214 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency of optically backhauled LTE: a case study

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    Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Networks

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    Green Femtocell Based on UWB Technologies

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    Technical, financial and environmental evaluation of 4G long term evolution: advanced with femtocell base stations

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    Recent advances in mobile communication technology have allowed for considerable growth both in traffic and user numbers. However, in order to maintain acceptable quality of experience and service levels with increasing network capacity requirements, a mobile communications operator is challenged with high investment costs and high operating costs. Cost effectiveness and environmental sustainability are two major factors a mobile telecommunications operator must take into account in order to maintain its network planning techniques ready for the accelerated growth of traffic in future mobile networks. With the incoming LTE-Advanced system and with the increasing popularity of femtocells, it becomes necessary to evaluate and quantify the economic viability and sustainability of this new type of base station when used as a standalone deployment option, as well as when used in a two-tier network. Therefore, different cases were used with a deployment method based on capacity used with a varying non-uniform traffic distribution in order to assess the future resistance and flexibility of this proposed solution. A comparison was made between macro cell coverage only, full femtocell coverage and a two-tier joint solution. Our study has concluded that for low capacity demands, the best approach is a two-tier network with femtocells used for indoor backhaul. A joint solution also allows for the cost-effective resolution of indoor coverage issues. According to our future capacity requirements projected, it has been concluded that a full femtocell deployment, by far, the most economically viable option. A method for the quantification and suppression of carbon emissions due to energy consumption is also proposed, through which we studied and estimated the price for the achievement of a zero carbon emissions network.Os recentes avanços na tecnologia de comunicações móveis têm permitido um crescimento considerável da indústria, tanto em termos de tráfego como em número de clientes. No entanto, para conseguir manter uma qualidade de experiência aceitável e com elevada qualidade de serviço, um operador de comunicações móveis depara-se com elevados custos de investimento e operação. A eficácia em termos de custos e a pegada ambiental são dois factores que, entre outros, um operador de telecomunicações móveis deve ter em conta de modo a manter as suas técnicas de planeamento de rede preparadas para o acelerado crescimento do tráfego nas redes móveis do futuro. Com a chegada próxima do LTE-Advanced e com a crescente popularidade de femtocells, torna-se necessário avaliar e quantificar a viabilidade económica e o potencial de poupança de energia deste novo tipo de estação de base quando utilizado como uma opção de implantação autónoma, ou quando utilizado para suporte de uma rede de macro células. Dessa forma, foram dimensionados diferentes casos de implementação baseados nos requisitos de capacidade. Foi também aplicada uma distribuição de tráfego não-uniforme, a fim de avaliar a resistência ao futuro e a flexibilidade de aplicação desta solução proposta. Fez-se uma comparação entre uma implementação apenas com recurso a macro células, uma implementação feita completamente com recurso a femtocells e uma solução conjunta destes dois tipos de estação-base. O estudo concluiu que, para requisitos de baixa capacidade, a melhor implementação é uma rede de duas camadas, com femtocells utilizadas para o backhaul das ligações indoor. A solução conjunta permite ainda a resolução eficaz de problemas de cobertura no interior de edifícios. De acordo com a nossa projecção das necessidades futuras de capacidade concluiu-se que a implementação de uma rede apenas com recurso a femtocells é a melhor opção, do ponto de vista da capacidade, financeiro e ambiental. Também foi apresentada uma metodologia para quantificar a pegada ambiental devida ao consumo de energia, através da qual se estudou e estimou os custos associados à implementação de uma rede com pegada ambiental nula

    Self-Healing in 5G HetNets

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    The main requirements of 5G are emerging through the efforts of diverse groups such as 4G America in United States, IMT-2020 (5G) promotion group in China and the 5G Private Public Partnership (5G PPP) in Europe. The 5G requirements will tremendously increase the network complexity which requires auto-integration and self-management capabilities that are well beyond today\u27s self-organising network features. Additionally, ultra-reliable communications put very stringent latency and reliability requirements on the architecture

    UMTS multi-service uplink capacity and interference statistics of femtocells

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-012-0860-7In this work, the multiservice uplink capacity of single and multiple femtocells is given. The COST231 multiwall and multifloor indoor propagation model has been used to calculate the indoor propagation loss. Results show that the uplink capacity of a deployed femtocell will reduce by 2 % if two extra femtocells are deployed in the same building higher and lower of it. Results also show that the uplink capacity is slightly affected if there are several femtocells deployed in the buildings around the one at which the femtocell under study is already exists. It is demonstrated that uplink capacity is interference limited if the femtocell is deployed to serve the users in three floors. Results show that the uplink capacity will be interference and noise limited if the femtocell is deployed to serve the users in five floors. Finally, it is found that the effect of the interference due to the uniformly distributed users within the macrocell around the femtocell is insignificant