25,929 research outputs found

    CNN-based Real-time Dense Face Reconstruction with Inverse-rendered Photo-realistic Face Images

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    With the powerfulness of convolution neural networks (CNN), CNN based face reconstruction has recently shown promising performance in reconstructing detailed face shape from 2D face images. The success of CNN-based methods relies on a large number of labeled data. The state-of-the-art synthesizes such data using a coarse morphable face model, which however has difficulty to generate detailed photo-realistic images of faces (with wrinkles). This paper presents a novel face data generation method. Specifically, we render a large number of photo-realistic face images with different attributes based on inverse rendering. Furthermore, we construct a fine-detailed face image dataset by transferring different scales of details from one image to another. We also construct a large number of video-type adjacent frame pairs by simulating the distribution of real video data. With these nicely constructed datasets, we propose a coarse-to-fine learning framework consisting of three convolutional networks. The networks are trained for real-time detailed 3D face reconstruction from monocular video as well as from a single image. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our framework can produce high-quality reconstruction but with much less computation time compared to the state-of-the-art. Moreover, our method is robust to pose, expression and lighting due to the diversity of data.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 201

    3D face reconstruction with geometry details from a single image

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    3D face reconstruction from a single image is a classical and challenging problem with wide applications in many areas. Inspired by recent works in face animation from RGB-D or monocular video inputs, we develop a novel method for reconstructing 3D faces from unconstrained 2D images using a coarse-to-fine optimization strategy. First, a smooth coarse 3D face is generated from an example-based bilinear face model by aligning the projection of 3D face landmarks with 2D landmarks detected from the input image. Afterward, using local corrective deformation fields, the coarse 3D face is refined using photometric consistency constraints, resulting in a medium face shape. Finally, a shape-from-shading method is applied on the medium face to recover fine geometric details. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy and detail recovery, which is demonstrated in extensive experiments using real-world models and publicly available data sets

    Long-range concealed object detection through active covert illumination

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    © 2015 SPIE. When capturing a scene for surveillance, the addition of rich 3D data can dramatically improve the accuracy of object detection or face recognition. Traditional 3D techniques, such as geometric stereo, only provide a coarse grained reconstruction of the scene and are ill-suited to fine analysis. Photometric stereo is a well established technique providing dense, high-resolution, reconstructions, using active artificial illumination of an object from multiple directions to gather surface information. It is typically used indoors, at short range

    AVFace: Towards Detailed Audio-Visual 4D Face Reconstruction

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    In this work, we present a multimodal solution to the problem of 4D face reconstruction from monocular videos. 3D face reconstruction from 2D images is an under-constrained problem due to the ambiguity of depth. State-of-the-art methods try to solve this problem by leveraging visual information from a single image or video, whereas 3D mesh animation approaches rely more on audio. However, in most cases (e.g. AR/VR applications), videos include both visual and speech information. We propose AVFace that incorporates both modalities and accurately reconstructs the 4D facial and lip motion of any speaker, without requiring any 3D ground truth for training. A coarse stage estimates the per-frame parameters of a 3D morphable model, followed by a lip refinement, and then a fine stage recovers facial geometric details. Due to the temporal audio and video information captured by transformer-based modules, our method is robust in cases when either modality is insufficient (e.g. face occlusions). Extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation demonstrates the superiority of our method over the current state-of-the-art

    3D corrective nose reconstruction from a single image

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    There is a steadily growing range of applications that can benefit from facial reconstruction techniques, leading to an increasing demand for reconstruction of high-quality 3D face models. While it is an important expressive part of the human face, the nose has received less attention than other expressive regions in the face reconstruction literature. When applying existing reconstruction methods to facial images, the reconstructed nose models are often inconsistent with the desired shape and expression. In this paper, we propose a coarse-to-fine 3D nose reconstruction and correction pipeline to build a nose model from a single image, where 3D and 2D nose curve correspondences are adaptively updated and refined. We first correct the reconstruction result coarsely using constraints of 3D-2D sparse landmark correspondences, and then heuristically update a dense 3D-2D curve correspondence based on the coarsely corrected result. A final refinement step is performed to correct the shape based on the updated 3D-2D dense curve constraints. Experimental results show the advantages of our method for 3D nose reconstruction over existing methods

    Towards High-Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction from In-the-Wild Images Using Graph Convolutional Networks

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    3D Morphable Model (3DMM) based methods have achieved great success in recovering 3D face shapes from single-view images. However, the facial textures recovered by such methods lack the fidelity as exhibited in the input images. Recent work demonstrates high-quality facial texture recovering with generative networks trained from a large-scale database of high-resolution UV maps of face textures, which is hard to prepare and not publicly available. In this paper, we introduce a method to reconstruct 3D facial shapes with high-fidelity textures from single-view images in-the-wild, without the need to capture a large-scale face texture database. The main idea is to refine the initial texture generated by a 3DMM based method with facial details from the input image. To this end, we propose to use graph convolutional networks to reconstruct the detailed colors for the mesh vertices instead of reconstructing the UV map. Experiments show that our method can generate high-quality results and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative comparisons.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2020. The source code is available at https://github.com/FuxiCV/3D-Face-GCN

    Self-supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monocular Reconstruction at over 250 Hz

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    The reconstruction of dense 3D models of face geometry and appearance from a single image is highly challenging and ill-posed. To constrain the problem, many approaches rely on strong priors, such as parametric face models learned from limited 3D scan data. However, prior models restrict generalization of the true diversity in facial geometry, skin reflectance and illumination. To alleviate this problem, we present the first approach that jointly learns 1) a regressor for face shape, expression, reflectance and illumination on the basis of 2) a concurrently learned parametric face model. Our multi-level face model combines the advantage of 3D Morphable Models for regularization with the out-of-space generalization of a learned corrective space. We train end-to-end on in-the-wild images without dense annotations by fusing a convolutional encoder with a differentiable expert-designed renderer and a self-supervised training loss, both defined at multiple detail levels. Our approach compares favorably to the state-of-the-art in terms of reconstruction quality, better generalizes to real world faces, and runs at over 250 Hz.Comment: CVPR 2018 (Oral). Project webpage: https://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/FML