14,632 research outputs found

    A Parallel Adaptive P3M code with Hierarchical Particle Reordering

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    We discuss the design and implementation of HYDRA_OMP a parallel implementation of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Adaptive P3M (SPH-AP3M) code HYDRA. The code is designed primarily for conducting cosmological hydrodynamic simulations and is written in Fortran77+OpenMP. A number of optimizations for RISC processors and SMP-NUMA architectures have been implemented, the most important optimization being hierarchical reordering of particles within chaining cells, which greatly improves data locality thereby removing the cache misses typically associated with linked lists. Parallel scaling is good, with a minimum parallel scaling of 73% achieved on 32 nodes for a variety of modern SMP architectures. We give performance data in terms of the number of particle updates per second, which is a more useful performance metric than raw MFlops. A basic version of the code will be made available to the community in the near future.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    Ubiquitous Cell-Free Massive MIMO Communications

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    Since the first cellular networks were trialled in the 1970s, we have witnessed an incredible wireless revolution. From 1G to 4G, the massive traffic growth has been managed by a combination of wider bandwidths, refined radio interfaces, and network densification, namely increasing the number of antennas per site. Due its cost-efficiency, the latter has contributed the most. Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) is a key 5G technology that uses massive antenna arrays to provide a very high beamforming gain and spatially multiplexing of users, and hence, increases the spectral and energy efficiency. It constitutes a centralized solution to densify a network, and its performance is limited by the inter-cell interference inherent in its cell-centric design. Conversely, ubiquitous cell-free Massive MIMO refers to a distributed Massive MIMO system implementing coherent user-centric transmission to overcome the inter-cell interference limitation in cellular networks and provide additional macro-diversity. These features, combined with the system scalability inherent in the Massive MIMO design, distinguishes ubiquitous cell-free Massive MIMO from prior coordinated distributed wireless systems. In this article, we investigate the enormous potential of this promising technology while addressing practical deployment issues to deal with the increased back/front-hauling overhead deriving from the signal co-processing.Comment: Published in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking on August 5, 201

    Considerations about multistep community detection

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    The problem and implications of community detection in networks have raised a huge attention, for its important applications in both natural and social sciences. A number of algorithms has been developed to solve this problem, addressing either speed optimization or the quality of the partitions calculated. In this paper we propose a multi-step procedure bridging the fastest, but less accurate algorithms (coarse clustering), with the slowest, most effective ones (refinement). By adopting heuristic ranking of the nodes, and classifying a fraction of them as `critical', a refinement step can be restricted to this subset of the network, thus saving computational time. Preliminary numerical results are discussed, showing improvement of the final partition.Comment: 12 page

    q-means: A quantum algorithm for unsupervised machine learning

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    Quantum machine learning is one of the most promising applications of a full-scale quantum computer. Over the past few years, many quantum machine learning algorithms have been proposed that can potentially offer considerable speedups over the corresponding classical algorithms. In this paper, we introduce q-means, a new quantum algorithm for clustering which is a canonical problem in unsupervised machine learning. The qq-means algorithm has convergence and precision guarantees similar to kk-means, and it outputs with high probability a good approximation of the kk cluster centroids like the classical algorithm. Given a dataset of NN dd-dimensional vectors viv_i (seen as a matrix VRN×d)V \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times d}) stored in QRAM, the running time of q-means is O~(kdηδ2κ(V)(μ(V)+kηδ)+k2η1.5δ2κ(V)μ(V))\widetilde{O}\left( k d \frac{\eta}{\delta^2}\kappa(V)(\mu(V) + k \frac{\eta}{\delta}) + k^2 \frac{\eta^{1.5}}{\delta^2} \kappa(V)\mu(V) \right) per iteration, where κ(V)\kappa(V) is the condition number, μ(V)\mu(V) is a parameter that appears in quantum linear algebra procedures and η=maxivi2\eta = \max_{i} ||v_{i}||^{2}. For a natural notion of well-clusterable datasets, the running time becomes O~(k2dη2.5δ3+k2.5η2δ3)\widetilde{O}\left( k^2 d \frac{\eta^{2.5}}{\delta^3} + k^{2.5} \frac{\eta^2}{\delta^3} \right) per iteration, which is linear in the number of features dd, and polynomial in the rank kk, the maximum square norm η\eta and the error parameter δ\delta. Both running times are only polylogarithmic in the number of datapoints NN. Our algorithm provides substantial savings compared to the classical kk-means algorithm that runs in time O(kdN)O(kdN) per iteration, particularly for the case of large datasets

    Separation Framework: An Enabler for Cooperative and D2D Communication for Future 5G Networks

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    Soaring capacity and coverage demands dictate that future cellular networks need to soon migrate towards ultra-dense networks. However, network densification comes with a host of challenges that include compromised energy efficiency, complex interference management, cumbersome mobility management, burdensome signaling overheads and higher backhaul costs. Interestingly, most of the problems, that beleaguer network densification, stem from legacy networks' one common feature i.e., tight coupling between the control and data planes regardless of their degree of heterogeneity and cell density. Consequently, in wake of 5G, control and data planes separation architecture (SARC) has recently been conceived as a promising paradigm that has potential to address most of aforementioned challenges. In this article, we review various proposals that have been presented in literature so far to enable SARC. More specifically, we analyze how and to what degree various SARC proposals address the four main challenges in network densification namely: energy efficiency, system level capacity maximization, interference management and mobility management. We then focus on two salient features of future cellular networks that have not yet been adapted in legacy networks at wide scale and thus remain a hallmark of 5G, i.e., coordinated multipoint (CoMP), and device-to-device (D2D) communications. After providing necessary background on CoMP and D2D, we analyze how SARC can particularly act as a major enabler for CoMP and D2D in context of 5G. This article thus serves as both a tutorial as well as an up to date survey on SARC, CoMP and D2D. Most importantly, the article provides an extensive outlook of challenges and opportunities that lie at the crossroads of these three mutually entangled emerging technologies.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 201