9 research outputs found

    Time-aware online reputation analysis

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    Social media has become an integral part of society. Omnipresent mobile devices allow for immediate sharing of experiences. Experiences can be about brands and other entities. For social media analysts a collection of posts mentioning a brand can serve as a magnifying glass on the prevalent opinion towards a brand: The overall estimation of a its reputation is increasingly based on the aggregation of a brand's reputation polarity in social media posts. This polarity of reputation is currently annotated manually. However, with the dramatic increase of social media, this is no longer feasible. This thesis aims to facilitate and automate parts of the process to estimate the reputation of a brand. We motivate this by performing user studies with expert social media analysts. We analyse three resulting datasets: a questionnaire, log data of a manual annotation interface, and videos of annotating experts following the think-aloud protocol. Based on the indicators used for manual annotation, we proceed with the development of algorithms for the automatic estimation of reputation polarity. Unlike earlier, static evaluation scenarios, we follow a dynamic scenario, which mimics the daily workflow of social media analysts. Our algorithms are successful because we distinguish between reputation and sentiment. The second part of this thesis is motivated by the analysts' desire for automation of retrieval and filtering of new media. For information retrieval, we present two improvements to existing algorithms. We conclude that many aspects of the annotation of reputation can be automated - using in particular time series analysis, memory models, and low-impact help from expert social media analysts

    Leveraging Semantic Annotations to Link Wikipedia and News Archives

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    The incomprehensible amount of information available online has made it difficult to retrospect on past events. We propose a novel linking problem to connect excerpts from Wikipedia summarizing events to online news articles elaborating on them. To address the linking problem, we cast it into an information retrieval task by treating a given excerpt as a user query with the goal to retrieve a ranked list of relevant news articles. We find that Wikipedia excerpts often come with additional semantics, in their textual descriptions, representing the time, geolocations, and named entities involved in the event. Our retrieval model leverages text and semantic annotations as different dimensions of an event by estimating independent query models to rank documents. In our experiments on two datasets, we compare methods that consider different combinations of dimensions and find that the approach that leverages all dimensions suits our problem best

    Temporal Feedback for Tweet Search with Non-Parametric Density Estimation

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    This paper investigates the temporal cluster hypothesis: in search tasks where time plays an important role, do relevant documents tend to cluster together in time? We explore this question in the context of tweet search and temporal feedback: starting with an initial set of results from a baseline retrieval model, we estimate the temporal density of relevant documents, which is then used for result reranking. Our contributions lie in a method to characterize this temporal density function using kernel density estimation, with and without human relevance judgments, and an approach to integrating this information into a standard retrieval model. Experiments on TREC datasets confirm that our temporal feedback formulation improves search effectiveness, thus providing support for our hypothesis. Our approach outperforms both a standard baseline and previous temporal retrieval models. Temporal feedback improves over standard lexical feedback (with and without human judgments), illustrating that temporal relevance signals exist independently of document content

    Ranking Models for the Temporal Dimension of Text

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    Temporal features of text have been shown to improve clustering and organization of documents, text classification, visualization, and ranking. Temporal ranking models consider the temporal expressions found in text (e.g., “in 2021” or “last year”) as time units, rather than as keywords, to define a temporal relevance and improve ranking. This paper introduces a new class of ranking models called Temporal Metric Space Models (TMSM), based on a new domain for representing temporal information found in documents and queries, where each temporal expression is represented as a time interval. Furthermore, we introduce a new frequency-based baseline called Temporal BM25 (TBM25). We evaluate the effectiveness of each proposed metric against a purely textual baseline, as well as several variations of the metrics themselves, where we change the aggregate function, the time granularity and the combination weight. Our extensive experiments on five test collections show statistically significant improvements of TMSM and TBM25 over state-of-the-art temporal ranking models. Combining the temporal similarity scores with the text similarity scores always improves the results, when the combination weight is between 2% and 6% for the temporal scores. This is true also for test collections where only 5% of queries contain explicit temporal expressions

