10 research outputs found

    Summary of Research 1994

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    The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.This report contains 359 summaries of research projects which were carried out under funding of the Naval Postgraduate School Research Program. A list of recent publications is also included which consists of conference presentations and publications, books, contributions to books, published journal papers, and technical reports. The research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology, National Security Affairs, Oceanography, Operations Research, Physics, and Systems Management. This also includes research by the Command, Control and Communications (C3) Academic Group, Electronic Warfare Academic Group, Space Systems Academic Group, and the Undersea Warfare Academic Group

    Proceedings of 8th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB’14)

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings which took place in Frankfurt, Germany 1-3 April 2014. The IEECB conference brings together all the key players from this sector, including commercial buildings’ investors and property managers, energy efficiency experts and building technologies researchers, equipment manufacturers, service providers (ESCOs, utilities, facilities management companies) and policy makers, with a view to exchange information, to learn from each other and to network. The wide scope of topics covered during the IEECB’14 conference includes: smart building and low energy buildings, (Nearly) Net Zero Energy Buildings, equipment and systems (lighting, HVAC auxiliary equipment, ICT & office equipment, miscellaneous equipment, BEMS, electricity on-site production, renewable energies, etc.) and the latest advances in energy efficiency programmes, regulation & policies for public and private sector commercial buildings. Potential readers who may benefit from this book include researchers, engineers, policymakers, energy agencies, electric utilities, and all those who can influence the design, selection, application, and operation of electrical motor driven systems.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    Textbook on Scar Management

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    This text book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. Written by a group of international experts in the field and the result of over ten years of collaboration, it allows students and readers to gain to gain a detailed understanding of scar and wound treatment – a topic still dispersed among various disciplines. The content is divided into three parts for easy reference. The first part focuses on the fundamentals of scar management, including assessment and evaluation procedures, classification, tools for accurate measurement of all scar-related elements (volume density, color, vascularization), descriptions of the different evaluation scales. It also features chapters on the best practices in electronic-file storage for clinical reevaluation and telemedicine procedures for safe remote evaluation. The second section offers a comprehensive review of treatment and evidence-based technologies, presenting a consensus of the various available guidelines (silicone, surgery, chemical injections, mechanical tools for scar stabilization, lasers). The third part evaluates the full range of emerging technologies offered to physicians as alternative or complementary solutions for wound healing (mechanical, chemical, anti-proliferation). Textbook on Scar Management will appeal to trainees, fellows, residents and physicians dealing with scar management in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery and oncology, as well as to nurses and general practitioners ; Comprehensive reference covering the complete field of wounds and scar management: semiology, classifications and scoring Highly educational contents for trainees as well as professionals in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery, oncology as well as nurses and general practitioners Fast access to information through key points, take home messages, highlights, and a wealth of clinical cases Book didactic contents enhanced by supplementary material and video

    Textbook on Scar Management

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    This text book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. Written by a group of international experts in the field and the result of over ten years of collaboration, it allows students and readers to gain to gain a detailed understanding of scar and wound treatment – a topic still dispersed among various disciplines. The content is divided into three parts for easy reference. The first part focuses on the fundamentals of scar management, including assessment and evaluation procedures, classification, tools for accurate measurement of all scar-related elements (volume density, color, vascularization), descriptions of the different evaluation scales. It also features chapters on the best practices in electronic-file storage for clinical reevaluation and telemedicine procedures for safe remote evaluation. The second section offers a comprehensive review of treatment and evidence-based technologies, presenting a consensus of the various available guidelines (silicone, surgery, chemical injections, mechanical tools for scar stabilization, lasers). The third part evaluates the full range of emerging technologies offered to physicians as alternative or complementary solutions for wound healing (mechanical, chemical, anti-proliferation). Textbook on Scar Management will appeal to trainees, fellows, residents and physicians dealing with scar management in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery and oncology, as well as to nurses and general practitioners ; Comprehensive reference covering the complete field of wounds and scar management: semiology, classifications and scoring Highly educational contents for trainees as well as professionals in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery, oncology as well as nurses and general practitioners Fast access to information through key points, take home messages, highlights, and a wealth of clinical cases Book didactic contents enhanced by supplementary material and video

