132 research outputs found

    Cable analysis for electromagnetic compatibility issues

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    This dissertation consists of three papers. In the first paper, a high-sensitivity resonant electric field probe was designed, consisting of an LC resonator loaded by quarter-wave transformers. At the resonant frequency of 1.577 GHz, the measured |S21| from a matched trace to the resonant probe was approximately 6.6 dB higher than that of an equivalently sized broadband probe. In the second paper, a method for creating a simple SPICE model is proposed such that the SPICE model allows prediction of radiated emissions in component level tests. The radiation from the ground connections between the cables and return plane dominates over the radiation from the horizontal cables. In the third paper, a methodology for measuring coupling parameters and modeling crosstalk within aircraft cable connectors at low frequencies (\u3c 400 MHz) was developed. The accuracy of the model was evaluated through comparison of simulated and measured results. Additionally, a closed-form solution was developed to estimate the worst-case envelope of the differential crosstalk --Abstract, page iv

    Antenna Designs Aiming at the Next Generation of Wireless Communication

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    Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies have drawn large attention, specically for the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication, due to their capability to provide high data-rates. However, design and characterization of the antenna system in wireless communication will face new challenges when we move up to higher frequency bands. The small size of the components at higher frequencies will make the integration of the antennas in the system almost inevitable. Therefore, the individual characterization of the antenna can become more challenging compared to the previous generations.This emphasizes the importance of having a reliable, simple and yet meaningful Over-the-Air (OTA) characterization method for the antenna systems. To avoid the complexity of using a variety of propagation environments in the OTA performance characterization, two extreme or edge scenarios for the propagation channels are presented, i.e., the Rich Isotropic Multipath (RIMP) and Random Line-of-Sight (Random-LoS). MIMO efficiency has been defined as a Figure of Merit (FoM), based on the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the received signal, due to the statistical behavior of the signal in both RIMP and Random-LoS. Considering this approach, we have improved the design of a wideband antenna for wireless application based on MIMO efficiency as the FoM of the OTA characterization in a Random-LoS propagation environment. We have shown that the power imbalance and the polarization orthogonality plays major roles determining the 2-bitstream MIMO performance of the antenna in Random-LoS. In addition, a wideband dual-polarized linear array is designed for an OTA Random-LoS measurement set-up for automotive wireless systems. The next generation of wireless communications is extended throughout multiple narrow frequency bands, varying within 20-70 GHz. Providing an individual antenna system for each of these bands may not be feasible in terms of cost, complexity and available physical space. Therefore, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) antenna arrays, coveringmultiple mm-wave frequency bands represent a versatile candidate for these antenna systems. In addition to having wideband characteristics, these antennas should offer an easy integration capability with the active modules. We present a new design of UWB planar arrays for mm-wave applications. The novelty is to propose planar antenna layouts to provide large bandwidth at mm-wave frequencies, using simplified standard PCB manufacturing techniques. The proposed antennas are based on Tightly Coupled Dipole Arrays (TCDAs) concept with integrated feeding network

    Systematic Design of Multiport Antennas for MIMO-enabled Mobile Wireless Terminals

