18 research outputs found

    The quantal larynx: The stable regions of laryngeal biomechanics and implications for speech production

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    Purpose: Recent proposals suggest that (a) the high dimensionality of speech motor control may be reduced via modular neuromuscular organization that takes advantage of intrinsic biomechanical regions of stability and (b) computational modeling provides a means to study whether and how such modularization works. In this study, the focus is on the larynx, a structure that is fundamental to speech production because of its role in phonation and numerous articulatory functions. Method: A 3-dimensional model of the larynx was created using the ArtiSynth platform (http://www.artisynth.org). This model was used to simulate laryngeal articulatory states, including inspiration, glottal fricative, modal prephonation, plain glottal stop, vocal–ventricular stop, and aryepiglotto– epiglottal stop and fricative. Results: Speech-relevant laryngeal biomechanics is rich with “quantal” or highly stable regions within muscle activation space. Conclusions: Quantal laryngeal biomechanics complement a modular view of speech control and have implications for the articulatory–biomechanical grounding of numerous phonetic and phonological phenomen

    Numerical Study of Laryngeal Control of Phonation using Realistic Finite Element Models of a Canine Larynx

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    While many may take it for granted, the human voice is an incredible feat. An average person can produce a great variety of voices and change voice characteristics agilely even without formal training. Last several decades of research has established that the production of voice is largely a mechanical process: i.e., the sustained vibration of the vocal folds driven by the glottal air flow. Since one only has a single pair of vocal folds, the versatility comes with the ability to change the mechanical status of the vocal folds, including vocal fold length and thickness, tension, and level of adduction, through activation of the laryngeal muscles. However, the relationship between laryngeal muscle activity and the characteristics of voice is not well understood due to limitations in experimental observation and simplifications in modelling and simulations. The science is still far behind the art. The current research aims to investigate first the relationship between laryngeal muscle activation and the posture of the vocal folds and second the relationship between voice source characteristics and vocal fold mechanical status using more comprehensive numerical models and simulations, thus improving the understanding of the roles of each laryngeal muscle in voice control. To do so, (1) the mechanics involved in vocal fold posturing and vibration, especially muscle contraction; (2) the realistic anatomical structure of the larynx must be considered properly. To achieve this goal, a numerical model of the larynx as realistic as possible was built. The geometry of the laryngeal components was reconstructed from high resolution MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data of an excised canine larynx, which makes more accurate the representation of the muscles and their sub-compartments, cartilages, and other important anatomical features of the larynx. A previously proposed muscle activation model was implemented in a 3D finite element package and applied to the larynx model to simulate the action of laryngeal muscles. After validation of the numerical model against experimental data, extensive parametric studies involving different combination of muscle activations were conducted to investigate how the voice source is controlled with laryngeal muscles. In the course of this study, some work was done to couple the same finite element tool with a Genetic Algorithm program to inversely determine model parameters in biomechanical models. The method was applied in a collaborated study on shape changes of a fish fin during swimming. This study is presented as a separate chapter at the end of this thesis. The method has potential application in determining parameters in vocal fold models and optimizing clinical vocal fold procedures. This thesis is essentially an assembly of the papers published by the author during the doctoral study, with the addition of an introductory chapter. Chapter 1 reviews the overall principles of voice production, the biomechanical basis of voice control, and past studies on voice control with a focus on the fundamental frequency. Chapter 2 describes the major numerical methods employed in this research with an emphasis on the finite element method. The muscle activation model is also described in this chapter. Chapter 3 describes the building of the larynx model from MRI data and its partial validation. Chapter 4 presents the application of the larynx model to posturing studies, including parametric activation of muscle groups and specific topics related to vocal fold posturing. Chapter 5 describes the change of vocal fold vibration dynamics under the influence of the interaction of the cricothyroid muscle and the thyroarytenoid muscle. The Flow-structure interaction simulations was realized by coupling the larynx model to a simple Bernoulli flow model and a two-stage simulation technique. Chapter 6 concludes the current thesis study. Suggestions for future studies are proposed. Chapter 7 is an independent study that is not related to voice control. It describes a numerical framework that inversely determines and validates model parameters of biomechanical models. The application of the proposed framework to a finite element model of a fish fin is presented

    The relationships among physiological, acoustical, and perceptual measures of vocal effort

