14 research outputs found

    Demonstration-based help: a case study

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    The usability of today’s applications is of utmost importance, and to fully achieve it some changes are yet to be adopted. Help systems are part of the applications and allow users to understand it and use it. However, this is one of the fields that some corporates still neglect. Moreover, every system has its characteristics and customizations and being able to explain how something works on a generic but efficient way is a major challenge. Studies have been conducted and applications, especially on a daily-use context, are still cause of frustration to its users. Contextual and demonstration-based strategies are examples of beneficial approaches to improve the status. Additionally, current technologies like picture-driven computing and automation are enablers facilitating the interaction with “closed” applications, whose source codes are not available, and allowing for the process to be reproduced automatically on any platform. Our solution deploys fast easy learning. It allows users to learn how to perform tasks by watching them get done on their own system. This was done by the manual creation of picture-driven scripts with the use of a tool named Sikuli. This paper presents our tool and a preliminary case-study. A preliminary evaluation with users was made and positive results were shown. When tracking metrics relative to a first interaction with a system/realization of a specific tasks, users achieved the goal five times faster with the demonstration-based help tool. On second time executions, the performance from users that used our tool and users that learned through exploration and manual readings were similar, indicating that learning by observation does not detract the learning process. The solution is now to be implemented in a technology corporation where problematic tasks and platforms will be identified, automation scripts developed, and an evaluation with its employees will be conducted. From this evaluation, the usability of the tool will be measured, as learning improvements and increased task performance will be tracked. The availability to help other users, developing and sharing scripts is also one of the research points.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Help through demonstration and automation for interactive computing systems: a survey of recent works

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    Usability is very important however, it is still difficult to develop interactive computing systems that meet all user’s specificities. Help systems should be a way of bridging this gap. This paper presents a general survey on recent works (building upon previous surveys) related to improving applications’ help through demonstration and automation and, identifies which technologies are acting as enablers. The main contributions are, identifying (i) which are the recent existing solutions; (ii) which aspects must be investigated further; and (iii) which are the main difficulties that are preventing a faster progress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Help through demonstration and automation for interactive computing systems: a survey of recent works

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    Usability is very important however, it is still difficult to develop interactive computing systems that meet all user’s specificities. Help systems should be a way of bridging this gap. This paper presents a general survey on recent works (building upon previous surveys) related to improving applications’ help through demonstration and automation and, identifies which technologies are acting as enablers. The main contributions are, identifying (i) which are the recent existing solutions; (ii) which aspects must be investigated further; and (iii) which are the main difficulties that are preventing a faster progress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supporting GUI exploration through USS tool

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    Advances in usability and design techniques (e.g. user-centered design) try to facilitate the use of interactive systems. However, users still have to adapt to interactive systems, i.e. they have to learn the steps required to accomplish a task either by trial and error or by obtaining help. While advanced users are usually able to adapt without much effort this is far from being the case with beginners. Some interactive systems offer different interaction styles in an attempt to meet the needs of all types of user but this is not the case with all interactive systems. In this sense, we present an approach to support the use of any interactive system making use of enriched models and picture-driven computing to achieve tasks automation. The USS tool (User Support System) is the basis to the adaptation of interactive systems accordingly to the users' needs. The approach provides the foundation for the addition of help (based on demonstration) to any graphical user interfaces (GUI) facilitating learning and use. The work is illustrated by a case study and completed with a preliminary user evaluation which provides insights about the validity of the approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Case for Human-Driven Software Development

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    International audienceHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI) plays a critical role in software systems, especially when targeting vulnerable individuals (e.g., assistive technologies). However, there exists a gap between well-tooled software development methodologies and HCI techniques, which are generally isolated from the development toolchain and require specific expertise. In this paper, we propose a human-driven software development methodology making User Interface (UI) a full-fledged dimension of software design. To make this methodology useful in practice, a UI design language and a user modeling language are integrated into a tool suite that guides the stakeholders during the development process, while ensuring the conformance between the UI design and its implementation

