55 research outputs found

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3450号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2011/10/26 ; 早大学位記番号:新577

    Bound pronouns.

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    by Chiu Sung Pui.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 99-100).Abstract also in Chinese.Chapter Chapter I --- Introduction --- p.6Chapter 1.1. --- An overview of Chomsky's Binding Theory --- p.7Chapter 1.2. --- Referential and Bound pronouns --- p.9Chapter 1.3. --- Definition of bound pronouns --- p.9Chapter Chapter II --- Literature on bound pronouns --- p.10Chapter 2.1. --- Higginbotham (1980) --- p.10Chapter 2.2. --- Reinhart (1983) --- p.17Chapter 2.3. --- Koopman & Sportiche (1982) --- p.20Chapter 2.4. --- lappin (1985) --- p.21Chapter 2.5. --- "aoun & hornstein (1991), aoun & li (1990),aoun & li (1993)" --- p.23Chapter Chapter III --- Binding Facts in Chinese --- p.31Chapter 3.1. --- Patterns in which the antecedent c-commands the pronoun --- p.32Chapter 3.2. --- Patterns in which the antecedent does not c-command the pronoun --- p.53Chapter 3.3. --- Summary of the binding facts --- p.67Chapter Chapter IV --- A revisit of the proposals on Bound pronouns --- p.69Chapter 4.1. --- Review of Higginbotham (1980) --- p.69Chapter 4.2. --- Review of Reinhart (1983) --- p.70Chapter 4.3. --- Review of Koopman & Sportiche (1982) --- p.72Chapter 4.4. --- Review of Lappin (1985) --- p.73Chapter 4.5. --- "Review of Aoun & Hornstein (1991),Aoun & Li (1990), Aoun & Li (1993)" --- p.74Chapter Chapter V --- Discussion & Conclusion --- p.78Chapter 5.1. --- Bound Pronoun Condition for Chinese --- p.78Chapter 5.2. --- Wh-phrases as A'-binders --- p.78Chapter 5.3. --- The Empty Reflexive Puzzle --- p.80Chapter 5.4. --- pro-drop & Montabeltii's Overt Pronoun Constraint --- p.81Chapter 5.5. --- Factors affecting pronominal binding --- p.82Chapter 5.5.1. --- Nature of Verbs --- p.82Chapter 5.5.2. --- Quantifier types and the size of the extension denoted by the QP --- p.90Chapter 5.5.3. --- Sentence types & the number feature of the quantified NPs --- p.94Conclusion --- p.98References --- p.99Appendix I --- p.101Appendix II --- p.102Appendix III --- p.10

    The Ghost of Modernity: Normative Power of Modernity as Propaganda

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    This thesis explores how domestic factions and authoritarian regimes in Japan and Korea in the period from the 1850s to 1970s appropriated the concept of “modernity” to gain normative superiority over their competitors. The appropriating entity revised the concept of modernity to suit its own worldview. Across the case studies, the propaganda of modernity created a hierarchy that privileged those who are “more modern,” encouraged martial masculinity, and attached itself to existing domestic norms, such as ethno- nationalism. Under authoritarian regimes, modernity helped justify the mobilization of capital, manpower, and other critical resources in the name of nation-building or defense. Many factions and demagogues may have initially used the concept of modernity for domestic gains, but using this narrative later devolved into foreign conquests and imperialist expansion, for otherwise, their call for modernization would have become an empty promise in the eyes of the masses. This paper examines five cases along these dimensions, namely the rise of reformist samurais in feudal-era Japan, the failure of Joseon Korea’s ruling regime to adopt modernity in a timely manner, Imperial Japan’s colonial practices in Korea and Manchuria, the ideological divergences among factions in Colonial Korea, and a South Korean dictator’s attempts to gain legitimacy following a coup d’etat. Each case follows how domestic factions or individuals were motivated by an inferiority complex and how they produced their own version of modernity that favored their ascendance