    Sandia National Laboratories Institutional Plan: FY 1999-2004

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    Sandia National Laboratories Institutional Plan: FY 1996--2001

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    Juridical gyroscopic orientation of transnational business negotiations

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    L'hypothèse de notre doctorat pose qu’il y a une meilleure moyen pour le droit de régler TBN. Pour cet amélioration, un cadre juridique alternatif est nécessaire pour le règlement de négociations commerciales transnationales [TBN] entre des parties privées dans le contexte de vente internationale de marchandises. La prémisse fondamentale réside dans la manière dont les négociations sont généralement mal comprise dans la complexité du pluralisme, contradictoires ou le chevauchement des régimes juridiques entraînant l'incohérence des remèdes de mesures pour les parties commerciales. Même les parties commerciales sophistiquées labeur d’un façon nébuleux de quand et comment les droits et obligations juridiques sont créés. Les parties souvent ne sont pas suffisamment anticiper les obstacles qui peuvent surgir, et comptent souvent sur des accords oraux ou incomplètes qui peut conduire à une interprétation erronée de l'étendue de leurs droits et de leurs obligations les uns envers les autres. La loi a un intérêt dans cette activité innée pour trois raisons : (1) pour protéger les exigences du marché en matière d'efficacité ; (2) en raison de son caractère opportuniste, pour orienter la conduite entre TBN parties; et (3) d'appuyer l'autonomie des parties. Nous mettrons l'accent sur l'expansion de la théorie juridique actuel des négociations dans la recherche d'une nouvelle théorie normative qui pourraient contribuer à l'amélioration du règlement de TBN. Le projet comprendra l'analyse de la théorie de la négociation juridique actuel pour atteindre un portrait de la façon dont le droit juridique vues négociations d'affaires. Nous avons observé la pauvreté des outils juridiques disponibles pour peser des conséquences juridiques de mouvements de négociation. Négociations tangibles peuvent se révéler dans diverses formes d'accords; certains qui sont reconnus par les arbitres si elles passent des tests de validité du contrat alors que d'autres omettent de produire la reconnaissance. Lorsque des accords apparaissent incomplètes, les arbitres sont obligés de refuser l'exécution des accords de négociation ou se tourner vers les rationalisations fictive. À l'inverse, des obligations juridiques au cours des négociations peut être interprétée dans le cadre général du droit des obligations qu'elles ont été prévues entre les parties ou non. Cette étude devrait mettre à jour les menaces de se heurter et normes contradictoires ainsi que des facteurs qui concilie les sources de réglementation juridique vers une culture marchande juridique mondial. L'éclairage d'une nouvelle compréhension des négociations peut être accompli par le biais d'une approche interdisciplinaire des stratégies opérationnelles et de perception, de même que l'examen de l'étique et les séquences comportementales de négociation émique identifiées par les scientifiques du comportement. Les patrons d'affacturage de négociations commerciales séquentiel normative peut fournir des éléments fondamentaux pour exposer l'intangibilité des négociations par la fusion des valeurs normatives émanant de l'autonomie des parties. Les négociations sont souvent considérées comme un phénomène inadapté en droit; voyageant entre les doctrines juridiques traditionnellement séparées. Remontant aux transformations historiques dans la recherche des racines des sources de réglementation peut s'éclairer les négociations à partir de " l'ombre de la loi " dans un modèle révélant l'expansion vers l'interdépendance et de la coopération. La compréhension des facteurs qui influent sur le système normatif que les parties présupposent tout en négociant contribueront ensemble à notre tridimensionnelle analyse de droit comparé. Une nouvelle conscience critique du portrait de négociations seront proposés par l'intermédiaire de l'application de Hogg's co-operative theory of contracts à des négociations, ouvrant la porte à une vision nouvelle de négociations. Configuration par défaut de normes de conduite par le biais d'une théorie de la négociation juridique normative pourrait éventuellement conduire à l'examen de règles sui generis pour surveiller l'évolution de notre société globale afin de la loi de fournir de l'efficacité et l'autonomie