3 research outputs found

    How to Place Your Apps in the Fog -- State of the Art and Open Challenges

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    Fog computing aims at extending the Cloud towards the IoT so to achieve improved QoS and to empower latency-sensitive and bandwidth-hungry applications. The Fog calls for novel models and algorithms to distribute multi-service applications in such a way that data processing occurs wherever it is best-placed, based on both functional and non-functional requirements. This survey reviews the existing methodologies to solve the application placement problem in the Fog, while pursuing three main objectives. First, it offers a comprehensive overview on the currently employed algorithms, on the availability of open-source prototypes, and on the size of test use cases. Second, it classifies the literature based on the application and Fog infrastructure characteristics that are captured by available models, with a focus on the considered constraints and the optimised metrics. Finally, it identifies some open challenges in application placement in the Fog

    Energy-aware service provisioning in P2P-assisted cloud ecosystems

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Instituto Tecnico de LisboaEnergy has been emerged as a first-class computing resource in modern systems. The trend has primarily led to the strong focus on reducing the energy consumption of data centers, coupled with the growing awareness of the adverse impact on the environment due to data centers. This has led to a strong focus on energy management for server class systems. In this work, we intend to address the energy-aware service provisioning in P2P-assisted cloud ecosystems, leveraging economics-inspired mechanisms. Toward this goal, we addressed a number of challenges. To frame an energy aware service provisioning mechanism in the P2P-assisted cloud, first, we need to compare the energy consumption of each individual service in P2P-cloud and data centers. However, in the procedure of decreasing the energy consumption of cloud services, we may be trapped with the performance violation. Therefore, we need to formulate a performance aware energy analysis metric, conceptualized across the service provisioning stack. We leverage this metric to derive energy analysis framework. Then, we sketch a framework to analyze the energy effectiveness in P2P-cloud and data center platforms to choose the right service platform, according to the performance and energy characteristics. This framework maps energy from the hardware oblivious, top level to the particular hardware setting in the bottom layer of the stack. Afterwards, we introduce an economics-inspired mechanism to increase the energy effectiveness in the P2P-assisted cloud platform as well as moving toward a greener ICT for ICT for a greener ecosystem.La energía se ha convertido en un recurso de computación de primera clase en los sistemas modernos. La tendencia ha dado lugar principalmente a un fuerte enfoque hacia la reducción del consumo de energía de los centros de datos, así como una creciente conciencia sobre los efectos ambientales negativos, producidos por los centros de datos. Esto ha llevado a un fuerte enfoque en la gestión de energía de los sistemas de tipo servidor. En este trabajo, se pretende hacer frente a la provisión de servicios de bajo consumo energético en los ecosistemas de la nube asistida por P2P, haciendo uso de mecanismos basados en economía. Con este objetivo, hemos abordado una serie de desafíos. Para instrumentar un mecanismo de servicio de aprovisionamiento de energía consciente en la nube asistida por P2P, en primer lugar, tenemos que comparar el consumo energético de cada servicio en la nube P2P y en los centros de datos. Sin embargo, en el procedimiento de disminuir el consumo de energía de los servicios en la nube, podemos quedar atrapados en el incumplimiento del rendimiento. Por lo tanto, tenemos que formular una métrica, sobre el rendimiento energético, a través de la pila de servicio de aprovisionamiento. Nos aprovechamos de esta métrica para derivar un marco de análisis de energía. Luego, se esboza un marco para analizar la eficacia energética en la nube asistida por P2P y en la plataforma de centros de datos para elegir la plataforma de servicios adecuada, de acuerdo con las características de rendimiento y energía. Este marco mapea la energía desde el alto nivel independiente del hardware a la configuración de hardware particular en la capa inferior de la pila. Posteriormente, se introduce un mecanismo basado en economía para aumentar la eficacia energética en la plataforma en la nube asistida por P2P, así como avanzar hacia unas TIC más verdes, para las TIC en un ecosistema más verde.Postprint (published version

    CoSSMic smart grid migration in federated clouds

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    Abstract—Cloud computing is probably the simplest and best fitted way for improving scalability and flexibility of a smart-grid, however, migrating such critical data-intensive applications to the cloud is not a trivial challenge. For such applications, high security, resilience, and performance are non-negotiable. Therefore, in order to successfully host critical smart-grid applications and workloads, new cloud paradigms and mechanisms should be adopted to support greater security, resilience, and performance. In this direction, an initiative by the Second University of Naples aims at ensuring the critical requirements of data-intensity applications in a highly distributed cloud federated environment, in which smart-grid applications represent a relevant case study