    Chinese Text Entry with Mobile Devices

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    Tietokoneiden ja nykyaikaisten matkapuhelimien käytön kannalta on olennaista, että niihin voidaan syöttää tekstiä tehokkaasti. Kiinan kielen eri murteita puhuu äidinkielenään noin viidesosa maailman väestöstä eli yli miljardi ihmistä. Kiinan kielen merkki- ja tavuperustaisuus tekee siitä tekstinsyötön kannalta ainutlaatuisen haastavan. Monet kiinalaisista merkeistä ovat rakenteeltaan monimutkaisia ja homofonisia (ääntyvät samalla tavoin) joidenkin muiden merkkien kanssa. Syötettäessä tekstiä näppäimistöltä tavallinen tapa on käyttää ns. pinyin-koodeja, joiden avulla kukin kiinan merkki voidaan esittää useasta latinalaisen aakkoston merkistä koostuvana koodina. Homofoniasta johtuen tarkoitettu kiinan kielen merkki joudutaan tämän jälkeen vielä valitsemaan usean vaihtoehdon joukosta, mikä tekee tekstinsyöttöprosessista vaikeampaa kuin romaanisten kielten tapauksessa. Lisäksi on otettava huomioon Kiinan eri osissa puhutut useat murteet. Kaikki nämä tekijät yhdessä tekevät kiinankielisen tekstin syötöstä tietokoneille haastavaa. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on parantaa kiinankielisen tekstin syöttötapojen käyttäjäkokemusta käytettäessä matkapuhelimia ja muita mobiililaitteita. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan empiiristen kokeiden ja mallinnuksen avulla uusia tekstinsyöttötapoja ja niiden käyttöä. Tutkimuksen kohteena on neljä erilaista tekstinsyöttötapaa: kiinankielen käsinkirjoituksen tunnistus, pyörivän kiekon avulla tapahtuva tekstinsyöttö, mandariinikiinaan perustuva sanelu, ja numeronäppäinten avulla tapahtuva pinyin-koodien syöttö. Työssä ehdotetaan uusia tekniikoita sekä käsinkirjoituksen tunnistukseen että kiekkoa käyttävään pinyin-koodien syöttöön. Empiirisissä kokeissa osoittautui että käyttäjät pitivät uusista tekniikoista. Mandariinikiinalle on suunniteltu lyhytviestien sanelusovellus, josta on tehty kaksi käyttäjäkoetta. Myös numeronäppäinten avulla tapahtuvaa pinyin-koodien syöttöä on tutkittu kahdessa kokeessa. Ensimmäisessä kokeessa vertailtiin viittä eri menetelmää. Se tuotti suunnitteluohjeita etenkin koskien fraasien (useamman merkin kokonaisuuksien) syöttöä, tekniikkaa joka voi nopeuttaa tekstinsyöttöä. Toisen osatutkimuksen tuloksena on tekstinsyöttöä kuvaava malli, jonka avulla voidaan ennustaa menetelmän nopeutta kun syötettäessä ei tehdä virheitä. Tutkimus johti myös useisiin jatkotutkimuskysymyksiin. On tarpeen kehittää tehokkaampia menetelmiä tilanteeseen, jossa merkki joudutaan valitsemaan useista vaihtoehdoista. Kehityspotentiaalia on myös merkkien perustana olevien viivojen tunnistustavoissa sekä kosketusnäytöllä esitettyjen näppäimistöjen paremmassa hyödyntämisessä.For using computers and modern mobile phones it is essential that there are efficient methods for providing textual input. About one fifth of the world´s population, or over one billion people, speaks some variety of Chinese as their native language. Chinese has unique characteristics as a logosyllabic language. For example, many Chinese characters are complex in structure and normally homophonic with some others. With keyboards and other key-based input devices the normal approach is to use so-called pinyin input, where the Chinese characters are entered using their pinyin mark that consists of several characters in the Roman alphabet. Because of homophony this technique requires choosing the correct Chinese character from a list of posssible choices, making the input process more complicated than in Roman languages. Moreover, the many varieties of the language in different parts of China have to be taken into account as well. All above factors bring new challenges to the design and evaluation of Chinese text entry methods in computing systems. The overall objective of this dissertation is to improve user experience of Chinese text entry on mobile devices. To achieve the goal, the author explores new interaction solutions and patterns of user behavior in the Chinese text entry process with various approaches including empirical studies and performance modeling. The work covers four means of Chinese text entry on mobile devices: Chinese handwriting recognition, Chinese indirect text entry with a rotator, Mandarin dictation, and Chinese pinyin input methods with a 12-key keypad. New design solutions for Chinese handwriting recognition and pinyin methods utilizing a rotator are proposed and proved being well accepted by users with empirical studies. A Mandarin short message dictation application for mobile phones is also presented , with two associated studies on human factors. Two studies were also carried out on Chinese pinyin input methods that are based on the 12-key keypad. The comparative study of five phrasal pinyin input methods led to design guidelines for the advanced feature of phrasal input. The second study of pinyin input methods produced a predictive model addressing users´ error-free speeds. Based on the conclusions from studies in this thesis, several additional research questions were identified for the future. For example, improvements are necessary to promote user performance on target selection process in Chinese text entry on mobile devices. Moreover, design and studies on stroke methods and Chinese specific soft keyboards are also required