    Effects of Aspartame Consumption on Cognitive Function

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    The FDA estimates that 35% of Americans regularly consume aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in diet drinks and other sugar-free food items. Some anecdotal reports indicate the substance has been associated with health, behavioral, and cognitive concerns. The FDA and other regulatory agencies indicate it is safe for use up to 50mg/kg/day. They further advise individuals with metabolic phenylalanine disorders not to consume this product. This conflicting advice has caused confusion for consumers and practioners. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aspartame consumption on cognitive functioning of healthy adults. Orem\u27s theory of Self-Care guided this descriptive, clinical study. The effect of dietary aspartame consumption on cognitive function of study participants was monitored and analyzed for participants consuming weighed food intakes for 16 days. This study tested the hypothesis that cognitive functioning is poorer when participants\u27 dietary intake of aspartame is higher. The sample population was comprised of 180 randomly selected ethnically-diverse 18 to 40 year old healthy adults recruited through a midwestern university. Instruments used for measurement included a Demographic Questionnaire, Weighed Food Intakes, Kearney and Fleischer\u27s Exercise of Self-care (alpha= .80), the Sternberg Item Recognition Test (r =.95), and the Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test (KR- 20=.88). Depending on the cognitive task (the Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test), results indicated that cognitve function was significantly better (p=.03) when participants consumed less aspartame (\u3c1000mg/day) than those who consumed more (\u3e1000mg/day). The relevance of these results is that healthcare professionals need to be aware of dietary factors that can maximize cognitive function and promote quality of life for their clients

    Demonstration-based help for interactive systems

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    The usability of day-to-day applications is of utmost importance. The lack of usability of these is one of the causes of frustration at work, as it creates barriers to the execution of tasks. The Change of applications by third parties, to increase usability, is difficult because it requires, usually, access to source codes and an increase on its complexity. This work proposes and implements a demonstration help tool that allows the improvement of tasks completion, decreases the time spent, and reduces the cost of learning. An analysis of work on aid tools is presented identifying positive aspects and research opportunities. The help tool developed allows the creation of automation through picture-driven computing, which makes it possible to develop help mechanisms independent from application source codes. Since the tool is image oriented, and tasks can involve multiple applications, it is also possible to develop help scripts that are not restricted to just one application. User studies were done with the objectives of validating the work developed and identifying platforms and tasks with usability problems in the business world. It was concluded that the work has positive effects in the accomplishment of tasks.A usabilidade das aplicações utilizadas no dia-a-dia é de extrema importância. A falta de usabilidade destas é um dos causadores de frustração no trabalho, pois cria barreiras à execução de tarefas. A alteração das aplicações por terceiros de forma a aumentar a usabilidade é difícil pois requer, usualmente, acesso aos códigos fonte e incremento da sua complexidade. Este trabalho propõe e implementa uma ferramenta de ajuda por demonstração que visa melhorar o sucesso na realização de tarefas, reduzir o tempo despendido, e diminuir o esforço de aprendizagem. Uma análise a trabalhos sobre ferramentas de ajuda é apresentada identificando aspetos positivos e oportunidades de investigação. A ferramenta de ajuda desenvolvida permite a criação de automações através de computação por imagem, que tornam possível o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de ajuda independentes dos códigos fonte das aplicações. Sendo que a ferramenta é orientada a imagem, e que as tarefas podem envolver múltiplas aplicações, torna-se também possível o desenvolvimento de scripts de ajuda não restringidos a apenas uma aplicação. Foram realizados estudos com utilizadores com os objetivos de validar o trabalho desenvolvido e identificar plataformas e tarefas com problemas de usabilidade no meio empresarial. Deste modo, concluiu-se que o trabalho tem efeitos positivos na realização de tarefas

    Integrating the human element into the systems engineering process and MBSE methodology

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    In response to the challenges related to the increasing size and complexity of systems, organizations have recognized the need to integrate human considerations in the beginning stages of systems development. Human Systems Integration (HSI) seeks to accomplish this objective by incorporating human factors within systems engineering (SE) processes and methodologies, which is the focus of this paper. A representative set of HSI methods from multiple sources are organized, analyzed, and mapped to the systems engineering Vee-model. These methods are then consolidated and evaluated against the SE process and Models-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) methodology to determine where and how they could integrate within systems development activities in the form of specific enhancements. Overall conclusions based on these evaluations are presented and future research areas are proposed

    Semi-Structured Decision Processes: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Human-Automation Decision Systems

