9 research outputs found

    Siirtoliipaisuarkkitehtuurin muuttuvanmittaisten käskyjen pakkaus

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    The Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) modules used for embedded microprocessor devices consume a large portion of the whole system’s power. The memory module consumes static power on keeping awake and dynamic power on memory accesses. The power dissipation of the instruction memory can be limited by using code compression methods, which reduce the memory size. The compression may require the use of variable length instruction formats in the processor. The power-efficient design of variable length instruction fetch and decode units is challenging for static multiple-issue processors, because such architectures have simple hardware to begin with, as they aim for very low power consumption on embedded platforms. The power saved by using these compression approaches, which necessitate more complex logic, is easily lost on inefficient processor design. This thesis proposes an implementation for instruction template-based compression, its decompression and two instruction fetch design alternatives for variable length instruction encoding on Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA), a static multiple-issue exposed data path architecture. Both of the new fetch and decode units are integrated into the TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE), which is a toolset for rapid designing and prototyping of processors based on TTA. The hardware description of the fetch units is verified on a register transfer level and benchmarked using the CHStone test suite. Furthermore, the fetch units are synthesized on a 40 nm standard cell Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) technology library for area, performance and power consumption measurements. The power cost of the variable length instruction support is compared to the power savings from memory reduction, which is evaluated using HP Labs’ CACTI tool. The compression approach reaches an average program size reduction of 44% at best with a set of test programs, and the total power consumption of the system is reduced. The thesis shows that the proposed variable length fetch designs are sufficiently low-power oriented for TTA processors to benefit from the code compression

    Reductie van het geheugengebruik van besturingssysteemkernen Memory Footprint Reduction for Operating System Kernels

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    In ingebedde systemen is er vaak maar een beperkte hoeveelheid geheugen beschikbaar. Daarom wordt er veel aandacht besteed aan het produceren van compacte programma's voor deze systemen, en zijn er allerhande technieken ontwikkeld die automatisch het geheugengebruik van programma's kunnen verkleinen. Tot nu toe richtten die technieken zich voornamelijk op de toepassingssoftware die op het systeem draait, en werd het besturingssysteem over het hoofd gezien. In dit proefschrift worden een aantal technieken beschreven die het mogelijk maken om op een geautomatiseerde manier het geheugengebruik van een besturingssysteemkern gevoelig te verkleinen. Daarbij wordt in eerste instantie gebruik gemaakt van compactietransformaties tijdens het linken. Als we de hardware en software waaruit het systeem samengesteld is kennen, is het mogelijk om nog verdere reducties te bekomen. Daartoe wordt de kern gespecialiseerd voor een bepaalde hardware-software combinatie. Overbodige functionaliteit wordt opgespoord en uit de kern verwijderd, terwijl de resterende functionaliteit wordt aangepast aan de specifieke gebruikspatronen die uit de hardware en software kunnen afgeleid worden. Als laatste worden technieken voorgesteld die het mogelijk maken om weinig of niet uitgevoerde code (bijvoorbeeld code voor het afhandelen van slechts zeldzaam optredende foutcondities) uit het geheugen te verwijderen. Deze code wordt dan enkel ingeladen op het moment dat ze effectief nodig is. Voor ons testsysteem kunnen we met de gecombineerde technieken het geheugengebruik van een Linux 2.4 kern met meer dan 48% verminderen

    Architectural and Complier Mechanisms for Accelerating Single Thread Applications on Mulitcore Processors.

