2,984 research outputs found

    Problems related to the integration of fault tolerant aircraft electronic systems

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    Problems related to the design of the hardware for an integrated aircraft electronic system are considered. Taxonomies of concurrent systems are reviewed and a new taxonomy is proposed. An informal methodology intended to identify feasible regions of the taxonomic design space is described. Specific tools are recommended for use in the methodology. Based on the methodology, a preliminary strawman integrated fault tolerant aircraft electronic system is proposed. Next, problems related to the programming and control of inegrated aircraft electronic systems are discussed. Issues of system resource management, including the scheduling and allocation of real time periodic tasks in a multiprocessor environment, are treated in detail. The role of software design in integrated fault tolerant aircraft electronic systems is discussed. Conclusions and recommendations for further work are included

    A comparison of multiprocessor scheduling methods for iterative data flow architectures

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    A comparative study is made between the Algorithm to Architecture Mapping Model (ATAMM) and three other related multiprocessing models from the published literature. The primary focus of all four models is the non-preemptive scheduling of large-grain iterative data flow graphs as required in real-time systems, control applications, signal processing, and pipelined computations. Important characteristics of the models such as injection control, dynamic assignment, multiple node instantiations, static optimum unfolding, range-chart guided scheduling, and mathematical optimization are identified. The models from the literature are compared with the ATAMM for performance, scheduling methods, memory requirements, and complexity of scheduling and design procedures

    Performance and evaluation of real-time multicomputer control systems

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    Three experiments on fault tolerant multiprocessors (FTMP) were begun. They are: (1) measurement of fault latency in FTMP; (2) validation and analysis of FTMP synchronization protocols; and investigation of error propagation in FTMP


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    We study the computational complexity of the non-preemptive scheduling problem of a listof independent jobs on a set of identical parallel processors with a makespan minimizationobjective. We make a maiden attempt to explore the combinatorial structure showing theexhaustive solution space of the problem by defining the Scheduling Solution Space Tree(SSST) data structure. The properties of the SSST are formally defined and characterizedthrough our analytical results. We develop a unique technique to show the problemNP using the SSST and the Weighted Scheduling Solution Space Tree (WSSST) datastructures. We design the first non-deterministic polynomial-time algorithm named MagicScheduling (MS) for the problem based on the reduction framework. We also define anew variant of multiprocessor scheduling by including the user as an additional inputparameter. We formally establish the complexity class of the variant by the reductionprinciple. Finally, we conclude the article by exploring several interesting open problemsfor future research investigation

    Pfair scheduling of generalized pinwheel task systems

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    [[abstract]]The scheduling of generalized pinwheel task systems is considered. It is shown that pinwheel scheduling is closely related to the fair scheduling of periodic task systems. This relationship is exploited to obtain new scheduling algorithms for generalized pinwheel task systems. When compared to traditional pinwheel scheduling algorithms, these new algorithms are both more efficient from a run-time complexity point of view, and have a higher density threshold, on a very large subclass of generalized pinwheel task systems.

    Analysis of job scheduling algorithms for heterogeneous multiprocessor computing systems

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    The problem of scheduling independent jobs on heterogeneous multiprocessor models (i.e., those with non-identical or uniform processors) with independent memories has been studied. Actually, a number of demand scheduling nonpreemptive algorithms have been evaluated, with respect to their mean flow and completion time performance criterion. In particular, the deterministic analysis has been used to predict the worst-case performance whereas simulation techniques have been applied to estimate the expected performance of the algorithms. As a result from the deterministic analysis, informative worstcase bounds have been proven, from which the behaviour of the extreme performance of the considered algorithms can be well predicted. However, relaxing some or a combination of the system parameters then, our model corresponds to versions which have already been studied. (i.e. the classical homogeneous and heterogeneous models or the homogeneous one with independent memories). For such cases, the proven bounds in this thesis either agree or are better and more informative than the ones found for these simpler models.. Finally, the analysis of the worst-case and expected performance results reveals that there is a high degree of correlation in the behaviour of the algorithms as predicted or estimated by these two performance measurements, respectively

    Scheduling periodic jobs using imprecise results

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    One approach to avoid timing faults in hard, real-time systems is to make available intermediate, imprecise results produced by real-time processes. When a result of the desired quality cannot be produced in time, an imprecise result of acceptable quality produced before the deadline can be used. The problem of scheduling periodic jobs to meet deadlines on a system that provides the necessary programming language primitives and run-time support for processes to return imprecise results is discussed. Since the scheduler may choose to terminate a task before it is completed, causing it to produce an acceptable but imprecise result, the amount of processor time assigned to any task in a valid schedule can be less than the amount of time required to complete the task. A meaningful formulation of the scheduling problem must take into account the overall quality of the results. Depending on the different types of undesirable effects caused by errors, jobs are classified as type N or type C. For type N jobs, the effects of errors in results produced in different periods are not cumulative. A reasonable performance measure is the average error over all jobs. Three heuristic algorithms that lead to feasible schedules with small average errors are described. For type C jobs, the undesirable effects of errors produced in different periods are cumulative. Schedulability criteria of type C jobs are discussed