    Approaching Chineseness:Investigating the cultural transfer of behavioural factors in and through Chinese industrial design

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    This PhD research by project is for designers investigating relations between culture and design through an experiential perspective of Chi- nese culture in terms of developing a new understanding of ‘Chineseness’. ‘Chineseness’ in my work, can be re-mapped as a form of communication that deals with Chinese culture in design. It is not just along with historical stereotypes, nor a remote copy of other countries’ successful cultural trans- fers, but rather should be inseparable from the radical social phenomena and design culture already emerging within contemporary China. Through a series of design projects, my research is ultimately allowing Chineseness to be less implied and instead, to be made manifest, in terms of what behav- iours over symbolism and decoration. New knowledge is articulated through exploring my understanding and its shifts during my approach to re-map Chinese cultural elements in design and search for the meaning of ‘Chineseness’. This research remarks the stereotypes, generalisations and categorisations when designers deal with cross-cultural design from both non-Chinese and Chinese angles. The thesis comprises three parts. The first part is a contextual review of cultural elements and appropriate methods. The second part explores a systematic approach to reflecting Chineseness from various cultural an- gles. These action-research method-led projects describe three ways of ex- ploring the transfer of Chinese culture into design: symbolic, behavioural and political/philosophical. They culminate in an enabling developmental structure through which designers can deal with Chinese cultural com- plexity in design. The third part sees two final projects that reflect back and re-evaluate what Chineseness could be. The thesis contributes a three-layer structure that reflects Chinese cultural elements into design through meth- ods and analysis of values in practice. Additionally, for the readers sympa- thetic with a systematic design approach or cultural identitarianism, this work addresses a view of critical understanding for facing Chinese culture in design

    Presidential Instability in a Developing Country: Reassessing South Korean Politics from a State-Society Relations Perspective

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    This study attempts to explain why ALL of South Korean presidents, without exception and notwithstanding their individual major contributions to the process of Korea’s development, have fallen victim to disgraceful downfalls. For the analysis, I employ S.N. Sangmpam’s middle-range theory that establishes a causal link between society-rooted politics and political outcomes. Building on his analytical frameworks that non-Western countries are characterized by over-politicization in politics as a function of social context, I argue that patterned downfalls of all Korean presidents are an institutional outcome of over-politicization in Korean politics, which is itself a function of not fully entrenched capitalist society. In support of my thesis, I test three hypotheses. Hypotheses one and two posit Korea’s tenacious traditional and cultural traits as an internal modifier of capitalism and the nation’s dependent nature of its relationships with the United States and Japan as an external factor that prevented capitalist entrenchment in Korean society. The combined effect of these two variables is the alteration of capitalism in South Korea that defies the three cardinal rules of democracy, leading to over-politicized behaviors in presidential politics. As for the patterned downfalls of the presidents, I test the hypothesis empirically that as the nation’s most supreme political institution, the Korean presidency displayed the effects of over-politicization most saliently. The evidence reveals that both authoritarian (1948-1987) and democratic (1988-2009) presidents display diverse manifestations of over-politicized behaviors. However, there is also a striking difference between the two eras: Authoritarian presidents seem more influenced by the external causal variable mainly because of Korea’s heavy dependence on the United States and Japan in the formative years of the nation building. Democratic presidents are more challenged by internal causal variable, especially the characteristics of what I call familist collectivism, the dominant operating principle and code of conduct for most Koreans in the period of 1948-2009. Thus, unless the social causal variable is properly addressed, the problem may remain regardless of regime types