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    The purpose of this work is to improve understanding of existing and proposed decision systems, ideally to improve the design of future systems. A "decision system" is defined as a collection of information-processing components -- often involving humans and automation (e.g., computers) -- that interact towards a common set of objectives. Since a key issue in the design of decision systems is the division of work between humans and machines (a task known as "function allocation"), this report is primarily intended to help designers incorporate automation more appropriately within these systems. This report does not provide a design methodology, but introduces a way to qualitatively analyze potential designs early in the system design process. A novel analytical framework is presented, based on the concept of "semi-Structured" decision processes. It is believed that many decisions involve both well-defined "Structured" parts (e.g., formal procedures, traditional algorithms) and ill-defined "Unstructured" parts (e.g., intuition, judgement, neural networks) that interact in a known manner. While Structured processes are often desired because they fully prescribe how a future decision (during "operation") will be made, they are limited by what is explicitly understood prior to operation. A system designer who incorporates Unstructured processes into a decision system understands which parts are not understood sufficiently, and relinquishes control by deferring decision-making from design to operation. Among other things, this design choice tends to add flexibility and robustness. The value of the semi-Structured framework is that it forces people to consider system design concepts as operational decision processes in which both well-defined and ill-defined components are made explicit. This may provide more insight into decision systems, and improve understanding of the implications of design choices. The first part of this report defines the semi-Structured process and introduces a diagrammatic notation for decision process models. In the second part, the semi-Structured framework is used to understand and explain highly evolved decision system designs (these are assumed to be representative of "good" designs) whose components include feedback controllers, alerts, decision aids, and displays. Lastly, the semi-Structured framework is applied to a decision system design for a mobile robot.Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., under IR&D effort 101

    Suivi d'activités et assistance cognitive ubiquitaire fondé sur les interfaces tangibles réalisation d'un framework et d'un prototype

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    L'assistance cognitive consiste à aider les personnes ayant des déficits cognitifs, comme les personnes atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer ou les traumatisés crâniens, à réaliser leurs activités de la vie quotidienne grâce à des solutions adaptées. Ces solutions peuvent être diverses. Notre approche repose sur les interfaces tangibles afin de mieux intégrer les systèmes d'assistance cognitive dans l'habitat devenu intelligent des personnes atteintes de déficits cognitifs. En effet, les ordinateurs communiquent de nos jours avec les hommes par le biais d'interfaces graphiques. Or, ces interfaces sont peu adaptées aux personnes ayant des déficits cognitifs. De nouvelles interfaces émergent actuellement et permettent de les remplacer par des objets de la vie quotidienne. Les interfaces tangibles et les interfaces ambiantes peuvent aider à rendre l'informatique plus accessible et plus contextuelle aux personnes ayant des déficits cognitifs et à rendre par la même occasion l'assistance cognitive plus efficace. Les interfaces tangibles permettent de manipuler des données virtuelles à l'aide d'objets réels, contrairement aux interfaces graphiques. Alors que les interfaces graphiques utilisent le clavier, la souris et l'écran pour toutes les manipulations, les interfaces tangibles, par exemple, proposent de manipuler un objet réel pour modifier une variable virtuelle. Par exemple, l'utilisateur peut détruire une variable virtuelle en plaçant l'objet réel à la corbeille. La qualité d'une interface tangible dépend de la ressemblance entre la manipulation réelle et la manipulation virtuelle. Il devient alors possible de supprimer le clavier et la souris. Les interfaces ambiantes, qui ne sont pas traitées dans ce mémoire, permettent de leur côté de supprimer l'écran. Ce mémoire propose une architecture centrée sur le modèle Token And Constraint (TAC). Le modèle TAC est le modèle qui répond le mieux à la définition d'interactions tangibles pour l'assistance cognitive. Il a été appliqué à la réalisation d'une assistance simple dans la cuisine. Aussi pour construire l'architecture et le cadre de programmation, deux applications ont été réalisées. La première application utilise des interactions tangibles de préparation d'une recette de cuisine de manière virtuelle. Des objets posés sur une table sont identifiables par une caméra vidéo, grâce à une forme unique apposée sur chacun de ces objets. Des informations digitales et des zones sont projetées sur la table. Lorsqu'un objet entre dans une zone, une certaine action est réalisée sur la variable associée à l'objet, par exemple la casserole. Les actions définies par chacune de ces zones sont directement liées aux actions de la vie quotidienne pour la réalisation d'une recette de cuisine, par exemple: couper, mélanger, verser, etc. L'ensemble des variables associées aux objets définissent un modèle de la recette. La seconde application utilise des interactions tangibles dans une vraie cuisine. La technologie RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) permet dans ce cas d'identifier les objets réels. Des étiquettes RFID sont collés sur les objets, tels que la boîte de riz, le verre d'eau, etc. Les lecteurs de tags RFID détectent la présence d'étiquettes RFID dans certaines zones; le placard, l'évier et la cuisinière. Les interactions TAC sont alors utilisées pour interpréter la présence des objets correspondant aux étiquettes dans ces zones en fonction de la recette à réaliser