88 research outputs found

    Polarization reconfigurable antennas for space limited multiple input multiple output system

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    Wireless communication undergoes rapid changes in recent years. More and more people are using modern communication services, thus increasing the need for higher capacity in transmission. One of the methods that is able to meet the demands is the use of multiple antennas at both link ends known as Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system. However, for the space limited MIMO system, it is relatively difficult to accomplish good performance by using conventional antennas. Therefore, to further improve the performance offered by MIMO, Polarization Reconfigurable Antennas (PRAs) can be adopted. The diversity in polarization can be exploited to increase channel capacity. Moreover, the use of PRAs can also provide savings in terms of space and cost by arranging orthogonal polarized together instead of two physically space separation antennas. Here, single and dual port PRAs are proposed. Two techniques are deployed to achieve the PRAs are slits perturbation (switches on the radiating patch) and alteration of the feeding network (switches on the ground plane). Switching mechanism (ideal and PIN diode) is introduced to reconfigure the polarization between left-hand circular polarizations, right-hand circular polarizations, or linear polarization, operating at wireless local area network frequency band (2.4 – 2.5 GHz). Furthermore, by exploiting the odd and even mode of the coplanar waveguide structure, dual ports PRAs are realized with the ability to produce orthogonal linear polarization (LP) and circular polarization (CP) modes simultaneously. Good measured port polarization isolations (S21) of -16.3 dB and -19 dB are obtained at the frequency of 2.45 GHz for configuration A1 (orthogonal LP) and A2 (orthogonal CP), respectively. The proposed PRAs are tested in 2 x 2 MIMO indoor environments to validate their performances by using scalar power correlation method when applied as receiver in both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios. Channel capacity improvement has been achieved for spatial diversity (92.9% for LOS and 185.9% for NLOS) and polarization diversity (40.7% for LOS and 57.9% for NLOS). The proposed antenna is highly potential to be adopted to enhance the performance of the MIMO system, especially in dealing with multipath environment and space limited applications

    Dual-band beam scanning reflectarrays and novel wideband and polarization diversified planar antennas

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    The reflectarray antenna has been considered as a suitable candidate to replace the traditional parabolic reflectors because of its high-gain and low-profile features. Beam scanning capability and multi-band operation are the current trends of the reflectarray design. It is desired to implement these functionalities with simple and effective techniques. Narrow bandwidth is the main issue which restricts the applications of the microstrip antennas. New microstrip slot antennas and polarization diversified planar antennas are introduced as the solutions to the issue of narrow bandwidth in this dissertation. A dual-band beam scanning reflectarray has been developed. It is the first offset-fed reflectarray that has been ever practically developed to emulate a cylindrical/parabolic type of reflector. Unlike other beam scanning reflectarrays which integrate phase tuning devices into the reflectarray elements and control the reflection phase, the beam scanning capability of this reflectarray is provided by its feed array. This method significantly reduces the complexity of the design of the beam scanning reflectarray. A new dual-band reflectarray configuration is also developed to eliminate the possible top layer blocking effects in the dual-layer reflectarray configuration. Perforated patches loaded with slots on the ground plane and rectangular patches loaded with slots on the patches are adopted as the low and high frequency bands, respectively. It is guaranteed that no physical contact between any two elements will occur. The bandwidth of the conventional microstrip antenna is small. A new wideband circularly polarized microstrip slot antenna is introduced in this dissertation. Very wide 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth is observed for the proposed antenna. The antennas are assembled in triangularly arranged array with sequential rotation feed technique. Polarization polarity is an alternative solution to the narrow bandwidth. A reconfigurable circularly polarized microstrip antenna is proposed. The antenna has both right-hand and left-hand circular polarizations which are controlled by two piezoelectric transducers. In addition, a dual-band dual-linearly-polarized planar array is designed based on the concepts of polarization diversity and multi-band operation. The research presented in this dissertation suggests useful techniques for reflectarrays and novel antenna designs. The results should have many applications for the modern wireless communication and radar systems

    A simple design and fabrication of polarization reconfigurable antenna for industrial scientific and medical-band applications

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    This paper proposes a simple microstrip patch antenna (MPA) that can reconfigure its polarization states from linear to circular polarization in real-time by means of a PIN diode. An antenna is fed by a 50 Ω coaxial cable through the substrate of Teflon with relative permittivity of 2.15. The proposed antenna possesses a simple patch with a one-sided corner truncated to achieve polarization reconfigurability. A PIN diode is loaded to connect the main patch with a truncated corner and further maintain dual polarization states such as linear polarization (LP) and circular polarization (CP). Advanced design system (ADS) was used as a simulator to simulate the antenna, and a good understanding was obtained between simulated and measured results. Measured results showed a good agreement with simulated results at all working frequencies of interest. It shows minimum reflection coefficient gain with -10 dB scattering bandwidth 100 MHz for LP states and 170 MHz for CP states. It also shows an axial ratio of 1.56 dB for CP, and the cross-polarization level is also in a satisfying range

    An Electronically Reconfigurable Patch Antenna Design for Polarization Diversity with Fixed Resonant Frequency

