10 research outputs found

    Cluster of the latin american universities top100 according to webometrics 2017

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    Due to the processes of internationalization, competitiveness and other related elements, universities have implemented policies and management systems that allow them to monitor and measure their world ranking position of presence on the web. The purpose of this paper is to perform a conglomerate analysis of the Top100 of the Latin American universities positioned in Webometrics database in January 2017. For this reason, information on postgraduate programs and social networks included in the websites of these institutions, and on the professors and documents found in Google Scholar was obtained. The correlation between the variables is observed, and the clusters are identified. The variable with the highest correlation with the ranking is the number of postgraduate programs. Three conglomerates are formed, with 11 being the least number of postgraduate programs guaranteeing universities to be among the Top50 positions

    Determinants of researchgate (rg) score for the top 100 of Latin American universities at webometrics

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    This paper has the purpose of establishing the variables that explain the behavior of ResearchGate for the Top100 Latin American universities positioned in Webometrics database for January 2017. For this purpose, a search was carried out to get information about postgraduate courses and professors at the institutional websites and social networks, obtaining documents registered in Google Scholar. For the data analysis, the econometric technique of ordinary least squares was applied, a cross-sectional study for the year 2017 was conducted, and the individuals studied were the first 100 Latin American universities, obtaining a coefficient of determination of 73.82%. The results show that the most significant variables are the number of programs, the number of teacher’s profiles registered in Google Scholar, the number of subscribers to the institutional YouTube channel, and the GDP per capita of the university origin country. Variables such as (i) number of undergraduate programs, (ii) number of scientific journals; (iii) number of documents found under the university domain; (iv) H-index of the 1st profile of researcher at the university; (vi) number of members of the institution; (v) SIR Scimago ranking of Higher Education Institutions; (vi) number of tweets published in the institutional account; (vii) number of followers in the Twitter institutional account; (vii) number of “likes” given to the institutional count, were not significantCorporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica, Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado, Universidad de la Costa

    Comparison of websites based on webometrics index, Alexa\u27s traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium Case study: Islamic Azad University (IAU), five units

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    The purpose here is to compare the status of website of five IAU unites based on webometrics, Alexa\u27s traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium. This applied research is run through a descriptive method, where Webometrics index, Alexa\u27s traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium are applied. The statistical population consists of five: IAU Kerman, Shiraz, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas and Ahwaz units’ websites. The results reveal that Ahvaz unit with the average of 10356 pages is ranked the highest and the first and Bushehr unit with the lowest 4441 pages is ranked the last. As to the enriched files, Kerman and Ahwaz units are ranked first and last, with 2248 and 459 files, respectively. As to visibility (internal linkage), Kerman and Ahwaz units rank first and last with 9th and 5th rankings, respectively. As to Sinium, Shiraz and Bandar-Abbas units have the highest and the lowest estimated values of 18144and18144 and 3780 respectively. In general, based on the webometrics database (size, visibility, formatted files and count of articles in Google Scalar) and the traffic rating of Alexa\u27s website and the estimated value of the web site, Shiraz unit has the highest performance among IAU units. It is assumed that national and global universities in terms of having characteristics and elements like: the active presence of professors and researchers, graduate programs promotion, credibility, up-to-date, user-friendly, free access to articles, popularity, etc. are of higher status. As to their websites in terms of visibility, size, rank, monitoring, traffic rating, and increased value, they are ranked higher

    Comparison of websites based on webometrics index, Alexa\u27s traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium Case study: Islamic Azad University (IAU), five units

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    The purpose here is to compare the status of website of five IAU unites based on webometrics, Alexa\u27s traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium. This applied research is run through a descriptive method, where Webometrics index, Alexa\u27s traffic rating and estimated value of Sinium are applied. The statistical population consists of five: IAU Kerman, Shiraz, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas and Ahvaz units’ websites. The results reveal that Ahvaz unit with the average of 10356 pages is ranked the highest and the first and Bushehr unit with the lowest 4441 pages is ranked the last. As to the enriched files, Kerman and Ahvaz units are ranked first and last, with 2248 and 459 files, respectively. As to visibility (internal linkage), Kerman and Ahvaz units rank first and last with 9th and 5th rankings, respectively. As to Sinium, Shiraz and Bandar-Abbas units have the highest and the lowest estimated values of 18144and18144 and 3780 respectively. In general, based on the webometrics database (size, visibility, formatted files and count of articles in Google Scalar) and the traffic rating of Alexa\u27s website and the estimated value of the web site, Shiraz unit has the highest performance among IAU units. It is assumed that national and global universities in terms of having characteristics and elements like: the active presence of professors and researchers, graduate programs promotion, credibility, up-to-date, user-friendly, free access to articles, popularity, etc. are of higher status. As to their websites in terms of visibility, size, rank, monitoring, traffic rating, and increased value, they are ranked higher

