57 research outputs found

    Vers une arithmétique efficace pour le chiffrement homomorphe basé sur le Ring-LWE

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    Fully homomorphic encryption is a kind of encryption offering the ability to manipulate encrypted data directly through their ciphertexts. In this way it is possible to process sensitive data without having to decrypt them beforehand, ensuring therefore the datas' confidentiality. At the numeric and cloud computing era this kind of encryption has the potential to considerably enhance privacy protection. However, because of its recent discovery by Gentry in 2009, we do not have enough hindsight about it yet. Therefore several uncertainties remain, in particular concerning its security and efficiency in practice, and should be clarified before an eventual widespread use. This thesis deals with this issue and focus on performance enhancement of this kind of encryption in practice. In this perspective we have been interested in the optimization of the arithmetic used by these schemes, either the arithmetic underlying the Ring Learning With Errors problem on which the security of these schemes is based on, or the arithmetic specific to the computations required by the procedures of some of these schemes. We have also considered the optimization of the computations required by some specific applications of homomorphic encryption, and in particular for the classification of private data, and we propose methods and innovative technics in order to perform these computations efficiently. We illustrate the efficiency of our different methods through different software implementations and comparisons to the related art.Le chiffrement totalement homomorphe est un type de chiffrement qui permet de manipuler directement des données chiffrées. De cette manière, il est possible de traiter des données sensibles sans avoir à les déchiffrer au préalable, permettant ainsi de préserver la confidentialité des données traitées. À l'époque du numérique à outrance et du "cloud computing" ce genre de chiffrement a le potentiel pour impacter considérablement la protection de la vie privée. Cependant, du fait de sa découverte récente par Gentry en 2009, nous manquons encore de recul à son propos. C'est pourquoi de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent, notamment concernant sa sécurité et son efficacité en pratique, et devront être éclaircies avant une éventuelle utilisation à large échelle.Cette thèse s'inscrit dans cette problématique et se concentre sur l'amélioration des performances de ce genre de chiffrement en pratique. Pour cela nous nous sommes intéressés à l'optimisation de l'arithmétique utilisée par ces schémas, qu'elle soit sous-jacente au problème du "Ring-Learning With Errors" sur lequel la sécurité des schémas considérés est basée, ou bien spécifique aux procédures de calculs requises par certains de ces schémas. Nous considérons également l'optimisation des calculs nécessaires à certaines applications possibles du chiffrement homomorphe, et en particulier la classification de données privées, de sorte à proposer des techniques de calculs innovantes ainsi que des méthodes pour effectuer ces calculs de manière efficace. L'efficacité de nos différentes méthodes est illustrée à travers des implémentations logicielles et des comparaisons aux techniques de l'état de l'art

    Close values of shifted modular inversions and the decisional modular inversion hidden number problem

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    We give deterministic polynomial time algorithms for two different decision version the modular inversion hidden number problem introduced by D. Boneh, S. Halevi and N. A. Howgrave-Graham in 2001. For example, for one of our algorithms we need to be given about 1/2 of the bits of each inversion, while for the computational version the best known algorithm requires about 2/3 of the bits and is probabilistic.8 page(s

    Cryptographic Foundations For Control And Optimization: Making Cloud-Based And Networked Decisions On Encrypted Data

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    Advances in communication technologies and computational power have determined a technological shift in the data paradigm. The resulting architecture requires sensors to send local data to the cloud for global processing such as estimation, control, decision and learning, leading to both performance improvement and privacy concerns. This thesis explores the emerging field of private control for Internet of Things, where it bridges dynamical systems and computations on encrypted data, using applied cryptography and information-theoretic tools.Our research contributions are privacy-preserving interactive protocols for cloud-outsourced decisions and data processing, as well as for aggregation over networks in multi-agent systems, both of which are essential in control theory and machine learning. In these settings, we guarantee privacy of the data providers\u27 local inputs over multiple time steps, as well as privacy of the cloud service provider\u27s proprietary information. Specifically, we focus on (i) private solutions to cloud-based constrained quadratic optimization problems from distributed private data; (ii) oblivious distributed weighted sum aggregation; (iii) linear and nonlinear cloud-based control on encrypted data; (iv) private evaluation of cloud-outsourced data-driven control policies with sparsity and low-complexity requirements. In these scenarios, we require computational privacy and stipulate that each participant is allowed to learn nothing more than its own result of the computation. Our protocols employ homomorphic encryption schemes and secure multi-party computation tools with the purpose of performing computations directly on encrypted data, such that leakage of private information at the computing entity is minimized. To this end, we co-design solutions with respect to both control performance and privacy specifications, and we streamline their implementation by exploiting the rich structure of the underlying private data

