632 research outputs found

    Replicating Persistent Memory Key-Value Stores with Efficient RDMA Abstraction

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    Combining persistent memory (PM) with RDMA is a promising approach to performant replicated distributed key-value stores (KVSs). However, existing replication approaches do not work well when applied to PM KVSs: 1) Using RPC induces software queueing and execution at backups, increasing request latency; 2) Using one-sided RDMA WRITE causes many streams of small PM writes, leading to severe device-level write amplification (DLWA) on PM. In this paper, we propose Rowan, an efficient RDMA abstraction to handle replication writes in PM KVSs; it aggregates concurrent remote writes from different servers, and lands these writes to PM in a sequential (thus low DLWA) and one-sided (thus low latency) manner. We realize Rowan with off-the-shelf RDMA NICs. Further, we build Rowan-KV, a log-structured PM KVS using Rowan for replication. Evaluation shows that under write-intensive workloads, compared with PM KVSs using RPC and RDMA WRITE for replication, Rowan-KV boosts throughput by 1.22X and 1.39X as well as lowers median PUT latency by 1.77X and 2.11X, respectively, while largely eliminating DLWA.Comment: Accepted to OSDI 202

    IPCFA: A Methodology for Acquiring Forensically-Sound Digital Evidence in the Realm of IAAS Public Cloud Deployments

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    Cybercrimes and digital security breaches are on the rise: savvy businesses and organizations of all sizes must ready themselves for the worst. Cloud computing has become the new normal, opening even more doors for cybercriminals to commit crimes that are not easily traceable. The fast pace of technology adoption exceeds the speed by which the cybersecurity community and law enforcement agencies (LEAs) can invent countermeasures to investigate and prosecute such criminals. While presenting defensible digital evidence in courts of law is already complex, it gets more complicated if the crime is tied to public cloud computing, where storage, network, and computing resources are shared and dispersed over multiple geographical areas. Investigating such crimes involves collecting evidence data from the public cloud that is court-sound. Digital evidence court admissibility in the U.S. is governed predominantly by the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Civil Procedures. Evidence authenticity can be challenged by the Daubert test, which evaluates the forensic process that took place to generate the presented evidence. Existing digital forensics models, methodologies, and processes have not adequately addressed crimes that take place in the public cloud. It was only in late 2020 that the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) published a document that shed light on best practices for collecting evidence from cloud providers. Yet SWGDE’s publication does not address the gap between the technology and the legal system when it comes to evidence admissibility. The document is high level with more focus on law enforcement processes such as issuing a subpoena and preservation orders to the cloud provider. This research proposes IaaS Public Cloud Forensic Acquisition (IPCFA), a methodology to acquire forensic-sound evidence from public cloud IaaS deployments. IPCFA focuses on bridging the gap between the legal and technical sides of evidence authenticity to help produce admissible evidence that can withstand scrutiny in U.S. courts. Grounded in design research science (DSR), the research is rigorously evaluated using two hypothetical scenarios for crimes that take place in the public cloud. The first scenario takes place in AWS and is hypothetically walked-thru. The second scenario is a demonstration of IPCFA’s applicability and effectiveness on Azure Cloud. Both cases are evaluated using a rubric built from the federal and civil digital evidence requirements and the international best practices for iv digital evidence to show the effectiveness of IPCFA in generating cloud evidence sound enough to be considered admissible in court

    Understanding and Optimizing Flash-based Key-value Systems in Data Centers

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    Flash-based key-value systems are widely deployed in today’s data centers for providing high-speed data processing services. These systems deploy flash-friendly data structures, such as slab and Log Structured Merge(LSM) tree, on flash-based Solid State Drives(SSDs) and provide efficient solutions in caching and storage scenarios. With the rapid evolution of data centers, there appear plenty of challenges and opportunities for future optimizations. In this dissertation, we focus on understanding and optimizing flash-based key-value systems from the perspective of workloads, software, and hardware as data centers evolve. We first propose an on-line compression scheme, called SlimCache, considering the unique characteristics of key-value workloads, to virtually enlarge the cache space, increase the hit ratio, and improve the cache performance. Furthermore, to appropriately configure increasingly complex modern key-value data systems, which can have more than 50 parameters with additional hardware and system settings, we quantitatively study and compare five multi-objective optimization methods for auto-tuning the performance of an LSM-tree based key-value store in terms of throughput, the 99th percentile tail latency, convergence time, real-time system throughput, and the iteration process, etc. Last but not least, we conduct an in-depth, comprehensive measurement work on flash-optimized key-value stores with recently emerging 3D XPoint SSDs. We reveal several unexpected bottlenecks in the current key-value store design and present three exemplary case studies to showcase the efficacy of removing these bottlenecks with simple methods on 3D XPoint SSDs. Our experimental results show that our proposed solutions significantly outperform traditional methods. Our study also contributes to providing system implications for auto-tuning the key-value system on flash-based SSDs and optimizing it on revolutionary 3D XPoint based SSDs