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    Mobile wireless communication systems have undergone a tremendous development in the past decade. One of the major advancements is the widespread use of MIMO transmission schemes beginning with the introduction of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard LTE and being extended in LTE Advanced. So as to support MIMO transmission schemes mobile terminals must be equipped with multiport antenna systems. The term refers to an arrangement of two or more antenna elements operating in the same frequency range and mounted on the same mobile wireless platform. Reduced volume per antenna element and strong interaction between all antenna elements are major design challenges and require for new systematic design approaches beyond classical single antenna design. The ongoing miniaturization of mobile terminals, the extension of the mobile spectrum and in particular the opening of new mobile communication bands at the lower end of the spectrum exacerbate these challenges. Design and characterization of multiport antennas have therefore become subject of high interest and of numerous research projects in both academia and industry. This dissertation contributes to the development of systematic design procedures for multiport antennas with emphasis on accounting for the restrictions and side conditions which apply when designing multiport antennas for actual consumer equipment. The dissertation has developed along an industry funded research project, with a focus on electrically small devices where antenna design is constantly faced with fundamental physical limits. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the state of the art in antenna characterization and design techniques applicable to multiport antennas for MIMO. Chapter 2 introduces into the analysis of multiport antennas in terms of their radiation modes. Modal analysis, based on spectrum of the radiation matrix, allows for unambiguous characterization of a multiport antenna by means of invariant properties. Modal descriptive quantities are defined which are basic to the design approach followed in this dissertation. Analyzing a multiport antenna with respect to its radiation modes is possible only after a design concept has been conceived. More fundamental from a design point of view is the question for the space of feasible radiation modes and their realization under the constraint of a given chassis form factor. Chapter 3 addresses this question based on the theory of characteristic modes for conducting bodies. The relevant properties of characteristic modes on the chassis of mobile terminals are reviewed. The excitation of characteristic modes by means of capacitive and inductive coupling elements is investigated in detail. Finally, a systematic design approach for multiport antennas is presented in which the antenna’s radiation modes are constructively derived from the usable characteristic chassis modes. Chapter 4 deals with design of matching networks for N-port antennas. Starting from the general expression for the scattering matrix of an ideal 2N-port matching network different topologies and alternative implementations are discussed. As a solution of particular interest in cases where some radiation modes feature insufficient bandwidths, special attention is given to systematic design of MDN which maps radiation modes to external ports of the antenna system. Chapter 5 focuses on the particular problems encountered in the design of antenna systems for extremely small mobile wireless terminals. After a review of applicable fundamental limits bandwidth estimation and approaches to maintain a decent total efficiency are discussed. The combination of electrical switching in the antenna structure with electrical tuning in an external matching network is suggested in this context. The DL-MIMO concept is introduced as a system level measure to cope with insufficient bandwidth. The different aspects are exemplified with the design of a 2-port MIMO antenna for a USB dongle. Chapter 6 describes in detail design, fabrication and measurement of four antenna prototypes. The validity of the design approach described in the previous chapters is confirmed. In conclusion, a systematic design approach, which combines the theory of characteristic chassis modes for conducting bodies with modal analysis of a multiport antenna, i.e. considers the spectrum of its radiation matrix is presented. The approach is successfully applied to a number of practically relevant design problems. The design technique permits identification of near optimum antenna solutions which approach the fundamental limits of attainable bandwidth and total efficiency.Systematischen Entwurf von Multiport-Antennen für MIMO-fähigen Mobilfunkendgeräte Die Mobilkommunikation hat in den letzten Jahren eine enorme Entwicklung durchlaufen. Eine der wesentlichen technischen Weiterentwicklungen ist der