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    The purpose of this work was to explore the physiological mechanisms of vocal effort, the acoustical manifestation of vocal effort, and the perceptual interpretation of vocal effort by speakers and listeners. The first study evaluated four proposed mechanisms of vocal effort specific to the larynx: intrinsic laryngeal tension, extrinsic laryngeal tension, supraglottal compression, and subglottal pressure. Twenty-six healthy adults produced modulations of vocal effort (mild, moderate, maximal) and rate (slow, typical, fast), followed by self-ratings of vocal effort on a visual analog scale. Ten physiological measures across the four hypothesized mechanisms were captured via high-speed flexible laryngoscopy, surface electromyography, and neck-surface accelerometry. A mixed-effects backward stepwise regression analysis revealed that estimated subglottal pressure, mediolateral supraglottal compression, and a normalized percent activation of extrinsic suprahyoid muscles significantly increased as ratings of vocal effort increased (R2 = .60). The second study had twenty inexperienced listeners rate vocal effort on the speech recordings from the first study (typical, mild, moderate, and maximal effort) via a visual sort-and-rate method. A set of acoustical measures were calculated, including amplitude-, time-, spectral-, and cepstral-based measures. Two separate mixed-effects regression models determined the relationship between the acoustical predictors and speaker and listener ratings. Results indicated that mean sound pressure level, low-to-high spectral ratio, and harmonic-to-noise ratio significantly predicted speaker and listener ratings. Mean fundamental frequency (measured as change in semitones from typical productions) and relative fundamental frequency offset cycle 10 were also significant predictors of listener ratings. The acoustical predictors accounted for 72% and 82% of the variance in speaker and listener ratings, respectively. Speaker and listener ratings were also highly correlated (average r = .86). From these two studies, we determined that vocal effort is a complex physiological process that is mediated by changes in laryngeal configuration and subglottal pressure. The self-perception of vocal effort is related to the acoustical properties underlying these physiological changes. Listeners appear to rely on the same acoustical manifestations as speakers, yet incorporate additional time-based acoustical cues during perceptual judgments. Future work should explore the physiological, acoustical, and perceptual measures identified here in speakers with voice disorders.2019-07-06T00:00:00

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    A study of voice quality in a group of irradiated laryngeal cancer patients tumour stages T1 and T2.

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    This is a longitudinal study of voice quality in a group of 35 patients irradiated for early vocal fold tumours, stages T1 and T2. Electrolaryngograph (ELG) based analyses were used to obtain objective measurements of speaking fundamental frequency parameters over a wide range of time intervals following radiotherapy. Lx waveforms were also analysed. Perceptual evaluation of voice quality and patients' self assessments of their experience of vocal symptoms and limitations in vocal function after radiotherapy, were carried out. The relationship between perceptual and self assessment parameters and objective voice quality measurements was determined. A few patients underwent periods of voice therapy. A comparison is made of their voice measurements before and after therapy intervention with a group of patients, who did not receive voice therapy. The findings in this study show that, contrary to some early reports that the voice returns to normal in the majority of patients after radiotherapy, most patients' show evidence of residual abnormal voice quality and symptoms as measured and as rated by clinicians and by patients themselves. The majority of patients do not consider these a major problem, however. Evidence is presented of the beneficial effect of voice therapy to help patients compensate for the inevitable tissue damage caused by radiotherapy to the larynx. Electrolaryngograph generated objective measures and Lx waveforms proved sensitive, reliable and clinically applicable for objective voice analysis

