6 research outputs found

    On Maximum Weight Clique Algorithms, and How They Are Evaluated

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    Maximum weight clique and maximum weight independent set solvers are often benchmarked using maximum clique problem instances, with weights allocated to vertices by taking the vertex number mod 200 plus 1. For constraint programming approaches, this rule has clear implications, favouring weight-based rather than degree-based heuristics. We show that similar implications hold for dedicated algorithms, and that additionally, weight distributions affect whether certain inference rules are cost-effective. We look at other families of benchmark instances for the maximum weight clique problem, coming from winner determination problems, graph colouring, and error-correcting codes, and introduce two new families of instances, based upon kidney exchange and the Research Excellence Framework. In each case the weights carry much more interesting structure, and do not in any way resemble the 200 rule. We make these instances available in the hopes of improving the quality of future experiments

    Stochastic Control via Entropy Compression

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    We consider an agent trying to bring a system to an acceptable state by repeated probabilistic action. Several recent works on algorithmizations of the Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL) can be seen as establishing sufficient conditions for the agent to succeed. Here we study whether such stochastic control is also possible in a noisy environment, where both the process of state-observation and the process of state-evolution are subject to adversarial perturbation (noise). The introduction of noise causes the tools developed for LLL algorithmization to break down since the key LLL ingredient, the sparsity of the causality (dependence) relationship, no longer holds. To overcome this challenge we develop a new analysis where entropy plays a central role, both to measure the rate at which progress towards an acceptable state is made and the rate at which noise undoes this progress. The end result is a sufficient condition that allows a smooth tradeoff between the intensity of the noise and the amenability of the system, recovering an asymmetric LLL condition in the noiseless case.Comment: 18 page

    Certifying Solvers for Clique and Maximum Common (Connected) Subgraph Problems

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    An algorithm is said to be certifying if it outputs, together with a solution to the problem it solves, a proof that this solution is correct. We explain how state of the art maximum clique, maximum weighted clique, maximal clique enumeration and maximum common (connected) induced subgraph algorithms can be turned into certifying solvers by using pseudo-Boolean models and cutting planes proofs, and demonstrate that this approach can also handle reductions between problems. The generality of our results suggests that this method is ready for widespread adoption in solvers for combinatorial graph problems

    Refined Core Relaxations for Core-Guided Maximum Satisfiability Algorithms

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    The so-called declarative approach has proven to be a viable paradigm for solving various real-world NP-hard optimization problems in practice. In the declarative approach, the problem at hand is encoded using a mathematical constraint language, and an algorithm for the specific language is employed to obtain optimal solutions to an instance of the problem. One of the most viable declarative optimization paradigms of the last years is maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) with propositional logic as the constraint language. So-called core-guided MaxSAT algorithms are arguably one of the most effective MaxSAT-solving paradigms in practice today. Core-guided algorithms iteratively detect and rule out (relax) sources of inconsistencies (so-called unsatisfiable cores) in the instance being solved. Especially effective are recent algorithmic variants of the core-guided approach which employ so-called soft cardinality constraints for ruling out inconsistencies. In this thesis, we present a structure-sharing technique for the cardinality-based core relaxation steps performed by core-guided MaxSAT solvers. The technique aims at reducing the inherent growth in the size of the propositional formula resulting from the core relaxation steps. Additionally, it enables more efficient reasoning over the relationships between different cores. We empirically evaluate the proposed technique on two different core-guided algorithms and provide open-source implementations of our solvers employing the technique. Our results show that the proposed structure-sharing can improve the performance of the algorithms both in theory and in practice