14 research outputs found

    Structure of Triadic Relations in Multiplex Networks

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    Recent advances in the study of networked systems have highlighted that our interconnected world is composed of networks that are coupled to each other through different "layers" that each represent one of many possible subsystems or types of interactions. Nevertheless, it is traditional to aggregate multilayer networks into a single weighted network in order to take advantage of existing tools. This is admittedly convenient, but it is also extremely problematic, as important information can be lost as a result. It is therefore important to develop multilayer generalizations of network concepts. In this paper, we analyze triadic relations and generalize the idea of transitivity to multiplex networks. By focusing on triadic relations, which yield the simplest type of transitivity, we generalize the concept and computation of clustering coefficients to multiplex networks. We show how the layered structure of such networks introduces a new degree of freedom that has a fundamental effect on transitivity. We compute multiplex clustering coefficients for several real multiplex networks and illustrate why one must take great care when generalizing standard network concepts to multiplex networks. We also derive analytical expressions for our clustering coefficients for ensemble averages of networks in a family of random multiplex networks. Our analysis illustrates that social networks have a strong tendency to promote redundancy by closing triads at every layer and that they thereby have a different type of multiplex transitivity from transportation networks, which do not exhibit such a tendency. These insights are invisible if one only studies aggregated networks.Comment: Main text + Supplementary Material included in a single file. Published in New Journal of Physic

    MuxViz: A Tool for Multilayer Analysis and Visualization of Networks

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    Multilayer relationships among entities and information about entities must be accompanied by the means to analyze, visualize, and obtain insights from such data. We present open-source software (muxViz) that contains a collection of algorithms for the analysis of multilayer networks, which are an important way to represent a large variety of complex systems throughout science and engineering. We demonstrate the ability of muxViz to analyze and interactively visualize multilayer data using empirical genetic, neuronal, and transportation networks. Our software is available at https://github.com/manlius/muxViz.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures (text of the accepted manuscript

    Hierarchical Stochastic Block Model for Community Detection in Multiplex Networks

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    Multiplex networks have become increasingly more prevalent in many fields, and have emerged as a powerful tool for modeling the complexity of real networks. There is a critical need for developing inference models for multiplex networks that can take into account potential dependencies across different layers, particularly when the aim is community detection. We add to a limited literature by proposing a novel and efficient Bayesian model for community detection in multiplex networks. A key feature of our approach is the ability to model varying communities at different network layers. In contrast, many existing models assume the same communities for all layers. Moreover, our model automatically picks up the necessary number of communities at each layer (as validated by real data examples). This is appealing, since deciding the number of communities is a challenging aspect of community detection, and especially so in the multiplex setting, if one allows the communities to change across layers. Borrowing ideas from hierarchical Bayesian modeling, we use a hierarchical Dirichlet prior to model community labels across layers, allowing dependency in their structure. Given the community labels, a stochastic block model (SBM) is assumed for each layer. We develop an efficient slice sampler for sampling the posterior distribution of the community labels as well as the link probabilities between communities. In doing so, we address some unique challenges posed by coupling the complex likelihood of SBM with the hierarchical nature of the prior on the labels. An extensive empirical validation is performed on simulated and real data, demonstrating the superior performance of the model over single-layer alternatives, as well as the ability to uncover interesting structures in real networks

    Entropy Dynamics of Community Alignment in the Italian Parliament Time-Dependent Network

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    Complex institutions are typically characterized by meso-scale structures which are fundamental for the successful coordination of multiple agents. Here we introduce a framework to study the temporal dynamics of the node-community relationship based on the concept of community alignment, a measure derived from the modularity matrix that defines the alignment of a node with respect to the core of its community. The framework is applied to the 16th legislature of the Italian Parliament to study the dynamic relationship in voting behavior between Members of the Parliament (MPs) and their political parties. As a novel contribution, we introduce two entropy-based measures that capture politically interesting dynamics: the group alignment entropy (over a single snapshot), and the node alignment entropy (over multiple snapshots). We show that significant meso-scale changes in the time-dependent network structures can be detected by a combination of the two measures. We observe a steady growth of the group alignment entropy after a major internal conflict in the ruling majority and a different distribution of nodes alignment entropy after the government transition