    Intelligent and Distributed Data Warehouse for Student’s Academic Performance Analysis

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    In the academic world, a large amount of data is handled each day, ranging from student’s assessments to their socio-economic data. In order to analyze this historical information, an interesting alternative is to implement a Data Warehouse. However, Data Warehouses are not able to perform predictive analysis by themselves, so machine intelligence techniques can be used for sorting, grouping, and predicting based on historical information to improve the analysis quality. This work describes a Data Warehouse architecture to carry out an academic performance analysis of students

    Multi-dimension Tensor Factorization Collaborative Filtering Recommendation for Academic Profiles

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    The choice of academic itineraries and/or optional subjects to attend is not usually an easy decision since, in most cases, students lack the information, maturity, and knowledge required to make right decisions. This paper evaluates the support of Collaborative Systems for helping and guiding students in this decision-making process, considering the behavior and impact of these systems on the use of data different from the formal information the students usually use. For this purpose, the research applied the clustering based Multi-dimension Tensor Factorization approach to build a recommendation system and confirm that the increment in tensors improves the recommendation accuracy. As a result, this approach permits the user to take advantage of the contextual information to reduce the sparsity issue and increase the recommendation accuracy

    Integration of data technology for analyzing university dropout

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    Dropout, defined as the abandonment of a career before obtaining the corresponding degree, considering a significant time period to rule out the possibility of return. Higher education students´ dropout generates several issues that affect students and universities. The results obtained from the data provided by the Engineering departments of the University of Mumbai, in India, determine that the variables that best explain a student's dropout are the socioeconomic factors and the income score provided by the University Admission Test (UAT). According to the decision tree technique, it is concluded that the retention is 78.3%. The quality of the classifiers allows to ensure that their predictions are correct, with statistical levels of ROC curve are 76%, 75%, and 83% successful for Bayesian network classifiers, decision tree, and neural network respectively

    Recovery of scientific data using Intelligent Distributed Data Warehouse

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    A Retrieval System requires several components that define its functionality and behavior. In the case of a meta-search engine for the retrieval of scientific data, a schema that defines the way to store such data is considered a necessary element for its evolution. Unified profiles have been developed for the data storage of the entities involved in the scientific data management, generated from the fact of publishing a scientific paper. Such profiles are considered the beginning of the generation of new components for the meta-search engine that, using the proprietary information, can deliver information relevant for the user of the tool. To this end, the use of an intelligent distributed data warehouse is proposed

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute

    The Promise of Higher Education

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    This book is a collection of short essays, accessible through open access, which takes the interested reader on a tour across the global higher education landscape. It addresses pertinent themes and challenges in higher education. To mark the 70th anniversary of the International Association of Universities (IAU) and its role in higher education since 1950, experts from around the world share their insights into higher education’s recent past, present and future. The book is divided into six parts: Part I – “70 years of Higher Education Cooperation and Advocacy” looks back at key events in IAU’s history, its mission and significant activities over time, and remarks on the current global context informing its quest to promote academic partnerships and solidarity on a global scale. Part II – “Facilitating International Cooperation” provides for different perspectives on the transformation of the internationalisation of higher education and the contribution of higher education to international cooperation. Part III – “Coding the Values” debates the values upon which higher education was, is and will have to be built to provide for a democratic and inclusive society. Part IV – “The Changing Landscape” analyses various aspects of the transformation of higher education in an evolving context across the globe. Part V – “The Promise of Education” reflects on the role of higher education, its ideals and shortfalls and what it must do to stay true to its promise to help shape our societies. Part VI – “Opening up – The Future of Higher Education” focuses on future scenarios of higher education and call on the reader to envision a different kind of higher education and reimagine the contribution of higher education to society, as well as future roles for the IAU. The book will be of interest to higher education policy makers and academics. It is also of interest to the general public, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges higher education institutions currently face and suggests scenarios of what the future of education might look like