796 research outputs found

    Layers in the Fabric of Mind: A Critical Review of Cognitive Ontogeny

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    The essay is critically examines the conceptual problems with the influential modularity model of mind. We shall see that one of the essential characters of modules, namely informational encapsulation, is not only inessential, it ties a knot at a crucial place blocking the solution to the problem of understanding the formation of concepts from percepts (nodes of procedural knowledge). Subsequently I propose that concept formation takes place by modulation of modules leading to cross-representations, which were otherwise prevented by encapsulation. It must be noted that the argument is not against modular architecture, but a variety of an architecture that prevents interaction among modules. This is followed by a brief argument demonstrating that module without modularization, i.e. without developmental history, is impossible. Finally the emerging picture of cognitive development is drawn in the form of the layers in the fabric of mind, with a brief statement of the possible implications

    Comparison and classification of flexible distributions for multivariate skew and heavy-tailed data

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    We present, compare and classify popular families of flexible multivariate distributions. Our classification is based on the type of symmetry (spherical, elliptical, central symmetry or asymmetry) and the tail behaviour (a single tail weight parameter or multiple tail weight parameters). We compare the families both theoretically (relevant properties and distinctive features) and with a Monte Carlo study (comparing the fitting abilities in finite samples)

    The Right Tools for the Job: The Case for Spatial Science Tool-Building

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    This paper was presented as the 8th annual Transactions in GIS plenary address at the American Association of Geographers annual meeting in Washington, DC. The spatial sciences have recently seen growing calls for more accessible software and tools that better embody geographic science and theory. Urban spatial network science offers one clear opportunity: from multiple perspectives, tools to model and analyze nonplanar urban spatial networks have traditionally been inaccessible, atheoretical, or otherwise limiting. This paper reflects on this state of the field. Then it discusses the motivation, experience, and outcomes of developing OSMnx, a tool intended to help address this. Next it reviews this tool's use in the recent multidisciplinary spatial network science literature to highlight upstream and downstream benefits of open-source software development. Tool-building is an essential but poorly incentivized component of academic geography and social science more broadly. To conduct better science, we need to build better tools. The paper concludes with paths forward, emphasizing open-source software and reusable computational data science beyond mere reproducibility and replicability

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2007

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic

    Reinforcement learning in large, structured action spaces: A simulation study of decision support for spinal cord injury rehabilitation

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has helped improve decision-making in several applications. However, applying traditional RL is challenging in some applications, such as rehabilitation of people with a spinal cord injury (SCI). Among other factors, using RL in this domain is difficult because there are many possible treatments (i.e., large action space) and few patients (i.e., limited training data). Treatments for SCIs have natural groupings, so we propose two approaches to grouping treatments so that an RL agent can learn effectively from limited data. One relies on domain knowledge of SCI rehabilitation and the other learns similarities among treatments using an embedding technique. We then use Fitted Q Iteration to train an agent that learns optimal treatments. Through a simulation study designed to reflect the properties of SCI rehabilitation, we find that both methods can help improve the treatment decisions of physiotherapists, but the approach based on domain knowledge offers better performance. Our findings provide a "proof of concept" that RL can be used to help improve the treatment of those with an SCI and indicates that continued efforts to gather data and apply RL to this domain are worthwhile.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Selecting the Number of Clusters KK with a Stability Trade-off: an Internal Validation Criterion

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    Model selection is a major challenge in non-parametric clustering. There is no universally admitted way to evaluate clustering results for the obvious reason that there is no ground truth against which results could be tested, as in supervised learning. The difficulty to find a universal evaluation criterion is a direct consequence of the fundamentally ill-defined objective of clustering. In this perspective, clustering stability has emerged as a natural and model-agnostic principle: an algorithm should find stable structures in the data. If data sets are repeatedly sampled from the same underlying distribution, an algorithm should find similar partitions. However, it turns out that stability alone is not a well-suited tool to determine the number of clusters. For instance, it is unable to detect if the number of clusters is too small. We propose a new principle for clustering validation: a good clustering should be stable, and within each cluster, there should exist no stable partition. This principle leads to a novel internal clustering validity criterion based on between-cluster and within-cluster stability, overcoming limitations of previous stability-based methods. We empirically show the superior ability of additive noise to discover structures, compared with sampling-based perturbation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for selecting the number of clusters through a large number of experiments and compare it with existing evaluation methods.Comment: 43 page
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