    An Insider Misuse Threat Detection and Prediction Language

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    Numerous studies indicate that amongst the various types of security threats, the problem of insider misuse of IT systems can have serious consequences for the health of computing infrastructures. Although incidents of external origin are also dangerous, the insider IT misuse problem is difficult to address for a number of reasons. A fundamental reason that makes the problem mitigation difficult relates to the level of trust legitimate users possess inside the organization. The trust factor makes it difficult to detect threats originating from the actions and credentials of individual users. An equally important difficulty in the process of mitigating insider IT threats is based on the variability of the problem. The nature of Insider IT misuse varies amongst organizations. Hence, the problem of expressing what constitutes a threat, as well as the process of detecting and predicting it are non trivial tasks that add up to the multi- factorial nature of insider IT misuse. This thesis is concerned with the process of systematizing the specification of insider threats, focusing on their system-level detection and prediction. The design of suitable user audit mechanisms and semantics form a Domain Specific Language to detect and predict insider misuse incidents. As a result, the thesis proposes in detail ways to construct standardized descriptions (signatures) of insider threat incidents, as means of aiding researchers and IT system experts mitigate the problem of insider IT misuse. The produced audit engine (LUARM – Logging User Actions in Relational Mode) and the Insider Threat Prediction and Specification Language (ITPSL) are two utilities that can be added to the IT insider misuse mitigation arsenal. LUARM is a novel audit engine designed specifically to address the needs of monitoring insider actions. These needs cannot be met by traditional open source audit utilities. ITPSL is an XML based markup that can standardize the description of incidents and threats and thus make use of the LUARM audit data. Its novelty lies on the fact that it can be used to detect as well as predict instances of threats, a task that has not been achieved to this date by a domain specific language to address threats. The research project evaluated the produced language using a cyber-misuse experiment approach derived from real world misuse incident data. The results of the experiment showed that the ITPSL and its associated audit engine LUARM provide a good foundation for insider threat specification and prediction. Some language deficiencies relate to the fact that the insider threat specification process requires a good knowledge of the software applications used in a computer system. As the language is easily expandable, future developments to improve the language towards this direction are suggested

    Verifying correctness of persistent concurrent data structures: a sound and complete method

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    Non-volatile memory (NVM), aka persistent memory, is a new memory paradigm that preserves its contents even after power loss. The expected ubiquity of NVM has stimulated interest in the design of persistent concurrent data structures, together with associated notions of correctness. In this paper, we present a formal proof technique for durable linearizability, which is a correctness criterion that extends linearizability to handle crashes and recovery in the context ofNVM.Our proofs are based on refinement of Input/Output automata (IOA) representations of concurrent data structures. To this end, we develop a generic procedure for transforming any standard sequential data structure into a durable specification and prove that this transformation is both sound and complete. Since the durable specification only exhibits durably linearizable behaviours, it serves as the abstract specification in our refinement proof. We exemplify our technique on a recently proposed persistentmemory queue that builds on Michael and Scott’s lock-free queue. To support the proofs, we describe an automated translation procedure from code to IOA and a thread-local proof technique for verifying correctness of invariants