nécessaire titrisés par TBN parties. Entre-temps, l'autonomie des parties menant grâce à de nouveaux mécanismes de commerce que nous avons appelé "Bills of Negotiation [BON]", fournissant TBN parties avec des normes claires de communications qui fonctionnent à travers exprimé parti choix pour exprimer les intentions des parties, qui devraient soutenir les normes d'affaires et servir le droit d’inestimables de données empiriques et de preuves.The hypothesis of our doctorate posits that there is a better manner for law to regulate TBN. We posit to improve legal regulation of TBN that an alternative legal framework is necessary for the regulation of transnational business negotiations [TBN] between private parties in context of international sale of goods. The fundamental premise lies in the manner in which negotiations are commonly misunderstood within the complexity of pluralistic, conflicting or overlapping legal regimes causing inconsistent measurement and enforcement of remedies to business parties. Even the most sophisticated business parties toil with the nebulous line of when and how legal rights and obligations are created. Parties do not sufficiently anticipate obstacles that may arise, and often rely on oral or incomplete agreements which may lead to the misinterpretation of the extent of their rights and obligations to one another. The law has an interest in this innate activity for three reasons: (1) to protect market requirements of efficiency; (2) because of its opportunist nature, to guide conduct between TBN parties; and (3) to support party autonomy. We will be focusing on the expansion of current legal theory of negotiations in search of a new normative theory that could contribute to the improvement of regulation of TBN. The project will comprise an analysis of current legal negotiation theory to attain a legal portrait of how law views business negotiations. We have observed the poverty of legal tools available to weigh juridical consequences of negotiation movements. Tangible negotiations may reveal themselves in various forms of agreements; some that are recognized by adjudicators if they pass tests of validity of contract while others fail to produce recognition. When agreements appear incomplete, adjudicators are forced to either deny enforcement of negotiating agreements or turn to fictitious rationalizations. Conversely, legal obligations during negotiations may be construed within the general scope of the law of obligations whether they have been intended between the parties or not. This study is expected to reveal the threats of colliding and conflicting norms as well as factors that reconcile the legal regulatory sources towards a global legal merchant culture. Illuminating a new understanding of negotiations can be accomplished through an interdisciplinary glimpse of business strategies and perception, along with examination of the etic and emic negotiating behavioral sequences identified by behavioral scientists. Factoring patterns of normative sequential business negotiations may provide fundamental elements to expose the intangibility of negotiations by amalgamating normative values emanating from party autonomy. Negotiations are often considered a phenomenon misfit in law; traveling between traditionally separated legal doctrines. Reaching back to historical transformations in search of the roots of the regulatory sources may illuminate negotiations from the “shadow of the law” into a model revealing the expansion into interdependency and cooperation. Comprehension of the factors that influence the normative frameworks that parties presuppose while negotiating together will contribute to our tri-dimensional comparative law analysis. A new critical awareness of the portrait of negotiations will be proposed through the application of Hogg’s co-operative theory of contracts to negotiations, opening the door to a fresh vision of negotiations. Setting default standards of conduct through a normative legal negotiation theory may eventually lead to the consideration of sui generis rules to monitor our evolving global society in order for law to provide the securitized efficiency and autonomy required by TBN parties. Meanwhile, party autonomy may seize leadership through new trade mechanisms which we have termed "Bills of Negotiations [BON]", providing TBN parties with transparent standards of communications that operate through expressed party choice to record parties’ intentions, which are expected to support business norms and serve law with invaluable empirical data and evidence


