19 research outputs found

    Development of Real-Time Electromyography Controlled 3D Printed Robot Hand Prototype

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    Developing an anthropomorphic robotic hand (ARH) has become a relevant research field due to the need to help the amputees live their life as normal people. However, the current state of research is unsatisfactory, especially in terms of structural design and the robot control method. This paper, which proposes a 3D printed ARH structure that follows the average size of an adult human hand, consists of five fingers with a tendon-driven actuator mechanism embedded in each finger structure. Besides that, the movement capability of the developed 3D printed robot hand validated by using motion capture analysis to ensure the similarity to the expected motion range in structural design is achieved. Its system functionality test was conducted in three stages: (1) muscular activity detection, (2) object detection for individual finger movement control, and (3) integration of both stages in one algorithm. Finally, an ARH was developed, which resembles human hand features, as well as a reliable system that can perform opened hand palm and some grasping postures for daily use

    Robot Operating System (ROS) controlled anthropomorphic robot hand

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    This paper presents a new design of a dexterous robot hand by incorporating human hand factors. The robotic hand is a Robot Operating System (ROS) controlled standalone unit that can perform key tasks and work independently. Hardware such as actuators, electronics, sensors, pulleys etc. are embedded within or on the hand itself. Raspberry Pi, a single board computer which runs ROS and is used to control the hand movements as well as process the sensor signals is placed outside of the hand. It supports peripheral devices such as screen display, keyboard and mouse. The hand prototype is designed in Solid Works and 3D printed/built using aluminum sheet. The prototype is similar to the human hand in terms of shape and possesses key functionalities and abilities of the human hand, especially to imitate key movements of the human hand and be as dexterous as possible whilst keeping a low cost. Other important factors considered while prototyping the model were that the hand should be reliable, have a durable construction, and should be built using widely available off-the-shelf components and an open-source software. Though the prototype hand only has 6 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) compared to the 22 DOF of the human hand, it is able to perform most grasps effectively. The proposed model will allow other researchers to build similar robotic hands and perform specialized research

    Evaluation of Individual Finger Forces During Activities of Daily Living In Healthy Individuals and Those with Hand Arthritis

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    Hand-Osteoarthritis (H-OA) leads to pain, loss of grip strength, and decreased hand function. Current treatment for H-OA involves joint protection programs (JPP) which seek to reduce joint loading during activity. The use of wearable technology to measure hand forces during activity has the potential to determine the effectiveness of JPP. The objective of this thesis was to develop and validate a method of directly measuring finger forces during the performance of activities of daily living, and then use that system to measure the envelope of hand forces during activity in healthy individuals and in patients with H-OA. A commercially-available capacitive sensor system was validated for use in this application and found an envelope of applied forces consistent with previous literature. Using the measurement system and protocols presented in this thesis, the effectiveness of JPP at reducing hand forces can, for the first time, be objectively quantified

    Robot Operating System (ROS) Controlled Anthropomorphic Robot Hand

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    This paper presents a new design of a dexterous robot hand by incorporating human hand factors. The robotic hand is a Robot Operating System (ROS) controlled standalone unit that can perform key tasks and work independently. Hardware such as actuators, electronics, sensors, pulleys etc. are embedded within or on the hand itself. Raspberry Pi, a single board computer which runs ROS and is used to control the hand movements as well as process the sensor signals is placed outside of the hand. It supports peripheral devices such as screen display, keyboard and mouse. The hand prototype is designed in Solid Works and 3D printed/built using aluminum sheet. The prototype is similar to the human hand in terms of shape and possesses key functionalities and abilities of the human hand, especially to imitate key movements of the human hand and be as dexterous as possible whilst keeping a low cost. Other important factors considered while prototyping the model were that the hand should be reliable, have a durable const­­ruction, and should be built using widely available off-the-shelf components and an open-source software. Though the prototype hand only has 6 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) compared to the 22 DOF of the human hand, it is able to perform most grasps effectively. The proposed model will allow other researchers to build similar robotic hands and perform specialized research

    Dual-mode 3D printed dynamic wrist driven orthosis for hand therapy exercises

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    The primary objective of the Dual-mode Dynamic Wrist Driven Orthosis (D-WDO) is to facilitate wrist-hand therapy exercises for patients with varying levels of residual muscle function. This dual-mode D-WDO system comprises two main components: the orthosis structure and the soft pneumatic actuator (SPA). All system components were designed and produced using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing technique. The D-WDO’s structure is constructed from PLA (Polylactic Acid), while the SPA is made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) filament. The D-WDO can be operated in passive or active mode by attaching or detaching the SPA from the structure. This D-WDO system is particularly suitable for patients with a minimum MMT level between 2 and 3, as it provides assistance for wrist movement and supports repetitive wrist motion to enhance wrist muscle function. However, it is important to note that the operation and performance of the dual-mode D-WDO system may vary depending on the chosen system configuration. The active D-WDO’s performance demonstrates its ability to achieve the necessary wrist flexion angle for a functional wrist joint, especially in the context of daily activities