Übergang zu MIMO Übertragungsverfahren, in großem Maßstab beginnend mit der Einführung des 3GPP Standards LTE und in grÖßerem Umfang noch im zukünftigen LTE-Advanced. Mobile Endgeräte müssen dazu mit Mehrtorantennen ausgestattet sein. Der Begriff Mehrtorantenne bezeichnet eine Anordnung von zwei oder mehr Antennenelementen, die im gleichen Fequenzbereich betrieben werden und auf einer gemeinsamen Plattform angeordnet sind. Die Verringerung des je Antennenelement zur Verfügung stehenden Volumens und die starke Kopplung zwischen den Antennenelementen führen auf neue Herausforderungen für den Entwurf. Neue, systematische Entwurfsmethoden jenseits der klassischen Methoden für den Entwurf von Einzelantennen sind gefordert. Die fortschreitende Miniaturisierung mobiler Endgeräte, die Erweiterung des für den Mobilfunk genutzten Spektrums und insbesondere die Öffnung neuer Bander am unteren Ende des Spektrums für den Mobilfunk verschärfen die Anforderung an die Entwurfsmethodik. Entwurf und Charakterisierung von Mehrtorantennen sind deswegen heute Themen von großem Interesse und Gegenstand zahlreicher industrieller und akademischer Forschungsprojekte. Die vorliegende Dissertation liefert einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung systematischer Entwurfsverfahren für Mehrtorantennen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einschränkungen und Randbedingungen die beim Entwurf von kommerziellen Endgeräten vorliegen. Zahlreiche Fragestellungen ergaben sich aus einem vom Verfasser bearbeiteten industriellen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt mit Schwerpunkt auf elektrisch kleinen Endgeräten, bei denen der Entwurf stets mit fundamentalen physikalischen Schranken konfrontiert ist. Kapitel 1 gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik auf dem Gebiet des Entwurfs und der Charakterisierung von Mehrtorantennen für MIMO Anwendungen. Kapitel 2 führt in die Analyse von Mehrtorantennen mit Hilfe ihrer Strahlungsmoden ein. Die modale Betrachtung auf Grundlage des Spektrums der Strahlungsmatrix gestattet es, Mehtorantennen mit Hilfe ihrer invarianten Eigenschaften eindeutig zu charakterisieren. Es werden die modalen Beschreibungsgrössen definiert auf denen der in dieser Arbeit verfolgte Entwurfsansatz basiert. Die Strahlungsmoden einer Mehtorantenne können jedoch erst betrachtet werden, wenn ein Entwurf bereits vorliegt. Die vom Standpunkt der Entwurfsmethodik wichtigere Frage ist die nach Raum der unter den Einschränkungen eines gegebenen Geräte-Formfaktors realisierbaren Strahlungsmoden. Sie wird in Kapitel 3 auf Grundlage der Theorie Charakteristischer Moden leitender Körper behandelt. Die relevanten Eigenschaften charakteristischer Moden auf dem Gehäuse elektrisch kleiner mobiler Endgeräte werden betrachtet. Die Anregung charakteristischer Moden mit Hilfe von kapazitiven und induktiven Koppelelementen wird ausführlich untersucht. Abschließend wird ein Entwurfsansatz für Mehtorantennen beschrieben, in welchem die Strahlungsmoden der Antenne konstruktiv aus den nutzbaren charakteristischen Moden des Gehäuses abgeleitet werden. In Kapitel 4 werden Anpassnetzwerke für N-Tor Antennen behandelt. Ausgehend von der allgemeinen Formulierung für die Streumatrix des benötigten 2N-Tor Netzwerkes werden verschiedene Topologien und Realisierungsalternativen diskutiert. Gesondert betrachtet werden noch einmal MDNs, welche die Strahlungsmoden einer Mehtorantenne unmittelbar auf die Speisetore abbilden, da sie in Falle unzureichender modaler Bandbreiten, von besonderem Interesse sind. Kapitel 5 fokussiert auf die besonderen Probleme bei beim Entwurf extrem kleiner Antennensysteme. Nach Betrachtung in die maßgeblichen physikalischen Beschränkungen werden die Abschätzung erreichbarer Bandbreiten und Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung eines akzeptablen Wirkungsgrades diskutiert. Vorgeschlagen wird in diesem Zusammenhang die Kombination von elektrisch rekonfigurierbaren Antennenstrukturen mit elektrisch abstimmbaren Anpass-Netzwerken. Die verschiedenen Aspekte werden am Beispiel des Entwurfs eines 2-Tor MIMO Antennensystems für einen USB Dongle erläutert. pKapitel 6 beschreibt im Detail den Entwurf, die Herstellung und die messtechnische Charakterisierung vier unterschiedlicher Prototypen von Mehrtorantennen. Anhand der Beispiele wird der in den vorherigen Kapiteln entwickelte Entwurfsansatz validiert. Insgesamt wird mit dieser Arbeit ein systematischer Entwurfsansatz vorgeschlagen, der auf der Kombination der Theorie charakteristische Moden leitender Körper mit der modalen Analyse von Mehrtorantennen, d.h. der Betrachtung des Spektrums der Strahlungsmatrix aufbaut. Der Ansatz wird erfolgreich auf eine Reihe praktisch relevanter Entwurfsaufgaben angewandt. Er führt auf ein systematisches Entwurfsverfahren, das es gestattet, Lösungen in der Nähe der physikalischen Grenzen für die erreichbare Bandbreite und den Wirkungsgrad aufzufinden