    A Thorough Treatment of Highly-Efficient NTRU Instantiations

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    Cryptography based on the hardness of lattice problems over polynomial rings currently provides the most practical solution for public key encryption in the quantum era. The first encryption scheme utilizing properties of polynomial rings was NTRU (ANTS \u2798), but in the recent decade, most research has focused on constructing schemes based on the hardness of the somewhat related Ring/Module-LWE problem. Indeed, 14 out of the 17 encryption schemes based on the hardness of lattice problems in polynomial rings submitted to the first round of the NIST standardization process used some version of Ring/Module-LWE, with the other three being based on NTRU. The preference for using Ring/Module-LWE is due to the fact that this problem is at least as hard as NTRU, is more flexible in the algebraic structure due to the fact that no polynomial division is necessary, and that the decryption error is independent of the message. And indeed, the practical NTRU encryption schemes in the literature generally lag their Ring/Module-LWE counterparts in either compactness or speed, or both. In this paper, we put the efficiency of NTRU-based schemes on equal (even slightly better, actually) footing with their Ring/Module-LWE counterparts. We provide several instantiations and transformations, with security given in the ROM and the QROM, that detach the decryption error from the message, thus eliminating the adversary\u27s power to have any effect on it, which ultimately allows us to decrease parameter sizes. The resulting schemes are on par, compactness-wise, with their counterparts based on Ring/Module-LWE. Performance-wise, the NTRU schemes instantiated in this paper over NTT-friendly rings of the form Zq[X]/(XdXd/2+1)Z_q[X]/(X^d-X^{d/2}+1) are the fastest of all public key encryption schemes, whether quantum-safe or not. When compared to the NIST finalist NTRU-HRSS-701, our scheme is 15%15\% more compact and has a 1515X improvement in the round-trip time of ephemeral key exchange, with key generation being 3535X faster, encapsulation being 66X faster, and decapsulation enjoying a 99X speedup

    Cryptanalysis and Secure Implementation of Modern Cryptographic Algorithms

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    Cryptanalytic attacks can be divided into two classes: pure mathematical attacks and Side Channel Attacks (SCAs). Pure mathematical attacks are traditional cryptanalytic techniques that rely on known or chosen input-output pairs of the cryptographic function and exploit the inner structure of the cipher to reveal the secret key information. On the other hand, in SCAs, it is assumed that attackers have some access to the cryptographic device and can gain some information from its physical implementation. Cold-boot attack is a SCA which exploits the data remanence property of Random Access Memory (RAM) to retrieve its content which remains readable shortly after its power has been removed. Fault analysis is another example of SCAs in which the attacker is assumed to be able to induce faults in the cryptographic device and observe the faulty output. Then, by careful inspection of faulty outputs, the attacker recovers the secret information, such as secret inner state or secret key. Scan-based Design-For-Test (DFT) is a widely deployed technique for testing hardware chips. Scan-based SCAs exploit the information obtained by analyzing the scanned data in order to retrieve secret information from cryptographic hardware devices that are designed with this testability feature. In the first part of this work, we investigate the use of an off-the-shelf SAT solver, CryptoMinSat, to improve the key recovery of the Advance Encryption Standard (AES-128) key schedules from its corresponding decayed memory images which can be obtained using cold-boot attacks. We also present a fault analysis on both NTRUEncrypt and NTRUSign cryptosystems. For this specific original instantiation of the NTRU encryption system with parameters (N,p,q)(N,p,q), our attack succeeds with probability 11p\approx 1-\frac{1}{p} and when the number of faulted coefficients is upper bounded by tt, it requires O((pN)t)O((pN)^t) polynomial inversions in Z/pZ[x]/(xN1)\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z[x]/(x^{N}-1). We also investigate several techniques to strengthen hardware implementations of NTRUEncrypt against this class of attacks. For NTRUSign with parameters (NN, q=plq=p^l, B\mathcal{B}, \emph{standard}, N\mathcal{N}), when the attacker is able to skip the norm-bound signature checking step, our attack needs one fault to succeed with probability 11p\approx 1-\frac{1}{p} and requires O((qN)t)O((qN)^t) steps when the number of faulted polynomial coefficients is upper bounded by tt. The attack is also applicable to NTRUSign utilizing the \emph{transpose} NTRU lattice but it requires double the number of fault injections. Different countermeasures against the proposed attack are also investigated. Furthermore, we present a scan-based SCA on NTRUEncrypt hardware implementations that employ scan-based DFT techniques. Our attack determines the scan chain structure of the polynomial multiplication circuits used in the decryption algorithm which allows the cryptanalyst to efficiently retrieve the secret key. Several key agreement schemes based on matrices were recently proposed. For example, \'{A}lvarez \emph{et al.} proposed a scheme in which the secret key is obtained by multiplying powers of block upper triangular matrices whose elements are defined over Zp\mathbb{Z}_p. Climent \emph{et al.} identified the elements of the endomorphisms ring End(Zp×Zp2)End(\mathbb{Z}_p \times \mathbb{Z}_{p^2}) with elements in a set, EpE_p, of matrices of size 2×22\times 2, whose elements in the first row belong to Zp\mathbb{Z}_{p} and the elements in the second row belong to Zp2\mathbb{Z}_{p^2}. Keith Salvin presented a key exchange protocol using matrices in the general linear group, GL(r,Zn)GL(r,\mathbb{Z}_n), where nn is the product of two distinct large primes. The system is fully specified in the US patent number 7346162 issued in 2008. In the second part of this work, we present mathematical cryptanalytic attacks against these three schemes and show that they can be easily broken for all practical choices of their security parameters

