606,598 research outputs found

    High throughput accelerator interface framework for a linear time-multiplexed FPGA overlay

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    Coarse-grained FPGA overlays improve design productivity through software-like programmability and fast compilation. However, the effectiveness of overlays as accelerators is dependent on suitable interface and programming integration into a typically processor-based computing system, an aspect which has often been neglected in evaluations of overlays. We explore the integration of a time-multiplexed FPGA overlay over a server-class PCI Express interface. We show how this integration can be optimised to maximise performance, and evaluate the area overhead. We also propose a user-friendly programming model for such an overlay accelerator system

    Improving the Design and Implementation of Software Systems uses Aspect Oriented Programming

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    A design pattern is used as a static reusable component of object oriented design in the many patterns catalogue. The regular design pattern does not show any collaboration of shared resource between patterns in the software design. But generative design pattern is a new design pattern that shows the relationship and shared resources between them. The generative design pattern is considered a dynamic and active design, which creating new design as a result of collaboration and resource usage between two designs. This paper will demonstrate benefit and the structure of generative pattern. It also demonstrates the creation of a desktop application for modeling generative design pattern. The Java language creates the desktop application. The application provides many features, for instance, users can place drawing objects such as class, Interface and Abstract Class object. The users also can draw different connection line between these objects, such as simple, inheritance, composition lines. This project shows the implementation details techniques of drawing objects and their connection. It also provides an open source code that many novice developers can understand and analysis for further development. The application source code gives the developers new ideas and skills in object oriented programming and graphical user interface in Java language

    Object Oriented Computing

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    In this contribution, the basic overview of the Object Oriented Programming and its usage in computation is given. Concepts of class, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are introduced. Some additional concepts like interface and Design Patterns are briefly discussed. Schematic examples in C++ are given. --

    Microscopic Description of Coherent Transport by Thermal Phonons

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    We demonstrate the coherent transport of thermal energy in superlattices by introducing a microscopic definition of the phonon coherence length. We demonstrate how to distinguish a coherent transport regime from diffuse interface scattering and discuss how these can be specifically controlled by several physical parameters. Our approach provides a convenient framework for the interpretation of previous experiments and thermal conductivity calculations and paves the way for the design of a new class of thermal interface materials.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, 1 tables The method which is described is too sensitive to numerical noise. A new method has been developed and published in http://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.01430

    Space Generic Open Avionics Architecture (SGOAA) reference model technical guide

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    This report presents a full description of the Space Generic Open Avionics Architecture (SGOAA). The SGOAA consists of a generic system architecture for the entities in spacecraft avionics, a generic processing architecture, and a six class model of interfaces in a hardware/software system. The purpose of the SGOAA is to provide an umbrella set of requirements for applying the generic architecture interface model to the design of specific avionics hardware/software systems. The SGOAA defines a generic set of system interface points to facilitate identification of critical interfaces and establishes the requirements for applying appropriate low level detailed implementation standards to those interface points. The generic core avionics system and processing architecture models provided herein are robustly tailorable to specific system applications and provide a platform upon which the interface model is to be applied

    User friendly system for the visually impaired in learning Al-Quran

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    This study presents a method to enable the visually impaired Muslim to learn and read the Al-Quran using Braille Display with software help. The system reads the database which contains all verses of Al-Quran and user will need to select the verse and ayah to read. Besides that, this system can be used in a class to teach visually impaired students to learn Al-Quran. Every word or character typed by the instructor in the main Braille Panel will be transmitted to the sub Braille Panel that is connected to the main Braille Panel. The selected verse of Al-Quran and ayah will also generate an index before being transmitted to the Braille Panel. The index will be transmitted to the Braille Display for people to touch and read the display. A user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) will be used to fulfill the ergonomics for the visually impaired user's physical capabilities. Several approaches are used to design and implement the interface for the visually impaired like speech or sound output and Braille display. The Braille codes can be displayed using the Braille panel. The design interface and structure of the system for the visually impaired users in learning Al-Quran is presented

    Coupling techniques for nonlinear hyperbolic equations. III. The well-balanced approximation of thick interfaces

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    We continue our analysis of the coupling between nonlinear hyperbolic problems across possibly resonant interfaces. In the first two parts of this series, we introduced a new framework for coupling problems which is based on the so-called thin interface model and uses an augmented formulation and an additional unknown for the interface location; this framework has the advantage of avoiding any explicit modeling of the interface structure. In the present paper, we pursue our investigation of the augmented formulation and we introduce a new coupling framework which is now based on the so-called thick interface model. For scalar nonlinear hyperbolic equations in one space variable, we observe that the Cauchy problem is well-posed. Then, our main achievement in the present paper is the design of a new well-balanced finite volume scheme which is adapted to the thick interface model, together with a proof of its convergence toward the unique entropy solution (for a broad class of nonlinear hyperbolic equations). Due to the presence of a possibly resonant interface, the standard technique based on a total variation estimate does not apply, and DiPerna's uniqueness theorem must be used. Following a method proposed by Coquel and LeFloch, our proof relies on discrete entropy inequalities for the coupling problem and an estimate of the discrete entropy dissipation in the proposed scheme.Comment: 21 page

    Exploring the potential of 3D Zernike descriptors and SVM for protein\u2013protein interface prediction

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    Abstract Background The correct determination of protein–protein interaction interfaces is important for understanding disease mechanisms and for rational drug design. To date, several computational methods for the prediction of protein interfaces have been developed, but the interface prediction problem is still not fully understood. Experimental evidence suggests that the location of binding sites is imprinted in the protein structure, but there are major differences among the interfaces of the various protein types: the characterising properties can vary a lot depending on the interaction type and function. The selection of an optimal set of features characterising the protein interface and the development of an effective method to represent and capture the complex protein recognition patterns are of paramount importance for this task. Results In this work we investigate the potential of a novel local surface descriptor based on 3D Zernike moments for the interface prediction task. Descriptors invariant to roto-translations are extracted from circular patches of the protein surface enriched with physico-chemical properties from the HQI8 amino acid index set, and are used as samples for a binary classification problem. Support Vector Machines are used as a classifier to distinguish interface local surface patches from non-interface ones. The proposed method was validated on 16 classes of proteins extracted from the Protein–Protein Docking Benchmark 5.0 and compared to other state-of-the-art protein interface predictors (SPPIDER, PrISE and NPS-HomPPI). Conclusions The 3D Zernike descriptors are able to capture the similarity among patterns of physico-chemical and biochemical properties mapped on the protein surface arising from the various spatial arrangements of the underlying residues, and their usage can be easily extended to other sets of amino acid properties. The results suggest that the choice of a proper set of features characterising the protein interface is crucial for the interface prediction task, and that optimality strongly depends on the class of proteins whose interface we want to characterise. We postulate that different protein classes should be treated separately and that it is necessary to identify an optimal set of features for each protein class
