9 research outputs found

    Improved Quantification of Small Objects in Near-Infrared Diffuse Optical Tomography

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    Diffuse optical tomography allows quantification of hemoglobin, oxygen saturation, and water in tissue, and the fidelity in this quantification is dependent on the accuracy of optical properties determined during image reconstruction. In this study, a three-step algorithm is proposed and validated that uses the standard Newton minimization with Levenberg-Marquardt regularization as the first step. The second step is a modification to the existing algorithm using a two-parameter regularization to allow lower damping in a region of interest as compared to background. This second stage allows the recovery of the actual size of an inclusion. A region-based reconstruction is the final third step, which uses the estimated size and position information from step 2 to yield quantitatively accurate average values for the optical parameters. The algorithm is tested on simulated and experimental data and is found to be insensitive to object contrast and position. The percentage error between the true and the average recovered value for the absorption coefficient in test images is reduced from 47 to 27% for a 10-mm inclusion, from 38 to 13% for a 15-mm anomaly, and from 28 to 5.5% for a 20-mm heterogeneity. Simulated data with absorbing and scattering heterogeneities of 15 mm diam located in different positions show recovery with less than 15% error in absorption and 6% error in reduced scattering coefficients. The algorithm is successfully applied to clinical data from a subject with a breast abnormality to yield quantitatively increased absorption coefficients, which enhances the contrast to 3.8 compared to 1.23 previously

    Multi-fractal dimension features by enhancing and segmenting mammogram images of breast cancer

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    The common malignancy which causes deaths in women is breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer using mammographic image can help in reducing the mortality rate and the probability of recurrence. Through mammographic examination, breast lesions can be detected and classified. Breast lesions can be detected using many popular tools such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasonography, and mammography. Although mammography is very useful in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the pattern similarities between normal and pathologic cases makes the process of diagnosis difficult. Therefore, in this thesis Computer Aided Diagnosing (CAD) systems have been developed to help doctors and technicians in detecting lesions. The thesis aims to increase the accuracy of diagnosing breast cancer for optimal classification of cancer. It is achieved using Machine Learning (ML) and image processing techniques on mammogram images. This thesis also proposes an improvement of an automated extraction of powerful texture sign for classification by enhancing and segmenting the breast cancer mammogram images. The proposed CAD system consists of five stages namely pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification. First stage is pre-processing that is used for noise reduction due to noises in mammogram image. Therefore, based on the frequency domain this thesis employed wavelet transform to enhance mammogram images in pre-processing stage for two purposes which is to highlight the border of mammogram images for segmentation stage, and to enhance the region of interest (ROI) using adaptive threshold in the mammogram images for feature extraction purpose. Second stage is segmentation process to identify ROI in mammogram images. It is a difficult task because of several landmarks such as breast boundary and artifacts as well as pectoral muscle in Medio-Lateral Oblique (MLO). Thus, this thesis presents an automatic segmentation algorithm based on new thresholding combined with image processing techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model increases segmentation accuracy of the ROI from breast background, landmarks, and pectoral muscle. Third stage is feature extraction where enhancement model based on fractal dimension is proposed to derive significant mammogram image texture features. Based on the proposed, model a powerful texture sign for classification are extracted. Fourth stage is feature selection where Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique has been used as a feature selection technique to select the important features. In last classification stage, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique has been used to differentiate between Benign and Malignant classes of cancer using the most relevant texture feature. As a conclusion, classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity obtained by the proposed CAD system are improved in comparison to previous studies. This thesis has practical contribution in identification of breast cancer using mammogram images and better classification accuracy of benign and malign lesions using ML and image processing techniques

    Computer-Aided, Multi-Modal, and Compression Diffuse Optical Studies of Breast Tissue

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    Diffuse Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy permit measurement of important physiological parameters non-invasively through ~10 cm of tissue. I have applied these techniques in measurements of human breast and breast cancer. My thesis integrates three loosely connected themes in this context: multi-modal breast cancer imaging, automated data analysis of breast cancer images, and microvascular hemodynamics of breast under compression. As per the first theme, I describe construction, testing, and the initial clinical usage of two generations of imaging systems for simultaneous diffuse optical and magnetic resonance imaging. The second project develops a statistical analysis of optical breast data from many spatial locations in a population of cancers to derive a novel optical signature of malignancy; I then apply this data-derived signature for localization of cancer in additional subjects. Finally, I construct and deploy diffuse optical instrumentation to measure blood content and blood flow during breast compression; besides optics, this research has implications for any method employing breast compression, e.g., mammography

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome

    Intraoperative Photoacoustic Imaging of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers to affect women, presenting a lifetime risk of 1 in 8. Treatment of stage 1 and 2 cancers usually involves breast conserving surgery (BCS). The goal of BCS is to remove the entire tumour with a surrounding envelope of healthy tissue, referred to as a negative margin. Unfortunately, up to 50% of surgeries fail to remove the whole tumour. To minimize the risk of cancer recurrence, a second surgery, must therefore be performed. Currently, there is no widely accepted intraoperative tool to significantly mitigate this problem. Employed systems are usually based on imaging, such as x-ray or ultrasonography. Unfortunately, sensitivity and specificity deficits, especially related to breast density, reduce the effectiveness of these methods. Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is a relatively new imaging modality which uses safe near-infrared laser illumination to generate 3-D images of soft tissues to a depth of up to several cm. We used a custom designed and built intraoperative PAT system, called iPAT, to perform a 100 patient study on freshly excised breast lumpectomy specimens within the surgical setting. The system enabled the evaluation of tumour extent, shape, morphology and position within lumpectomy specimens measuring up to 11 cm in diameter. Scan results were used to compare iPAT-derived tumour size to the gold-standard pathologic examination, and when available, to x-ray, ultrasonography and DCE-MRI. Imaging results were also used to classify specimen margins as close or wide, and positive predictive values (PPV), negative predictive values (NPV), sensitivity and specificity were then calculated to estimate the effectiveness of the iPAT system at predicting lumpectomy margin status. With a close margin prevalence of 35%, the PPV, NPV, sensitivity and specificity of iPAT were found to be 71%, 83%, 69%, and 84%, respectively. Information provided by the iPAT system identified 9 out of the 12 positive specimens, potentially reducing the positive margin rate by 75%. . Contrary to expected photoacoustic contrast mechanisms, iPAT images of hemoglobin distribution correlated poorly with US and X-ray tumour imaging, while hypo-intense regions in lipid-weighted iPAT images were in excellent agreement

    Content-based image retrieval applied to BI-RADS tissue classification in screening mammography

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    AIM: To present a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system that supports the classification of breast tissue density and can be used in the processing chain to adapt parameters for lesion segmentation and classification