    Cryptographic Pairings: Efficiency and DLP security

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    This thesis studies two important aspects of the use of pairings in cryptography, efficient algorithms and security. Pairings are very useful tools in cryptography, originally used for the cryptanalysis of elliptic curve cryptography, they are now used in key exchange protocols, signature schemes and Identity-based cryptography. This thesis comprises of two parts: Security and Efficient Algorithms. In Part I: Security, the security of pairing-based protocols is considered, with a thorough examination of the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) as it occurs in PBC. Results on the relationship between the two instances of the DLP will be presented along with a discussion about the appropriate selection of parameters to ensure particular security level. In Part II: Efficient Algorithms, some of the computational issues which arise when using pairings in cryptography are addressed. Pairings can be computationally expensive, so the Pairing-Based Cryptography (PBC) research community is constantly striving to find computational improvements for all aspects of protocols using pairings. The improvements given in this section contribute towards more efficient methods for the computation of pairings, and increase the efficiency of operations necessary in some pairing-based protocol

    Preuves mécanisées de protocoles cryptographiques et leur lien avec des implémentations vérifiées

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    Cryptographic protocols are one of the foundations for the trust people put in computer systems nowadays, be it online banking, any web or cloud services, or secure messaging. One of the best theoretical assurances for cryptographic protocol security is reached through proofs in the computational model. Writing such proofs is prone to subtle errors that can lead to invalidation of the security guarantees and, thus, to undesired security breaches. Proof assistants strive to improve this situation, have got traction, and have increasingly been used to analyse important real-world protocols and to inform their development. Writing proofs using such assistants requires a substantial amount of work. It is an ongoing endeavour to extend their scope through, for example, more automation and detailed modelling of cryptographic building blocks. This thesis shows on the example of the CryptoVerif proof assistant and two case studies, that mechanized cryptographic proofs are practicable and useful in analysing and designing complex real-world protocols.The first case study is on the free and open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) protocol WireGuard that has recently found its way into the Linux kernel. We contribute proofs for several properties that are typical for secure channel protocols. Furthermore, we extend CryptoVerif with a model of unprecedented detail of the popular Diffie-Hellman group Curve25519 used in WireGuard.The second case study is on the new Internet standard Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE), that has already been picked up for use in a privacy-enhancing extension of the TLS protocol (ECH), and in the Messaging Layer Security secure group messaging protocol. We accompanied the development of this standard from its early stages with comprehensive formal cryptographic analysis. We provided constructive feedback that led to significant improvements in its cryptographic design. Eventually, we became an official co-author. We conduct a detailed cryptographic analysis of one of HPKE's modes, published at Eurocrypt 2021, an encouraging step forward to make mechanized cryptographic proofs more accessible to the broader cryptographic community.The third contribution of this thesis is of methodological nature. For practical purposes, security of implementations of cryptographic protocols is crucial. However, there is frequently a gap between a cryptographic security analysis and an implementation that have both been based on a protocol specification: no formal guarantee exists that the two interpretations of the specification match, and thus, it is unclear if the executable implementation has the guarantees proved by the cryptographic analysis. In this thesis, we close this gap for proofs written in CryptoVerif and implementations written in F*. We develop cv2fstar, a compiler from CryptoVerif models to executable F* specifications using the HACL* verified cryptographic library as backend. cv2fstar translates non-cryptographic assumptions about, e.g., message formats, from the CryptoVerif model to F* lemmas. This allows to prove these assumptions for the specific implementation, further deepening the formal link between the two analysis frameworks. We showcase cv2fstar on the example of the Needham-Schroeder-Lowe protocol. cv2fstar connects CryptoVerif to the large F* ecosystem, eventually allowing to formally guarantee cryptographic properties on verified, efficient low-level code.Les protocoles cryptographiques sont l'un des fondements de la confiance que la société