    Mathematical formulation of multilayer networks

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    A network representation is useful for describing the structure of a large variety of complex systems. However, most real and engineered systems have multiple subsystems and layers of connectivity, and the data produced by such systems are very rich. Achieving a deep understanding of such systems necessitates generalizing “traditional” network theory, and the newfound deluge of data now makes it possible to test increasingly general frameworks for the study of networks. In particular, although adjacency matrices are useful to describe traditional single-layer networks, such a representation is insufficient for the analysis and description of multiplex and time-dependent networks. One must therefore develop a more general mathematical framework to cope with the challenges posed by multilayer complex systems. In this paper, we introduce a tensorial framework to study multilayer networks, and we discuss the generalization of several important network descriptors and dynamical processes—including degree centrality, clustering coefficients, eigenvector centrality, modularity, von Neumann entropy, and diffusion—for this framework. We examine the impact of different choices in constructing these generalizations, and we illustrate how to obtain known results for the special cases of single-layer and multiplex networks. Our tensorial approach will be helpful for tackling pressing problems in multilayer complex systems, such as inferring who is influencing whom (and by which media) in multichannel social networks and developing routing techniques for multimodal transportation systems

    Multiplex Networks Structure and Dynamics

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    Los estudios tradicionales en teoría de redes complejas, en general, representan la interacción entre dos elementos del sistema a través de un solo enlace. Esta representación resulta ser una simplificación excesiva en la mayoría de los casos de interés práctico y puede llevar a resultados y conclusiones engañosas. Esto se debe a que la mayoría de los sistemas reales poseen una estructura multicapa, ya que en una gran cantidad de casos de estudio reales existen muchos tipos distintos de interacción entre los constituyentes del sistema. Por ejemplo, un sistema de transporte está constituido por múltiples modos de viajes; un sistema biológico incluye múltiples canales de señalización que operan en paralelo; finalmente, una red social está constituida por múltiples tipos de relaciones distintas (de trabajo, de amistad, de parentesco, etc.) que operan vía distintos modos de comunicación en paralelo (en línea, o desconectados). Para representar de manera apropiada estos sistemas, años atrás se introdujo la noción de redes multiplex en campos tan distintos como la ingeniería y la sociología, al mismo tiempo que los instrumentos analíticos desarrollados para describirlas y analizarlas fueron muy escasos. Esta escasez se debía fundamentalmente a un aspecto: aunque muchas características y métricas de las redes tradicionales (de una sola capa) están bien definidas en la teoría tradicional de redes complejas, resulta muy desafiante generalizarlas al caso de redes multicapa, incluso para aquellas que son más simples. El interés por nuevos desarrollos teóricos para es estudio en profundidad de las redes multiplex, por lo tanto, ha ido creciendo sólo en los últimos años, gracias sobre todo a la gran cantidad de datos disponibles sobre sistemas reales que necesitan de una representación multicapa si se quieren describir y entender en profundidad. En esta Tesis desarrollamos un lenguaje matemático formal para representar la redes multiplex en términos de la teoría algébrica de grafos. En particular, introducimos la noción de matriz de supra-adyacencia como generalización de la matriz de adyacencia definida en el caso de una red de una sola capa. Así mismo definimos el supra-Laplaciano de una red multiplex como generalización del Laplaciano. También, se propone una representación agregada de una red multiplex a través de la noción de grafo cociente. Esto permite asociar a la red multiplex original, un grafo de una sola capa en el cual se agregan los distintos tipos de interacciones presentes. Por un lado, a través de este procedimiento se introduce una manera bien definida de agregar capas, y por otro, también permite definir otra red, formada por las capas, que contiene toda la información relativa a la interacción entre las mismas. La