    Reliability, accuracy, and minimal detectable difference of a mixed concept marker set for finger kinematic evaluation

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    The study of finger biomechanics requires special tools for accurately recording finger joint data. A marker set to evaluate finger postures during activities of daily living is needed to understand finger biomechanics in order to improve prosthesis design and clinical interventions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of a proposed hand marker set (the Warwick marker set) to capture finger kinematics using motion capture. The marker set consisted of the application of two and three marker clusters to the fingers of twelve participants who participated in the tests across two sessions. Calibration markers were applied using a custom palpation technique. Each participant performed a series of range of motion movements and held a set of objects. Intra and inter-session reliability was calculated as well as Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) and Minimal Detectable Difference (MDD). The findings showed varying levels of intra- and inter-session reliability, ranging from poor to excellent. The SEM and MDD values were lower for the intra-session range of motion and grasp evaluation. The reduced reliability can potentially be attributed to skin artifacts, differences in marker placement, and the inherent kinematic variability of finger motion. The proposed marker set shows potential to assess finger postures and analyse activities of daily living, primarily within the context of single session tests

    Upper limb-rehabilitation service system for chinese mild-stroke patients at home

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    With the continuous growth in the popularity of stroke patients in China and the increasing demand for rehabilitation services, the existing traditional hospital rehabilitation model can no longer meet the patients’ needs. In recent years, the Chinese government has focused on promoting a new model of “Internet plus medical care” and home rehabilitation. Of all the symptoms of the stroke, upper limb motor dysfunction is the most common one that causes the decline of the patients’ self-care ability and quality of life. Therefore, continuous rehabilitation training plays a vital role in the recovery of limb motor function in stroke patients with hemiplegia and can also serve as a starting point for remote rehabilitation. This thesis first summarized the fundamental upper limb movements as well as theories, high technologies and assessment methods of upper limb rehabilitation. All the literature review assists designers in understanding the necessary medical knowledge of stroke and rehabilitation. Secondly, the existing products and services of upper limb rehabilitation in China and at abroad are compared and analyzed to explore more design opportunities. Furthermore, based on the observations and interviews, the author summarized the rehabilitation needs, information needs and emotional needs of stroke patients in Shanghai, investigated design pain points, and selected target users for remote rehabilitation. Finally, a support remote upper limb rehabilitation system concept was established by adopting service design approaches and tools. Furthermore, the concept of a home rehabilitation device and a digital platform, which were two main touchpoints in this system were designed in-depth and made into the prototype for user feedback. The home rehabilitation device integrated a variety of hand grasping exercises by modularization and integrated different upper limb movements through a point-to-line method to solve the problem of lacking multi-function and miniaturization in the home environment. The digital platform used visual interfaces to provide patients with clear instructions and incentive mechanisms which prevent them from giving up rehabilitation halfway. The findings of this thesis indicated the importance of service design approaches and tools on systemic thinking and creative ideas. The design results of this project can not only help stroke patients to perform active exercises at home and improve their upper limb motor function, but also provide new visions for the development of future remote rehabilitation service system in China

    Cortical bone distribution of the proximal phalanges in great apes: implications for reconstructing manual behaviours

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    Primate fingers are typically in direct contact with the environment during both locomotion and manipulation, and aspects of external phalangeal morphology are known to reflect differences in hand use. Since bone is a living tissue that can adapt in response to loading through life, the internal bone architecture of the manual phalanges should also reflect differences in manual behaviours. Here, we use the R package Morphomap to analyse high‐resolution microCT scans of hominid proximal phalanges of digits 2–5 to determine whether cortical bone structure reflects variation in manual behaviours between bipedal (Homo), knuckle‐walking (Gorilla, Pan) and suspensory (Pongo) taxa. We test the hypothesis that relative cortical bone distribution patterns and cross‐sectional geometric properties will differ both among extant great apes and across the four digits due to locomotor and postural differences. Results indicate that cortical bone structure reflects the varied hand postures employed by each taxon. The phalangeal cortices of Pongo are significantly thinner and have weaker cross‐sectional properties relative to the African apes, yet thick cortical bone under their flexor sheath ridges corresponds with predicted loading during flexed finger grips. Knuckle‐walking African apes have even thicker cortical bone under the flexor sheath ridges, as well as in the region proximal to the trochlea, but Pan also has thicker diaphyseal cortices than Gorilla. Humans display a distinct pattern of distodorsal thickening, as well as relatively thin cortices, which may reflect the lack of phalangeal curvature combined with frequent use of flexed fingered hand grips during manipulation. Within each taxon, digits 2–5 have a similar cortical distribution in Pongo, Gorilla and, unexpectedly, Homo, which suggest similar loading of all fingers during habitual locomotion or hand use. In Pan, however, cortical thickness differs between the fingers, potentially reflecting differential loading during knuckle‐walking. Inter‐ and intra‐generic variation in phalangeal cortical bone structure reflects differences in manual behaviours, offering a comparative framework for reconstructing hand use in fossil hominins