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    Multicore systems have become the dominant mainstream computing platform. One of the biggest challenges going forward is how to efficiently utilize the ever increasing computational power provided by multicore systems. Applications with large amounts of explicit thread-level parallelism naturally scale performance with the number of cores. However, single-thread applications realize little to no gains from multicore systems. This work investigates architectural and compiler mechanisms to automatically accelerate single thread applications on multicore processors by efficiently exploiting three types of parallelism across multiple cores: instruction level parallelism (ILP), fine-grain thread level parallelism (TLP), and speculative loop level parallelism (LLP). A multicore architecture called Voltron is proposed to exploit different types of parallelism. Voltron can organize the cores for execution in either coupled or decoupled mode. In coupled mode, several in-order cores are coalesced to emulate a wide-issue VLIW processor. In decoupled mode, the cores execute a set of fine-grain communicating threads extracted by the compiler. By executing fine-grain threads in parallel, Voltron provides coarse-grained out-of-order execution capability using in-order cores. Architectural mechanisms for speculative execution of loop iterations are also supported under the decoupled mode. Voltron can dynamically switch between two modes with low overhead to exploit the best form of available parallelism. This dissertation also investigates compiler techniques to exploit different types of parallelism on the proposed architecture. First, this work proposes compiler techniques to manage multiple instruction streams to collectively function as a single logical stream on a conventional VLIW to exploit ILP. Second, this work studies compiler algorithms to extract fine-grain threads. Third, this dissertation proposes a series of systematic compiler transformations and a general code generation framework to expose hidden speculative LLP hindered by register and memory dependences in the code. These transformations collectively remove inter-iteration dependences that are caused by subsets of isolatable instructions, are unwindable, or occur infrequently. Experimental results show that proposed mechanisms can achieve speedups of 1.33 and 1.14 on 4 core machines by exploiting ILP and TLP respectively. The proposed transformations increase the DOALL loop coverage in applications from 27% to 61%, resulting in a speedup of 1.84 on 4 core systems.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58419/1/hongtaoz_1.pd

    Exploration of the scalability of SIMD processing for software defined radio

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    The idea of software defined radio (SDR) describes a signal processing system for wireless communications that allows performing major parts of the physical layer processing in software. SDR systems are more flexible and have lower development costs than traditional systems based on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Yet, SDR requires programmable processor architectures that can meet the throughput and energy efficiency requirements of current third generation (3G) and future fourth generation (4G) wireless standards for mobile devices. Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) processors operate on long data vectors in parallel data lanes and can achieve a good ratio of computing power to energy consumption. Hence, SIMD processors could be the basis of future SDR systems. Yet, SIMD processors only achieve a high efficiency if all parallel data lanes can be utilized. This thesis investigates the scalability of SIMD processing for algorithms required in 4G wireless systems; i. e. the scaling of performance and energy consumption with increasing SIMD vector lengths is explored. The basis of the exploration is a scalable SIMD processor architecture, which also supports long instruction word (LIW) execution and can be configured with four different permutation networks for vector element permutations. Radix-2 and mixed-radix fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms, sphere decoding for multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) systems, and the decoding of quasi-cyclic lowdensity parity check (LDPC) codes have been examined, as these are key algorithms for 4G wireless systems. The results show that the performance of all algorithms scales with the SIMD vector length, yet there are different constraints on the ratios between algorithm and architecture parameters. The radix-2 FFT algorithm allows close to linear speedups if the FFT size is at least twice the SIMD vector length, the mixed-radix FFT algorithm requires the FFT size to be a multiple of the squared SIMD width. The performance of the implemented sphere decoding algorithm scales linearly with the SIMD vector length. The scalability of LDPC decoding is determined by the expansion factor of the quasicyclic code. Wider SIMD processors offer better performance and also require less energy than processors with a shorter vector length for all considered algorithms. The results for different permutations networks show that a simple permutation network is sufficient for most applications

    Code size minimization and retargetable assembly for custom EPIC and VLIW instruction formats

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:4335.26205(2000-141) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Software instruction caching

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 185-193).As microprocessor complexities and costs skyrocket, designers are looking for ways to simplify their designs to reduce costs, improve energy efficiency, or squeeze more computational elements on each chip. This is particularly true for the embedded domain where cost and energy consumption are paramount. Software instruction caches have the potential to provide the required performance while using simpler, more efficient hardware. A software cache consists of a simple array memory (such as a scratchpad) and a software system that is capable of automatically managing that memory as a cache. Software caches have several advantages over traditional hardware caches. Without complex cache-management logic, the processor hardware is cheaper and easier to design, verify and manufacture. The reduced access energy of simple memories can result in a net energy savings if management overhead is kept low. Software caches can also be customized to each individual program's needs, improving performance or eliminating unpredictable timing for real-time embedded applications. The greatest challenge for a software cache is providing good performance using general-purpose instructions for cache management rather than specially-designed hardware. This thesis designs and implements a working system (Flexicache) on an actual embedded processor and uses it to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of software instruction caches. Although both data and instruction caches can be implemented in software, very different techniques are used to optimize performance; this work focuses exclusively on software instruction caches. The Flexicache system consists of two software components: a static off-line preprocessor to add caching to an application and a dynamic runtime system to manage memory during execution. Key interfaces and optimizations are identified and characterized. The system is evaluated in detail from the standpoints of both performance and energy consumption. The results indicate that software instruction caches can perform comparably to hardware caches in embedded processors. On most benchmarks, the overhead relative to a hardware cache is less than 12% and can be as low as 2.4%. At the same time, the software cache uses up to 6% less energy. This is achieved using a simple, directly-addressed memory and without requiring any complex, specialized hardware structures.by Jason Eric Miller.Ph.D

    Profile-driven parallelisation of sequential programs

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    Traditional parallelism detection in compilers is performed by means of static analysis and more specifically data and control dependence analysis. The information that is available at compile time, however, is inherently limited and therefore restricts the parallelisation opportunities. Furthermore, applications written in C – which represent the majority of today’s scientific, embedded and system software – utilise many lowlevel features and an intricate programming style that forces the compiler to even more conservative assumptions. Despite the numerous proposals to handle this uncertainty at compile time using speculative optimisation and parallelisation, the software industry still lacks any pragmatic approaches that extracts coarse-grain parallelism to exploit the multiple processing units of modern commodity hardware. This thesis introduces a novel approach for extracting and exploiting multiple forms of coarse-grain parallelism from sequential applications written in C. We utilise profiling information to overcome the limitations of static data and control-flow analysis enabling more aggressive parallelisation. Profiling is performed using an instrumentation scheme operating at the Intermediate Representation (Ir) level of the compiler. In contrast to existing approaches that depend on low-level binary tools and debugging information, Ir-profiling provides precise and direct correlation of profiling information back to the Ir structures of the compiler. Additionally, our approach is orthogonal to existing automatic parallelisation approaches and additional fine-grain parallelism may be exploited. We demonstrate the applicability and versatility of the proposed methodology using two studies that target different forms of parallelism. First, we focus on the exploitation of loop-level parallelism that is abundant in many scientific and embedded applications. We evaluate our parallelisation strategy against the Nas and Spec Fp benchmarks and two different multi-core platforms (a shared-memory Intel Xeon Smp and a heterogeneous distributed-memory Ibm Cell blade). Empirical evaluation shows that our approach not only yields significant improvements when compared with state-of- the-art parallelising compilers, but comes close to and sometimes exceeds the performance of manually parallelised codes. On average, our methodology achieves 96% of the performance of the hand-tuned parallel benchmarks on the Intel Xeon platform, and a significant speedup for the Cell platform. The second study, addresses the problem of partially sequential loops, typically found in implementations of multimedia codecs. We develop a more powerful whole-program representation based on the Program Dependence Graph (Pdg) that supports profiling, partitioning and codegeneration for pipeline parallelism. In addition we demonstrate how this enhances conventional pipeline parallelisation by incorporating support for multi-level loops and pipeline stage replication in a uniform and automatic way. Experimental results using a set of complex multimedia and stream processing benchmarks confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology that yields speedups up to 4.7 on a eight-core Intel Xeon machine