4,213,302 research outputs found

    De-biased Populations of Kuiper Belt Objects from the Deep Ecliptic Survey

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    The Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES) discovered hundreds of Kuiper Belt objects from 1998-2005. Follow-up observations yielded 304 objects with good dynamical classifications (Classical, Scattered, Centaur, or 16 mean-motion resonances with Neptune). The DES search fields are well documented, enabling us to calculate the probability of detecting objects with particular orbital parameters and absolute magnitudes at a randomized point in each orbit. Grouping objects together by dynamical class leads, we estimate the orbital element distributions (a, e, i) for the largest three classes (Classical, 3:2, and Scattered) using maximum likelihood. Using H-magnitude as a proxy for the object size, we fit a power law to the number of objects for 8 classes with at least 5 detected members (246 objects). The best Classical slope is alpha=1.02+/-0.01 (observed from 5<=H<=7.2). Six dynamical classes (Scattered plus 5 resonances) are consistent in slope with the Classicals, though the absolute number of objects is scaled. The exception to the power law relation are the Centaurs (non-resonant with perihelia closer than Neptune, and thus detectable at smaller sizes), with alpha=0.42+/-0.02 (7.5<H<11). This is consistent with a knee in the H-distribution around H=7.2 as reported elsewhere (Bernstein et al. 2004, Fraser et al. 2014). Based on the Classical-derived magnitude distribution, the total number of objects (H<=7) in each class are: Classical (2100+/-300 objects), Scattered (2800+/-400), 3:2 (570+/-80), 2:1 (400+/-50), 5:2 (270+/-40), 7:4 (69+/-9), 5:3 (60+/-8). The independent estimate for the number of Centaurs in the same H range is 13+/-5. If instead all objects are divided by inclination into "Hot" and "Cold" populations, following Fraser et al. (2014), we find that alphaHot=0.90+/-0.02, while alphaCold=1.32+/-0.02, in good agreement with that work.Comment: 26 pages emulateapj, 6 figures, 5 tables, accepted by A

    Suppressing Curvature Fluctuations in Dynamical Triangulations

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    We study numerically the dynamical triangulation formulation of two-dimensional quantum gravity using a restricted class of triangulation, so-called minimal triangulations, in which only vertices of coordination number 5, 6, and 7 are allowed. A real-space RG analysis shows that for pure gravity (central charge c = 0) this restriction does not affect the critical behavior of the model. Furthermore, we show that the critical behavior of an Ising model coupled to minimal dynamical triangulations (c = 1/2) is still governed by the KPZ-exponents.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(gravity), 3 pages, LaTeX, espcrc2.sty, 1 figur

    Character Sums and Congruences with n!

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    We estimate character sums with n!, on average, and individually. These bounds are used to derive new results about various congruences modulo a prime p and obtain new information about the spacings between quadratic nonresidues modulo p. In particular, we show that there exists a positive integer np1/2+ϵ,suchthatn!isaprimitiverootmodulop.Wealsoshowthateverynonzerocongruenceclassa≢0(modp)canberepresentedasaproductof7factorials,an1!...n7!(modp),wheren\ll p^{1/2+\epsilon}, such that n! is a primitive root modulo p. We also show that every nonzero congruence class a \not \equiv 0 \pmod p can be represented as a product of 7 factorials, a \equiv n_1! ... n_7! \pmod p, where \max \{n_i | i=1,... 7\}=O(p^{11/12+\epsilon}), and we find the asymptotic formula for the number of such representations. Finally, we show that products of 4 factorials n1!n2!n3!n4!,withmax{n1,n2,n3,n4}=O(p6/7+ϵ)n_1!n_2!n_3!n_4!, with \max\{n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4\}=O(p^{6/7+\epsilon}) represent ``almost all''residue classes modulo p, and that products of 3 factorials n_1!n_2!n_3! with \max\{n_1, n_2, n_3\}=O(p^{5/6+\epsilon})$ are uniformly distributed modulo p.Comment: 20 pages. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear

    Subject index and checklist of history and archaeology dissertations and research essays submitted at the University of Botswana, 1976 - 1998