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    In this paper, an electronically polarization reconfigurable circular patch antenna with fixed resonant frequency operating at Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) frequency band (2.4-2.48 GHz) is presented. The structure of the proposed design consists of a circular patch as a radiating element fed by coaxial probe, cooperated with four equal-length slits etched on the edge along x-axis and y-axis. A total of four switches was used and embedded across the slits at specific locations, thus controlled the length of the slits. By activating and deactivating the switches (ON and OFF) across the slits, the current on the patch is changed, thus modifying the electric field and polarization of the antenna. Consequently, the polarization excited by the proposed antenna can be switched into three types, either linear polarization, left-hand circular polarization or right-hand circular polarization. This paper proposes a simple approach that able to switch the polarizations and excited at the same operating frequency. Simulated and measured results of ideal case (using copper strip switches) and real case (using PIN diode switches) are compared and presented to demonstrate the performance of the antenna

    Millimeter-Wave Transmitarray and Reflectarray Antennas for Communications Systems

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    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance

    Beam scanning by liquid-crystal biasing in a modified SIW structure

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    A fixed-frequency beam-scanning 1D antenna based on Liquid Crystals (LCs) is designed for application in 2D scanning with lateral alignment. The 2D array environment imposes full decoupling of adjacent 1D antennas, which often conflicts with the LC requirement of DC biasing: the proposed design accommodates both. The LC medium is placed inside a Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) modified to work as a Groove Gap Waveguide, with radiating slots etched on the upper broad wall, that radiates as a Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA). This allows effective application of the DC bias voltage needed for tuning the LCs. At the same time, the RF field remains laterally confined, enabling the possibility to lay several antennas in parallel and achieve 2D beam scanning. The design is validated by simulation employing the actual properties of a commercial LC medium

    Experimental Investigation of Origami Inspired Phased Arrays

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    Origami (the art of folding) can be incorporated into antenna systems to provide compact size and low weight designs. Apart from this, the system can also provide physical reconfigurability and ease in deployment and portability. The antennas can be folded into and out of a particular shape. This will also provide a parameter in terms of folding to control the properties of the antenna system leading to a reduction in weight from external circuitry like actuators to control the antennas. But this is limited to the material constraints, complexity of design and electromagnetic performance. Two antenna sub array systems based on origami are discussed in this thesis. The phased arrays are constructed using Microstrip patch elements and are folded based on the Miura Ori origami fold. The first is a linearly polarized 2x2 rectangular patch array operating at 2.45 GHz and the second is a circularly polarized 2x2 circular patch array operating at 3 GHz. An experimental analysis is carried out and their behavior in the intermediate folding states is studied. From this experimental study, it is found that with the increase in the angle of folding the arrays, the impedance match becomes poor, the gain of the arrays decreases and the radiation pattern is distorted. This is due to the shielding effects of the ground plane and the decrease in the inter-element spacing. Some enabling technologies used in fabrication of origami inspired structures are 3D printing, Shape Memory Polymers and flexible conductors. Certain design considerations followed while designing a foldable array are minimizing the use of conductor on the folds

    Geometry Modification Assessment and Design Optimization of Miniaturized Wideband Antennas

