46 research outputs found


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    This paper provides a solution to the issue: “How can we use Wikipedia based concepts in document\ud clustering with lesser human involvement, accompanied by effective improvements in result?” In the\ud devised system, we propose a method to exploit the importance of N-grams in a document and use\ud Wikipedia based additional knowledge for GAAC based document clustering. The importance of N-grams\ud in a document depends on several features including, but not limited to: frequency, position of their\ud occurrence in a sentence and the position of the sentence in which they occur, in the document. First, we\ud introduce a new similarity measure, which takes the weighted N-gram importance into account, in the\ud calculation of similarity measure while performing document clustering. As a result, the chances of topical similarity in clustering are improved. Second, we use Wikipedia as an additional knowledge base both, to remove noisy entries from the extracted N-grams and to reduce the information gap between N-grams that are conceptually-related, which do not have a match owing to differences in writing scheme or strategies. Our experimental results on the publicly available text dataset clearly show that our devised system has a significant improvement in performance over bag-of-words based state-of-the-art systems in this area

    A self-training approach for short text clustering

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    Short text clustering is a challenging problem when adopting traditional bag-of-words or TF-IDF representations, since these lead to sparse vector representations for short texts. Low-dimensional continuous representations or embeddings can counter that sparseness problem: their high representational power is exploited in deep clustering algorithms. While deep clustering has been studied extensively in computer vision, relatively little work has focused on NLP. The method we propose, learns discriminative features from both an autoencoder and a sentence embedding, then uses assignments from a clustering algorithm as supervision to update weights of the encoder network. Experiments on three short text datasets empirically validate the effectiveness of our method

    How Short is a Piece of String?: the Impact of Text Length and Text Augmentation on Short-text Classification Accuracy

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    Recent increases in the use and availability of short messages have created opportunities to harvest vast amounts of information through machine-based classification. However, traditional classification methods have failed to yield accuracies comparable to classification accuracies on longer texts. Several approaches have previously been employed to extend traditional methods to overcome this problem, including the enhancement of the original texts through the construction of associations with external data supplementation sources. Existing literature does not precisely describe the impact of text length on classification performance. This work quantitatively examines the changes in accuracy of a small selection of classifiers using a variety of enhancement methods, as text length progressively decreases. Findings, based on ANOVA testing at a 95% confidence interval, suggest that the performance of classifiers using simple enhancements decreases with decreasing text length, but that the use of more sophisticated enhancements risks over-supplementation of the text and consequent concept drift and classification performance decrease as text length increases

    Open-domain topic identification of out-of-domain utterances using Wikipedia

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    Users of spoken dialogue systems (SDS) expect high quality interactions across a wide range of diverse topics. However, the implementation of SDS capable of responding to every conceivable user utterance in an informative way is a challenging problem. Multi-domain SDS must necessarily identify and deal with out-of-domain (OOD) utterances to generate appropriate responses as users do not always know in advance what domains the SDS can handle. To address this problem, we extend the current state-of-the-art in multi-domain SDS by estimating the topic of OOD utterances using external knowledge representation from Wikipedia. Experimental results on real human-to-human dialogues showed that our approach does not degrade domain prediction performance when compared to the base model. But more significantly, our joint training achieves more accurate predictions of the nearest Wikipedia article by up to about 30% when compared to the benchmarks

    Probability of Semantic Similarity and N-grams Pattern Learning for Data Classification

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    Semantic learning is an important mechanism for the document classification, but most classification approaches are only considered the content and words distribution. Traditional classification algorithms cannot accurately represent the meaning of a document because it does not take into account semantic relations between words. In this paper, we present an approach for classification of documents by incorporating two similarity computing score method. First, a semantic similarity method which computes the probable similarity based on the Bayes' method and second, n-grams pairs based on the frequent terms probability similarity score. Since, both semantic and N-grams pairs can play important roles in a separated views for the classification of the document, we design a semantic similarity learning (SSL) algorithm to improves the performance of document classification for a huge quantity of unclassified documents. The experiment evaluation shows an improvisation in accuracy and effectiveness of the proposal for the unclassified documents

    Topic Models and Fusion Methods: a Union to Improve Text Clustering and Cluster Labeling

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    Topic modeling algorithms are statistical methods that aim to discover the topics running through the text documents. Using topic models in machine learning and text mining is popular due to its applicability in inferring the latent topic structure of a corpus. In this paper, we represent an enriching document approach, using state-of-the-art topic models and data fusion methods, to enrich documents of a collection with the aim of improving the quality of text clustering and cluster labeling. We propose a bi-vector space model in which every document of the corpus is represented by two vectors: one is generated based on the fusion-based topic modeling approach, and one simply is the traditional vector model. Our experiments on various datasets show that using a combination of topic modeling and fusion methods to create documents’ vectors can significantly improve the quality of the results in clustering the documents