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    Four MA dissertations and 222 BA research essays are listed alphabetically, and indexed by reference number under three subject categories-geographical area (by district, etc.), ethnic group, and a general subject index of 42 headings. All but 31 of the 226 alphabetical entries contain research solely on Botswana: the other countries being South Africa (12 entries), Zimbabwe (11), Namibia (6), Angola and Zambia (1 each). The most researched district of Botswana is Central (54 entries), followed by Kgatleng and Kweneng (25 each), North-East (24), South-East (16), Southern (9), Ngamiland (6), Chobe and Ghanzi (3 each), and Kgalagadi (2). The subject index of 29 ethnic groups ranges from Afrikaners (2 entries) and Amandebele (2) through Babirwa (7), Bakalanga (24), Bakgatla (27), Bakhalagari (4), Bakwena (21), Bangwato (19), Basarwa (5), and Batlharo (1), to Indians (3) and Ovambanderu (2). The general subject index ranges from Administration (29 entries), Agriculture (18), and Archaeology (21), through Biography (28), Cattle (7), Chieftainship (27), Class formation (7), Councils (7), Economic development (23), Education (14), and Heritage management (7), to Labour and labour migration (7), Medicine (4), Nationalism (13), Religion (15), Serfdom, servitude and slavery (7), Settlement history (19), Trade and commerce (13), Trade unions (6), and Urbanization (15). With the notable exception of one MA dissertation, there is a lack of cultural studies which may partly be attributed to research being done instead under the aegis of other departments in the Faculty of Humanities

    The integral homology of PSL2PSL_2 of imaginary quadratic integers with non-trivial class group

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    We show that a cellular complex described by Floege allows to determine the integral homology of the Bianchi groups PSL2(Om)PSL_2(O_{-m}), where OmO_{-m} is the ring of integers of an imaginary quadratic number field \rationals[\sqrt{-m}] for a square-free natural number mm. We use this to compute in the cases m = 5, 6, 10, 13 and 15 with non-trivial class group the integral homology of PSL2(Om)PSL_2(O_{-m}), which before was known only in the cases m = 1, 2, 3, 7 and 11 with trivial class group

    Graphs, Matrices, and the GraphBLAS: Seven Good Reasons

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    The analysis of graphs has become increasingly important to a wide range of applications. Graph analysis presents a number of unique challenges in the areas of (1) software complexity, (2) data complexity, (3) security, (4) mathematical complexity, (5) theoretical analysis, (6) serial performance, and (7) parallel performance. Implementing graph algorithms using matrix-based approaches provides a number of promising solutions to these challenges. The GraphBLAS standard (istc- bigdata.org/GraphBlas) is being developed to bring the potential of matrix based graph algorithms to the broadest possible audience. The GraphBLAS mathematically defines a core set of matrix-based graph operations that can be used to implement a wide class of graph algorithms in a wide range of programming environments. This paper provides an introduction to the GraphBLAS and describes how the GraphBLAS can be used to address many of the challenges associated with analysis of graphs.Comment: 10 pages; International Conference on Computational Science workshop on the Applications of Matrix Computational Methods in the Analysis of Modern Dat

    Is the five-flow conjecture almost false?

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    The number of nowhere zero Z_Q flows on a graph G can be shown to be a polynomial in Q, defining the flow polynomial \Phi_G(Q). According to Tutte's five-flow conjecture, \Phi_G(5) > 0 for any bridgeless G.A conjecture by Welsh that \Phi_G(Q) has no real roots for Q \in (4,\infty) was recently disproved by Haggard, Pearce and Royle. These authors conjectured the absence of roots for Q \in [5,\infty). We study the real roots of \Phi_G(Q) for a family of non-planar cubic graphs known as generalised Petersen graphs G(m,k). We show that the modified conjecture on real flow roots is also false, by exhibiting infinitely many real flow roots Q>5 within the class G(nk,k). In particular, we compute explicitly the flow polynomial of G(119,7), showing that it has real roots at Q\approx 5.0000197675 and Q\approx 5.1653424423. We moreover prove that the graph families G(6n,6) and G(7n,7) possess real flow roots that accumulate at Q=5 as n\to\infty (in the latter case from above and below); and that Q_c(7)\approx 5.2352605291 is an accumulation point of real zeros of the flow polynomials for G(7n,7) as n\to\infty.Comment: 44 pages (LaTeX2e). Includes tex file, three sty files, and a mathematica script polyG119_7.m. Many improvements from version 3, in particular Sections 3 and 4 have been mostly re-writen, and Sections 7 and 8 have been eliminated. (This material can now be found in arXiv:1303.5210.) Final version published in J. Combin. Theory