1,652 research outputs found

    Manual and Automatic Translation From Sequential to Parallel Programming On Cloud Systems

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    Cloud computing has gradually evolved into an infrastructural tool for a variety of scientific research and computing applications. It has become a trend for many institutions and organizations to migrate their products from local servers to the cloud. One of the current challenges in cloud computing is running software efficiently on cloud platforms since many legacy codes cannot be executed in parallel in cloud contexts, which is a waste of the cloud’s computing power. To solve this problem, we have researched ways to translate code from sequential to parallel cloud computing using three categories of translation methods: manual, automatic, and semi-automatic. The performance of manual translation result is better than the other two types of translation’s. However, it is costly to manually redesign and convert current sequential codes into cloud codes. Thus, the automatic translation of sequential codes to parallel cloud applications is one approach that could be taken to resolve the problem of code migration to a cloud infrastructure. During this research, two automatic code translators, Java to MapReduce (J2M) and Java to Spark (J2S), are developed to translate code automatically from sequential Java to MapReduce and Spark applications. A semi-automatic translation method is proposed, which is the combination of manual and automatic translation and performs well on large amounts of data with small fragment sizes. This dissertation provides details about our sequential to parallel cloud code translation research in last four years. The experimental results not only indicate that translators can precisely translate a sequential Java program into parallel cloud applications but also show that it can speed up performance. We expect that an almost linear rate of speedup is possible when processing large datasets. However, some constraints still need to be overcome so more features can be implemented in future work. It is believed that our translators are the ideal models for code migration and will play an important role in the transition era of cloud computing

    Stochastic simulation and spatial statistics of large datasets using parallel computing

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    Lattice models are a way of representing spatial locations in a grid where each cell is in a certain state and evolves according to transition rules and rates dependent on a surrounding neighbourhood. These models are capable of describing many phenomena such as the simulation and growth of a forest fire front. These spatial simulation models as well as spatial descriptive statistics such as Ripley\u27s K-function have wide applicability in spatial statistics but in general do not scale well for large datasets. Parallel computing (high performance computing) is one solution that can provide limited scalability to these applications. This is done using the message passing interface (MPI) framework implemented in R through the Rmpi package. Other useful techniques in spatial statistics such as point pattern reconstruction and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are discussed from a parallel computing perspective as well. In particular, an improved point pattern reconstruction is given and implemented in parallel. Single chain MCMC methods are also examined and improved upon to give faster convergence using parallel computing. Optimizations, and complications that arise from parallelizing existing spatial statistics algorithms are discussed and methods are implemented in an accompanying R package, parspatstat

    Bayesian Modelling of Functional Whole Brain Connectivity

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    Model-based classification for subcellular localization prediction of proteins

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    Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches

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    This open access book provides innovative methods and original applications of sequence analysis (SA) and related methods for analysing longitudinal data describing life trajectories such as professional careers, family paths, the succession of health statuses, or the time use. The applications as well as the methodological contributions proposed in this book pay special attention to the combined use of SA and other methods for longitudinal data such as event history analysis, Markov modelling, and sequence network. The methodological contributions in this book include among others original propositions for measuring the precarity of work trajectories, Markov-based methods for clustering sequences, fuzzy and monothetic clustering of sequences, network-based SA, joint use of SA and hidden Markov models, and of SA and survival models. The applications cover the comparison of gendered occupational trajectories in Germany, the study of the changes in women market participation in Denmark, the study of typical day of dual-earner couples in Italy, of mobility patterns in Togo, of internet addiction in Switzerland, and of the quality of employment career after a first unemployment spell. As such this book provides a wealth of information for social scientists interested in quantitative life course analysis, and all those working in sociology, demography, economics, health, psychology, social policy, and statistics. ; Provides new perspectives and methods for sequence analysis Focusses on the link between sequence analysis and other methods for longitudinal data, especially event history analysis and Markov models Stresses the complementarity of sequence analysis and other models for longitudinal data Applications of sequence analysis in a whole range of different domain

    Markovian-based clustering of internet addiction trajectories

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    A hidden Markov clustering procedure is applied to a sample of n=185 longitudinal Internet Addiction Test trajectories collected in Switzerland. The best solution has 4 groups. This solution is related to the level of emotional wellbeing of the subjects, but no relation is observed with age, gender and BMI

