11 research outputs found

    Weighted Sum Synchronization of Memristive Coupled Neural Networks

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    Funding Information: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61971185) and the Open Fund Project of Key Laboratory in Hunan Universities (No. 18K010). Publisher Copyright: © 2020 Elsevier B.V.It is well known that weighted sum of node states plays an essential role in function implementation of neural networks. Therefore, this paper proposes a new weighted sum synchronization model for memristive neural networks. Unlike the existing synchronization models of memristive neural networks which control each network node to reach synchronization, the proposed model treats the networks as dynamic entireties by weighted sum of node states and makes the entireties instead of each node reach expected synchronization. In this paper, weighted sum complete synchronization and quasi-synchronization are both investigated by designing feedback controller and aperiodically intermittent controller, respectively. Meanwhile, a flexible control scheme is designed for the proposed model by utilizing some switching parameters and can improve anti-interference ability of control system. By applying Lyapunov method and some differential inequalities, some effective criteria are derived to ensure the synchronizations of memristive neural networks. Moreover, the error level of the quasi-synchronization is given. Finally, numerical simulation examples are used to certify the effectiveness of the derived results.Peer reviewe

    Finite-time synchronization of multi-layer nonlinear coupled complex networks via intermittent feedback control

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    This paper addresses the problem of finite-time synchronization for a class of multi-layer nonlinear coupled complex networks via intermittent feedback control. Firstly, based on finite-time stability theory, some novel criteria are given to guarantee that the error system of drive-response systems is still finite-time stable under an inherently discontinuous controller. Then, by proposing two kinds of intermittent feedback control laws, sufficient conditions of finite-time synchronization of two kinds of multi-layer complex networks are derived, respectively. The time delay between different layers is also taken into consideration. Finally, a numerical example is provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/neucom2018-02-28hb2017Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Impulsive mean square exponential synchronization of stochastic dynamical networks with hybrid time-varying delays

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    This paper investigates the mean square exponential synchronization problem for complex dynamical networks with stochastic disturbances and hybrid time-varying delays, both internal delay and coupling delay are considered in the model. At the same time, the coupled time-delay is also probabilistic in two time interval. Impulsive control method is applied to force all nodes synchronize to a chaotic orbit, and impulsive input delay is also taken into account. Based on the theory of stochastic differential equation, an impulsive differential inequality and some analysis techniques, several simple and useful criteria are derived to ensure mean square exponential synchronization of the stochastic dynamical networks. Furthermore, pinning impulsive strategy is studied. An effective method is introduced to select the controlled nodes at each impulsive constants. Numerical simulations are exploited to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theory results in this paper

    Pinning Cluster Synchronization in Linear Hybrid Coupled Delayed Dynamical Networks

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    The problem on cluster synchronization will be investigated for a class of delayed dynamical networks based on pinning control strategy. Through utilizing the combined convex technique and Kronecker product, two sufficient conditions can be derived to ensure the desired synchronization when the designed feedback controller is employed to each cluster. Moreover, the inner coupling matrices are unnecessarily restricted to be diagonal and the controller design can be converted into solving a series of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which greatly improve the present methods. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and reduced conservatism

    Resilient Learning-Based Control for Synchronization of Passive Multi-Agent Systems under Attack

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    In this paper, we show synchronization for a group of output passive agents that communicate with each other according to an underlying communication graph to achieve a common goal. We propose a distributed event-triggered control framework that will guarantee synchronization and considerably decrease the required communication load on the band-limited network. We define a general Byzantine attack on the event-triggered multi-agent network system and characterize its negative effects on synchronization. The Byzantine agents are capable of intelligently falsifying their data and manipulating the underlying communication graph by altering their respective control feedback weights. We introduce a decentralized detection framework and analyze its steady-state and transient performances. We propose a way of identifying individual Byzantine neighbors and a learning-based method of estimating the attack parameters. Lastly, we propose learning-based control approaches to mitigate the negative effects of the adversarial attack

    Synchronization of Complex-Valued Dynamical Networks

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    Dynamical networks (DNs) have been broadly applied to describe natural and human systems consisting of a large number of interactive individuals. Common examples include Internet, food webs, social networks, neural networks, etc. One of the crucial and significant collective behaviors of DNs is known as synchronization. In reality, synchronization phenomena may occur either inside a network or between two or more networks, which are called “inner synchronization” and “outer synchronization”, respectively. On the other hand, many real systems are more suitably characterized by complex-valued dynamical systems, such as quantum systems, complex Lorenz system, and complex-valued neural networks. The main focus of this thesis is on synchronization of complex-valued dynamical networks (CVDNs). In this thesis, we firstly design a delay-dependent pinning impulsive controller to study synchronization of time-delay CVDNs. By taking advantage of the Lyapunov function in the complex field, some delay-independent synchronization criteria of CVDNs are established, which generalizes some existing synchronization results. Then, by employing the Lyapunov functional in the complex field, several delay-dependent sufficient conditions on synchronization of CVDNs with various sizes of delays are constructed. Moreover, we study synchronization of CVDNs with time-varying delays under distributed impulsive controllers. By taking advantage of time-varying Lyapunov function/ functional in the complex domain, several synchronization criteria for CVDNs with time-varying delays are derived in terms of complex-valued linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Then, we propose a memory-based event-triggered impulsive control (ETIC) scheme with three levels of events in the complex field to investigate the synchronization problem of CVDNs with both discrete and distributed time delays, and we further consider an event-triggered pinning impulsive control (ETPIC) scheme combining the proposed ETIC and a pinning algorithm to study synchronization of time-delay CVDNs. Results show that the proposed ETIC scheme and ETPIC scheme can effectively synchronize CVDNs with the desired trajectory. Secondly, we study generalized outer synchronization of drive-response time-delayed CVDNs via hybrid control. A hybrid controller is proposed in the complex domain to construct response complex-valued networks. Some generalized outer synchronization criteria for drive-response CVDNs are established, which extend the existing generalized outer synchronization results to the complex field. Thirdly, we study the average-consensus problem of potential complex-valued multi-agent systems. A complex-variable hybrid consensus protocol is proposed, and time delays are taken into account in both the continuous-time protocol and the discrete-time protocol. Delay-dependent sufficient conditions are established to guarantee the proposed complex-variable hybrid consensus protocol can solve the average-consensus problem. Lastly, as a practical application for complex-valued networked systems, the synchronization problem of master-slave complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs) is studied via hybrid control and delayed ETPIC, respectively. We also investigate the state estimation problem of CVNNs by designing the adaptive impulsive observer in the complex field