59 research outputs found

    Efficient Timed Reachability Analysis using Clock Difference Diagrams

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    One of the major problems in applying automatic verication tools to industrial-size systems is the excessive amount of memory required during the state-space exploration of amodel. In the setting of real-time, this problem of state-explosion requires extra attention as information must be kept not only on the discrete control structure but also on the values of continuous clock variables. In this paper, we present Clock Dierence Diagrams, CDD's, a BDD-like data-structure forrepresenting and eectively manipulating certain non-convex subsets of the Euclidean space, notably those encountered during verication of timed automata. A version of the real-time verication tool Uppaal using CDD's as a compact datastructurefor storing explored symbolic states has been implemented. Our experimental results demonstrate signicant space-savings: for 8 industrial examples, the savings are between 46%and 99% with moderate increase in runtime. We further report on how the symbolic state-space exploration itself may be carried out using CDD's

    Verification of Timed Automata Using Rewrite Rules and Strategies

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    ELAN is a powerful language and environment for specifying and prototyping deduction systems in a language based on rewrite rules controlled by strategies. Timed automata is a class of continuous real-time models of reactive systems for which efficient model-checking algorithms have been devised. In this paper, we show that these algorithms can very easily be prototyped in the ELAN system. This paper argues through this example that rewriting based systems relying on rules and strategies are a good framework to prototype, study and test rather efficiently symbolic model-checking algorithms, i.e. algorithms which involve combination of graph exploration rules, deduction rules, constraint solving techniques and decision procedures

    Model checking embedded system designs

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    We survey the basic principles behind the application of model checking to controller verification and synthesis. A promising development is the area of guided model checking, in which the state space search strategy of the model checking algorithm can be influenced to visit more interesting sets of states first. In particular, we discuss how model checking can be combined with heuristic cost functions to guide search strategies. Finally, we list a number of current research developments, especially in the area of reachability analysis for optimal control and related issues

    A Cookā€™s Tour of Equational Axiomatizations for Prefix Iteration

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    Prefix iteration is a variation on the original binary version of theKleene star operation P*Q, obtained by restricting the first argument to be an atomic action, and yields simple iterative behaviours that can be equationally characterized by means of finite collections of axioms. In this paper, we present axiomatic characterizations for a significant fragment of the notions of equivalence and preorder in van Glabbeek's linear-time/branching-time spectrum over Milner's basic CCS extended with prefix iteration. More precisely, we consider ready simulation, simulation, readiness, trace and language semantics, and provide complete (in)equational axiomatizations for each of these notions over BCCS with prefix iteration. All of the axiom systems we present are finite, if so is the set of atomic actions under consideration

    Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams and Regular Models

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    This paper presents algorithms and data structures that exploit a compositional and hierarchical specification to enable more efficient symbolic model-checking. We encode the state space and transition relation using hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) [9]. In SDD, arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD. To exploit the hierarchy of SDD, a structured model representation is needed. We thus introduce a formalism integrating a simple notion of type and instance. Complex composite behaviors are obtained using a synchronization mechanism borrowed from process calculi. Using this relatively general framework, we investigate how to capture similarities in regular and concurrent models. Experimental results are presented, showing that this approach can outperform in time and memory previous work in this area
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