accorde aujourd'hui aux systèmes informatiques, qu'il s'agisse de la banque en ligne, d'un service web, ou de la messagerie sécurisée. Une façon d'obtenir des garanties théoriques fortes sur la sécurité des protocoles cryptographiques est de les prouver dans le modèle calculatoire. L'écriture de ces preuves est délicate : des erreurs subtiles peuvent entraîner l'invalidation des garanties de sécurité et, par conséquent, des failles de sécurité. Les assistants de preuve visent à améliorer cette situation. Ils ont gagné en popularité et ont été de plus en plus utilisés pour analyser des protocoles importants du monde réel, et pour contribuer à leur développement. L'écriture de preuves à l'aide de tels assistants nécessite une quantité substantielle de travail. Un effort continu est nécessaire pour étendre leur champ d'application, par exemple, par une automatisation plus poussée et une modélisation plus détaillée des primitives cryptographiques. Cette thèse montre sur l'exemple de l'assistant de preuve CryptoVerif et deux études de cas, que les preuves cryptographiques mécanisées sont praticables et utiles pour analyser et concevoir des protocoles complexes du monde réel. La première étude de cas porte sur le protocole de réseau virtuel privé (VPN) libre et open source WireGuard qui a récemment été intégré au noyau Linux. Nous contribuons des preuves pour plusieurs propriétés typiques des protocoles de canaux sécurisés. En outre, nous étendons CryptoVerif avec un modèle d'un niveau de détail sans précédent du groupe Diffie-Hellman populaire Curve25519 utilisé dans WireGuard. La deuxième étude de cas porte sur la nouvelle norme Internet Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE), qui est déjà utilisée dans une extension du protocole TLS destinée à améliorer la protection de la vie privée (ECH), et dans Messaging Layer Security, un protocole de messagerie de groupe sécurisée. Nous avons accompagné le développement de cette norme dès les premiers stades avec une analyse cryptographique formelle. Nous avons fourni des commentaires constructifs ce qui a conduit à des améliorations significatives dans sa conception cryptographique. Finalement, nous sommes devenus un co-auteur officiel. Nous effectuons une analyse cryptographique détaillée de l'un des modes de HPKE, publiée à Eurocrypt 2021, un pas encourageant pour rendre les preuves cryptographiques mécanisées plus accessibles à la communauté des cryptographes. La troisième contribution de cette thèse est de nature méthodologique. Pour des utilisations pratiques, la sécurité des implémentations de protocoles cryptographiques est cruciale. Cependant, il y a souvent un écart entre l'analyse de la sécurité cryptographique et l'implémentation, tous les deux basées sur la même spécification d'un protocole : il n'existe pas de garantie formelle que les deux interprétations de la spécification correspondent, et donc, il n'est pas clair si l'implémentation exécutable a les garanties prouvées par l'analyse cryptographique. Dans cette thèse, nous comblons cet écart pour les preuves écrites en CryptoVerif et les implémentations écrites en F*. Nous développons cv2fstar, un compilateur de modèles CryptoVerif vers des spécifications exécutables F* en utilisant la bibliothèque cryptographique vérifiée HACL* comme fournisseur de primitives cryptographiques. cv2fstar traduit les hypothèses non cryptographiques concernant, par exemple, les formats de messages, du modèle CryptoVerif vers des lemmes F*. Cela permet de prouver ces hypothèses pour l'implémentation spécifique, ce qui approfondit le lien formel entre les deux cadres d'analyse. Nous présentons cv2fstar sur l'exemple du protocole Needham-Schroeder-Lowe. cv2fstar connecte CryptoVerif au grand écosystème F*, permettant finalement de garantir formellement des propriétés cryptographiques sur du code de bas niveau efficace vérifié

    Lattice-based digital signature and discrete gaussian sampling

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    Lattice-based cryptography has generated considerable interest in the last two decades due toattractive features, including conjectured security against quantum attacks, strong securityguarantees from worst-case hardness assumptions and constructions of fully homomorphicencryption schemes. On the other hand, even though it is a crucial part of many lattice-basedschemes, Gaussian sampling is still lagging and continues to limit the effectiveness of this newcryptography. The first goal of this thesis is to improve the efficiency of Gaussian sampling forlattice-based hash-and-sign signature schemes. We propose a non-centered algorithm, with aflexible time-memory tradeoff, as fast as its centered variant for practicable size of precomputedtables. We also use the Rényi divergence to bound the precision requirement to the standarddouble precision. Our second objective is to construct Falcon, a new hash-and-sign signaturescheme, based on the theoretical framework of Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan for latticebasedsignatures. We instantiate that framework over NTRU lattices with a new trapdoor sampler