6 research outputs found

    Detection of Inferior Myocardial Infarction using Shallow Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Myocardial Infarction is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. This paper presents a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture which takes raw Electrocardiography (ECG) signal from lead II, III and AVF and differentiates between inferior myocardial infarction (IMI) and healthy signals. The performance of the model is evaluated on IMI and healthy signals obtained from Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) database. A subject-oriented approach is taken to comprehend the generalization capability of the model and compared with the current state of the art. In a subject-oriented approach, the network is tested on one patient and trained on rest of the patients. Our model achieved a superior metrics scores (accuracy= 84.54%, sensitivity= 85.33% and specificity= 84.09%) when compared to the benchmark. We also analyzed the discriminating strength of the features extracted by the convolutional layers by means of geometric separability index and euclidean distance and compared it with the benchmark model

    A Deep Learning Approach to Integrate Medical Big Data for Improving Health Services in Indonesia

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    Medical Informatics to support health services in Indonesia is proposed in this paper. The focuses of paper to the analysis of Big Data for health care purposes with the aim of improving and developing clinical decision support systems (CDSS) or assessing medical data both for quality assurance and accessibility of health services. Electronic health records (EHR) are very rich in medical data sourced from patient. All the data can be aggregated to produce information, which includes medical history details such as, diagnostic tests, medicines and treatment plans, immunization records, allergies, radiological images, multivariate sensors device, laboratories, and test results. All the information will provide a valuable understanding of disease management system. In Indonesia country, with many rural areas with limited doctor it is an important case to investigate. Data mining about large-scale individuals and populations through EHRs can be combined with mobile networks and social media to inform about health and public policy. To support this research, many researchers have been applied the Deep Learning (DL) approach in data-mining problems related to health informatics. However, in practice, the use of DL is still questionable due to achieve optimal performance, relatively large data and resources are needed, given there are other learning algorithms that are relatively fast but produce close performance with fewer resources and parameterization, and have a better interpretability. In this paper, the advantage of Deep Learning to design medical informatics is described, due to such an approach is needed to make a good CDSS of health services

    A novel automated tower graph based ECG signal classification method with hexadecimal local adaptive binary pattern and deep learning

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    Electrocardiography (ECG) signal recognition is one of the popular research topics for machine learning. In this paper, a novel transformation called tower graph transformation is proposed to classify ECG signals with high accuracy rates. It employs a tower graph, which uses minimum, maximum and average pooling methods altogether to generate novel signals for the feature extraction. In order to extract meaningful features, we presented a novel one-dimensional hexadecimal pattern. To select distinctive and informative features, an iterative ReliefF and Neighborhood Component Analysis (NCA) based feature selection is utilized. By using these methods, a novel ECG signal classification approach is presented. In the preprocessing phase, tower graph-based pooling transformation is applied to each signal. The proposed one-dimensional hexadecimal adaptive pattern extracts 1536 features from each node of the tower graph. The extracted features are fused and 15,360 features are obtained and the most discriminative 142 features are selected by the ReliefF and iterative NCA (RFINCA) feature selection approach. These selected features are used as an input to the artificial neural network and deep neural network and 95.70% and 97.10% classification accuracy was obtained respectively. These results demonstrated the success of the proposed tower graph-based method.</p

    Classifying measured electrocardiogram signal quality using deep belief networks

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    There is a current trend towards wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement systems, which enables measurement while the subject performs their normal activities of daily living (e.g., walking, driving, eating). This type of measurement is susceptible to higher levels of contaminants, compared to bedside measurements, due to subject movement and a measurement environment that is not well-controlled. Contaminants in the measured signal (e.g., motion artifact, power line interference) can cause incorrect interpretations, including misdiagnoses. Therefore, prior to ECG interpretations, it is important to have an algorithm capable of automatically classifying the measured ECG based on their signal quality. ECG of low signal quality can undergo additional pre-processing to mitigate the contaminants or the signal can be discarded. This can reduce misdiagnoses, including false-alarms which is a top medical technology hazard. In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on Deep Belief Networks (DBN) which can differentiate between noisy and clean signal measurements. Our algorithm is designed based on a three layer Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) in which the first two RBMs are trained to extract the features and apply them to the third layer of RBM to classify the data. Results, using the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database, demonstrate that our algorithm can successfully recognize a noisy ECG signal from a clean signal, with a classification accuracy between 75% and 99.5% depending on the level of contaminants. Our algorithm also correctly identifies clean arrhythmic signals and does not misidentify them as noisy. The proposed algorithm is applicable to any ECG measurement systems including wearable and bedside

    A Multi-Tier Distributed fog-based Architecture for Early Prediction of Epileptic Seizures

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    Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological problem. With 50 million people living with epilepsy worldwide, about one in 26 people will continue experiencing recurring seizures during their lifetime. Epileptic seizures are characterized by uncontrollable movements and can cause loss of awareness. Despite the optimal use of antiepileptic medications, seizures are still difficult to control due to their sudden and unpredictable nature. Such seizures can put the lives of patients and others at risk. For example, seizure attacks while patients are driving could affect their ability to control a vehicle and could result in injuries to the patients as well as others. Notifying patients before the onset of seizures can enable them to avoid risks and minimize accidents, thus, save their lives. Early and accurate prediction of seizures can play a significant role in improving patients’ quality of life and helping doctors to administer medications through providing a historical overview of patient's condition over time. The individual variability and the dynamic disparity in differentiating between the pre-ictal phase (a period before the onset of the seizure) and other seizures phases make the early prediction of seizures a challenging task. Although several research projects have focused on developing a reliable seizure prediction model, numerous challenges still exist and need to be addressed. Most of the existing approaches are not suitable for real-time settings, which requires bio-signals collection and analysis in real-time. Various methods were developed based on the analysis of EEG signals without considering the notification latency and computational cost to support monitoring of multiple patients. Limited approaches were designed based on the analysis of ECG signals. ECG signals can be collected using consumer wearable devices and are suitable for light-weight real-time analysis. Moreover, existing prediction methods were developed based on the analysis of seizure state and ignored the investigation of pre-ictal state. The analysis of the pre-ictal state is essential in the prediction of seizures at an early stage. Therefore, there is a crucial need to design a novel computing model for early prediction of epileptic seizures. This model would greatly assist in improving the patients' quality of lives. This work proposes a multi-tier architecture for early prediction of seizures based on the analysis of two vital signs, namely, Electrocardiography (ECG) and Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The proposed architecture comprises of three tiers: (1) sensing at the first tier, (2) lightweight analysis based on ECG signals at the second tier, and (3) deep analysis based on EEG signals at the third tier. The proposed architecture is developed to leverage the potential of fog computing technology at the second tier for a real-time signal analytics and ubiquitous response. The proposed architecture can enable the early prediction of epileptic seizures, reduce the notification latency, and minimize the energy consumption on real-time data transmissions. Moreover, the proposed architecture is designed to allow for both lightweight and extensive analytics, thus make accurate and reliable decisions. The proposed lightweight model is formulated using the analysis of ECG signals to detect the pre-ictal state. The lightweight model utilizes the Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) classifier, while the proposed extensive analytics model analyzes EEG signals and utilizes Deep Belief Network (DBN) to provide an accurate classification of the patient’s state. The performance of the proposed architecture is evaluated in terms of latency minimization and energy consumption in comparison with the cloud. Moreover, the performance of the proposed prediction models is evaluated using three datasets. Various performance metrics were used to investigate the prediction model performance, including: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-Measure. The results illustrate the merits of the proposed architecture and show significant improvement in the early prediction of seizures in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity