60,514 research outputs found

    ProtNN: Fast and Accurate Nearest Neighbor Protein Function Prediction based on Graph Embedding in Structural and Topological Space

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    Studying the function of proteins is important for understanding the molecular mechanisms of life. The number of publicly available protein structures has increasingly become extremely large. Still, the determination of the function of a protein structure remains a difficult, costly, and time consuming task. The difficulties are often due to the essential role of spatial and topological structures in the determination of protein functions in living cells. In this paper, we propose ProtNN, a novel approach for protein function prediction. Given an unannotated protein structure and a set of annotated proteins, ProtNN finds the nearest neighbor annotated structures based on protein-graph pairwise similarities. Given a query protein, ProtNN finds the nearest neighbor reference proteins based on a graph representation model and a pairwise similarity between vector embedding of both query and reference protein-graphs in structural and topological spaces. ProtNN assigns to the query protein the function with the highest number of votes across the set of k nearest neighbor reference proteins, where k is a user-defined parameter. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that ProtNN is able to accurately classify several datasets in an extremely fast runtime compared to state-of-the-art approaches. We further show that ProtNN is able to scale up to a whole PDB dataset in a single-process mode with no parallelization, with a gain of thousands order of magnitude of runtime compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Markov Mean Properties for Cell Death-Related Protein Classification

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    [Abstract] The cell death (CD) is a dynamic biological function involved in physiological and pathological processes. Due to the complexity of CD, there is a demand for fast theoretical methods that can help to find new CD molecular targets. The current work presents the first classification model to predict CD-related proteins based on Markov Mean Properties. These protein descriptors have been calculated with the MInD-Prot tool using the topological information of the amino acid contact networks of the 2423 protein chains, five atom physicochemical properties and the protein 3D regions. The Machine Learning algorithms from Weka were used to find the best classification model for CD-related protein chains using all 20 attributes. The most accurate algorithm to solve this problem was K*. After several feature subset methods, the best model found is based on only 11 variables and is characterized by the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC) of 0.992 and the true positive rate (TP Rate) of 88.2% (validation set). 7409 protein chains labeled with “unknown function” in the PDB Databank were analyzed with the best model in order to predict the CD-related biological activity. Thus, several proteins have been predicted to have CD-related function in Homo sapiens: 3DRX–involved in virus-host interaction biological process, protein homooligomerization; 4DWF–involved in cell differentiation, chromatin modification, DNA damage response, protein stabilization; 1IUR–involved in ATP binding, chaperone binding; 1J7D–involved in DNA double-strand break processing, histone ubiquitination, nucleotide-binding oligomerization; 1UTU–linked with DNA repair, regulation of transcription; 3EEC–participating to the cellular membrane organization, egress of virus within host cell, class mediator resulting in cell cycle arrest, negative regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity involved in mitotic cell cycle and apoptotic process. Other proteins from bacteria predicted as CD-related are 2G3V - a CAG pathogenicity island protein 13 from Helicobacter pylori, 4G5A - a hypothetical protein in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, 1YLK–involved in the nitrogen metabolism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and 1XSV - with possible DNA/RNA binding domains. The results demonstrated the possibility to predict CD-related proteins using molecular information encoded into the protein 3D structure. Thus, the current work demonstrated the possibility to predict new molecular targets involved in cell-death processes.Xunta de Galicia; 10SIN105004PRInstituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/0028

    The RCSB Protein Data Bank: views of structural biology for basic and applied research and education.

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    The RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB, http://www.rcsb.org) provides access to 3D structures of biological macromolecules and is one of the leading resources in biology and biomedicine worldwide. Our efforts over the past 2 years focused on enabling a deeper understanding of structural biology and providing new structural views of biology that support both basic and applied research and education. Herein, we describe recently introduced data annotations including integration with external biological resources, such as gene and drug databases, new visualization tools and improved support for the mobile web. We also describe access to data files, web services and open access software components to enable software developers to more effectively mine the PDB archive and related annotations. Our efforts are aimed at expanding the role of 3D structure in understanding biology and medicine

    Exploring the potential of 3D Zernike descriptors and SVM for protein\u2013protein interface prediction

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    Abstract Background The correct determination of protein–protein interaction interfaces is important for understanding disease mechanisms and for rational drug design. To date, several computational methods for the prediction of protein interfaces have been developed, but the interface prediction problem is still not fully understood. Experimental evidence suggests that the location of binding sites is imprinted in the protein structure, but there are major differences among the interfaces of the various protein types: the characterising properties can vary a lot depending on the interaction type and function. The selection of an optimal set of features characterising the protein interface and the development of an effective method to represent and capture the complex protein recognition patterns are of paramount importance for this task. Results In this work we investigate the potential of a novel local surface descriptor based on 3D Zernike moments for the interface prediction task. Descriptors invariant to roto-translations are extracted from circular patches of the protein surface enriched with physico-chemical properties from the HQI8 amino acid index set, and are used as samples for a binary classification problem. Support Vector Machines are used as a classifier to distinguish interface local surface patches from non-interface ones. The proposed method was validated on 16 classes of proteins extracted from the Protein–Protein Docking Benchmark 5.0 and compared to other state-of-the-art protein interface predictors (SPPIDER, PrISE and NPS-HomPPI). Conclusions The 3D Zernike descriptors are able to capture the similarity among patterns of physico-chemical and biochemical properties mapped on the protein surface arising from the various spatial arrangements of the underlying residues, and their usage can be easily extended to other sets of amino acid properties. The results suggest that the choice of a proper set of features characterising the protein interface is crucial for the interface prediction task, and that optimality strongly depends on the class of proteins whose interface we want to characterise. We postulate that different protein classes should be treated separately and that it is necessary to identify an optimal set of features for each protein class

    Kernel matrix regression

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    We address the problem of filling missing entries in a kernel Gram matrix, given a related full Gram matrix. We attack this problem from the viewpoint of regression, assuming that the two kernel matrices can be considered as explanatory variables and response variables, respectively. We propose a variant of the regression model based on the underlying features in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space by modifying the idea of kernel canonical correlation analysis, and we estimate the missing entries by fitting this model to the existing samples. We obtain promising experimental results on gene network inference and protein 3D structure prediction from genomic datasets. We also discuss the relationship with the em-algorithm based on information geometry

    A^2-Net: Molecular Structure Estimation from Cryo-EM Density Volumes

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    Constructing of molecular structural models from Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) density volumes is the critical last step of structure determination by Cryo-EM technologies. Methods have evolved from manual construction by structural biologists to perform 6D translation-rotation searching, which is extremely compute-intensive. In this paper, we propose a learning-based method and formulate this problem as a vision-inspired 3D detection and pose estimation task. We develop a deep learning framework for amino acid determination in a 3D Cryo-EM density volume. We also design a sequence-guided Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to thread over the candidate amino acids to form the molecular structure. This framework achieves 91% coverage on our newly proposed dataset and takes only a few minutes for a typical structure with a thousand amino acids. Our method is hundreds of times faster and several times more accurate than existing automated solutions without any human intervention.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 table
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