    VISOR: virtual machine images management service for cloud infarestructures

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    Cloud Computing is a relatively novel paradigm that aims to fulfill the computing as utility dream. It has appeared to bring the possibility of providing computing resources (such as servers, storage and networks) as a service and on demand, making them accessible through common Internet protocols. Through cloud offers, users only need to pay for the amount of resources they need and for the time they use them. Virtualization is the clouds key technology, acting upon virtual machine images to deliver fully functional virtual machine instances. Therefore, virtual machine images play an important role in Cloud Computing and their efficient management becomes a key concern that should be carefully addressed. To tackle this requirement, most cloud offers provide their own image repository, where images are stored and retrieved from, in order to instantiate new virtual machines. However, the rise of Cloud Computing has brought new problems in managing large collections of images. Existing image repositories are not able to efficiently manage, store and catalogue virtual machine images from other clouds through the same centralized service repository. This becomes especially important when considering the management of multiple heterogeneous cloud offers. In fact, despite the hype around Cloud Computing, there are still existing barriers to its widespread adoption. Among them, clouds interoperability is one of the most notable issues. Interoperability limitations arise from the fact that current cloud offers provide proprietary interfaces, and their services are tied to their own requirements. Therefore, when dealing with multiple heterogeneous clouds, users face hard to manage integration and compatibility issues. The management and delivery of virtual machine images across different clouds is an example of such interoperability constraints. This dissertation presents VISOR, a cloud agnostic virtual machine images management service and repository. Our work towards VISOR aims to provide a service not designed to fit in a specific cloud offer but rather to overreach sharing and interoperability limitations among different clouds. With VISOR, the management of clouds interoperability can be seamlessly abstracted from the underlying procedures details. In this way, it aims to provide users with the ability to manage and expose virtual machine images across heterogeneous clouds, throughout the same generic and centralized repository and management service. VISOR is an open source software with a community-driven development process, thus it can be freely customized and further improved by everyone. The conducted tests to evaluate its performance and resources usage rate have shown VISOR as a stable and high performance service, even when compared with other services already in production. Lastly, placing clouds as the main target audience is not a limitation for other use cases. In fact, virtualization and virtual machine images are not exclusively linked to cloud environments. Therefore and given the service agnostic design concerns, it is possible to adapt it to other usage scenarios as well.A Computação em Nuvem (”Cloud Computing”) é um paradigma relativamente novo que visa cumprir o sonho de fornecer a computação como um serviço. O mesmo surgiu para possibilitar o fornecimento de recursos de computação (servidores, armazenamento e redes) como um serviço de acordo com as necessidades dos utilizadores, tornando-os acessíveis através de protocolos de Internet comuns. Através das ofertas de ”cloud”, os utilizadores apenas pagam pela quantidade de recursos que precisam e pelo tempo que os usam. A virtualização é a tecnologia chave das ”clouds”, atuando sobre imagens de máquinas virtuais de forma a gerar máquinas virtuais totalmente funcionais. Sendo assim, as imagens de máquinas virtuais desempenham um papel fundamental no ”Cloud Computing” e a sua gestão eficiente torna-se um requisito que deve ser cuidadosamente analisado. Para fazer face a tal necessidade, a maioria das ofertas de ”cloud” fornece o seu próprio repositório de imagens, onde as mesmas são armazenadas e de onde são copiadas a fim de criar novas máquinas virtuais. Contudo, com o crescimento do ”Cloud Computing” surgiram novos problemas na gestão de grandes conjuntos de imagens. Os repositórios existentes não são capazes de gerir, armazenar e catalogar images de máquinas virtuais de forma eficiente a partir de outras ”clouds”, mantendo um único repositório e serviço centralizado. Esta necessidade torna-se especialmente importante quando se considera a gestão de múltiplas ”clouds” heterogéneas. Na verdade, apesar da promoção extrema do ”Cloud Computing”, ainda existem barreiras à sua adoção generalizada. Entre elas, a interoperabilidade entre ”clouds” é um dos constrangimentos mais notáveis. As limitações de interoperabilidade surgem do fato de as ofertas de ”cloud” atuais possuírem interfaces proprietárias, e de os seus serviços estarem vinculados às suas próprias necessidades. Os utilizadores enfrentam assim problemas de compatibilidade e integração difíceis de gerir, ao lidar com ”clouds” de diferentes fornecedores. A gestão e disponibilização de imagens de máquinas virtuais entre diferentes ”clouds” é um exemplo de tais restrições de interoperabilidade. Esta dissertação apresenta o VISOR, o qual é um repositório e serviço de gestão de imagens de máquinas virtuais genérico. O nosso trabalho em torno do VISOR visa proporcionar um serviço que não foi concebido para lidar com uma ”cloud” específica, mas sim para superar as limitações de interoperabilidade entre ”clouds”. Com o VISOR, a gestão da interoperabilidade entre ”clouds” é abstraída dos detalhes subjacentes. Desta forma pretende-se proporcionar aos utilizadores a capacidade de gerir e expor imagens entre ”clouds” heterogéneas, mantendo um repositório e serviço de gestão centralizados. O VISOR é um software de código livre com um processo de desenvolvimento aberto. O mesmo pode ser livremente personalizado e melhorado por qualquer pessoa. Os testes realizados para avaliar o seu desempenho e a taxa de utilização de recursos mostraram o VISOR como sendo um serviço estável e de alto desempenho, mesmo quando comparado com outros serviços já em utilização. Por fim, colocar as ”clouds” como principal público-alvo não representa uma limitação para outros tipos de utilização. Na verdade, as imagens de máquinas virtuais e a virtualização não estão exclusivamente ligadas a ambientes de ”cloud”. Assim sendo, e tendo em conta as preocupações tidas no desenho de um serviço genérico, também é possível adaptar o nosso serviço a outros cenários de utilização
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