Upper limb-rehabilitation service system for chinese mild-stroke patients at home


With the continuous growth in the popularity of stroke patients in China and the increasing demand for rehabilitation services, the existing traditional hospital rehabilitation model can no longer meet the patients’ needs. In recent years, the Chinese government has focused on promoting a new model of “Internet plus medical care” and home rehabilitation. Of all the symptoms of the stroke, upper limb motor dysfunction is the most common one that causes the decline of the patients’ self-care ability and quality of life. Therefore, continuous rehabilitation training plays a vital role in the recovery of limb motor function in stroke patients with hemiplegia and can also serve as a starting point for remote rehabilitation. This thesis first summarized the fundamental upper limb movements as well as theories, high technologies and assessment methods of upper limb rehabilitation. All the literature review assists designers in understanding the necessary medical knowledge of stroke and rehabilitation. Secondly, the existing products and services of upper limb rehabilitation in China and at abroad are compared and analyzed to explore more design opportunities. Furthermore, based on the observations and interviews, the author summarized the rehabilitation needs, information needs and emotional needs of stroke patients in Shanghai, investigated design pain points, and selected target users for remote rehabilitation. Finally, a support remote upper limb rehabilitation system concept was established by adopting service design approaches and tools. Furthermore, the concept of a home rehabilitation device and a digital platform, which were two main touchpoints in this system were designed in-depth and made into the prototype for user feedback. The home rehabilitation device integrated a variety of hand grasping exercises by modularization and integrated different upper limb movements through a point-to-line method to solve the problem of lacking multi-function and miniaturization in the home environment. The digital platform used visual interfaces to provide patients with clear instructions and incentive mechanisms which prevent them from giving up rehabilitation halfway. The findings of this thesis indicated the importance of service design approaches and tools on systemic thinking and creative ideas. The design results of this project can not only help stroke patients to perform active exercises at home and improve their upper limb motor function, but also provide new visions for the development of future remote rehabilitation service system in China

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