7,862 research outputs found

    Multi-agent system for dynamic manufacturing system optimization

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    This paper deals with the application of multi-agent system concept for optimization of dynamic uncertain process. These problems are known to have a computationally demanding objective function, which could turn to be infeasible when large problems are considered. Therefore, fast approximations to the objective function are required. This paper employs bundle of intelligent systems algorithms tied together in a multi-agent system. In order to demonstrate the system, a metal reheat furnace scheduling problem is adopted for highly demanded optimization problem. The proposed multi-agent approach has been evaluated for different settings of the reheat furnace scheduling problem. Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm with different classic and advanced versions: GA with chromosome differentiation, Age GA, and Sexual GA, and finally a Mimetic GA, which is based on combining the GA as a global optimizer and the PSO as a local optimizer. Experimentation has been performed to validate the multi-agent system on the reheat furnace scheduling problem

    Co-Evolutionary Multi-Agent System with Speciation and Resource Sharing Mechanisms

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    Niching techniques for evolutionary algorithms are used in order to locate basins of attraction of the local minima of multi-modal fitness functions. Co-evolutionary techniques are aimed at overcoming limited adaptive capabilities of evolutionary algorithms resulting from the loss of useful population the idea of niching co-evolutionary multi-agent system (NCoEMAS)is introduced. In such a system the species formation phenomena occurs within one of the pre-existing species as a result of co-evolutionary interactions. The results of experiments with Rastrigin and Schwefel multi-modal test functions aimed at the comparison of NCoEMAS to other niching techniques are presented. Also, the resource sharing mechanism's parameters on the quality of speciation processes inNCoEMAS are investigated

    Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    With the recent trends towards massive data sets and significant computational power, combined with evolutionary algorithmic advances evolutionary computation is becoming much more relevant to practice. Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field

    Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Species Formation Processes

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    A theoretical and computational basis for CATNETS

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    The main content of this report is the identification and definition of market mechanisms for Application Layer Networks (ALNs). On basis of the structured Market Engineering process, the work comprises the identification of requirements which adequate market mechanisms for ALNs have to fulfill. Subsequently, two mechanisms for each, the centralized and the decentralized case are described in this document. These build the theoretical foundation for the work within the following two years of the CATNETS project. --Grid Computing

    Transformations in the Scale of Behaviour and the Global Optimisation of Constraints in Adaptive Networks

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    The natural energy minimisation behaviour of a dynamical system can be interpreted as a simple optimisation process, finding a locally optimal resolution of problem constraints. In human problem solving, high-dimensional problems are often made much easier by inferring a low-dimensional model of the system in which search is more effective. But this is an approach that seems to require top-down domain knowledge; not one amenable to the spontaneous energy minimisation behaviour of a natural dynamical system. However, in this paper we investigate the ability of distributed dynamical systems to improve their constraint resolution ability over time by self-organisation. We use a ‘self-modelling’ Hopfield network with a novel type of associative connection to illustrate how slowly changing relationships between system components can result in a transformation into a new system which is a low-dimensional caricature of the original system. The energy minimisation behaviour of this new system is significantly more effective at globally resolving the original system constraints. This model uses only very simple, and fully-distributed positive feedback mechanisms that are relevant to other ‘active linking’ and adaptive networks. We discuss how this neural network model helps us to understand transformations and emergent collective behaviour in various non-neural adaptive networks such as social, genetic and ecological networks

    Inferring Best Strategies from the Aggregation of Information from Multiple Agents: The Cultural Approach

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    Although learning in MAS is described as a collective experience, most of the times its modeling draws solely or mostly on the results of the interaction between the agents. This abruptly contrasts with our everyday experience where learning relies, to a great extent, on a large stock of already codified knowledge rather than on the direct interaction among the agents. If in the course human history this reliance on already codified knowledge had a significant importance, especially since the discovery of writing, during the last decade the size and availability of this stock has increased notably because of the Internet. Even more, humanity has endowed itself with institutions and organizations devoted to fulfill the role of codifying, preserving and diffusing knowledge since its early days. Cultural Algorithms are one of the few cases where the modeling of this process, although in a limited way, has been attempted. However, even in this case, the modeling lacks some of the characteristics that have made it so successful in human populations, notably its frugality in learning only from a rather small subset of the population and a discussion of its dynamics in terms of hypothesis generation and falsification and the relationship between adaptation and discovery. A deep understanding of this process of collective learning, in all its aspects of generalization and re-adoption of this collective and distilled knowledge, together with its diffusion is a key element to understand how human communities function and how a mixed community of humans and electronic agents could effectively learn. And this is more important now than ever because this process has become not only global and available to large populations but also has largely increased its speed. This research aims to contribute to cover this gap, elucidating on the frugality of the mechanism while mapping it in a framework characterized by a variable level of complexity of knowledge. Also seeks to understand the macro dynamics resulting from the micro mechanisms and strategies chosen by the agents. Nevertheless, as any exercise based on modeling, it portrays a stylized description of reality that misses important points and significant aspects of the real behavior. In this case, while we will focus on individual learning and on the process of generalization and ulterior re-use of these generalizations, learning from other agents is notably absent. We believe however, that this choice contributes to make our model easier to understand and easier to expose the causality relationships emerging from our simulation exercises without sacrificing any significant result
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