14 research outputs found

    A continuation-passing-style interpretation of simply-typed call-by-need λ-calculus with control within System F

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    International audienceAriola et al defined a call-by-need λ-calculi with control, together with a sequent calculus presentation of it, and a mechanically generated continuation-passing-style transformation simulating the reduction. We present here a simply-typed version of this calculus and shows that it maps to System F through the continuation-passing-style transformation. This implies in particular the normaliza-tion of this simply-typed call-by-need calculus with control. Incidentally, we treat bound variables for the continuation-passing-style transformation in a precise way using indices rather than up to α-conversion, what makes it directly implementable

    Types as Resources for Classical Natural Deduction

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    We define two resource aware typing systems for the lambda-mu-calculus based on non-idempotent intersection and union types. The non-idempotent approach provides very simple combinatorial arguments - based on decreasing measures of type derivations - to characterize head and strongly normalizing terms. Moreover, typability provides upper bounds for the length of head-reduction sequences and maximal reduction sequences

    Proofs and Refutations for Intuitionistic and Second-Order Logic

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    The ?^{PRK}-calculus is a typed ?-calculus that exploits the duality between the notions of proof and refutation to provide a computational interpretation for classical propositional logic. In this work, we extend ?^{PRK} to encompass classical second-order logic, by incorporating parametric polymorphism and existential types. The system is shown to enjoy good computational properties, such as type preservation, confluence, and strong normalization, which is established by means of a reducibility argument. We identify a syntactic restriction on proofs that characterizes exactly the intuitionistic fragment of second-order ?^{PRK}, and we study canonicity results

    Useful Open Call-By-Need

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    This paper studies useful sharing, which is a sophisticated optimization for ?-calculi, in the context of call-by-need evaluation in presence of open terms. Useful sharing turns out to be harder in call-by-need than in call-by-name or call-by-value, because call-by-need evaluates inside environments, making it harder to specify when a substitution step is useful. We isolate the key involved concepts and prove the correctness and the completeness of useful sharing in this setting

    : De la réduction linéaire de tête à l'évaluation paresseuse

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    National audienceÀ partir de la réduction linéaire de tête, nous dérivons de manière systématique un calcul en appel par nécessité. L'introduction d'un calcul pour la réduction linéaire de tête, basée sur une analyse fine de la notion de radicaux premiers de Danos et Regnier, nous permet de construire pas à pas un lambda-calcul en appel par nécessité que l'on compare aux calculs présents dans la littérature

    Compiling With Classical Connectives

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    The study of polarity in computation has revealed that an "ideal" programming language combines both call-by-value and call-by-name evaluation; the two calling conventions are each ideal for half the types in a programming language. But this binary choice leaves out call-by-need which is used in practice to implement lazy-by-default languages like Haskell. We show how the notion of polarity can be extended beyond the value/name dichotomy to include call-by-need by adding a mechanism for sharing which is enough to compile a Haskell-like functional language with user-defined types. The key to capturing sharing in this mixed-evaluation setting is to generalize the usual notion of polarity "shifts:" rather than just two shifts (between positive and negative) we have a family of four dual shifts. We expand on this idea of logical duality -- "and" is dual to "or;" proof is dual to refutation -- for the purpose of compiling a variety of types. Based on a general notion of data and codata, we show how classical connectives can be used to encode a wide range of built-in and user-defined types. In contrast with an intuitionistic logic corresponding to pure functional programming, these classical connectives bring more of the pleasant symmetries of classical logic to the computationally-relevant, constructive setting. In particular, an involutive pair of negations bridges the gulf between the wide-spread notions of parametric polymorphism and abstract data types in programming languages. To complete the study of duality in compilation, we also consider the dual to call-by-need evaluation, which shares the computation within the control flow of a program instead of computation within the information flow

    Compiling With Classical Connectives

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    The study of polarity in computation has revealed that an "ideal" programming language combines both call-by-value and call-by-name evaluation; the two calling conventions are each ideal for half the types in a programming language. But this binary choice leaves out call-by-need which is used in practice to implement lazy-by-default languages like Haskell. We show how the notion of polarity can be extended beyond the value/name dichotomy to include call-by-need by adding a mechanism for sharing which is enough to compile a Haskell-like functional language with user-defined types. The key to capturing sharing in this mixed-evaluation setting is to generalize the usual notion of polarity "shifts:" rather than just two shifts (between positive and negative) we have a family of four dual shifts. We expand on this idea of logical duality---"and" is dual to "or;" proof is dual to refutation---for the purpose of compiling a variety of types. Based on a general notion of data and codata, we show how classical connectives can be used to encode a wide range of built-in and user-defined types. In contrast with an intuitionistic logic corresponding to pure functional programming, these classical connectives bring more of the pleasant symmetries of classical logic to the computationally-relevant, constructive setting. In particular, an involutive pair of negations bridges the gulf between the wide-spread notions of parametric polymorphism and abstract data types in programming languages. To complete the study of duality in compilation, we also consider the dual to call-by-need evaluation, which shares the computation within the control flow of a program instead of computation within the information flow

    Computer Science Logic 2018: CSL 2018, September 4-8, 2018, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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