4,038 research outputs found

    Granular fuzzy models: a study in knowledge management in fuzzy modeling

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    AbstractIn system modeling, knowledge management comes vividly into the picture when dealing with a collection of individual models. These models being considered as sources of knowledge, are engaged in some collective pursuits of a collaborative development to establish modeling outcomes of global character. The result comes in the form of a so-called granular fuzzy model, which directly reflects upon and quantifies the diversity of the available sources of knowledge (local models) involved in knowledge management. In this study, several detailed algorithmic schemes are presented along with related computational aspects associated with Granular Computing. It is also shown how the construction of information granules completed through the use of the principle of justifiable granularity becomes advantageous in the realization of granular fuzzy models and a quantification of the quality (specificity) of the results of modeling. We focus on the design of granular fuzzy models considering that the locally available models are those fuzzy rule-based. It is shown that the model quantified in terms of two conflicting criteria, that is (a) a coverage criterion expressing to which extent the resulting information granules “cover” include data and (b) specificity criterion articulating how detailed (specific) the obtained information granules are. The overall quality of the granular model is also assessed by determining an area under curve (AUC) where the curve is formed in the coverage-specificity coordinates. Numeric results are discussed with intent of displaying the most essential features of the proposed methodology and algorithmic developments

    A finder and representation system for knowledge carriers based on granular computing

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    In one of his publications Aristotle states ”All human beings by their nature desire to know” [Kraut 1991]. This desire is initiated the day we are born and accompanies us for the rest of our life. While at a young age our parents serve as one of the principle sources for knowledge, this changes over the course of time. Technological advances and particularly the introduction of the Internet, have given us new possibilities to share and access knowledge from almost anywhere at any given time. Being able to access and share large collections of written down knowledge is only one part of the equation. Just as important is the internalization of it, which in many cases can prove to be difficult to accomplish. Hence, being able to request assistance from someone who holds the necessary knowledge is of great importance, as it can positively stimulate the internalization procedure. However, digitalization does not only provide a larger pool of knowledge sources to choose from but also more people that can be potentially activated, in a bid to receive personalized assistance with a given problem statement or question. While this is beneficial, it imposes the issue that it is hard to keep track of who knows what. For this task so-called Expert Finder Systems have been introduced, which are designed to identify and suggest the most suited candidates to provide assistance. Throughout this Ph.D. thesis a novel type of Expert Finder System will be introduced that is capable of capturing the knowledge users within a community hold, from explicit and implicit data sources. This is accomplished with the use of granular computing, natural language processing and a set of metrics that have been introduced to measure and compare the suitability of candidates. Furthermore, are the knowledge requirements of a problem statement or question being assessed, in order to ensure that only the most suited candidates are being recommended to provide assistance

    Bacterial community analysis in upflow multilayer anaerobic reactor (UMAR) treating high-solids organic wastes

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    A novel anaerobic digestion configuration, the upflow multi-layer anaerobic reactor (UMAR), was developed to treat high-solids organic wastes. The UMAR was hypothesized to form multi-layer along depth due to the upflow plug flow; use of a recirculation system and a rotating distributor and baffles aimed to assist treating high-solids influent. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency and methane (CH4) production rate were 89% and 2.10 L CH4/L/day, respectively, at the peak influent COD concentration (110.4 g/L) and organic loading rate (7.5 g COD/L/day). The 454 pyrosequencing results clearly indicated heterogeneous distribution of bacterial communities at different vertical locations (upper, middle, and bottom) of the UMAR. Firmicutes was the dominant (>70%) phylum at the middle and bottom parts, while Deltaproteobacteria and Chloroflexi were only found in the upper part. Potential functions of the bacteria were discussed to speculate on their roles in the anaerobic performance of the UMAR system

    Algebraic, Topological, and Mereological Foundations of Existential Granules

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    In this research, new concepts of existential granules that determine themselves are invented, and are characterized from algebraic, topological, and mereological perspectives. Existential granules are those that determine themselves initially, and interact with their environment subsequently. Examples of the concept, such as those of granular balls, though inadequately defined, algorithmically established, and insufficiently theorized in earlier works by others, are already used in applications of rough sets and soft computing. It is shown that they fit into multiple theoretical frameworks (axiomatic, adaptive, and others) of granular computing. The characterization is intended for algorithm development, application to classification problems and possible mathematical foundations of generalizations of the approach. Additionally, many open problems are posed and directions provided.Comment: 15 Pages. Accepted IJCRS 202

