1,293 research outputs found

    Visual and Geometric Analysis of Maxillary Sinus Region Variability for Identification of Unknown Decedents

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    Positive identification of unknown individuals is highly important in the medicolegal field. Comparison of antemortem and postmortem radiographs is a popular and successful method of making a positive identification, but these methods are often extremely limited due to a lack of antemortem records. A positive identification method utilizing a type of radiograph that is more common in the antemortem record would be very useful for forensic anthropologists and other medicolegal professionals and could increase the likelihood of the individual in question being identified. Panoramic dental radiographs are commonly included in the standard dental exam and provide a clear view of the maxillary sinus region. Visual analysis of the maxillary sinus region of panoramic radiographs was performed by creating an online radiographic matching survey using sets of two radiographs from seven individuals and individual radiographs from seven other individuals. A total of 47 undergraduate and graduate students participated in the online survey. The results from this survey were used to calculate percentages correct for different variables and perform one-way ANOVA and chi-square analyses on the data using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). A preliminary geometric morphometrics analysis was also performed on the maxillary sinus outline shape using Shape 1.3. Results from both the visual and geometric analysis of maxillary sinus shape indicate that elements of the maxillary sinus area could be used as a relatively accurate method for positively identifying unknown individuals

    Descriptor Based Analysis of Digital 3D Shapes

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    Variational methods for shape and image registrations.

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    Estimating and analysis of deformation, either rigid or non-rigid, is an active area of research in various medical imaging and computer vision applications. Its importance stems from the inherent inter- and intra-variability in biological and biomedical object shapes and from the dynamic nature of the scenes usually dealt with in computer vision research. For instance, quantifying the growth of a tumor, recognizing a person\u27s face, tracking a facial expression, or retrieving an object inside a data base require the estimation of some sort of motion or deformation undergone by the object of interest. To solve these problems, and other similar problems, registration comes into play. This is the process of bringing into correspondences two or more data sets. Depending on the application at hand, these data sets can be for instance gray scale/color images or objects\u27 outlines. In the latter case, one talks about shape registration while in the former case, one talks about image/volume registration. In some situations, the combinations of different types of data can be used complementarily to establish point correspondences. One of most important image analysis tools that greatly benefits from the process of registration, and which will be addressed in this dissertation, is the image segmentation. This process consists of localizing objects in images. Several challenges are encountered in image segmentation, including noise, gray scale inhomogeneities, and occlusions. To cope with such issues, the shape information is often incorporated as a statistical model into the segmentation process. Building such statistical models requires a good and accurate shape alignment approach. In addition, segmenting anatomical structures can be accurately solved through the registration of the input data set with a predefined anatomical atlas. Variational approaches for shape/image registration and segmentation have received huge interest in the past few years. Unlike traditional discrete approaches, the variational methods are based on continuous modelling of the input data through the use of Partial Differential Equations (PDE). This brings into benefit the extensive literature on theory and numerical methods proposed to solve PDEs. This dissertation addresses the registration problem from a variational point of view, with more focus on shape registration. First, a novel variational framework for global-to-local shape registration is proposed. The input shapes are implicitly represented through their signed distance maps. A new Sumof- Squared-Differences (SSD) criterion which measures the disparity between the implicit representations of the input shapes, is introduced to recover the global alignment parameters. This new criteria has the advantages over some existing ones in accurately handling scale variations. In addition, the proposed alignment model is less expensive computationally. Complementary to the global registration field, the local deformation field is explicitly established between the two globally aligned shapes, by minimizing a new energy functional. This functional incrementally and simultaneously updates the displacement field while keeping the corresponding implicit representation of the globally warped source shape as close to a signed distance function as possible. This is done under some regularization constraints that enforce the smoothness of the recovered deformations. The overall process leads to a set of coupled set of equations that are simultaneously solved through a gradient descent scheme. Several applications, where the developed tools play a major role, are addressed throughout this dissertation. For instance, some insight is given as to how one can solve the challenging problem of three dimensional face recognition in the presence of facial expressions. Statistical modelling of shapes will be presented as a way of benefiting from the proposed shape registration framework. Second, this dissertation will visit th

    Leaf recognition for accurate plant classification.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2017.Plants are the most important living organisms on our planet because they are sources of energy and protect our planet against global warming. Botanists were the first scientist to design techniques for plant species recognition using leaves. Although many techniques for plant recognition using leaf images have been proposed in the literature, the precision and the quality of feature descriptors for shape, texture, and color remain the major challenges. This thesis investigates the precision of geometric shape features extraction and improved the determination of the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR). The comparison of the proposed improved MBR determination method to Chaudhuri's method is performed using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) generated by each method on each edge point of the MBR. On the top left point of the determined MBR, Chaudhuri's method has the MAE value of 26.37 and the proposed method has the MAE value of 8.14. This thesis also investigates the use of the Convexity Measure of Polygons for the characterization of the degree of convexity of a given leaf shape. Promising results are obtained when using the Convexity Measure of Polygons combined with other geometric features to characterize leave images, and a classification rate of 92% was obtained with a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network classifier. After observing the limitations of the Convexity Measure of Polygons, a new shape feature called Convexity Moments of Polygons is presented in this thesis. This new feature has the invariant properties of the Convexity Measure of Polygons, but is more precise because it uses more than one value to characterize the degree of convexity of a given shape. Promising results are obtained when using the Convexity Moments of Polygons combined with other geometric features to characterize the leaf images and a classification rate of 95% was obtained with the Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network classifier. Leaf boundaries carry valuable information that can be used to distinguish between plant species. In this thesis, a new boundary-based shape characterization method called Sinuosity Coefficients is proposed. This method has been used in many fields of science like Geography to describe rivers meandering. The Sinuosity Coefficients is scale and translation invariant. Promising results are obtained when using Sinuosity Coefficients combined with other geometric features to characterize the leaf images, a classification rate of 80% was obtained with the Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network classifier. Finally, this thesis implements a model for plant classification using leaf images, where an input leaf image is described using the Convexity Moments, the Sinuosity Coefficients and the geometric features to generate a feature vector for the recognition of plant species using a Radial Basis Neural Network. With the model designed and implemented the overall classification rate of 97% was obtained

    Application of an artificial neural network (ANN) for the identification of grapevine genotypes

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    Neural networks were employed to distinguish between 15 accessions of "coloured" (fruit gives intense red colour to the wine) grapevines found in some viticultural zones of Tuscany. Our results enabled us to distinguish, with considerable certainty, between 9 accessions and to denote three pairs of synonyms. The use of neural networks opens interesting prospects for ampelography; its advantages over traditional ampelographic methods are demonstrated

    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches
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