2,529 research outputs found

    Characterizing psychological dimensions in non-pathological subjects through autonomic nervous system dynamics

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    The objective assessment of psychological traits of healthy subjects and psychiatric patients has been growing interest in clinical and bioengineering research fields during the last decade. Several experimental evidences strongly suggest that a link between Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dynamics and specific dimensions such as anxiety, social phobia, stress, and emotional regulation might exist. Nevertheless, an extensive investigation on a wide range of psycho-cognitive scales and ANS non-invasive markers gathered from standard and non-linear analysis still needs to be addressed. In this study, we analyzed the discerning and correlation capabilities of a comprehensive set of ANS features and psycho-cognitive scales in 29 non-pathological subjects monitored during resting conditions. In particular, the state of the art of standard and non-linear analysis was performed on Heart Rate Variability, InterBreath Interval series, and InterBeat Respiration series, which were considered as monovariate and multivariate measurements. Experimental results show that each ANS feature is linked to specific psychological traits. Moreover, non-linear analysis outperforms the psychological assessment with respect to standard analysis. Considering that the current clinical practice relies only on subjective scores from interviews and questionnaires, this study provides objective tools for the assessment of psychological dimensions

    Using Movies to Probe the Neurobiology of Anxiety

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    Over the past century, research has helped us build a fundamental understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of anxiety. Specifically, anxiety engages a broad range of cortico-subcortical neural circuitry. Core to this is a ‘defensive response network’ which includes an amygdala-prefrontal circuit that is hypothesized to drive attentional amplification of threat-relevant stimuli in the environment. In order to help prepare the body for defensive behaviors to threat, anxiety also engages peripheral physiological systems. However, our theoretical frameworks of the neurobiology of anxiety are built mostly on the foundations of tightly-controlled experiments, such as task-based fMRI. Whether these findings generalize to more naturalistic settings is unknown. To address this shortcoming, movie-watching paradigms offer an effective tool at the intersection of tightly controlled and entirely naturalistic experiments. Particularly, using suspenseful movies presents a novel and effective means to induce and study anxiety. In this thesis, I demonstrate the potential of movie-watching paradigms in the study of how trait and state anxiety impact the ‘defensive response network’ in the brain, as well as peripheral physiology. The key findings reveal that trait anxiety is associated with differing amygdala-prefrontal responses to suspenseful movies; specific trait anxiety symptoms are linked to altered states of anxiety during suspenseful movies; and states of anxiety during movies impact brain-body communication. Notably, my results frequently diverged from those of conventional task-based experiments. Taken together, the insights gathered from this thesis underscore the utility of movie-watching paradigms for a more nuanced understanding of how anxiety impacts the brain and peripheral physiology. These outcomes provide compelling evidence that further integration of naturalistic methods will be beneficial in the study of the neurobiology of anxiety

    Physiological Noise: Definition, Estimation, and Characterization in Complex Biomedical Signals

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    Background: Nonlinear physiological systems exhibit complex dynamics driven by intrinsic dynamical noise. In cases where there is no specific knowledge or assumption about system dynamics, such as in physiological systems, it is not possible to formally estimate noise. Aim: We introduce a formal method to estimate the power of dynamical noise, referred to as physiological noise, in a closed form, without specific knowledge of the system dynamics. Methodology: Assuming that noise can be modeled as a sequence of independent, identically distributed (IID) random variables on a probability space, we demonstrate that physiological noise can be estimated through a nonlinear entropy profile. We estimated noise from synthetic maps that included autoregressive, logistic, and Pomeau-Manneville systems under various conditions. Noise estimation is performed on 70 heart rate variability series from healthy and pathological subjects, and 32 electroencephalographic (EEG) healthy series. Results: Our results showed that the proposed model-free method can discern different noise levels without any prior knowledge of the system dynamics. Physiological noise accounts for around 11% of the overall power observed in EEG signals and approximately 32% to 65% of the power related to heartbeat dynamics. Cardiovascular noise increases in pathological conditions compared to healthy dynamics, and cortical brain noise increases during mental arithmetic computations over the prefrontal and occipital regions. Brain noise is differently distributed across cortical regions. Conclusion: Physiological noise is very part neurobiological dynamics and can be measured using the proposed framework in any biomedical series

    Searching for Biological Markers of Personality: Are There Neuroendocrine Markers of Anxiety?

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    The existence of stable individual differences in cognitive and emotional capabilities both in animals and humans is well-accepted. The theories of personality assume that such individual differences can be categorized and that the richness of individual differences in humans would be the result of the combination of differences in a few underlying personality factors

    Spontaneous blink rate as an index of attention and emotion during film clips viewing

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    Spontaneous blinking is a non-invasive indicator known to reflect dopaminergic influence over frontal cortex and attention allocation in perceptual tasks. 38 participants watched eighteen short film clips (2 min), designed to elicit specific affective states, and arranged in six different emotional categories, while their eye movements were recorded from the vertical electroculogram. The largest blink rate inhibition, reflecting greater attention allocation to the movie, was observed during the presentation of Erotic clips, excerpts on wilderness depicting beautiful landscapes (Scenery), as well as clips showing crying characters (Compassion). Instead, the minimum blink rate inhibition was found for Fear clips, which induced a defensive response with stimulus rejection. Blink rate across time evidenced how Compassion clips elicited early inhibition while Sadness clips induced a slower, later inhibition. Correlation analyses also revealed a negative correlation (r < -0.40) between total blink rate recorded during Erotic and Compassion clips and self-reported interest. Overall, the main variable explaining blink rate was emotional Valence. Results suggest that blink modulation is related with the motivational relevance and biological significance of the stimuli, tracking their differential recruitment of attentional resources. Furthermore, they provide a solid background for studying the emotion-attention patterns and their deficits also in clinical samples (e.g., neurological and psychiatric patients) using spontaneous blinking as a not-interfering psychophysiological measure

    Shamanism in Cross-Cultural Perspective

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    This article reviews the origins of the concept of the shaman and the principal sources of controversy regarding the existence and nature of shamanism. Confusion regarding the nature of shamanism is clarified with a review of research providing empirical support for a cross-cultural concept of shamans that distinguishes them from related shamanistic healers. The common shamanistic universals involving altered states of consciousness are examined from psychobiological perspectives to illustrate shamanism’s relationships to human nature. Common biological aspects of altered states of consciousness help explain the origins of shamanism while social influences on this aspect of human nature help to explain the diverse manifestations of shamanistic phenomena involving an elicitation of endogenous healing responses

    Physical activity and diabetes mellitus in the elderly

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    Mental sleep activity and disturbing dreams in the lifespan

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    Sleep significantly changes across the lifespan, and several studies underline its crucial role in cognitive functioning. Similarly, mental activity during sleep tends to covary with age. This review aims to analyze the characteristics of dreaming and disturbing dreams at dierent age brackets. On the one hand, dreams may be considered an expression of brain maturation and cognitive development, showing relations with memory and visuo-spatial abilities. Some investigations reveal that specific electrophysiological patterns, such as frontal theta oscillations, underlie dreams during sleep, as well as episodic memories in the waking state, both in young and older adults. On the other hand, considering the role of dreaming in emotional processing and regulation, the available literature suggests that mental sleep activity could have a beneficial role when stressful events occur at dierent age ranges. We highlight that nightmares and bad dreams might represent an attempt to cope the adverse events, and the degrees of cognitive-brain maturation could impact on these mechanisms across the lifespan. Future investigations are necessary to clarify these relations. Clinical protocols could be designed to improve cognitive functioning and emotional regulation by modifying the dream contents or the ability to recall/non-recall them
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