353 research outputs found

    On a question of Abraham Robinson's

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    In this note we give a negative answer to Abraham Robinson's question whether a finitely generated extension of an undecidable field is always undecidable. We construct 'natural' undecidable fields of transcendence degree 1 over Q all of whose proper finite extensions are decidable. We also construct undecidable algebraic extensions of Q that allow decidable finite extensions

    Two New Settings for Examples of von Neumann Dimension

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    Let G=PSL(2,R)G=PSL(2,\mathbb{R}), let Γ\Gamma be a lattice in GG, and let H\mathcal{H} be an irreducible unitary representation of GG with square-integrable matrix coefficients. A theorem in [Goodman, de la Harpe, Jones 1989] states that the von Neumann dimension of H\mathcal{H} as a RΓR\Gamma-module is equal to the formal dimension of the discrete series representation H\mathcal{H} times the covolume of Γ\Gamma, calculated with respect to the same Haar measure. We prove two results inspired by this theorem. First, we show there is a representation of RΓ2R\Gamma_2 on a subspace of cuspidal automorphic functions in L2(Γ1\G)L^2(\Gamma_1 \backslash G), where Γ1\Gamma_1 and Γ2\Gamma_2 are lattices in GG; and this representation is unitarily equivalent to one of the representations in [Goodman, de la Harpe, Jones 1989]. Next, we calculate von Neumann dimensions when GG is PGL(2,F)PGL(2,F), for FF a local non-archimedean field of characteristic 00 with residue field of order not divisible by 2; Γ\Gamma is a torsion-free lattice in PGL(2,F)PGL(2,F), which, by a theorem of Ihara, is a free group; and H\mathcal{H} is the Steinberg representation, or a depth-zero supercuspidal representation, each yielding a different dimension.Comment: This is the author's Ph.D. thesi

    Shapiroʼs Theorem for subspaces

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    AbstractIn the previous paper (Almira and Oikhberg, 2010 [4]), the authors investigated the existence of an element x of a quasi-Banach space X whose errors of best approximation by a given approximation scheme (An) (defined by E(x,An)=infa∈An‖x−an‖) decay arbitrarily slowly. In this work, we consider the question of whether x witnessing the slowness rate of approximation can be selected in a prescribed subspace of X. In many particular cases, the answer turns out to be positive

    Kadison -Singer algebras with applications to von Neumann algebras

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    I develop the theory of Kadison-Singer algebras, introduced recently by Ge and Yuan. I prove basic structure theorems, construct several new examples and explore connections to other areas of operator algebras. In chapter 1, I survey those aspects of the theory of non-selfadjoint algebras that are relevant to this work. In chapter 2, I define Kadison-Singer algebras and give different proofs of results of Ge-Yuan, which will be further extended in the last chapter. In chapter 3, I analyse in detail a class of elementary Kadison-Singer algebras that contain Hinfinity and describe their lattices of projections. In chapter 4, I use ideas from free probability theory to construct Kadison-Singer algebras with core the free group factors L(Fr) for r \u3c 2. I then introduce two constructions that yield new Kadison-Singer algebras - The maximal join and the minimal join. In chapter 5, I analyse tensor products of Kadison-Singer algebras, showing that they are never Kadison-Singer. I then show how under certain conditions, one may construct a Kadison-Singer algebra with core the tensor product of the core of two given Kadison-Singer algebras

    Hausdorffness for Lie algebra homology of Schwartz spaces and applications to the comparison conjecture

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    Let HH be a real algebraic group acting equivariantly with finitely many orbits on a real algebraic manifold XX and a real algebraic bundle E\mathcal{E} on XX. Let h\mathfrak{h} be the Lie algebra of HH. Let S(X,E)\mathcal{S}(X,\mathcal{E}) be the space of Schwartz sections of E\mathcal{E}. We prove that hS(X,E)\mathfrak{h}\mathcal{S}(X,\mathcal{E}) is a closed subspace of S(X,E)\mathcal{S}(X,\mathcal{E}) of finite codimension. We give an application of this result in the case when HH is a real spherical subgroup of a real reductive group GG. We deduce an equivalence of two old conjectures due to Casselman: the automatic continuity and the comparison conjecture for zero homology. Namely, let π\pi be a Casselman-Wallach representation of GG and VV be the corresponding Harish-Chandra module. Then the natural morphism of coinvariants Vh→πhV_{\mathfrak{h}}\to \pi_{\mathfrak{h}} is an isomorphism if and only if any linear h\mathfrak{h}-invariant functional on VV is continuous in the topology induced from π\pi. The latter statement is known to hold in two important special cases: if HH includes a symmetric subgroup, and if HH includes the nilradical of a minimal parabolic subgroup of GG.Comment: v4: version appearing in Math. Z + erratum added in the en

    The classification of bifurcations with hidden symmetries

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    We set up a singularity-theoretic framework for classifying one-parameter steady-state bifurcations with hidden symmetries. This framework also permits a non-trivial linearization at the bifurcation point. Many problems can be reduced to this situation; for instance, the bifurcation of steady or periodic solutions to certain elliptic partial differential equations with Neumann or Dirichlet boundary conditions. We formulate an appropriate equivalence relation with its associated tangent spaces, so that the usual methods of singularity theory become applicable. We also present an alternative method for computing those matrix-valued germs that appear in the equivalence relations employed in the classification of equivariant bifurcation problems. This result is motivated by hidden symmetries appearing in a class of partial differential equations defined on an N-dimensional rectangle under Neumann boundary conditions
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