    Numerical Investigation of Subglottal Stenosis Effects on Human Voice Production

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    This dissertation aimed to advance knowledge of how subglottal stenosis impacts voice production physiology. An in-house fluid-structure-acoustic interaction approach based on the hydrodynamic/acoustic splitting technique was employed. This technique was rigorously verified for simulating phonation by matching the acoustic behavior to a compressible flow solver for phonation-relevant geometries. Simulations of an idealized 2D vocal tract model demonstrated the effects of supraglottal acoustic resonance on vocal fold kinematics and glottal flow waveform. Results showed that the acoustic coupling between higher harmonics and formats generated pressure oscillations, modifying vocal fold dynamics and glottal flow rate. A major novelty was the incorporation and systematic parametric study of subglottal stenosis effects on voice production in an idealized 3D laryngeal model for the first time. Variation of subglottal stenosis severity revealed changes in vocal fold motion for severities higher than 90%, and flow rate and acoustics for severities higher than 75%. Detailed analysis revealed relative flow resistance and the ratio between glottal and stenosis minimum areas as primary factors determining the degree of influence. This provided new insights relating stenosis severity to physical changes in voice production consistent with clinical intervention guidelines. Highly detailed subject-specific realistic laryngeal and vocal tract geometries were reconstructed from high-resolution imaging to enable developing a coupled flow-acoustics-solid interaction model. Self-sustained vocal fold oscillations and glottal flow rates matching human phonation validated this highfidelity model’s capabilities. Parametric stenosis studies provided confirmation using real geometries and additional insights into underlying physical mechanisms. In summary, this dissertation research verified numerical methods, revealed acoustic resonance effects, systematically quantified stenosis severity thresholds, and elucidated mechanisms relating observations to area ratio and pressure drops. Outcomes significantly advance fundamental knowledge of simulating normal and pathological voice production. This work provides a strong foundation for future translational research on modeling other voice disorders, supporting surgical planning, and guiding interventions

    Effects of deep brain stimulation on speech in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dystonia

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    Disorders affecting the basal ganglia can have a severe effect on speech motor control. The effect can vary depending on the pathophysiology of the basal ganglia disease but in general terms it can be classified as hypokinetic or hyperkinetic dysarthria. Despite the role of basal ganglia on speech, there is a marked discrepancy between the effect of medical and surgical treatments on limb and speech motor control. This is compounded by the complex nature of speech and communication in general, and the lack of animal models of speech motor control. The emergence of deep brain stimulation of basal ganglia structures gives us the opportunity to record systematically the effects on speech and attempt some assumptions on the role of basal ganglia on speech motor control. The aim of the present work was to examine the impact of bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) for Parkinson’s disease (PD) and globus pallidus internus (GPi-DBS) for dystonia on speech motor control. A consecutive series of PD and dystonia patients who underwent DBS was evaluated. Patients were studied in a prospective longitudinal manner with both clinical assessment of their speech intelligibility and acoustical analysis of their speech. The role of pre-operative clinical factors and electrical parameters of stimulation, mainly electrode positioning and voltage amplitude was systematically examined. In addition, for selected patients, tongue movements were studied using electropalatography. Aerodynamic aspects of speech were also studied. The impact of speech therapy was assessed in a subgroup of patients. The clinical evaluation of speech intelligibility one and three years post STN-DBS in PD patients showed a deterioration of speech, partly related to medially placed electrodes and high amplitude of stimulation. Pre-operative predictive factors included low speech intelligibility before surgery and longer disease duration. Articulation rather than voice was most frequently affected with a distinct dysarthria type emerging, mainly hyperkinetic-dystonic, rather than hypokinetic. Traditionally effective therapy for PD dysarthria had little to no benefit following STN-DBS. Speech following GPi-DBS for dystonia did not significantly change after one year of stimulation. A subgroup of patients showed hypokinetic features, mainly reduced voice volume and fast rate of speech more typical of Parkinsonian speech. Speech changes in both STN-DBS and GPi-DBS were apparent after six months of stimulation. This progressive deterioration of speech and the critical role of the electrical parameters of stimulation suggest a long-term effect of electrical stimulation of basal ganglia on speech motor control

    The avian lingual and laryngeal apparatus within the context of the head and jaw apparatus, with comparisons to the mammalian condition: Functional morphology and biomechanics of evaporative cooling, feeding, drinking, and vocalization

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. All rights reserved. The lingual and laryngeal apparatus are the mobile and active organs within the oral cavity, which serves as a gateway to the respiratory and alimentary systems in terrestrial vertebrates. Both organs play multiple roles in alimentation and vocalization besides respiration, but their structures and functions differ fundamentally in birds and mammals, just as the skull and jaws differ fundamentally in these two vertebrate classes. Furthermore, the movements of the lingual and laryngeal apparatus are interdependent with each other and with themovements of the jaw apparatus in complex and littleunderstood ways. Therefore, rather than updating the existing numerous reviews of the diversity in lingual morphology of birds, this chapter will concentrate on the functionalmorphological interdependences and interactions of the lingual and laryngeal apparatus with each other and with the skull and jaw apparatus. It Will