    Complexity vs. performance in granular embedding spaces for graph classification

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    The most distinctive trait in structural pattern recognition in graph domain is the ability to deal with the organization and relations between the constituent entities of the pattern. Even if this can be convenient and/or necessary in many contexts, most of the state-of the art classi\ufb01cation techniques can not be deployed directly in the graph domain without \ufb01rst embedding graph patterns towards a metric space. Granular Computing is a powerful information processing paradigm that can be employed in order to drive the synthesis of automatic embedding spaces from structured domains. In this paper we investigate several classi\ufb01cation techniques starting from Granular Computing-based embedding procedures and provide a thorough overview in terms of model complexity, embedding space complexity and performances on several open-access datasets for graph classi\ufb01cation. We witness that certain classi\ufb01cation techniques perform poorly both from the point of view of complexity and learning performances as the case of non-linear SVM, suggesting that high dimensionality of the synthesized embedding space can negatively affect the effectiveness of these approaches. On the other hand, linear support vector machines, neuro-fuzzy networks and nearest neighbour classi\ufb01ers have comparable performances in terms of accuracy, with second being the most competitive in terms of structural complexity and the latter being the most competitive in terms of embedding space dimensionality

    Monitoring the stability of aerobic granular sludge using fractal dimension analysis

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    Cyclic episodes of granules formation and disintegration took place in two lab-scale aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactors, one fed with synthetic wastewater (COD: 0.6 g L−1 and NH4+–N:0.06 g L−1) and operated at a constant organic loading rate (2.5 g COD per L d), and the other fed with real wastewater (soluble COD: 0.27–1.37 and NH4+–N:0.02–0.16 g L−1) and with a variable loading rate (between 1.1 and 5.5 g CODsoluble per L d). The sludge volume index, density and diameter (mean value and relative standard deviation) of the granular biomass showed great fluctuations, without any clear tendency during the operational period. However, changes in granules fractal dimension values (both mean and relative standard deviation) matched with the formation and disintegration dynamics of the granular biomass. Statistical data analysis showed that the relative standard deviation of the granules fractal dimension could be a useful parameter for monitoring the granules status. Indeed, an increase of its value during the maturation or steady-state granulation stages is an early warning of disintegration episodes. A control strategy to maintain granules integrity based on this parameter is proposedThis work was funded by the Chilean Government through projects FONDECYT 1180650, FONDECYT 11181107, ANID/ FONDAP/15130015 and ANID PIA/BASAL FB0002, and by the Spanish Government through TREASURE [CTQ2017-83225-C2-1-R] and GRANDSEA [CTM2014-55397-JIN] projects. The authors from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela belong to CRETUS Strategic Partnership [ED431E 2018/01] and to the Galician Competitive Research Group [GRC ED431C 2017/29]. All the Spanish programs are co-funded by FEDER (EU)S

    Engineering human neural networks: controlling cell patterning and connectivity

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    Restorative treatments for diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS) are difficult to develop, due to the complexity of CNS tissues and transferability issues with results from costly animal models. There is an urgent need to produce reliable, complex culture models to develop effective treatments. Such models require controlled interfaces and relevant dense neural cultures. In this thesis, techniques are developed to prepare and investigate scaffolds enabling complex structured neural model fabrication. To facilitate development of an interface layer, neural culture on polycarbonate track-etched membranes demonstrated that the growth of neural processes through pores required confluent cultures. To direct low density cultures, funnel-shaped pores were machined into glass coverslips, and neurite interaction with angled pore edges was analysed. Live-imaging results showed that neurites more often crossed shallower edges, and retreated from steeper edges. Concerning development of dense cultures, neural culture in non-granular hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogels showed cell clustering and reduced neurite extension. A protocol adding secondary structure to the scaffold by granulating HA hydrogel was optimized, and cell viability and connectivity within the hydrogel were analysed. Cell viability in the granular hydrogel was comparable to the control, and there was improvement of network connectivity in granular hydrogels over non-granular counterparts. Potential application to improve nerve graft technology motivated the design of an extrusion device that generates tertiary structure by interspersing cell-seeded and unseeded granular HA hydrogel, facilitating control of cell distribution and alignment within the scaffold. Tertiary extruded and non-extruded hydrogels were analysed, and distribution was maintained within the tertiary extruded hydrogel scaffold, without detriment to the cell functionality. It is hypothesized that additional guidance cues could be added to the scaffolds to control cellular alignment. Findings demonstrate the fabrication of structured scaffolds optimized for neural network growth, and highlight strategies that can be used in the production of in vitro neural models for complex CNS study

