鈥檈xistir o ser seguit, o com una mitjana del que actualment existeix en un context donat. Actualment trobem en la literatura:1) alguns tractaments que connecten formalment els aspectes de貌ntics de les normes amb la seva operacionalitzaci贸; 2) alguns tractaments que distingeixen adequadament entre normes abstractes i les seves (m煤ltiples) instanciacions en temps real; 3) alguns exemples que formalitzen les sem脿ntiques operacionals de manera que asseguren flexibilitaten la seva traducci贸 a implementacions garantint interpretacions no ambig眉es de les normes; 4) alguns treballs adequats per a la monitoritzaci贸 de normes a nivell institucional i per al raonament basat en normes en agents individuals assegurant que ambd贸s estan alineats; 5) alguns treballs que exploren com les normes poden afectar el proc茅s de presa de decisions d鈥檜n agent quan el proc茅s inclou mecanismes de planificaci贸 en temps real per a raonament mitjans-finalitats. D鈥檃ltra banda, actualment noexisteix cap enfoc que inclogui formalismes i implementacions cobrint els punts 1-5 a la vegada.Aquesta tesi presenta contribucions en les cinc 脿rees esmentades. Presentem una proposta per establir un enlla莽 entre la formalitzaci贸 d鈥檜na norma i els mecanismes emprats en la planificaci贸 basada en normes per tal de crear un mecanisme de raonament pr脿ctic normatiu. Una manera d鈥檃conseguir-ho 茅s reduint les definicions de normes de貌ntiques a f贸rmules de l貌gica temporal les quals poden ser tradu茂des asem脿ntiques de planificaci贸 operacional. Basant-nos en aquestes sem脿ntiques, hem creat un mecanisme per donar suport al raonament normatiu pr脿ctic que pot ser emprat per agents per produir i avaluar els seus plans. Hem constru茂t un agent orientat a normes que pren en consideraci贸 durant la fase de generaci贸 de plans les normes operacionalitzades, utilitzant-les com a guia per decidir el futur curs d鈥檃cci贸 de l鈥檃gent.Per tal de fer que les normes influenci茂n la generaci贸 de plans, les nostres sem脿ntiques operacionals de normes s鈥檈xpressen com una extensi贸 del domini de la planificaci贸,actuant com una mena de restriccions temporals sobre les traject貌ries (plans) computadespel planificador. Considerem dos enfocs per dur-ho a terme. Un implementant les sem脿ntiques emprant planificaci贸 amb restriccions per mitj脿 de camins i l鈥檃ltre traduint directament les normes en coneixement del domini a ser incl貌s en el domini de planificaci贸. Explorem un escenari basat en les normes de circulaci贸 de tr脿fic per demostrar la usabilitat de la nostra proposta. Mostrarem tamb茅 com el nostre marc normatiu s鈥檌ntegra satisfact貌riament en una implementaci贸 existent d鈥檃gentBDI, 2APL. Per cada enfoc considerat, presentem resultats experimentals quantitatius i il.lustrem les oportunitats per treballs de recerca futurs