    Temporal Information Models for Real-Time Microblog Search

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    Real-time search in Twitter and other social media services is often biased towards the most recent results due to the “in the moment” nature of topic trends and their ephemeral relevance to users and media in general. However, “in the moment”, it is often difficult to look at all emerging topics and single-out the important ones from the rest of the social media chatter. This thesis proposes to leverage on external sources to estimate the duration and burstiness of live Twitter topics. It extends preliminary research where itwas shown that temporal re-ranking using external sources could indeed improve the accuracy of results. To further explore this topic we pursued three significant novel approaches: (1) multi-source information analysis that explores behavioral dynamics of users, such as Wikipedia live edits and page view streams, to detect topic trends and estimate the topic interest over time; (2) efficient methods for federated query expansion towards the improvement of query meaning; and (3) exploiting multiple sources towards the detection of temporal query intent. It differs from past approaches in the sense that it will work over real-time queries, leveraging on live user-generated content. This approach contrasts with previous methods that require an offline preprocessing step

    Temporal dynamics in information retrieval

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    The passage of time is unrelenting. Time is an omnipresent feature of our existence, serving as a context to frame change driven by events and phenomena in our personal lives and social constructs. Accordingly, various elements of time are woven throughout information itself, and information behaviours such as creation, seeking and utilisation. Time plays a central role in many aspects of information retrieval (IR). It can not only distinguish the interpretation of information, but also profoundly influence the intentions and expectations of users' information seeking activity. Many time-based patterns and trends - namely temporal dynamics - are evident in streams of information behaviour by individuals and crowds. A temporal dynamic refers to a periodic regularity, or, a one-off or irregular past, present or future of a particular element (e.g., word, topic or query popularity) - driven by predictable and unpredictable time-based events and phenomena. Several challenges and opportunities related to temporal dynamics are apparent throughout IR. This thesis explores temporal dynamics from the perspective of query popularity and meaning, and word use and relationships over time. More specifically, the thesis posits that temporal dynamics provide tacit meaning and structure of information and information seeking. As such, temporal dynamics are a ‘two-way street’ since they must be supported, but also conversely, can be exploited to improve time-aware IR effectiveness. Real-time temporal dynamics in information seeking must be supported for consistent user satisfaction over time. Uncertainty about what the user expects is a perennial problem for IR systems, further confounded by changes over time. To alleviate this issue, IR systems can: (i) assist the user to submit an effective query (e.g., error-free and descriptive), and (ii) better anticipate what the user is most likely to want in relevance ranking. I first explore methods to help users formulate queries through time-aware query auto-completion, which can suggest both recent and always popular queries. I propose and evaluate novel approaches for time-sensitive query auto-completion, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of up to 9.2% improvement above the hard baseline. Notably, I find results are reflected across diverse search scenarios in different languages, confirming the pervasive and language agnostic nature of temporal dynamics. Furthermore, I explore the impact of temporal dynamics on the motives behind users' information seeking, and thus how relevance itself is subject to temporal dynamics. I find that temporal dynamics have a dramatic impact on what users expect over time for a considerable proportion of queries. In particular, I find the most likely meaning of ambiguous queries is affected over short and long-term periods (e.g., hours to months) by several periodic and one-off event temporal dynamics. Additionally, I find that for event-driven multi-faceted queries, relevance can often be inferred by modelling the temporal dynamics of changes in related information. In addition to real-time temporal dynamics, previously observed temporal dynamics offer a complementary opportunity as a tacit dimension which can be exploited to inform more effective IR systems. IR approaches are typically based on methods which characterise the nature of information through the statistical distributions of words and phrases. In this thesis I look to model and exploit the temporal dimension of the collection, characterised by temporal dynamics, in these established IR approaches. I explore how the temporal dynamic similarity of word and phrase use in a collection can be exploited to infer temporal semantic relationships between the terms. I propose an approach to uncover a query topic's "chronotype" terms -- that is, its most distinctive and temporally interdependent terms, based on a mix of temporal and non-temporal evidence. I find exploiting chronotype terms in temporal query expansion leads to significantly improved retrieval performance in several time-based collections. Temporal dynamics provide both a challenge and an opportunity for IR systems. Overall, the findings presented in this thesis demonstrate that temporal dynamics can be used to derive tacit structure and meaning of information and information behaviour, which is then valuable for improving IR. Hence, time-aware IR systems which take temporal dynamics into account can better satisfy users consistently by anticipating changing user expectations, and maximising retrieval effectiveness over time