    Modeling and Control of Complex Physical Systems:The port-hamiltonian approach

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    Well structured reference book presenting the new paradigm of Port Hamiltionian Systems which has a large potential to be successful in tackling some of the big challenges in modern control theory and engineeringThe potential reference for many new developments taking place in modeling and controlExtend the readers knowledge and understanding of advanced modeling, analysis and control methods using the Port-Hamiltonian Systems paradigmProvides systematic methods for analysis and control, closely linked to the physics of the system. The power of these methods is demonstrated in various physical domain

    Harmonic mixer analysis and design

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    Thesis (MScEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2002.Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Harmonic mixers are capable of extended frequency operation by mixing with a harmonic of the LO (local oscillator) signal, eliminating the need for a high frequency, high power LO. Their output spectra also have certain characteristics that make them ideal for a variety of applications. The operation of the harmonic mixer is investigated, and the mixer is analyzed using an extension of the classic mixer theory. The synthesis of harmonic mixers is also investigated, and a design procedure is proposed for the design and realization of a variety of harmonic mixers. This design procedure is evaluated with the design and realization of two harmonic mixers, one in X-band and the other in S-band. Measurements suggest that the procedure is successful for the specific applications.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Harmoniese mengers kan by hoer frekwensies gebruik word as gewone mengers deurdat hulle gebruik maak van ‘n harmoniek van die LO. ‘n Hoe-frekwensie, hoe-drywing LO word dus nie benodig nie. Die mengers se uittreespektra het ook ‘n aantal karakteristieke wat hulle goeie kandidate maak vir ‘n verskeidenheid van toepassings. Die werking van die harmoniese menger word ondersoek deur uit te brei op die klassieke menger-teorie. Die ontwerp van die harmoniese menger word vervolgens ondersoek, waama ‘n ontwerpsprosedure voorgestel word vir die ontwerp van ‘n verskeidenheid van harmoniese mengers. Hierdie prosedure word getoets met die ontwerp en realisering van twee harmoniese mengers, een in X-band en die ander in S-band. Vanuit die metings is dit duidelik dat die ontwerpsprosedure geslaagd is vir die spesifieke geval

    Three-Port dc-dc Conversion in Light-to-Light Systems

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    Contribution to the characterization of stratified structures : electromagnetic analysis of a coaxial cell and a microstrip line

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    The objective of this dissertation is the development of electromagnetic modelling software specific to the cells of microwave material characterization. This development is based on numerical methods that are alternative to finite element method which is widely used in commercial software. For the need to extract the properties of materials by inverse modelling methods, research into the numerical efficiency of direct analysis is the focus in this thesis. The characterization targeted cells in this work concern a coaxial cell and a planar line. The presence of an unknown material is modelled by a stratified heterogeneous transmission structure. The application of the transverse operator method (TOM) on the multi-layered coaxial cell allowed the determination of the propagation constant of fundamental mode and its corresponding field distribution of the electromagnetic fields, and the characteristics of higher-order modes for the need of the characterization of discontinuities between empty line and loaded line. In the case of the microstrip line, the use of the modified transverse resonance method (MTRM) allowed the determination of characteristics of the fundamental and higher order modes. Since each cell consists of several different sections, the matrix S of the set will be determined by the use of the several modal methods, such as modal connection method (''mode matching'') and multimodal variational method (MVM). The direct analysis codes are coupled with several optimization programs to constitute the software for extracting the material parameters. These are applied to material samples in cylinder form holed by the coaxial cell, or thin rectangular wafer by the microstrip line. Broadband extraction results were obtained, values are comparable with those published. Both high-loss dielectrics and nanostructured materials have been studied by our method

    A Perceptual Comparison of “Black Box” Modeling Algorithms for Nonlinear Audio Systems

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    Nonlinear systems identification is a widespread topic of interest, particularly within the audio industry, as these techniques are employed to synthesize black box models of nonlinear audio effects. Given the myriad approaches to black box modeling, questions arise as to whether an “optimal” approach exists, or one that achieves valid subjective results as a model with minimal computational expense. This thesis uses ABX listening tests to compare black box models of three hardware audio effects using two popular nonlinear implementations, along with two proposed modified implementations. Models were constructed in the Hammerstein form using sine sweeps and a novel measurement technique for the filters and nonlinearities, respectively. Testing revolved around null hypotheses assuming no change in model identification regardless of the device modeled, implementation used, or program material of the model stimulus. Results provide clear evidence of an effect on all of these accounts, and support a full rejection of the null hypotheses. Outcomes demonstrate a preferable implementation out of the algorithms tested, and suggest the removal of certain implementations as valid approaches altogether