    A discussion on hidden Markov models for life course data

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    This is an introduction on discrete-time Hidden Markov models (HMM) for longitudinal data analysis in population and life course studies. In the Markovian perspective, life trajectories are considered as the result of a stochastic process in which the probability of occurrence of a particular state or event depends on the sequence of states observed so far. Markovian models are used to analyze the transition process between successive states. Starting from the traditional formulation of a first-order discrete-time Markov chain where each state is liked to the next one, we present the hidden Markov models where the current response is driven by a latent variable that follows a Markov process. The paper presents also a simple way of handling categorical covariates to capture the effect of external factors on the transition probabilities and existing software are briefly overviewed. Empirical illustrations using data on self reported health demonstrate the relevance of the different extensions for life course analysis

    Using dynamic microsimulation to understand professional trajectories of the active Swiss population

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    Within the social and economic sciences and of particular interest to demographers are life course events. Looking at life sequences we can better understand which states, or life events, precede or are precursors to vulnerability. A tool that has been used for policy evaluation and recently has been gaining ground in life course sequence simulation is dynamic microsimulation. Within this context dynamic microsimulation consists in generating entire life courses from the observation of portions of the trajectories of individuals of different ages. In this work, we aim to use dynamic microsimulation in order to analyse individual professional trajectories with a focus on vulnerability. The primary goal of this analysis is to deepen upon current literature by providing insight from a longitudinal perspective on the signs of work instability and the process of precarity. The secondary goal of this work which is to show how, by using microsimulation, data collected for one purpose can be analysed under a different scope and used in a meaningful way. The data to be used in this analysis are longitudinal and were collected by NCCR-LIVES IP207 under the supervision of Prof. Christian Maggiori and Dr. Gregoire Bollmann. Individuals aged 25 to 55 residing in the German-speaking and French-speaking regions of Switzerland were followed annually for four years. These individuals were questioned regarding, amongst their personal, professional and overall situations and well-being. At the end of the fourth wave, there were 1131 individuals who had participated in all waves. The sample remained representative of the Swiss population with women and the unemployed slightly over represented. Using the information collected from these surveys, we use simulation to construct various longitudinal data modules where each data module represents a specific life domain. We postulate the relationship between these modules and layout a framework of estimation. Within certain data modules a set of equations are created to model the process therein. For every dynamic (time-variant) data module, such as the labour-market module, the transition probabilities between states (ex. labour market status) are estimated using a Markov model and then the possible outcomes are simulated. The benefit of using dynamic microsimulation is that longitudinal sample observations instead of stylised profiles are used to model population dynamics. This is one of the main reasons large-scale dynamic microsimulation models are employed by many developed nations. There has been limited use, however, of such approaches with Swiss data. This work contributes to the analysis of professional trajectories of the active Swiss population by utilising dynamic microsimulation methods

    Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches

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    This open access book provides innovative methods and original applications of sequence analysis (SA) and related methods for analysing longitudinal data describing life trajectories such as professional careers, family paths, the succession of health statuses, or the time use. The applications as well as the methodological contributions proposed in this book pay special attention to the combined use of SA and other methods for longitudinal data such as event history analysis, Markov modelling, and sequence network. The methodological contributions in this book include among others original propositions for measuring the precarity of work trajectories, Markov-based methods for clustering sequences, fuzzy and monothetic clustering of sequences, network-based SA, joint use of SA and hidden Markov models, and of SA and survival models. The applications cover the comparison of gendered occupational trajectories in Germany, the study of the changes in women market participation in Denmark, the study of typical day of dual-earner couples in Italy, of mobility patterns in Togo, of internet addiction in Switzerland, and of the quality of employment career after a first unemployment spell. As such this book provides a wealth of information for social scientists interested in quantitative life course analysis, and all those working in sociology, demography, economics, health, psychology, social policy, and statistics. ; Provides new perspectives and methods for sequence analysis Focusses on the link between sequence analysis and other methods for longitudinal data, especially event history analysis and Markov models Stresses the complementarity of sequence analysis and other models for longitudinal data Applications of sequence analysis in a whole range of different domain