importancia de las nuevas definiciones radica en que, gracias a ellas, podemos utilizar algunos teoremas y resultados de teoría espectral de grafos y sus respectivos cocientes para estudiar propiedades espectrales de redes múltiplex y su representación agregada. Finalmente, también introducimos la noción de matriz de caminos asociados a una red multiplex. En una red de una sola capa un camino es una sucesión de nodos adyacentes. En una red multiplex pueden existir distintas nociones de caminos dependiendo de la manera en que se quieran tratar los enlaces entre capas. Dada una noción de camino, a esta resultará asociada una matriz de caminos. Una vez desarrollado el lenguaje formal apto a describir una red multicapa, afrontamos el problema de la generalización de algunas medidas estructurales. En particular tratamos el caso del coeficiente de agrupamiento (tanto local como global) y la centralidad de un subgrafo. Aunque ya existían en la literatura algunas propuestas de generalización del coeficiente de agrupamiento, la mayoría de estas resultaban ser definiciones ad hoc con respecto a casos de estudios particulares, o directamente mal definidas. Las distintas medidas que proponemos en estas tesis son muy generales, bien normalizadas y se reducen a la tradicional medida de coeficiente de agrupamiento para redes de una sola capa cuando el número de capas es uno. En cuanto a la centralidad de subgrafos, utilizamos este caso particular para demonstrar la utilidad de construir sobre nociones básicas (como es la de camino) a la hora de generalizar medidas estructurales.\\ Por otro lado, mucha información respecto a la organización estructural de una red (ya sea multicapa o de una sola capa) está codificada en el espectro de la matriz de adyacencia a ella asociada así como en el del Laplaciano. Por esta razón, estudiamos las propiedades espectrales tanto de la matriz de supra-adyacencia como del supra-Laplaciano. En particular, con respecto a la matriz de supra-adyacencia, estudiamos su autovalor máximo. Éste resulta de interés ya que está en la base de medidas topológicas como la entropía de ensemble de los caminos, así como del estudio de las propiedades críticas de algunos procesos dinámicos. Por ejemplo, el valor crítico del parámetro de difusión en un modelo de propagación epidemias depende del autovalor máximo de la matriz de adyacencia. Para el estudio de este autovalor utilizamos técnicas perturbativas. Podemos definir una capa que llamamos dominante, que será aquella que tenga el mayor autovalor máximo de la matriz de adyacencia asociada a la misma. El autovalor máximo de la matriz de supra-adyacencia resulta ser igual al autovalor máximo de la capa dominante al primer orden perturbativo. Además, la corrección de segundo orden es dependiente de las correlaciones entre nodos que representan el mismo objecto en distintas capas distintas. Adicionalmente, aprovechando los resultados conocidos que relacionan el espectro de un grafo cociente con aquel de su grafo padre, estudiamos el espectro de una red multicapa a partir de su representación agregada. En particular, demostramos que los autovalores del Laplaciano de la red de capas son un subconjunto de los autovalores del supra-Laplaciano de la red multicapa, cuando todos los nodos participan en todos las capas. Este resultado nos permite estudiar la conectividad algébrica de la red multicapa, o sea el primer autovalor no-nulo y obtener algunos resultados tanto exactos como perturbativos sobre este. En concreto, las transiciones estructurales en redes multicapa son de gran interés. En esta tesis presentamos una teoría de estas transiciones que se deriva por completo de la noción de grafo cociente. Finalmente, presentamos un modelo de contagio social y estudiamos la existencia de estados meta-estables macroscópicos en los cuales una fracción finita de nodos resultan contagiados. La existencia de una capa dominante hace que sea esta la que determine el valor crítico del contagio, definido como el valor de este parámetro a partir del cual existe un estado macroscopico de la infección (también para las capas no-dominantes). Este resultado se derivada utilizando el método perturbativo para calcular el autovalor máximo de la matriz de supra-adyacencia. Simulaciones numéricas del modelo confirman los resultados analíticos. Para terminar, en el presente trabajo exponemos nuestras conclusiones a manera de resumen por un lado, y por otra, discutiendo cuáles son los aspectos que a nuestro criterio, podrían ser de interés para futuras investigaciones en este tema

