1,018 research outputs found

    Care of burns in Scotland: 3-year data from the managed clinical network national registry

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    Introduction The Managed Clinical Network for Care of Burns in Scotland (COBIS) was launched in April 2007. Primary aims included establishing and maintaining a registry of complex burn injury in Scotland and setting mechanisms to regularly audit outcome of burn treatment against nationally agreed standards of care. On behalf of COBIS, we present 3-year incidence and mortality data of Scottish patients admitted with a complex burn injury in this abstract. Methods From January 2010 onwards, data were prospectively collected for all patients in Scotland with complex burn injury admitted to Scottish burns units. Data collection was initially on a paper pro forma, but subsequently evolved into a web-based audit data capture system to securely link hospital sites involved in the delivery of care of complex burns. Data collected included extent and mechanism of burn, presence of airway burn or smoke inhalational injury, comorbidities, complications, length of stay, interventions and mortality. Quality, completeness and consistency of data collection are audited with feedback to the individual units. Results In a population of approximately 5.3 million, the annual incidence of complex burn injury is 499 to 537 (9 to 10 per 100,000). The incidence of a major burn is 5% of burn admissions. The hospital mortality from a burn is 1 to 2.2%. See Table 1. Table 1. Numbers of complex burns in Scotland 2010 to 2012 Conclusion From these data, Scotland now has comprehensive national figures for complex burn injury. This allows for benchmarking against other international indices, few of which provide comprehensive data. COBIS data can now also be correlated with other mortality data sources. As data quality improves, detailed analysis of mortality data will allow COBIS to identify contributing issues affecting burns patients. Some issues identified already are that patients with burns often die soon after their discharge from hospital of other related and unrelated causes. Subsequent analysis of this will allow COBIS to identify and address issues that may be contributing to these statistics

    COBIS - Projektziele, Teilaufgaben und Ergebnisse im Überblick

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    COBIS - der Projektname steht für "COmputergestütztes BüroInformations-System" - verfolgte schwerpunktmäßig zwei Ziele. Einerseits war es ein Forschungsprojekt mit Blick auf das "Büro der Zukunft". Zweites Ziel von COBIS - und zugleich wesentliche Grundlage für die Förderung dieses Projekts - war es, das im Rahmen der Forschungsförderung des BMFT seit 1973 entwickelte und zum Zeitpunkt des Projekts noch in Entwicklung befindliche System CONDOR der Firma Siemens in der Bürosituation und für das Büro zu erproben

    Comment on "New modes of halo excitations in the 6He nucleus"

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    We try to explain the differences in the 6He dipole strength function in refs. [1] and [2]. We perform the full basis calculation of the strength function with the same renormalized interaction as in [1] and show that the size of the basis, needed for converged calculations of the 6He continuum spectrum, is much larger than that for the discrete spectrum. The renormalized interaction of [1] therefore cannot be used for the continuum spectrum calculations with the same basis as for the ground state.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figure

    Momentum distributions from three-body decaying 9Be and 9B resonances

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    The complex-rotated hyperspherical adiabatic method is used to study the decay of low-lying 9^9Be and 9^9B resonances into α\alpha, α\alpha and nn or pp. We consider six low-lying resonances of 9^9Be (1/2±1/2^\pm, 3/2±3/2^\pm and 5/2±5/2^\pm) and one resonance of 9^9B (5/25/2^-) to compare with. The properties of the resonances at large distances are decisive for the momentum distributions of the three decaying fragments. Systematic detailed energy correlations of Dalitz plots are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the SOTANCP2 conference held in Brussels in May 201

    Der Bürocomputer in einem Informationsverbund : Erfahrungen mit einem computergestützten Büro-Informationssystem (COBIS)

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    Zimmermann beschreibt den Stand der Technik im Bereich der computergestützten Informations- und Kommunikationsprozesse im Büro (Büroautomatisierung) mit dem Schwerpunkt "Sprachverarbeitung mit dem Computer". Er geht auf das Projekt "COBIS - Labormodell eines textuellen Büro-Informations-Systems" ein und beschreibt die immer leichtere und verbesserte Integration von Kleincomputern in Informations- und Kommunikationsverbünde

    Neue Unterrichtsziele durch die Entwicklung der Technik

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    Der Beitrag verbindet eine Betrachtung der Entwicklungen im Bereich der Büroinformation und der Kommunikationstechnik mit Überlegungen zu Auswirkungen auf den Unterricht und fordert die Verlagerung der Ausbildung in der Handhabung von (Büro-)Kommunikationstechniken von der Spezialausbildung in die Allgemeinausbildung (Schule, Erwachsenenbildung)

    Isospin mixing and energy distributions in three-body decay

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    The structure of the second 2+^+ resonance in 6^{6}Li is investigated with special emphasis on its isospin 0 components. The wave functions are computed in a three-body model (α\alpha+nn+pp) using the hyperspherical adiabatic expansion method combined with complex scaling. In the decay into three free particles the symmetry conserving short-range interaction dominates at short distance whereas the symmetry breaking Coulomb interaction dominates at intermediate and large distances resulting in substantial isospin mixing. We predict the mixing and the energy distributions of the fragments after decay. Computations are consistent with available experiments. We conjecture that nuclear three-body decays frequently produce such large isospin mixing at large distance where the energy distributions. are determined.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Physics Letters

    The Continuum Structure of the Borromean Halo Nucleus 11Li

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    We solve the Faddeev equations for 11Li (n+n+9Li) using hyperspherical coordinates and analytical expressions for distances much larger than the effective ranges of the interactions. The lowest resonances are found at 0.65 MeV (1/2+, 3/2+, 5/2+) and 0.89 MeV (3/2+, 3/2-) with widths of about 0.35 MeV. A number of higher-lying broader resonances are also obtained and related to the Efimov effect. The dipole strength function and the Coulomb dissociation cross section are also calculated. PACS numbers: 21.45.+v, 11.80.Jy, 21.60.GxComment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures, psfig.st

    Il rapporto tra Ministero e Regioni per il sostegno della competitività territoriale

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