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    cience, despite being one of the most universal social endeavours of mankind, is not equally practiced everywhere in the world. Science maintain different roles in different protected areas. As a result, there are regions where scientific information is created more frequently. At the same time, different places are following different scientific paths. It is no surprise that Yellowstone National Park is involved in the creation and circulation of studies on wildlife and the effects of climate change, and produce scientific research more than any other protected area in the world. Conversely, it is highly surprising that climate change science can be completely excluded by the research activities carried in some protected areas in the Alps. International monitoring initiatives, in the meantime, are promoting the circulation of science beyond borders, and providing us with data and powerful images of the effects of climate change from all parts of the world. It is normal, in our everyday scientific landscape, to see proofs of new pioneer species settling in mountaintops in the Tien Shan Range, while living at the foothills of the Alps. We are accustomed to seeing pictures of glacier melting in National Parks in the Andean Cordillera while we spend time monitoring the upward and northward distributional shift of butterflies species in the Rocky Mountains. However, we seldom inquire in the precise geography of the distribution of scientific research. Which protected areas in which regions are producing more research? What are the factors that influence distribution? This work aims at filling exactly this gap, with a particular focus on the Alpine range

    Diagnosing and mitigating the adverse effects of extreme climate on salmonid spawning

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    “Salmonid reproduction is highly complex and therefore prone to failure when conditions are suboptimal” (Fenkes et al., 2016). During the winter of 2015/2016, exceptional weather conditions occurred across the United Kingdom, particularly in December when Storm Desmond brought 341.4 mm of rainfall to the UK within 24 hours. This event had a significant impact on many rivers, with the highest winter flows on record (CEFAS, 2017). Unusually warm temperatures, from an extended flow of tropical maritime air, coincided with this extensive flooding, and are believed to have elevated water temperatures, with thermal regimes in some rivers extending above 11°C. This event ensued the salmon spawning season, with temperatures >12°C reported to impact on adult reproduction and juvenile survival in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (Taranger and Hansen, 1993; Solomon and Lightfoot, 2008; Pankhurst and King, 2010; Fenkes et al., 2016). Following this extreme climatic incident, salmonid surveys, for both England and Wales, showed that the density of juvenile salmon captured in 2016 had declined to the lowest levels in the time series. Further consideration of age specific data disclosed that declines were apparent in both fry and parr, with fry deteriorations particularly notable. Following on from these reports, this project was designed to diagnose the cause(s) of the observed declines in Atlantic salmon, linking the loss of salmonids to extreme climatic occurrences. Although this design did indeed shape this thesis, the context evolved to encompass the overall implications of climate on Atlantic salmon, exploring specifically the impact of water temperature on salmon within the Wye and Usk catchments of Wales, and identifying if changes in water quality could likewise be influencing salmon recruitment

    X-ray fluorescence applied to yellow pigments based on lead, tin and antimony: comparison of laboratory and portable instrumentation

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    X-ray fluorescence is a diagnostic approach particularly suited to be utilized in cultural heritage sector since it falls in the non-destructive and non-invasive analytical tools. However there are big differences between portable and laboratory instrumentation that make difficult to perform a comparison in terms of quality and reliability of the results. The present study is specifically addressed to investigate these differences in respect of the same analytical sample-set. To reach this goal a comparison was thus carried out between portable and bench top devices X-ray fluorescence devices and techniques were used on different type of yellow pigments based on lead, tin and antimony obtained in laboratory, reproducing the instructions described in “old” recipes, that is: i) mortar of lead and tin produced on the basis of the recipe 13 /c V of the “Manuscript of Danzica” and “ Li tre libri dell’arte del Vasaio” by Cipriano Piccolpasso; ii) two types of lead and tin yellow (Pb2SnO4 and PbSnO3) produced starting from the indications of the 272 and 273 recipes of the “Bolognese Manuscript”; iii) lead antimonate (Pb2Sb2O7) obtained by following the instructions of the Piccolpasso’s treatise and those contained on the “Istoria delle pitture in maiolica fatte in Pesaro e ne’ luoghi circonvicini di Giambattista Passeri” and finally iv) lead, tin and antimony yellow (Pb2SnSbO6,5) obtained starting from the information contained in the paper 30 R of “Manuscript of Danzica” [1]. The XRF analysis were performed using a laboratory instrumentation (Bruker M4 Tornado) and a handset analytical device (Assing Surface Monitor). In order to perform a significant statistical comparison among acquired and processed data, all the analyses have been carried out utilizing the same sample, the same acquisition set up and operative conditions. A chemometric approach, based on the utilization of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and multivariate analytical based tools [2], was utilized in order to verify the spectral differences, and related informative content, among the different produced yellow pigments. The multivariate approach on the results revealed instrumental differences between the two systems and allowed to compare the common characteristics of the set of pigments analyzed