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    Maintaining small physical dimensions of antenna structures is an important consideration for contemporary wireless communication systems. Typically, antenna miniaturization is achieved through various topological modifications of the basic antenna geometries. The modifications can be applied to the ground plane, the feed line, and/or antenna radiator. Unfortunately, various topology alteration options are normally reported on a case-to-case basis. The literature is lacking systematic investigations or comparisons of different modification methods and their effects on antenna miniaturization rate as well as electrical performance. Another critical issue—apart from setting up the antenna topology—is a proper adjustment of geometry parameters of the structure so that the optimum design can be identified. Majority of researchers utilize experience-driven parameter sweeping which typically yields designs that are acceptable, but definitely not optimal. Furthermore, in many of the cases, the authors provide a cooperative progression before and after topological modifications that generally lead to a certain reduction of the antenna size, however, with appropriate parameter adjustment missing. Consequently, suitability of particular modifications in the miniaturization context is not conclusively assessed. In order to carry out such an assessment in a reliable manner, identification of the truly optimum design is necessary. This requires rigorous numerical optimization of all antenna parameters (especially in the case of complex antenna topologies) with the primary objective being size reduction, and supplementary constraints imposed on selected electrical or field characteristics. This thesis is an attempt to carry out systematic investigations concerning the relevance of geometry modifications in the context of wideband antenna miniaturization. The studies are carried out based on selected benchmark sets of wideband antennas. In order to ensure a fair comparison, all geometry parameters are rigorously tuned through EM-driven optimization to obtain the minimum footprint while maintaining acceptable electrical performance. The results demonstrate that it is possible to conclusively distinguish certain classes of topology alterations that are generally advantageous in the context of size reduction, as well as quantify the benefits of modifications applied to various parts of the antenna structure, e.g., with feed line modifications being more efficient than the ground plane and radiator ones. Several counterexamples have been discussed as well, indicating that certain modifications can be counterproductive when introduced ad hoc and without proper parameter tuning. The results of these investigations have been utilized to design several instances of novel compact wideband antennas with the focus on isolation improvement and overall antenna size reduction in multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems. Experimental validations confirming the numerical findings are also provided. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the presented study is the first systematic investigation of this kind in the literature and can be considered a step towards the development of better, low-cost, and more compact antennas for wireless communication systems.Fyrir þráðlaus fjarskiptakerfi er mikilvægt að tryggja að loftnet séu lítil að umfangi. Yfirleitt er smækkun loftneta náð með ýmis konar formbreytingum á grunngerðum þeirra. Formbreytingarnar geta verið á jarðtengingu, fæðilínu og / eða geislagjafa. Því miður er venjulega einungis sagt frá slíkum formbreytingum fyrir einstaka tilvik. Skortur er á kerfisbundnu mati og samanburði á mismunandi formbreytingum og hvaða áhrif þær hafa á smækkun og raffræðilega eiginleika loftneta. Annað mikilvægt atriði, fyrir utan að ákveða gerð formbreytingarinnar, er að velja stika sem lýsa nákvæmri lögun svo að bestuð hönnun geti átt sér stað. Flestir hönnuðir notast við þá aðferð að notast við stikaskimun sem byggir á reynslugögnum, en sú aðferð skilar almennt ásættanlegri hönnun, þó ekki bestaðri. Einnig er í mörgum tilvikum sagt frá samhliða þróun fyrir og eftir formbreytingu sem leiðir til smækkunar án þess að tilgreina breytingar á stikum. Fyrir vikið er erfitt að meta til hlítar ávinning af mismunandi formbreytingum. Til þess að framkvæma slíkt mat með áreiðanlegum hætti er nauðsynlegt að geta metið bestu hönnunarútfærslu nákvæmlega. Þetta kallar á ítarlega tölulega bestun allra stika sem lýsa loftnetinu (einkum fyrir loftnet flókinnar lögunnar) þar sem aðalmarkmkið bestunar er smækkun en skorður eru settar af raffræðilegum eiginleikum. Í þessari ritgerð er leitast við að kerfisbundna rannsókn á mikilvægi formbreytingna í tengslum við smækkun bandbreiðra loftneta. Rannsóknin byggir á völdum söfnum viðmiðunarloftneta. Til að tryggja rétt mat eru allir stikar er varða lögun stilltir með rafsegulfræðilegri hermun til að tryggja minnst rúmtak með ásættanlegum raffræðilegum eiginleikum. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að unnt er að greina, án vafa, ákveðna flokka formbreytinga sem eru að jafnaði til þess fallnir að smækka loftnet. Auk þessa er hægt að reikna ávinning af formbreytingum mismunandi hluta loftnetsins, t.d. að breytingar á fæðilínu eru almennt hagkvæmari en breytingar á geislagjafa eða jarðtengingu. Þá er greint frá nokkrum tilvikum þar sem tilfallandi formbreytingar geta verið til tjóns ef ekki stikaval er ekki gert með réttum hætti. Niðurstöður þessara rannsóknar hafa verið notaðar til að hanna nokkur nýstárleg breiðbandsloftnet með áherslu á smækkun og bættan aðskilnað fjölgátta (MIMO) loftneta. Töluleg hermun er sannreynd með tilraunum. Að bestu vitund höfundar er hér um fyrstu kerfisbundnu rannsókn þessarar gerðar að ræða og má reikna með að hún leiði til þróunar betri, ódýrari og smærri loftneta fyrir þráðlaus fjarskiptakerfi.The Ph.D. project was supported by the Icelandic Research Center (RANNIS) Grant 16329905

    Multi-Functional Reconfigurable Antenna Development by Multi-Objective Optimization

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    This dissertation work builds upon the theoretical and experimental studies of radio frequency micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (RF M/NEMS) integrated multifunctional reconfigurable antennas (MRAs). This work focuses on three MRAs with an emphasis on a wireless local area network (WLAN), 5-6 GHz, beam tilt, and polarization reconfigurable parasitic layer-based MRA with inset micro-strip feed. The other two antennas are an X band (8-12 GHz) beam steering MRA with aperture-coupled micro-strip fed and wireless personal area network (WPAN), 60 GHz, inset micro-strip fed MRA for dual frequency and dual polarization operations. For the WLAN (5-6 GHz) MRA, a detailed description of the design methodology, which is based on the joint utilization of electromagnetic (EM) full-wave analysis and multi-objective genetic algorithm, and fundamental theoretical background of parasitic layer-based antennas are given. Various prototypes of this MRA have been fabricated and measured. The measured and simulated results for both impedance and radiation characteristics are given. The work on the MRAs operating in the X band and 60 GHz region focuses on the theoretical aspects of the designs. Different than the WLAN MRA, which uses inset fed structure, the aperture-coupled feed mechanism has been investigated with the goal of improving the bandwidth and beam-tilt capabilities of these MRAs. The simulated results are provided and the working mechanisms are described. The results show that the aperture-coupled feed mechanism is advantageous both in terms of enhanced bandwidth and beam-steering capabilities. Finally, this dissertation work concludes with plans for future work, which will build upon the findings and the results presented herein