    Multilayer Networks

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    In most natural and engineered systems, a set of entities interact with each other in complicated patterns that can encompass multiple types of relationships, change in time, and include other types of complications. Such systems include multiple subsystems and layers of connectivity, and it is important to take such "multilayer" features into account to try to improve our understanding of complex systems. Consequently, it is necessary to generalize "traditional" network theory by developing (and validating) a framework and associated tools to study multilayer systems in a comprehensive fashion. The origins of such efforts date back several decades and arose in multiple disciplines, and now the study of multilayer networks has become one of the most important directions in network science. In this paper, we discuss the history of multilayer networks (and related concepts) and review the exploding body of work on such networks. To unify the disparate terminology in the large body of recent work, we discuss a general framework for multilayer networks, construct a dictionary of terminology to relate the numerous existing concepts to each other, and provide a thorough discussion that compares, contrasts, and translates between related notions such as multilayer networks, multiplex networks, interdependent networks, networks of networks, and many others. We also survey and discuss existing data sets that can be represented as multilayer networks. We review attempts to generalize single-layer-network diagnostics to multilayer networks. We also discuss the rapidly expanding research on multilayer-network models and notions like community structure, connected components, tensor decompositions, and various types of dynamical processes on multilayer networks. We conclude with a summary and an outlook.Comment: Working paper; 59 pages, 8 figure

    On the topology Of network fine structures

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    Multi-relational dynamics are ubiquitous in many complex systems like transportations, social and biological. This thesis studies the two mathematical objects that encapsulate these relationships --- multiplexes and interval graphs. The former is the modern outlook in Network Science to generalize the edges in graphs while the latter was popularized during the 1960s in Graph Theory. Although multiplexes and interval graphs are nearly 50 years apart, their motivations are similar and it is worthwhile to investigate their structural connections and properties. This thesis look into these mathematical objects and presents their connections. For example we will look at the community structures in multiplexes and learn how unstable the detection algorithms are. This can lead researchers to the wrong conclusions. Thus it is important to get formalism precise and this thesis shows that the complexity of interval graphs is an indicator to the precision. However this measure of complexity is a computational hard problem in Graph Theory and in turn we use a heuristic strategy from Network Science to tackle the problem. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the compilation of the disparate literature on these mathematical objects. The novelty of this contribution is in using the statistical tools from population biology to deduce the completeness of this thesis's bibliography. It can also be used as a framework for researchers to quantify the comprehensiveness of their preliminary investigations. From the large body of multiplex research, the thesis focuses on the statistical properties of the projection of multiplexes (the reduction of multi-relational system to a single relationship network). It is important as projection is always used as the baseline for many relevant algorithms and its topology is insightful to understand the dynamics of the system.Open Acces

    Self-Organising Networks in Complex Infrastructure Projects: The Case of London Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Project

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    Managing large infrastructure projects remains a thorny issue in theory and practice. This is mainly due to their increasingly interconnected, interdependent, multilateral, nonlinear, unpredictable, uncontrollable, and rapidly changing nature. This study is an attempt to demystify the key issues to the management of large construction projects, arguing that these projects are delivered through networks that evolve in ways that we do not sufficiently understand as yet. The theoretical framework of this study is grounded in Complexity Theory; a theory resulted in a paradigm shift when it was first introduced to project management post-2000 but is yet to be unpacked in its full potential. The original contribution of the study is predicated on perceiving large construction projects as evolving complex systems that involves a high degree of self‐organisation. This is a process that transitions contractually static prescribed roles to dynamic network roles, comprising individuals exchanging information. Furthermore, by placing great emphasis upon informal communications, this study demonstrates how self-organising networks can be married with Complexity Theory. This approach has the potential to make bedfellows around the concept of managing networks within a context of managing projects; a concept that is not always recognised, especially in project management. With the help of social network analysis, two snapshots from Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Project Network were analysed as a case study. Findings suggest that relationships and hence network structures in large construction projects exhibit small-world topology, underlined by a high degree of sparseness and clustering. These are distinct structural properties of self-organising networks. Evidence challenges the theorisation about self-organisation which largely assumes positive outcomes and suggests that self-organising could open up opportunities yet also create constraints. This helps to provide further insights into complexity and the treatment of uncertainty in large projects. The study concludes with detailed recommendations for research and practice