    Sistemas granulares evolutivos

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    Orientador: Fernando Antonio Campos GomideTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente tem-se observado um crescente interesse em abordagens de modelagem computacional para lidar com fluxos de dados do mundo real. Métodos e algoritmos têm sido propostos para obtenção de conhecimento a partir de conjuntos de dados muito grandes e, a princípio, sem valor aparente. Este trabalho apresenta uma plataforma computacional para modelagem granular evolutiva de fluxos de dados incertos. Sistemas granulares evolutivos abrangem uma variedade de abordagens para modelagem on-line inspiradas na forma com que os humanos lidam com a complexidade. Esses sistemas exploram o fluxo de informação em ambiente dinâmico e extrai disso modelos que podem ser linguisticamente entendidos. Particularmente, a granulação da informação é uma técnica natural para dispensar atenção a detalhes desnecessários e enfatizar transparência, interpretabilidade e escalabilidade de sistemas de informação. Dados incertos (granulares) surgem a partir de percepções ou descrições imprecisas do valor de uma variável. De maneira geral, vários fatores podem afetar a escolha da representação dos dados tal que o objeto representativo reflita o significado do conceito que ele está sendo usado para representar. Neste trabalho são considerados dados numéricos, intervalares e fuzzy; e modelos intervalares, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy. A aprendizagem de sistemas granulares é baseada em algoritmos incrementais que constroem a estrutura do modelo sem conhecimento anterior sobre o processo e adapta os parâmetros do modelo sempre que necessário. Este paradigma de aprendizagem é particularmente importante uma vez que ele evita a reconstrução e o retreinamento do modelo quando o ambiente muda. Exemplos de aplicação em classificação, aproximação de função, predição de séries temporais e controle usando dados sintéticos e reais ilustram a utilidade das abordagens de modelagem granular propostas. O comportamento de fluxos de dados não-estacionários com mudanças graduais e abruptas de regime é também analisado dentro do paradigma de computação granular evolutiva. Realçamos o papel da computação intervalar, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy em processar dados incertos e prover soluções aproximadas de alta qualidade e sumário de regras de conjuntos de dados de entrada e saída. As abordagens e o paradigma introduzidos constituem uma extensão natural de sistemas inteligentes evolutivos para processamento de dados numéricos a sistemas granulares evolutivos para processamento de dados granularesAbstract: In recent years there has been increasing interest in computational modeling approaches to deal with real-world data streams. Methods and algorithms have been proposed to uncover meaningful knowledge from very large (often unbounded) data sets in principle with no apparent value. This thesis introduces a framework for evolving granular modeling of uncertain data streams. Evolving granular systems comprise an array of online modeling approaches inspired by the way in which humans deal with complexity. These systems explore the information flow in dynamic environments and derive from it models that can be linguistically understood. Particularly, information granulation is a natural technique to dispense unnecessary details and emphasize transparency, interpretability and scalability of information systems. Uncertain (granular) data arise from imprecise perception or description of the value of a variable. Broadly stated, various factors can affect one's choice of data representation such that the representing object conveys the meaning of the concept it is being used to represent. Of particular concern to this work are numerical, interval, and fuzzy types of granular data; and interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy modeling frameworks. Learning in evolving granular systems is based on incremental algorithms that build model structure from scratch on a per-sample basis and adapt model parameters whenever necessary. This learning paradigm is meaningful once it avoids redesigning and retraining models all along if the system changes. Application examples in classification, function approximation, time-series prediction and control using real and synthetic data illustrate the usefulness of the granular approaches and framework proposed. The behavior of nonstationary data streams with gradual and abrupt regime shifts is also analyzed in the realm of evolving granular computing. We shed light upon the role of interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy computing in processing uncertain data and providing high-quality approximate solutions and rule summary of input-output data sets. The approaches and framework introduced constitute a natural extension of evolving intelligent systems over numeric data streams to evolving granular systems over granular data streamsDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric