940 research outputs found

    Denial of Service in Web-Domains: Building Defenses Against Next-Generation Attack Behavior

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    The existing state-of-the-art in the field of application layer Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection is generally designed, and thus effective, only for static web domains. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first that studies the problem of application layer DDoS defense in web domains of dynamic content and organization, and for next-generation bot behaviour. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the following research tasks: 1) we identify the main weaknesses of the existing application-layer anti-DDoS solutions as proposed in research literature and in the industry, 2) we obtain a comprehensive picture of the current-day as well as the next-generation application-layer attack behaviour and 3) we propose novel techniques, based on a multidisciplinary approach that combines offline machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis, for detection of suspicious web visitors in static web domains. Then, in the second part of the thesis, we propose and evaluate a novel anti-DDoS system that detects a broad range of application-layer DDoS attacks, both in static and dynamic web domains, through the use of advanced techniques of data mining. The key advantage of our system relative to other systems that resort to the use of challenge-response tests (such as CAPTCHAs) in combating malicious bots is that our system minimizes the number of these tests that are presented to valid human visitors while succeeding in preventing most malicious attackers from accessing the web site. The results of the experimental evaluation of the proposed system demonstrate effective detection of current and future variants of application layer DDoS attacks

    Dynamic adversarial mining - effectively applying machine learning in adversarial non-stationary environments.

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    While understanding of machine learning and data mining is still in its budding stages, the engineering applications of the same has found immense acceptance and success. Cybersecurity applications such as intrusion detection systems, spam filtering, and CAPTCHA authentication, have all begun adopting machine learning as a viable technique to deal with large scale adversarial activity. However, the naive usage of machine learning in an adversarial setting is prone to reverse engineering and evasion attacks, as most of these techniques were designed primarily for a static setting. The security domain is a dynamic landscape, with an ongoing never ending arms race between the system designer and the attackers. Any solution designed for such a domain needs to take into account an active adversary and needs to evolve over time, in the face of emerging threats. We term this as the ‘Dynamic Adversarial Mining’ problem, and the presented work provides the foundation for this new interdisciplinary area of research, at the crossroads of Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and Streaming Data Mining. We start with a white hat analysis of the vulnerabilities of classification systems to exploratory attack. The proposed ‘Seed-Explore-Exploit’ framework provides characterization and modeling of attacks, ranging from simple random evasion attacks to sophisticated reverse engineering. It is observed that, even systems having prediction accuracy close to 100%, can be easily evaded with more than 90% precision. This evasion can be performed without any information about the underlying classifier, training dataset, or the domain of application. Attacks on machine learning systems cause the data to exhibit non stationarity (i.e., the training and the testing data have different distributions). It is necessary to detect these changes in distribution, called concept drift, as they could cause the prediction performance of the model to degrade over time. However, the detection cannot overly rely on labeled data to compute performance explicitly and monitor a drop, as labeling is expensive and time consuming, and at times may not be a possibility altogether. As such, we propose the ‘Margin Density Drift Detection (MD3)’ algorithm, which can reliably detect concept drift from unlabeled data only. MD3 provides high detection accuracy with a low false alarm rate, making it suitable for cybersecurity applications; where excessive false alarms are expensive and can lead to loss of trust in the warning system. Additionally, MD3 is designed as a classifier independent and streaming algorithm for usage in a variety of continuous never-ending learning systems. We then propose a ‘Dynamic Adversarial Mining’ based learning framework, for learning in non-stationary and adversarial environments, which provides ‘security by design’. The proposed ‘Predict-Detect’ classifier framework, aims to provide: robustness against attacks, ease of attack detection using unlabeled data, and swift recovery from attacks. Ideas of feature hiding and obfuscation of feature importance are proposed as strategies to enhance the learning framework\u27s security. Metrics for evaluating the dynamic security of a system and recover-ability after an attack are introduced to provide a practical way of measuring efficacy of dynamic security strategies. The framework is developed as a streaming data methodology, capable of continually functioning with limited supervision and effectively responding to adversarial dynamics. The developed ideas, methodology, algorithms, and experimental analysis, aim to provide a foundation for future work in the area of ‘Dynamic Adversarial Mining’, wherein a holistic approach to machine learning based security is motivated

    Transcend:Detecting Concept Drift in Malware Classification Models

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    Building machine learning models of malware behavior is widely accepted as a panacea towards effective malware classification. A crucial requirement for building sustainable learning models, though, is to train on a wide variety of malware samples. Unfortunately, malware evolves rapidly and it thus becomes hard—if not impossible—to generalize learning models to reflect future, previously-unseen behaviors. Consequently, most malware classifiers become unsustainable in the long run, becoming rapidly antiquated as malware continues to evolve. In this work, we propose Transcend, a framework to identify aging classification models in vivo during deployment, much before the machine learning model’s performance starts to degrade. This is a significant departure from conventional approaches that retrain aging models retrospectively when poor performance is observed. Our approach uses a statistical comparison of samples seen during deployment with those used to train the model, thereby building metrics for prediction quality. We show how Transcend can be used to identify concept drift based on two separate case studies on Android andWindows malware, raising a red flag before the model starts making consistently poor decisions due to out-of-date training

    Unsupervised Intrusion Detection with Cross-Domain Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    Cybercrime is a major concern for corporations, business owners, governments and citizens, and it continues to grow in spite of increasing investments in security and fraud prevention. The main challenges in this research field are: being able to detect unknown attacks, and reducing the false positive ratio. The aim of this research work was to target both problems by leveraging four artificial intelligence techniques. The first technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on skip-gram modeling. It was designed, developed and tested against a public dataset with popular intrusion patterns. A high accuracy and a low false positive rate were achieved without prior knowledge of attack patterns. The second technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on topic modeling. It was applied to three related domains (network attacks, payments fraud, IoT malware traffic). A high accuracy was achieved in the three scenarios, even though the malicious activity significantly differs from one domain to the other. The third technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on deep autoencoders, with feature selection performed by a supervised method, random forest. Obtained results showed that this technique can outperform other similar techniques. The fourth technique is based on an MLP neural network, and is applied to alert reduction in fraud prevention. This method automates manual reviews previously done by human experts, without significantly impacting accuracy

    Enhanced Prediction of Network Attacks Using Incomplete Data

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    For years, intrusion detection has been considered a key component of many organizations’ network defense capabilities. Although a number of approaches to intrusion detection have been tried, few have been capable of providing security personnel responsible for the protection of a network with sufficient information to make adjustments and respond to attacks in real-time. Because intrusion detection systems rarely have complete information, false negatives and false positives are extremely common, and thus valuable resources are wasted responding to irrelevant events. In order to provide better actionable information for security personnel, a mechanism for quantifying the confidence level in predictions is needed. This work presents an approach which seeks to combine a primary prediction model with a novel secondary confidence level model which provides a measurement of the confidence in a given attack prediction being made. The ability to accurately identify an attack and quantify the confidence level in the prediction could serve as the basis for a new generation of intrusion detection devices, devices that provide earlier and better alerts for administrators and allow more proactive response to events as they are occurring