    Leveraging Semantic Annotations for Event-focused Search & Summarization

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    Today in this Big Data era, overwhelming amounts of textual information across different sources with a high degree of redundancy has made it hard for a consumer to retrospect on past events. A plausible solution is to link semantically similar information contained across the different sources to enforce a structure thereby providing multiple access paths to relevant information. Keeping this larger goal in view, this work uses Wikipedia and online news articles as two prominent yet disparate information sources to address the following three problems: • We address a linking problem to connect Wikipedia excerpts to news articles by casting it into an IR task. Our novel approach integrates time, geolocations, and entities with text to identify relevant documents that can be linked to a given excerpt. • We address an unsupervised extractive multi-document summarization task to generate a fixed-length event digest that facilitates efficient consumption of information contained within a large set of documents. Our novel approach proposes an ILP for global inference across text, time, geolocations, and entities associated with the event. • To estimate temporal focus of short event descriptions, we present a semi-supervised approach that leverages redundancy within a longitudinal news collection to estimate accurate probabilistic time models. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and viability of our proposed approaches towards achieving the larger goal.Im heutigen Big Data Zeitalters existieren überwältigende Mengen an Textinformationen, die über mehrere Quellen verteilt sind und ein hohes Maß an Redundanz haben. Durch diese Gegebenheiten ist eine Retroperspektive auf vergangene Ereignisse für Konsumenten nur schwer möglich. Eine plausible Lösung ist die Verknüpfung semantisch ähnlicher, aber über mehrere Quellen verteilter Informationen, um dadurch eine Struktur zu erzwingen, die mehrere Zugriffspfade auf relevante Informationen, bietet. Vor diesem Hintergrund benutzt diese Dissertation Wikipedia und Onlinenachrichten als zwei prominente, aber dennoch grundverschiedene Informationsquellen, um die folgenden drei Probleme anzusprechen: • Wir adressieren ein Verknüpfungsproblem, um Wikipedia-Auszüge mit Nachrichtenartikeln zu verbinden und das Problem in eine Information-Retrieval-Aufgabe umzuwandeln. Unser neuartiger Ansatz integriert Zeit- und Geobezüge sowie Entitäten mit Text, um relevante Dokumente, die mit einem gegebenen Auszug verknüpft werden können, zu identifizieren. • Wir befassen uns mit einer unüberwachten Extraktionsmethode zur automatischen Zusammenfassung von Texten aus mehreren Dokumenten um Ereigniszusammenfassungen mit fester Länge zu generieren, was eine effiziente Aufnahme von Informationen aus großen Dokumentenmassen ermöglicht. Unser neuartiger Ansatz schlägt eine ganzzahlige lineare Optimierungslösung vor, die globale Inferenzen über Text, Zeit, Geolokationen und mit Ereignis-verbundenen Entitäten zieht. • Um den zeitlichen Fokus kurzer Ereignisbeschreibungen abzuschätzen, stellen wir einen semi-überwachten Ansatz vor, der die Redundanz innerhalb einer langzeitigen Dokumentensammlung ausnutzt, um genaue probabilistische Zeitmodelle abzuschätzen. Umfangreiche experimentelle Auswertungen zeigen die Wirksamkeit und Tragfähigkeit unserer vorgeschlagenen Ansätze zur Erreichung des größeren Ziels

    Context & Semantics in News & Web Search

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    Cognitive temporal document priors

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    Abstract Temporal information retrieval exploits temporal features of document collections and queries. Temporal document priors are used to adjust the score of a document based on its publication time. We consider a class of temporal document priors that is inspired by retention functions considered in cognitive psychology that are used to model the decay of memory. Many such functions used as a temporal document prior have a positive effect on overall retrieval performance. We examine the stability of this effect across news and microblog collections and discover interesting differences between retention functions. We also study the problem of optimizing parameters of the retention functions as temporal document priors; some retention functions display consistent good performance across large regions of the parameter space. A retention function based on a Weibull distribution is the preferred choice for a temporal document prior.